Murnh vDrons Homecoming Game ToHayes ville YeUowjackets Sting Favored Bulldogs 14-12 Br Aon AB0N80N Tbe Murphy Dulidcgs dropped their Homecoming game to the HayetviUe Yellowjackets by a WITH, A ^USEDCAR Why WALK when yon can RIDE Jut aa CHEAP. Look over these cars at our lot Down payment as low as $29. Weekly Payments from 13 to 15. 1948 Ford 1939 Ford 1947 OldamobOe 1941 Plymouth Coupe 1941 Dodge Pickup 1940 CMC Pickup 1935 Chevrolet ? 1947 Willys Station Wagon 1941 Plymouth Sedan EVANS AUTO USED CAR LOT On Andrews Rd. Next To Murphy Motor Court. Phone 377 Murphy. N. C. HENN THEATRE MURPHY, N. a Fri.-Sat, Oct 23-24 LATE SHOW Sat, Oct 24 f,.t,riat ?UP PUHCAN Sun.-Mon., Oct 25-24 IT HAPPENS MfciEVERY LORBTTA YOUNG j ^JOHN PORSYTHE Tues., Oct. 27 Wti-Dm, Oct. 29-29 ? ?core of 14-12 hit Friday. During (he Drat quarter the Bulldogs developed a bad case of fumbleftis. On touchdown drives they fumbled three times with the Yellowjacreu recovering all. Again during the first quarter with the ball on Murphy's 40 ju line, the Bulldog** speedy hell beck. Eddie Joe Elliott broke loo* for ? brill lent 00 yard touebdowi run. Elliott's extra point kick at tempt was blocked. , In the second quarter the yel CASH FOR BLACK WALNUTS HULLED AND DRIED FARMERS FEDERATION DON RAMSEY, Manager Phone <2 Murphy, N. C. /ft/A*# THEjL Your Poultry grow faster and stay healthier on our top-quality EVER-BEST feeds and supplements. Want to Show a BIGGER PROFIT an your Chickens? Feed them what they need for growth and health via our Feed Supplies and Ration Supplements. Gome in or call. High Quality - Low Cost EVER BEST FEED QUINN EGG SERVICE Murphy, N. C. S97-W DICKEY THEATRE MURPHY, N. C Thurs.-Frl., Oct. 22-23 Virginia Gray-Phillip Reed -IN Unknown Island' FrL-SaL, Oct. 23-24 Rory Calhoun-Cortnne Calvert Cameron Mitchell ?IN? "Powder River" la technicolor Sat, Oct 24 Roy Roger* ?IN? "The Old Spanish Trail" LATE SHOW Sat, Oct 24 Howard Keel-Polly Berger Marjorle Mala ?IN? "Fast Company"! Sun.-Mon., Oct. 25-U Howard Duff-Era Vatrok ?IN? - "Raceways" Sun.-Mon., Oct. 25-2? Jane RnsaeU-Marilyn Monroe "Gentlemen Prefer Blonds" -Wed., Oct 27-2S Richard Carlaon-Jean Byron The Magnetic Monster"' Toes., Oct. 27 Frederic March Gloria Grahamei Terry "Man On A Tightrope" Wed -Tlmr*., Oct M-M William Holden-Darld Nlrca "The Moon Is Woe 4 lowjacketa seemed to deep sleep by driving deep i Murphy territory on s series brilliant posses. From about 10 yard line Virgil Bernard pkch ed to Bill Brackens for the score. Harold Long kicked the pat and Hayeaviile led 7-4. However the fighting from Hayesvillo were ? denied and again quarter drove I yard line and there down Glenn Teems was able to go for the last Hayesvllle L d. Harold Long again kicked the all-important extra point and at the half Hayesvllle led 14-d. Coming out for the second half with vegeance In mind the Bull dogs inarched forward. Eddie "Mo ody" Elliott broke loose for 25 yards. The Bulldogs drove to within touching distance of the goal and from there quarterback Sammy White went over for the touchdown. Elliott's conversion was again blocked and the sore w?s 14-12. In the foorth quarter a strange series of fumbles ocurred. Mur phy's Tommy Gentry fumbled a Hayesvllle fourth down kick, and the Yellowjackets recovered. On the next play Murphy's Ralph Swanson recovered a Hayesvllle fumble. However a bout two plays later Holt "Bull" Palmer, Murphy fullback, again fumbled and Hayesvllle re cover ed again. Again in the fourth quarter Hay esville marched from their 20 to Murphy's goal'line in a series of five straight first downs only to be denied another touchdown by James Carroll, linebacker, Ralph Swanson, Eugene Dockery and the other stalwarts of Murphy's de fense. With only a few seconds left in the game Sammy White gam bled on fourth down by trying for a first and failed by Inches. However shortly after that the game ended. Tribute should be paid to the fighting Bulldogs and the very much improved Yellowjackets. To Murphy's Eddie Elliott, Sammy White, James Carroll, Walter Hall Ralph Swanson, Eugene Dockery and Jimmie Mulkey who all play ed a wonderful game. The passing arm of Virgil Barnard of Hayes vllle and the catching ends, Earl Dietz, and Bill Brackens should also be congratulated when Bar nard pitched for five straight con nections in the second quarter. Back McClain Dies In Andrews Back McClain, 64 wus found dead near the home of a aoo-In-law Haskell Gibby of Andrews at 140 p. m. Wednesday, October 14. State Highway Patrolman L. H. Baker stated tbfA the body wm found in a potato patch by Gibby. Dr. Harry Miller, Cherokee Co in ty coroner ruled deaAh was due o natural causes. ' Surviving are the widow, Oma dcCValn; five sons, Rupert, Robert Claude and Glen of Andrews and Jerald of Oregon. Also two daughters, Mrs. Haskell Jlbby, of Andrews and Mrs. Ray oond Weeks of Augusta, Ga. and wo sisters, Mrs. Fred Jones of ishevllle and Mrs. Homer Cole of Funeral services were conducted m Thursday at 3:30 p. m. in Val eytown Baptist Church with the lev. Cliff George affctiatlng. Bu lal was In the church cemetery rith Ivie Funeral Home in charge. 4rs. Parker Has Garble WMS Meet The WMS of Marble Baptist fhurch met Wednesday at 2 p. m. t the home of Mrs. Gerald Parker. Mrs. Frank Walsh was leader of he program on "A Sinful World? i Sufficient Savior." Those taking part on the program rere Mrs. A. B. Lovell, Mrs. Glade Vest, Mrs. Frank Walsh, Mrs. Ge ald Parker, Mrs. Victor West, Mrs lub Raxter, Mrs. Olsen Hall, Ve ison West and Mrs~Frank Kilpat ick. Following .the program new off cers were elected for the next ?ear. SURVEYING MINERAL STUDIES USED EQUIPMENT Bailey and Van Horn Box 221, Murphy, N. C. Phones 578-J or 578-W MURPHY DRIVE-IN THEATRE Thura.-Fri., Oct 22-23 mery CIlft-Anne Baxteif ?IN? "I Confess" Sat, Oct. 24 Charlton Beaton Mtodh Flemtnr "Pony Express" In technicolor Snn.-Mon., Oct. 25-16 John Wayne-Donna Reed Trouble Along The Way" Tm-Wti, Oet 27-tt Mickey Inmt-Aim Jum "Sm^OT ? AtJ>mk|| We wish to announce the opmmg of offices m Murphy, N. C. C. L. JOHNSON A SON ACCOUNTANTS Auditing Notary Public Taxes Beokeepfaw Suite YOU ARE INVITED TO VISIT US Across the Street Float The Henry GUNS Authorities advise training the young sters early in the care and use of a gun. Buy them a gun they can handle Stevens-single barrel-410 Ga. $23.50 Savage-hammerless 410 Ga. 25.95 Winchester 410 Ga. 24.50 Stevens 28 Ga. \ 23.50 Savage-hammerless 28 Ga. 25.95 \ Winchester... 20 Ga. 24.50 Savage-hammerless 20 Ga. 25.95 Stevens 20 Ga. 23.50 Savage-Hammerless 16 Ga. 25.95 Winchester....16 Ga. 24.50 Stevens 12 Ga. 23.50 Winchester 12 Ga. 24.50 Savage-hammerless 12 Ga. 29.95 Remington-22 cal. Automatic 40.50 Winchester-22 cal. Automatic 39.20 Winchester-30-30 cat. Carbine 69.00 Remington 22 cal. Single Shot 15.40 Winchester 22 cal. Single Shot 15.40 We have a complete line of WESTERN AMMUNITION MURPHY HARDWARE CO. . Quality hardware since 1906 mm ... at Less FARM fO'UPMFNT Dearborn \0lfSJ?Tandem Disc Harrow Cuts Time and Costs with Ease The Dearborn Lift-Type Ihndem Diec Harrow, available in 5, 6 or 7 foot sizes, is an effective cost-cutting tooL You barely lift your fingers to raise or lower this big disc by Ford TVactor Hydraulic Ibuch Control. It controls the depth of cut... lifts the disc off the ground for easy turning on headlands and for fast transport An adjustable top link changes relative depth of front and rear gangs. Adjust it right from the tractor seat! Cutting angle of the gangs can be adjusted to 10, 15 or 20 degrees. ? A PAST LAND LIVILISA There's plenty of soil churning weight and size in the Dearborn Lift-TVpe Thndem Disc Harrow. It's built for adequate penetration in toughest soils . .. levels fields in a hurry. ^ I Pall-Typo T? Disc far Aay Make Tractor Attach? to tbo iliwbu at tha Ford Tractor or any comparable tractor. Ford Ttactor Hydraulic Tboch Control hitch sold i Arrange lor a DomomrtroHom?Ask Abort Oor Credit Ti BURCH MOTORS "Your Frieniffly Ford Dealer" Terms to meet the farmers need Murphy, N. C. V i.? i - h? 5hone 95