tmcass/m phy. If. . 22-tfc BULL DOZKR wont by tew hoar or |f the Job. Sm J. M. Hughe* ond ton or call 346, Murphy, N. C. 23-tfc GIFTS FOR XMAS: Revere Ware seta. Mix Master and Dore myer Mixers, Electric Percola tors, G. E. Irons and G. E. Heat ing Pads, Delta Power tools. Guns, Coaster Wagons, Bicycles and Tricycles. Elliott Hardware Co., Andrews, N. C. 20-5tc WELL DRILLING? Have your wells drilled: modern machinery. Six and eight Inch domestic and commerlcal wells. Macon Pump and Well Company. Write F. B. Rogers, Route No. 1, Franklin, N. C. 23-cfn .PHOTOGRAPHS: Portrait, com merlcal, kodak finishing, wed ding receptions, and copies. Also photostatic copies. Smiley's Stu dio, Andrews, N. C. 22-tfc DOGWOOD WANTED: Highest cash prices. W. A. Cloer, Hay esville, N. C. 134fc OUR REPRESENTATIVE wiU be in Murphy each Tuesday. Used Singer Machines for $39.50 up. New Singer electric machines from $94.50 up. All types of re pairs. Write, Singer Sewing Ma chine Co? Box N. Murphy, N. C. 22-tfC FOR RENT First floor, 4 room un furnished apartment. Will furn ish bedroom if desired. Private entrance and private bath. Hot water furnished. Mrs. J. W. Th ompson, 113 Campbell St., Ph one 103-W, Murphy, N. C. 21-3tc HELP WANTED: Man with car be tween the ages of 25 and 60 to sell Nationally Advertised Wat kins Products to Farmers in Cherokee County. Full-time De aler iwill earn from $100 to $125 Weekly. If interested write J. W. Smith, P. O. Box No. 5071, Rich mond Virginia. 21-3tc PIANOS: Murphy people I have sold to: D. F. Dodson, Regal Ho tel, W. H. Reno, Jim Barrett, Dr. Meroney, Don Towns, Bill Meroney Mrs. Bett Axley, John Meroney, Abe Harshaiw. Come and get yours now. A. R. Bell, Phone 183, Murphy, N. C. r-t ' . 21-3tc FOR SALE: Wood boss power saw, used very little Priced Reason ably. Tom Evans. Phone 48 or 44-W. 12-tfc WOOD FOR SALJs. Delivered. Townson Lumber Co. Call 334. C. 23-tfc , FARM FOR SALE. 60 A. of the S. W. Evans Farm. See or write Randall Evans, Young Cane, Ga. 21-3tp HOUSE FOR SALE: In Andrews, 5 room house, priced to sell, see Mark H. Elliott at Elliott Hard ware. Night Phone 141-W. 21-3tp RESURFACE your floors . Do the Job yourself. Rent our floor samd ing machine. Reasonable rates by the half-day, day or week. Also complete line of floor fill ing and paint. Gibhs Hardware & Auto Supply. Phone 100. 2MfC; CASH FOR BLACK WALNUTS Hulled and dried. Farmers Fed eration, Murphy, N. C. ^1-tfc FOR SALE: Bock store building with living quarters of three rooms and bath. Also 1 acre or more of land. Located In South Andrews. Sale due to death in the family. Roy Gibson, adminis trator, Call 114-R, Andrews N. C. . 22-3tp FOR SALE: Good used Frigidaire, all enamel. With fairly new co mpressor unit Will sell for $55. C. R. Freed, Phone 314. 22-3tc TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Walker Cemekery has long been a family burying ground and nay previous notice about it gioald be Ignored. Descendants of OoL William Clay Walker. 23-ltp Johns - Manville Blds. LOOK: Well work of all kinds done. If y<)ur well U dry, or you need one dug, cleaned out, tfted, etc. See or write Glenn Glbeon, Murphy N. C. <2 miles Weft of Murphy) 22-3te yOR SALE: 1953 OWamobUe. 4 dr. Super, fully equipped. Beautiful two green with harmonli ing Interior. Driven leaa than 4,000 miles. Will give large dia or take older model In trade. Louis Raper, 637 Spring St., Atlanta, Ga. 22-2tc FOR RENT: McCALL Apartment, furnished first floor, four rooms, private bath, private entrance. All modern conveniences, rea sonable rent. Phone 106. 22-3tc PIANOS for Christmas, at low, low prices, on terms you can afford. Also Organo?plays piano or or gan, or both. A. R. Bell, Phone 183, Murphy, N. C. 22-3tc NOTICE: Anyone needing a milk cow. Guaranteed sound and no bad milk. Seven years old. Would swap for young cow coming fresh, March or April. No culls considered. See Lon Raper, Oak Park, N. C. 23-ltp FOR SALE: Christmas trees, cedar and white pine. Mrs. Ed Wal droup Brasstown, N. C. 23-2tp GIVE A SONG FOR CHRISTMAS: Canaries, parakeets and other cage birds for sale. Will deliver in Murphy., Write Inez Kahn, Sunset Cabins, HayesviUe. N. C. 23-ltp. LOST: In Beech Creek community, black and white spotted male tree dog. Collar on with no name If found notify Bailey Coleman. Murphy, Rt. 3 23-3tp. FOR SALE: 1 Welding outfit complete; 1 model 100-10 h. p. Martin Outboard Motor. Apply at Jerry's Marine Service .on Hiwassee Lake. 23-3tc WOMEN WANTED: Housewives, Address advertising postcards. Must 'have good handwriting. LJNDO, Waitertown, Mass. 23-4tp SALESMAN WANTED: You are looking for larger income. A Rawleigh business is available for you if you can qualify. A postal card request will bring you full details without obliga tion. You then study and decide. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. NCL 750-222, Richmond, Va. 23-ltp IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF TAKING DEPOSITIONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHEROKEE LEE E. STEWART, PLAINTIFF, VS. EDNA LOUISE STEWART DEFENDANT EDNA LOUISE STEWART, the defendant in the above entitled action, will take notice, that on the 28th day of December, 1953, at two o'clock P. M., and thereafter in Ward G 1 at U. S. Navy Hospi tal, In Portsmouth, Virginia, be fore an Officer of the United States Navy, the undersigned will take the depositions of E. T. Pat terson and himself, to be read as evidence for the plaintiff in the above entitled action, which is now pending in the Superior Court of Cherokee County, State of North Carolina; and you will further take notice that if the taking of the said depositions is not begun and com pleted on said day, the same will be continued from day to day until completed. This the 24 day of November, 1953. . LEE E. STEWART, 22-3tc Plaintiff NOTICE OF SEE VICE OF FBOCB88 BT PUBLICATION STATE OP NOETH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTT IN THE SUPERIOR COURT LEE E STEWART. PLAINTirr. VS. EDNA LOUISE STEWART. DEFENDANT. To EDNA LOUISE STEWART Take notice that a pleading seek ing relief against you has been fil ed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is to procure by the plain tiff an absolute divorce from the defendant on the grounds of two years' separation. You are required to make de fense to such pleading not later than January 14, 1054, and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will ap ply to the court for the relief sought. This, the 24th day of November. 1953. J. L. HALL. Clerk of the Superior Court 20-4tc } NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT JOSEPHINE HOWELL GADDIS, Plaintiff, JAMES W. GADDIS, TO JAMES W GADDIS: Take notice that ? pMsrilng seek ing relief against you has been filed In the above entitled action. 1- e nature of Che relief being sought la as follows: The plaintiff seeks to procure an absolute divorce on the grounds of separation for more than two years next preceding the Institution of this action. You are required to make de fence to such pleading not later than January 20. IBM, and upon failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This the 1st day of December, 1953. J. L. HALL CLERK SUPERIOR COURT 21-4tc NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY, Under and by vlrture of the power of sale contained in a cer tain deed of trust executed by Claude W. Fowler and wife Edna Fowler, dated the 17 day of March, 1948, and recorded in Book No. 167 page 108, in the office of Register of Deeds of Cherokee County, North Carolina, default 'having been made In the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms .thereof subject to fore closure, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at - the court house door in Murphy, North Carolina at noon, on the 28th day of December 1953, the property described in said deed of: trust, the suae lytaC ?nd being In the County of Cherokee and State of North Carolina, In Murphy township, and In Ike City of Mur phy. and more particularly des cribed as follows; Adjoining the lands of A. Q. Ketoer, A. W. Lovingood, Beghm i lng on an Iron stake In the North boundary line of a tract of land hereto fore known and referred to as the Hardee Lot (now owned by A. Q. Ketner land runs S. 90 E. 131 feet to an iron pipe stake; then with said line N. 53 E. 188 feet to e stake In eaid line; then with said line N. 22 30 W 153' 0" (one hund red fifty feet end nine inches) to an iron stake In said line; then S. 47 W. 274' 8" (two hundred seven ty four feet and eight inches) to the the beginning, being e portion of land in the Northeast corner of the lot referred to above and in that portion of Murphy, N. C. known as East Murphy. Also a right of way over a strip of land extending from the end of a street conveyed to the Town of HAVE YOU THE ARTHRITIS MISERY? HSU'S WONDERFUL NEWS' Hospital tests prove Musterole gives high speed long-lasting relief from pains of arthritis misery. Also greater ease In moving. Highly medicated. Concentrated. You can feel It work to bring fast reliei! MUSTEROLE Murphy by A Q Katner wtth and parrallel to the A. W Ioriniood atrip ot land lor right; of way not to exceed thirty feet M width at any point and to be uaed for afreet purpoaea only. The above deecrlbed property was acquired by grantors by deed from A. Q. Ketner and Wife Nan Dickson Ketner dated November IT, 1941, and recorded In Deed Book No. 138, page 149, records of Oberokee County, North Carolina, reference Is hereby made. But this sale will be made sub ject to all outstanding and unpaid taxes. This 24th day of November, 1953.' O. L. Anderson, Trustee 214tc River with Its to the Beginning, eon thininf 25 JKTM, mnry of IflflL B<H tog Che mm lends described to ft Deed from John P. Whitaksr. Mary R. WhHftker, Margaret C. WhRek er. end Atobie E. WhMeker to B. G. Webb, dated October 27, 1214. end reeorded in Records of Cherokee County to Book 83 et page 362. SfcCOND TRACT: A pert of Tract No. 28 to District No. 8. BEGINNING on a Maple (fallen) on the bank of Valley River (the original comer of Tracts Nos. 24 and 28), and runs with the line of Nos. 24 end 26 N 32 W 73 poles to a Sourwood (fallen), the S. W. cor ner of No. 27; then with the line of Nos. 27 26 N 52 E 38 poles to the top of a Ridge, then with the me anders of ssid Ridge S 32 E 11 poles to a stake; then S 11 E 80 poles to a stake; then S 4 E 20 poles to a stake; then S 16 poles to Continued on Page Seven 1 SAVE! * See our daily specials E. C MOORE Miiiiiiij hi r (lean Flame ?"*? ?Km \ / SuperFlame * ^ Wm*e*osene Allison & Duncan OiljCo. Suppliers of Fine Petroleum Products 359-J ' Murphy, N. C. ON DISPLAY FRIDAY The imw 1954 Chevrolet M Air 4 deer sadon. With 3 great sarin, Chevrolet offers the Most beautiful choice of models in Its Held. Poworglide automatic transmission now available on all models, optional at extra cost. Come see the most beautiful, most powerful Chevrolet ever built the new car that combines great new performance with money-saving gas mileage I Powered for Performance! / Engineered for Economy! ! I i ? % r-nw* ftist to, iAe /joou-Tfcce /-&&, \ rMi POWB MAKES, AUTOMATIC WtHOOW and MAT CONTROLS In every way, Chevrolet now brings you even more of the things you want More beauty with brilliant new styling in Body by Fisher and bright new color har monies outside and inside the car. More power and finer performance with new high-compression engine power in all models. More comforts and conveniences including the richest new interiors in Chevrolet history and such new features as Power Brakes and Automatic, Electric Window and Seat Controls. And, thanks to advanced Chevrolet engineer ing, all this with new economy, too. The fact is, youll find that no other car offers so many things you want at such low cost That means the low first cost of the lowest-priced line in its field. And it means money-saving economy of operation and upkeep, as well. Stop in and take a good look at the best looking Chevrolet you ever saw! Power brakes for easier stops Now Chevrolet brings you Power Brakes to make stopping wonder fully easy and convenient. Optional on Powerglide models at extra cost New, automatic window and seat controls The touch of a button adjusts front seat and windows. Optional on Bel Air and "Two-Ten" models at extra cost w Mora things mot* p*opl? want, that's why MORI PEOPLI BUY CHIVROLKTS t THAN ANY OTHIR CAR! New styling that will stay nsw There's a new, lower, smarter look about this new Chevrolet. All around the car, youll see new styling that brings you Fisher Body at its beautiful best New interior richness Fine new upholstery fab rics with a more liberal use of beautiful, durable vinyl trim. New color treatments in harmony with the brilliant new exterior colors. Thrifty new power in all model* Now, in Powerglide mod els, is the more powerful "Blue-Flame 125" en gine. Gearshift models offer the more powerful "Blue-Flame 115." New, lower prlco on ? power steering Chevrolet Power Steering now reduced in price! It, does 80% of the work ; to give you easy, sure < control. Optional at extra ; cost on all models. > SYMBOL OP SAVINGS /CHEVROLET / EMBLEM OP EXCELLENCE DICKEY CHEVROLET-OLDSMOBILE GO. Phone 60 i i ^ C

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