"83S." NOTICE Or SALE sutebior court IS DOOR NO. 41*1 NQtfTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY. Plaintiff. -VS W. D. TOWN SON, SR. AND WIFE. WINNIE TOWNSON. AND OCKLLBCTOR OP INTERNAL REVENUE, UNITED STATES OT AMERICA, Br virtue of authority vetted la me by Judgment of the Cherokee Superior Court dated June 27, IRS2. In the ebove entitled action, I will, ob Wednesday, the ISth day of January, 1954, at 12 odock Noon at the Courthouse Door la Murphy, North Carolina, offer for aala to the highest bidder (or cash the following described lands In Cherokee County, N. C.: TRACT 1: la Murphy Township, adjoining L. E. Shields. W. D. IV others: BEGINNING on e stake in ttfe. West or North west margfci of U S. Highway No. M and In the went boundary of S. S. No. 3 and runa with Mid line N 3-30 K 230 ieet to a potot in Cha center of the LAN Railroad On. tract; thence with the center of acid railroad tract N 37 E 300 feat to a point in the center of said track; thence continuing with the center of arid tracks about N 81 E 100 feet more or leaa to a point on eaid railway in the north boundary lin* of S. S. No. 3; then leaving said railway running S 87 to a point in the right of way of U. S. No. 84; then with said right of way aouth weat direction 783 feet more or less to the beginning, con taining 2.13 acres, more or leas. These lands are conveyed sub ject to the right of way of the L & N RRY Co. Being the same lands described in a deed from R. R. Beal, Unmar ried. to W. D. Townson, dated Au gust 4. 1942. and recorded in Book 148 at page iuo. Hecords of Chero kee County. TRACT 2: In the Town of Murphy, in* lvia Furniture Oo. ?i>d the Savage Hotel, end being tj referred to as the Lay A Ctomo any * A 10c Store buiidis*. Lot No. 3 In the Town of Ruryh>, fronting 30 feet on Main or Peach tree Street and ruming hack >3 feet to a 16V* foot alley as shown on the Map of the Duke l-*il and Improvement Company on Hie In the Office of the Register of Deeds for Cherokee County in plat Book 1 at page 0. Being the ?me land* deecribed in a deed from W. R. Anderson ?nd wife BAN ILL A Anderson, to W. D. Towqsoo and wife, Winnie S Townaon dated May 16, 1M4 and recorded In the Records of Cher aagrr* In Murphy Township, adjokdng the lands of R. T. Roberta, p. Crisp, the Mack Carrlnger Heka, and others and bounded as folio**: BEGINNING on an Iron wood on the North Bank of Hiawaaeee Riv er and runs up the river a north east course 73 poles to a small locust; thence N 54 W 110 poles to a small Black Oak in the line of R F. Roberts and Mack Carrlnger Heirs; thence a South course with said line to Posey Crisp line; thence with said Crisp line to the beginning. Said Crisp line and mid Carrlnger line being designated by I iron poles. Being the same lands deecribed in a deed from R. F. Roberts, and wife, Fannie Roberts, to W. D Townson. dated July 9, 1945, and recorded in Book 165 at page 79, Records of Cherokee County. TRACT 4: In Murphy Township, adjoining J. H. Hampton. L & N Railroad I and others and bounded as follows: BEGINNING at a stake about 20 feet east of the East rail of the L & N Railroad, and runs S 48-30 E passing through the center of a light pole crossing Highway 553 feet to an 8" Spanish Oak about 25 feet West of the top of the ridge then N 60 E 54.5 feet to a 10 inch Black Oak in the line of R. R. Beal; thence with R. R. Beal's line to the L & N RRY right of way; then with said railway a south west direction 709 feet to the beginning contain ing 4.94 acres and 403.60 squire feet more or less. Excepting and reserving for the use and benefit of the J. H. Hamp tons. their heirs and assigns, and Uie right to use the waters of the Beal Branch running through the aforesaid described tract for the purpose of washing iron 01*, mid other mining purposes necessary or proper in the mining and prep aration for shipment of iron ore situated on the Hitchcock lying North and north west of the lands hereinbefore described, and the right to conduct such waters for such mining purposes over through the lands herein. But I such waters are to be taken from Beal Branch at some point not more than 100 feet above ft. R. Beal'j line. " ' TRACT 5: / In Murphy Township, District No. 1, lying and being on the right bank of Hiawassee River, and containing 126.15 acres, and being w6 land?s ed m a from ,7, ,y- N; Powelson, unmarried to W. D. Townson, dated May 11, 1945 and recorded in Book 158 at page 300, Records of Cherokee County reference to which deed is hereby expressly made tor the complete metes and bounds description. Al so see Book 158 at page 503 for same lands. TRACT 6: A Interest in a tract of land *n Township. BEGINNING on a Sycamor on the North Bank of Hiawassee Riv er, a corner common on W. D. Townson and Floyd Clayton and runs along a fence with W D. Townson's line N 11-30 W 1260 feet to a stake In the branch; then with the meanders of the branch downstream the course between terminals being S 73 W *10 feet to a stake in a hunch of Willows, then with a severance line S 11-30 E 1200 feet to a locust on the North bank of Hliwe?e, River; then with the meanders of said river up stream an easterly direction 210 feet more or leas to the beginning, containing six (0) acres, more or Being thf seme lands described in a deed from Floyd Clayton. Guardian of Bdna Clayton, Eugene Clayton and Joe Clayton, minora, dated September 24, 1043 and re corded in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Cherokee Coun ty. North Carolina in Deed Book 138 at page 400. TRAgT 7: The following described 1st or parcel of lead situate in the Town of Murphy. Cherokee County. North Caroline, end mors paruuul srly described ss follows: BEGINNING on the corner of a fifteen foot alley at a Spanish Oak tree on Terrace Avenue, and run ning with said Terrace Avenue In L feet an easterly direction 291 fast to an Iron peg on foe margin of said Avenue: thence N 21 E 140 feet to a drain next to Elbert Zimmrrmans house; thence with foe meanders of said drain down the same 120 feet to a spring branch; thence with foe meanders of foe spring branch to the edge of Blumenthal Avenue; thence with Blumenthal Avenue 220 feet tn a fifteen foot Alley between Lot No. IS and foe Leafoerwood property, or Gurley Wttfl tiw mjLT^lQ of mid Alley S 7 *Sr W. IIS feet to a Speoiah Oak traa on the margin of Terrace Avenue; the beginning. SECOND PARCEL: BEGINNING on an Iron ttu line of Tm not A1 runs S 23 W 154 feet to an Iran spike In the bank of Poach tree Rood; thence with meanders of aaid mad 384 feet to an Iron spike at the IntCMeetion of said rood with Terrace Avenue; theoce srtth Terrace Avenue 290 feet to the be The ebove parcels of land having been conveyed to W. D. Towonon fay Ruth Garrison and husband B. C. Garrison, by deed dated June 19th. 1922, recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Cher okee County la Book No. tl, at scribed la a Dood at ] February 8. 18X7 from L. K Bay lam, Trustee, and W. R Aoderaon to W. D. Townaoo, which Dood at Release to recorded la the office of che Register of Deeds for Cher okee Comity la Dood Book M at pace 100 EXCEPTION: la the Town of Murphy, adjoining W. D. Townaoo. Sr., and public road. BEGINNING at a stake at todersooUon of a 10 foot alley wtth Terrace Avenue, and runs with aaid Avenue S 78-30 E 85 feet to a point; tbence S 70-90 E 75 feat to a stake near an Apple Tree; J7t is our pleasure once again to say Merry Christmas to all oui friends and neighbors.' SLACK MURPHY AUTO PARTS HUKPHT, N. C. r (v ^ eason's aOUmjiis (jreetinqs In the spirit of the season we send you warm-hearted greetings and best wishes foe ' a joyous Holiday. .. j?V. HALL'S BARBER SHOP MUKFHT, N. C. Will close Christmem Ere to Dee. 28 Gjtedtvnqb Cf Hhat this holiday season be the brightest and happiest ever is our heartfelt wish for all our friends and neighbors. murphy. electrical shop N.C. \\ i May the glory 'of Christmas remain in your heart throughout a bright New Year. FAYOLA REMANT SHOP mwMnr, *.c NEW REGAL HOTEL MURPHY. N. C. (Ji THE v eMOnd ^4ay all the good cheer and joys of this kappy holiday season stay with you and your dear ones throughout the coming year. E. C. MOORE & SONS MURPHY, N. C. Your SIEGLER Dealer In MURPHY Walter Coleman's Appliance Store ? A May the true spirit of the first Christmas shine brightly in yuul heart today and everyday. PEYTON G.ME N. C. wish that your Holiday Season be enriched with all the blessings that belong to Christinas... ' that you find every happiness in the New Yeat ahead. DICKEY & DAVIS BOB & GRADY r.jr.c. FREEZING! DD YOU EXPECT A WARM HOME WHDI YOU BOUGHT YOUR HEATH ? ? ARM YOU CONNMfO TO OMR ROOMT Mil YOUR FLOORS ICY COLDT ? ARM YOUR CMIUNQS OVRRHRATRDT ? ARM YOUR FURL RILLS TOO NIOHf Is your heater foolin' and freeiln' you >?f? no cosny pipes 01 regis ws to install or dean! why wait till next year ' SWITCH NOW TO A $iei/?e>i fc R Irfl ml MONIT BACK ?VABANTBl