GARDEN TIME r?*.Sta , I ^ w It % la Mi esqubwmeoti tor beat {Ml The average honte usually does got afford the proper teen peratures, light, or aftntospherte oondltwos. J* . Insert n require regular weter hf?every day if mat excessive water big They should be placed where they will get a maximum amount at daylight and sunshine. Day teen pe rat urea dbould be a bout 70 to 72 degrees and temperature* 4tould never be al lowed to drop below 60 degree*. Sfaarp fluctuation* la temperature* or cold drafts may can*e the leave* to drop. A very dry atmosphere or one contalntog gas will do the same. The polnaetta la a abort day plant?that la, it will bloom only when the days are short (Novem ber, December, January) There fore. after late October it should not be placed where It will be ex posed to artificial light at nigM. Such expoaure may prevent bloom ing or cause poor bloom. The District of Columbls has 26 farms containing 1,265 . VALLEY VIEWS By Evelyn Baker Today ks Cbrutmaa Eve and everyone to In a hurry to do thetr last minute shopping, a toy for Junior, a gift for grandmother and a surprise for daddy, lite children are hopefully waiting to Jump into bed, so Santa Claus will hurry and bring them their toys. Mama's are busy cooking, baking, wrapping gifts, and giving the last minute touch to the Xmas Tree. The Chimes seem to have a more def inite meaning as they play the beautiful Christmas Carols. Among the merry laughter and greetings I extend my best wishes to each and everyone for a very MERRY CHR ISTMAS. JUNIOR DEPARTMENT CHRISTMAS SUPPER The Junior Department and guests of the Methodist Church had a Christmas Supper, Dec. 19. in Gray's Cafe. Attending were Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Horn buckle, Miss Vera Morre. Teacher, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Axley, Teachers. Miss Mackie Lominac, and Miss Mattie Angel Helpers, and class pupils. Johnny Gernert. Jack Brown, Walt Brown, Jr., Jimmy Collins, Ray Oonley. Anne White Hornbuckle, Betsy Battle, Mary Jo Battle, Evelyn Morrow, and Jimmy Hornbuckle. METHODIST CHRISTMAS PROGRAM The Andrews Metnodist Church Will present a Christmas Program at 6:30 on Christmas Eve. The Youth Fellowship will be in charge >f the Program under the direction >f Councelors, Ruth Hamilton. Judy Babingfon, Jean Christy and rim Wood. The program will in :lude a three act pantomlne, Oho *al Reading and Christmas Carols. rhere will bg Church Christmas rree and treats for the children. OFFICERS ELECTED Andrews Lodge No. 529 AF and AM elected the following officers at their December meeting; Dock Gibson. Master; Tom Day, Senior Warden; Dee Mosteller, Junior Warden; Galusha Pullium, Secre tary; and Gordon Butler, Treas urer.. Officers will be installed at the January Meeting on Monday, the 4th. COMMUNITY SING A Community Sing will be held on the Berkshire Lawn, Wednes day Evening, Dec. 23, at 7:30, spo nsored by the Andrews Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with other civic dub* of Andrews. Christmas Carols. Hymns and solos wUl be sunt by various church groups, High School Glee Club and others. There will h? a Christinas Tree and Santa CUus with treats for the children. CHRISTMAS DANCX Th?' American Legion Post No. 97 of Andrews will sponsor a Christmas square Dance. Dec ember 24, Xmas Eve, and Dec ember 26th In the City Hall. HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS Betty Heaton and Ann Bristol of W. C. of Greensboro; George Pulli urn. Wtk* fon^i Reece WNC; Floyd Tea*, Vandarbllt; Bil Teas, Jr. Gaorgia Geoa An fri, Bob Crulae. U?to Truatta Howard Holdar. Suaie Ladford Sue Hall. Batty Mulkey. Wilms Jean Weal and Shirley Career. WINSOME SUNDAY SCHOOL The Wlnaome Sunday School Hew waa honored at a dinner par i ty In the boo* of Mrs. Bmoe BM tie. Teacher, Thursday, Dec. IT. After dinner waa served Chrlttmai . Carole were aunf by the attantUng I guesta. Gueata attend** were Sal ly Buchanan. Helen Jonea, June ' Crulae, June Brooke. Glenna Cal houn. Annie Marie Butter. Doric Raster, Lucille Laming. Bobbie Jean Bristol. Lillian West and Mra. Carl Wed. MISSION PROGRAM Tile Winnie Rickett Y. W A. held a Lottie Moon Mission Pro gram to the Andrews Beptitt Church. Tuesday, Dec. 14. Following the program the Lottie Moon offering waa token and a pot luck supper waa served to all at tending. HEROIC DEED An employe of the Nantohala Power and Light Company was working on lines In front of Her man West's place on U. S. 19 and noticed a passing gasoline truck with a leaking valve. He Immediat ely radioed the Nantohala Power office. John Slagle answered the phone at the office and he in re turn called Edwin Bristol s station in Andrews telling him about the truck which was headed toward Andrews. Edwin Bristol. Blaine Blevins and Grady Hogsed jumped Into a car an went to meet the truck. They flagged the truck to a stop on the edge of town. Upon stopping the truck the driver closed the valve and found he had lost 168 gallons of gasoline. Tile truck had a capacity of 1000 gallons. The truck contained highly toflamable gas. If this truck should have entered into town with the leaking valve, just the spark of a cigarette could have caused a disaster. These cit zens should be commended for their alertness and action to pre ent possible disaster. LAST WEEK MINSTREL The Andrews Rotary Club pre sented a most successful "Negro Minstrel", Friday night. The cast consisted of members of the Rotary Louise Enloe and Miss Hildred Heaton's dance ttudeots. This was a great show and If you failed to see it, you certainly missed some of the best "Bear Tales" that have Patterson Dies Near Hayesville Claude B. Patterns, 98 died et 11:90 A. M Thursday, Dee. IT. in his borne near HayesvtUe after a lone illness A native of Clay County, he was the eon of the late William B. and Florence Moore Pattereon, mem ber* of prominent famlltea Be had lived in Philadelphia. Pa. for several yean and returned to Clay County two yean a|o where be operated a chicken farm. He bid been e member of Led ford'a Chapel Methodist Church since boyhood. Funeral service* were held Sat urday ait 2 p. m. In Hayesville Metbodist Church. The pastor, the ever been told. Also everybody found out that the possum that Luke Ellis had is "alive* and deflnitly that bound dog wae alive. In my opin ion Mary Jo Battle, a danoe stu dent, really should have recogni tion for doing her dance steps so well and also managing to hold her "Aunt Jemlna Costume" to gether. My many thanks to the Ro-1 tary Club for providing auch won derful entertainment for the com munity of Andrews. Mrs. Cright Dies Mi*. Mary Ethel Cright, 63, dM at 1 p. m. Tuesday. Dec. 33, at Mr home here. She was a nhUvc of L-umkln County. Ga., and came to Murphy 13 yean ago. She mm a member of Surviving are the husband, Laa cie Cright Columbus. Ohio; three daughter* Mr* Marie Hyatt. Ml. earn Betty and Evelyn CHgM ad Canton. Ga; four aorta and Randolph of Murphy, i of Washington, D. C. and Jamaa wMh the V. 8. Marine Corps station ed. in California. rhieral arrangements will be an nounced by I vie Funeral Home. Rev. M. R Miller, officiated and ?burial was in Union Hill Cemetery. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Elisabeth Moore Patterson; two aona.'Wuilam I Patterson of Phila delphia. Pa., and M. Sgt Roy W. Patterson, with the U. S. Marine Corps stationed a Camp Lejeune. Also two brothers Ernest of Hay esvllle and (Herman of Canton, Ohio; three sisters. Mrs. Carl Led ford and Mrs. O. H. Davis of Knox ville. Tenn., and Mrs. H. A. Shear er of Fellsmere, Tla, and three grandchildren. Towneon Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. For now...for always.., Joy to our frieads and Boiyhbors, Peaco to our oation, Good Will to aH. WOODS - WILSON Pure Oil Station MURPHY, N. C. HENN THEATREI MURPHY, NC. Frl.-Sat., Dec. 25-26 Audie Mnrphy-Lorl Nelson ?NI? "Tumbleweed" LATE SHOW Sat, Dec. 26 It'll Slay You With Laffs! rtmtvA hit Guar amr howud MTHHUMi^ Sun.,-Mon., Dee. 27-28 THE MIGHTY STORY OF THE MAN WHOfOUGHT FOR THE BIGGEST lomes SU*W? dru i Joanne jam m GUetT tOUNB ? DAN DUtYU m GRANT-KERR C?PIOGEOH pi m MURPHY DRIVE-IN THEATRE Show Starts At Dusk Thurs.-Fri., Dec. 24-25 Clifton Webb-Debra Paget "Stars & Stripes, Forever" Eat,-San., Dec.26-27 John Wayne-Henry Fonda Shirley Temple-John Afar "Fort Apache" WE WILL BE CLOSED MON.-TUES. A WED. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE DICKEY THEATRE MUKPHT, IV. CL Thurs-.-Frl, Dee. 24-25 Jean Parker-Russell Hardle "Sequoia" Sat., Dee. 25 Randolph Scott-David Brian "Fort Worth" Dee. 17-tS Jeffrey "Sailor Of The King" Hooky Tonk Girl' amn owlt HENN THEATRE ANDREWS. N. C. Fri., Dee. 25 Red SkeltoD-Jean Ha*en "Half Hero" Set Dee. 26 Wild BUI Elliott "Vigilante Terror' Late Show, Sat, Dee. 26 Debbie Reynolda-Bobby Van "The Affairs Of Dobie Gillis" SwC-Mon., Dee. 17-18 Deu Martin-Jerry Lewie "The Caddy" Dm. >t The Desert Rats' *1 Season's . ! and best wishes CHEROKEE FURNITURE CO. PHONE 90 MURPHY, N. C. W. P. ODOM, MGR. ANNOUNCING Franklin Motor Co. Moved to New Location on ANDREWS HIGHWAY on THE LEFT ONE MILE from the SQUARE New, Modern Building Come In To See Us Franklin Motor Co. I w ' i