notice or sEsncE or SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COUBT I NORTH CAROLINA, CHEROKEE COUNTY REPUBLICAN CLUB Meets every Friday night at 7:30 in the hall over Car ringer *8 Store. Your attendance is Welcomed I # I ? ? l>~. > - /InJ so ess/ to spread aii thinnest bread/ - ^ ? ??1 is in Out own stabilizing process keeps this grand new JFG Peanut Butter fresh... right down to the very last bite! Rich in body-building proteins freshness in every bite? and the grandest teste ever! At your grocers TOO/!// f} Tnello-Tnade^ PEANUT BUTTER Get set NOW for winter driving... Get the Extra Traction of ' -I SUBURBANITE HUES by GOOD/YEAR Avoid disappointment - order yours NOW! The demand for these great winter tires is heavy. Last year we ran out early. This year we're stocking them early so you can get yours NOW and avoid the rush. Don't go through another winter without the extra trac- ? tion ? extra skid protection of Subur banites by Goodyear. TOP ALLOWANCES for your present tires! TERMS ? extra, safer traction for as low as' $1.25 per week Allison & Duncan Tire Co. StB MWHT n?twood sartafc CHEROKEE COUNTY. LEE E. STEWART. . PLAINTIFF, -VS- . EDNA LOIUSE STEWART. DEFENDANT. EDNA LOUISE STEWART, the defendant in Che above entitled action, will take notice Chat an ac tion entitled as above has been in stituted in the Superior Court of Cherokee County, North Carolina; that the purpose of the said action is to procure by the plaintiff an absolute divorce from the defen dant on the grounds of two years separation; and the said Edna Louise Stewart will further take notice that she is required to ap pear in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for Cherokee County, North Caolina. in the Town of Muphy, not later than the 4th day of November, 1953, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff herein filed, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said coipplaint. This the 14th day of September, 1953. J. L. HALL, Clerk of the Superior Court 10-4tc NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, having quali fied as administratrix of the estate of J. E. Greenwood, deceased, late of Cherokee County, this is to no tify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 3rd daf of September, 1954, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment to the under signed at Murphy, North Carolina. This the 24th day of August 1953. Betty S. Greenwood Administratrix of the Estate of J. E. Greenwood 8-6tc NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administra tor of Troy Bowman, deceased, late of Cherokee County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at the office of the undersigned in Murphy, North Carolina on or before the 30th day of September, 1954 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to Troy. Bowman or his estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 22nd day of September, 1953. H. L. McKeever, Administrator of Troy Bowman, Deceased. 12-6tc For Skin Injuries YOUR SKIN'S D U U BEST FRIEND Vengeance Creek Dock Lovingood of Murphy vis ited his sister Mrs. Ethel Duvall this week. Mr. and Mrs Reid Praytor of Marble visited Virginia Rogers Monday night Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Rogers visited Mr. and Mrs Praytor* in Marble Sunday. Blanah Debty and Mary Jo Du vall spent Saturday In Murphy. Mary Jo DuvaU spent the week Mrs. Dockery Hostess To Midway HD Club Mr*. Steve Dockery was bootees to the Midway Home Demonstrat ion Club Friday, Sept. 25. Mrs. Howard Martin save the devotio nal and Mrs. J. H. Hampton spoke end with Blanch Debty in Mar hie. Glenn Rogers visited Mary Jo Duvall Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. George Davis of Georgia visited the Duvalls Sun day. i' on "Attitudes are Important" Refreshment* were served the 12 members present, and the one visitor, Mrs. D. E. Muse of States viUe. Milk Production on North Caro lina farms totaled 162 000,000 lbs. (75,348,372 quarts) during August. 'I Bench Show Here i The Tri-State Fox Hunters will feature a bench show Friday, Oct ? at 6 p. m. at the Cherokee County Fairgrounds. Everyone is invited to come and bring his dogs. DOCKERY MONUMENT COMPANY Marble and Granite Monuments of all kinds. Twenty-four years service to the public... 1929-1953. rriONE 126-R MURPHY. N. C. M0V1MG1 T V AMERICAN ? ' RED BALL TIAMSfT COMPANY, MC SAFE ? DEPENDABLE ? ECONOMICAL NATION-WIDE MOVING SERVICE AUTHORIZED AGENT Palmer Bros. Trucking Co. Inc. Phone 202 Murphy, N. C. THE LONE RANGER By Fran Striker IF WE CANT OUTRUN ' THAT MAN, WE OOTTA KILL HIM/ RICTN' LIKE THIS, ITltTAKE Aj LUCKY SHOT TO HIT ^ HIM\i THE LUCKY SMOT/ KE DBOPPgP J > \ r - idk ^GOOD/ NOW WE RE^ IN THE CLEAR FOR OUR ?/? JOB/ { (HERE'S AN ARROWHEAD. THAT PROVES IT WAS INJUN FIRE ARROWS THAT STARTED FIRESfr? WYBREAK FINDS REDV1LLE IN RUNS 1 [silver/where" I VDU COME FROM1?j \(THATS A FINE-i v LOOK1N' HOPSE? V ? 1 / HIM BELONG TO FBlENP-AMOj FgiENP HUtrr/j? WA YOU'RE RI0HT, INJUN/ THE RIDER OF THAT HORSE MUSTVE STOPPED A bullet/1 YOU HELPED US DUWN'TWE FIRE. ISJg "THERE ANY WAY WE g I CAN HELP NO! THIS JOB -A w M J A message to every prospective new car buyer: (?WW m You can have * i . the most popular automatic transmission ' to be found in any low-priced car # - Chevrolet's Famous 1953 Power slide!* Much fleeter, smoother, more economical! Thoroughly proved and improved through years of development and over a billion owner-driven miles! Production now running at new high levels due to record nationwide demand! Much More Economical Chevrolet's 1953 Powerglide Auto matic Transmission*?teamed with the 115-h.p. "Blue-Flame" high compression Valve-in-Head engine ?brings you entirely new operating economy in city driving and on long trips. Far Livelier Getaway Put the selector lever in "DRIVE" position?step on the accelerator? and you move smoothly away from a standing start to legal traffic speed in seconds. Important New Gae Savings You'll never know how economical an automatic transmission can be until you try the 1953 Powerglide. Various improvements, Including a more efficient use of engine power, make it extremely thrifty. Great New Passing Ability The car picks up pace in traffic or on the highway at the touch of a toe, for the '53 Powerglide has an added automatic passing range. Smoothest No-Shift Driving at Lowest Cost Driving is almost incredibly easy, changes of speed almost unbeliev ably smooth ... for this transmis sion gives simplest, smoothest, no shift driving at lowest cost Safe Eyas on-the-Road Driving Powerglide permits you to concen trate an driving, with hands on the steering wheel and eyes on the road. Full Engine Braklng:Power on HUla Powerglide's flexibility lets you cruise easily up any hill. And you enjoy constant engine braking power for maximum safety when descending. Rock Out of Trouble 1 Powerglide's smooth power flow lets you rock out of sand, snow or mud whenever the need arises. "LOW? and "REVERSE" are side by side on the Power glide quadrant, making the operation doubly easy. Push-Proof Parking Put the selector lever in "PARK" position when you leave the car, and a positive gear-type lock holds it in position until you return. Urns-Proved, Owner-Proved Dependability Come in. Drive a Chevrolet with this finer, more popular automatic transmission-time-proved by hun dred* of thousands of owners in over a billion mils^ag driving! MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR! t/p'WKU w ?Xtrm OOlii vOMPDImNR ^ automatic transmission ami llS-kf. ~ engine available on -Two-Ten" and Bel Mr Power Steering available en all I Dickey Chevolet~01dtfnoltiile PHONE 60