Woman Talk By EMILY COSTELLO * From the entrance of the first flapper to the exit of the last dude, the Roaring Twenties party staged Saturday night at Duke's Lodge by QPIE and HOBIE MCKEEVER and MARTHA DREHER was a bowling , Really, you ain't seen 'nothln until you hear about the hilarious costumes that turned out of Mur phy Saturday .... most of them "the real thing", being dragged out of many attics hereabouts. Hostesses McKeever and Dreher were clad, the former in acru lace over blue taffeta, with a sash, just at the right place on the hip; and the latter in a really attractive black evening frock of dell Sueck's. (And do you know?Mar tha, even with her trim form didn't cut the figure dell did, for she had even let in pieces on the side seams.) Hobie wore knickers, kmg sox and bow tie, as did prize winning male FRANCIS BOURNE, JR. Fr ancis also had on a checkedy vest, and hat. MARGARET GIBBS, prize win ningdrsser of the fairer sex, wore a street costume of blade, with vermillion accordion pleats show ing from the hemline. She also (had a shaggy Fox neckpiece, and a dark cloche , ANNE WARD wm dressed in brown-with a scream of a brown bat with a plume a mile long. MA BEL MASSEY wore black satin, set off with a big red poppy (or rose) sassily perched on the skirt. LIZ GRAY wore a pale yellow dress, with a , trailing wing-like effect. , DAVE MOODY wore the un iform of a World War 1 sergeant; while IKE OLSON was a colonel from the same war. (And I must say, Ike didn't fall to pull his rank | on poor Dave.) HILDA OLSON i wore a green dress and carried a matching fan, aQl belonging to Em-' ily Davidson, who had bought the frock especially for Martha Lee's wedding, 1 believe. ROSEMOND MATTOX wore a flimsy royal blue dress, with wide pink sash. H. A. had bow tie and straw sailor, as did HARRY BIS HOP. CATHERINE BISHOP wore a flowerdy frock. BETSY BOURNE had on a light pink dress, with jeweled trim; VIRGINIA HYDE wore the red dest dress present, and she had her hair arranged in. very con vincing spit curls. (Virginia's dress was borrowed from Emily Miller). ED HYDE was very dashing in a Buy Your Own Coble Dairy offers these fine products, all produced in Chero kee County. Homogenized Milk Creamline Milk Chocolate MILK Whipping Cream Loaf Cheese Sweet Cream Butter Oleomargarine I COBLE | HOMOGENIZED Milk taVSS?*" We buy milk from 26 Cherokee County dairymen, paying out over 61,000 per day. When you buy a dairy product?Demand Tour Own, Ask For Coble. COBLE DAIRY Andrews Personals Mr. and Mrs E. A. Monger of Topton and Mr. Mid Mi*. James Lenox of Indianapolis spent sev eral days last week in Aaheville. While there tbey were overnight guests at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. John Neville hi Montreal. Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Newman of cute "homemade" outfit of knick ers bright red sox, plaid vest and hat. O. L. and KATIE ANDERSON were there?she wearing a blousy hairdo and a green dress. LOUISE BAYLESS wore a black dress, and a wicked looking gold evening band around her forehead. BUS TER came as he was. EDNA WHITLEY wore a bluish dress and In general looked awful ly cute. KATHLEEN DAVIDSON wore an appealing black velvet dress trimmed in pink rosebuds and she carried a peach colored shawl, belonging to Annette Whit field. JOHN DAVIDSON was in full dress (mostly Doc Whitfield's), including a high top hat. PRANCES DICKSON and JOHN WRINN were there, and I believe Prances was wearing a dark frock. | EMILY CARR (of Robbinsville, cousin of Francis Bourne) wore a I real middy blouse, skirt and flat heels. Her brother, JACK SHUR BER of Chaflotte was also present, as was JACK BARNETT, who as sisted in entertaining JJACK and MONIKA DAVIS were in for only a short time?Jack being "on call". It was also good to see HELEN (Wells) and CHARLES SMITH there-Helen wearing a floppy flowered dress. MARTHA NELL THUSS, I be lieve was also wearing one of Em ily Davidson's pretty, fancy and short frocks . . . just right for the party. RUTH CRAVEN wore a slim dress of a gooseberry green satin material while KIFFEN CR AVEN was "formal". The pink hat I saw when I first arrived, proved to have SIS DAR NELL hidden beneath. BILL DAR NELL was dressed like H. A. and Harry Bishop. Now, if Ive named 42 people, that's the crowd! BAR-B-QUE Since my first week in Murphy I've heard the praises of TOBY FAIN's barbecue. Finally, last week, on invitation of R. M. AD KINS we were able to taste for ourselves . . . and I can tell you now, I like It! R. M. and Mrs. Ad kins enterained last week for some 100 Pure Oil dealers and their families and a number of other guests, at barbecue?hash, beef, pork, and lamb, soft drinks and ( coffee. P T A At the P. T. A. meeting Monday ler were more than 50 teachers id about 35 parents! Aren't you harmed of yourselves? Not even le parent per teacher. SIMS BE INDUCTED RAY SIMS left Tuesday to be ducted into the army. Last year was a pre-med student at Mars ill College. He plans to complete s schooling once he Is out of e army. The young R. A..'s at re First Baptist Church, of ilch he was counselor, I believe ve him a going-away gift. BE PREPARED Freezing weather is just around the corner. Don't be one those who gets caught when the temperature starts to drop. Come in and let us winterize your car. Get Prestone Anti-Freeze NOW and you'll Be Prepared later. Kfffl Get uour Car ready fo /att?b at Available At All SINCLAIR SERVICE STATIONS Allisoi) & Duncan Oil Co* Suppliers of Fine Petroleum Products r. w. c. Sick In Andrews David Atwell. 18 month*, son of Mrs. R. H. Atwell of Robbinsville w*j admitted to Rod da-Van Gor der Hospital tor treatment, Sept 14th. Miss Hildred Heaton, Mrs. John Gladden, Mr. George West and Ptl. L. H. Baker, have been releas ed from the Rodda Van Gorder Hospital and returned to their homes. | Mrs. Blanche Burnette of Ma rble and Mrs. R. H. McMahan of Almond are patients at the Ro dda-"Van Gorder Hospital. . Johnny (Beans) Raxter, Captain | of the Andrews Football Team underwent surgery Saturday, Sep Andrews visited friends for the week end. Mr. and Mrs Frank Ledford of Atlanta, Ga. visited friends in An- | drews during the week. - Mr. and Mrs. ?. B. Sessoms and chidren of Portsmouth. Va. visited relatives for the week. Mrs. Sess- 1 oms if the former Clara Lee Flo wers. . R-D Harry S. Nichols, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Nichols is home on a 30 day leave. He has just return ed from a six months tour of Eu rope on the USS Pittsburg, which included a Good Will Tour to In dia.. Mrs. Lynn Wood visited In Ash eville Friday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bob) Chri sty are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Christy Bob left Tuesday for Fort Jackson, S. C. to report for duty in the Army. Mrs. Christy will re-' main in Andrews. A-1C Bill Thornton, of Lake Cha rles. La. is home on a 10 day leave with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Thornton. Melba Wyke left this week for j Washington, D. C. where she will accept a job with a Telephone Co.1 She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Wyke. Mrs. W. T. Holland is in Fla., visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles Dickey, formerly of Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickey are Che parents of ?new-born twin boys. I Mr. and 'Mrs. William Weisbach and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sheidy' spent the weekend in Atlanta, Ga. Mr. ad Mrs. Neal Matherson and Mrs. J. P. Matheson visited Mr. and Mrs. Richard Matheson and family In Maryville, Tenn. during' the week. Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Lay and son, Dickie visited Mr. Lay's mot her, Mrs. R. D. Lay of Farmount, Ga. for the weekend. Mrs Fred Mashburn visited friends in Macon, Ga. for Che week. M. and Mrs. Elmer Walton of two daughters and grandaughter Orlando, Fla. together with their visited Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Dorsey during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dean were the guest of Mrs. M. S. McGee in Cherokee during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Bobert Christy. Miss Jean Christy and Mrs. Dick Pullium visited the Edwin Jordans in Gain sville, Ga. for the weekend. Miss Melba Holder nas returned to Ohio State College after spend ing a 10 day visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Holder. Cleo Hicks has entered the School o fNursing at the Mission Hospital in Asheville. ^n a low priced ftvsed car Why WALK when yon can RIDE just as CHEAP Look over these cars at our lot. Down payment as low as $29. Weekly payments from $3 to $5. 1941 Desoto 1941 Stndebaker 1940 Dodre 1941 Plymouth Conpe 1941 Willys 1941 Dodfe Pickup 1940 GMC Pickup 193S Chevrolet 1940 Dodye-2 Ton EVANS AllTO USED CAB LOT ibhbb Doris Killian, Clyde Hughes Are Married Miss Doris Killian, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace G. Killian of Rt. 3, Murphy, became the bride of! Clyde Hughes, eon of 'Mr. and Mrs. j H. L. Hughes, on Saturday, Sept.' 5, in Blue Ridge, Ga. . The bride wore a navy blue suit, with white accessories. I Persons attending the wedding were the bridegroom's brother i and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.! John H. Hughes and a daughter, Phyllis Sue, and Miss Lucy Hug hes. . The couple are at home in Ore-, enville, S. C., where the bride-1 groom is employed. Andrews Births Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Teas, Jr. | announce the birth of a daughter, Ann Elizabeth seven pounds and ten ounces. Friday, September 11th, at the Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Teas is the son of iMr. and Mrs. W. T. Teas, Sr. of Andrews. Rev. and Mrs. John C. Corbitt] announce the birth of a daughter, Gretchen Evangeline, September 8th at the Rodda-Van Gorder Hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Leverne George of Robbinsville announce the birth of a son, Martin Grady, eight pounds. September 10th, at the Rodda Van Gorder Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Colvard an nounce the birth of a son, Randy Rossell, seven pounds and ten ounces at the Rodda-Van Gorder Hospital. Barnett Reunion Held At Marble The Barnett Reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Barnett, Rt. 1 Marble, Sun day. Sept. 6 Relatives from the surrounding area, Oastonia, Kings Mountain, Canton. Peachtree, Mu rphy, Blue Ridge, Marietta and Cartersville, Ga. Englewood, Tenn. Athens, Tenn. were present. The reunion will be in Englewood, Tenn., next year. Telephone Survey Meet Be Sept. 25 Because of the fair this week, the meeting of the workers on the county telephone survey has been postponed to Friday, Sept. 25, in the office of the County Agent at 9:30 a. m. tember 12th at the local hospital. Janice and Mary Bradley, child ren of Wayne Bradley are reported to be improving. Bobby Lee Thrasher, age 6, of' Murphy, underwent an appendec- i tomy at the Rodda-Van Gordei j Hospital, September 13th. Bateman-Mintz Betrothal Told Mr and Mrs. Theodore Bate man of Nantahaia announce the engagement of their daughter Phyllis to Mr. Joseph B. Mintz Son of 'Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Mintz of Marble , The wedding will take place in early winter. Both the bridegroom and bride elect are employed at Berkshire Knitting Mills in Andrews. Mis6 Bateman is a graduate of Nanta haia High School and Mr. Mintz is a graduate of Andrews High School. Presbyterian Group Meets Here The Group Conference of Dis trict No. 3 of the Women of Ashe ville Presbytery, will be held here in the Presbyterian Church Tues day, Sept. 22, beginning at 10 a. m. The district includes the church es of Bryson City, Franklin. And rews, Hayesvllle and Murphy, Mrs. M. C. Close of Bryson City is chairman of the district. Mrs. R. E McClure of Asheville is Presby terial President Arnolds Honored On Silver Anniv. Mrs. J. L. Savage, Mrs. A. Buchanan, and Mrs. L. R. HardJi were hostesses at a dinner party < the Henry House Tuesday September 8, honoring Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Arnold on their 25th wedding anniversary. The table, spread with a white linen cloth, was centered with a ! white tiered bridal cake, decor I ated with silver and flanked by silver candelabra holding white candles. White gl adioli and vines completed the decorations. Covers were laid for the honor . ees, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Chandler, ' | Mr. and Mrs. John Donley, the Rev. and Mrs. J. Alton Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Hadley Dickey, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hyde, Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Ivie, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lovingood, Mr. Savage, Mr. Buchanan and Mr. Harding. The group presented Mr and Mrs Arnold with a silver service. Ranger All Day Singing Be Sept. 20 An annual all day singing will be held at Ranger Baptist Church Sept. 20. The public and all singers are invited. Dinner will be served on the church lawn. Grocery & Meat Specials Country Fresh Eggs doz. 65c Honey Qt 95c i Green Peas No, 2 can 15c Stew Beef lb. 49c Hamburger lb. 49c Fryers lb 49c Sorghum Syrup Home Grown Irish Potatoes FARMERS FEDERATION PRICE SLASH on Kelvinator Stoves reg. price $229.95 LESS $30.00 your price 199.95 This special price ison the Kelvinator fully au tomatic stove with the labor saving timer cook er. And includes such features as center space on top, a roomy oven and the housewife's favor ite?the Utility Drawer. Come In and See! Ivie Furniture Muiphy, N. C. IHAj