TRADE AT HOME; IT PAYS KEEPVOlR >10 N E V IN VOl K COMMUNITY PROMOTING MURPHY AND ANDREWS Noll Ml 6i Nl MBKK -6 MIKPHY NORTH ( AKOEIN A llll KlDAt J\> 7 1954 MC.HT MLES THIS HtKK M rs. Cornwall's Rites Are Held At Baptist Church Fun*rial *:vic?4 for Mrs J*o? Moore Cora well 27 died to an AMievill^ liowprUii W cdji^wdny Dec 30 H 11 a m following * long llLneao wt-re held At 2 p m Friday, January 1 Ln trie Km* bapust Cburoh here The Rev J Alitor* Morris, pastor officiated, ssnsted by th^ Rev A> xi ioad Max well Lh tim^ the real spirit of ChrisTtmas giving was felt on both ?ndes of the Pacific S Sgt Roy Lovingood wrote a letter to the Scout tn November telling of his battalion's plan-s for a Christina* jwirty for Korean child ren and adults who were suffering from th?.>ns of war in their Land, and asked for g *>d used clothing to he distributed at the party \ number of church and civic group-, iri I i r? i>iir. 1 > responded with bi"\es. probably the first of the group being t.he Business Women's Circle and thr Y \V A of the First Baptist Church of An il row This week Miss I >a i < v Battle, communiiv missions chairman of the B'A heard from Sgt Ix)\'in goort arul his chaplain. (V.v.n E Bains. saving the boxes arrived before Christmas and all in good srliwi i>e Loving*xwI s letter to Miss Battle said 1 wish to personally thank y It gives me renewed fa th in I the people of my home county T i,. chap .i;:i wro'^. a note appreciation, in which ho -aid Thrt> is grea* need here for ? lothmg of .'inv kind Their hou-cs inadequate. ihrir clothing is dirty rags Your con*ribui ion will a great help m giving comfort '.i those needing comfort at Christ - . mas time In th s way we will show forth the spirit of Him vvho gav,. -<> 1 much f'us You will be interested *.n , know thai we took the box of new dresses to a mission hospital in Seoii 1 and gave to the Korean Student Nurses who nrr studying there The name of the hospital is the Severens Hospital and is spo nsored by the cooperating Presby ter, an Denominations Mrs. Duncan Loses Sister In Franklin Mlas Carrie 1^ Rurleaon, 49. of Franklin. died I)ee 30 at 3 p m in a Sylva Hospital after a month's illness She wm a stater of Mrs J H Duncan of Murphy Surviving are the parents. John and Blanrh Fortner Burleson of Kaat Frank 1 in and three afetera. Mrs. Sam Al lison of Sylva. Mrs Duncan of Murphy and MTa. Homer burn pi Franklin Miss Smith Gets Honorable Mention .Icrrv Ruth Smith. charter mem txY of the Martin's ''reek Snbor j dirvato Grange and Cherokee Co unty Pamona Grange, was cited for honorable mention as thp "most ' repreventative Grange girl of 19!*3 * Ruby I>ee Wilkorson of Orange County received the honor and J V Teague of Guilford County was named most repm?ervtative boy The recognition, based upon home and community parti ctpat. ton took pkacy at the annual winter conference of th* North Carolina Grange youth Cherokee Co. Has Fewest Highway Mishaps In 1953 Cherokee County ^ highway a ? indent record wa-> the best of Nurtr. ! -arolma a 100 ouunUes duxLng 1953 in adduon to its lead In reduction of u^vident-s Patrolmen: C H Long a.nd L H Haker said A50 [x r cent reduction li. the number of persons killed during the year saw one fatal acci dent in which three persona lost their hves In 11*53 there were six fatal ai i-dents v> nth six persons dying In aivider.ts im dvir.g only per mjiwiI injury and property damage. patrolmen reported, the coun ty had a 35 (ht cent reduction Th<. patrolTnen said this record was made by tfv safety conscious citizens of Cherokee County through their practice of good dnv iiig habits arid highway courtesy The patrolmen also asked for as^ sisiance in makmg 1954 have an even better record Mrs. McGuire's Rites Be Today In Andrews Mrs M D McGuire, 87 d f Andrews, died Tuesday at 6pm in an .Andrews hospital after a long illness. She was a native and lifelopg resident of Cherokee County Kuneral services will be held at 11a in :n Andrews First Metho dist Church The Rev James Horn buckle pastor, will officiate assist ed by the Rev J C Corbitt, and burial will be in Peachtree Ceme tery. Surviving are two daughters. I Mrs Julia Bradley of Andrews and Mrs Vivian Johnson of East Point. Ga one son. Victor Me-! Gulre of Seminole, Okla.; and one sister. Mrs Arthur Boyd of Peach tree Ivie Funeral Home is in charge Regal Club Elects New Slate Tomorrow New officers of the Regal Club 1 wil! be olected and installed tomor- , row night at the club meeting at 7 30 at the home of Mrs Dixie Palmer and Miss Hattie Palmer. 1 The new officers will be installed j by Mrs Ruby Hill, current presi don:. ! ROILING LOGS LOGS ROLLED early this week at Dickey Wood Yard when bus iness picked up for area wood cotters. The yard handled over 125 trucks Monday, W. S Dickey, owner, said. This picture shows only one small section of th^ crowded, busy yard during the rush. IScout Photot Bishop Henry Says U. S. MoreReligion Conscious Th,, Rt Rev M George Henry bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of ! Western North Oaroilna, wae guest speeker at the meeting of the Mur phy Civitan Club In the recreation room of the First Methodist Church Monday night Bishop Henry said that Religion in 1953 has become of widespread public interest. He said that Nation al magazines, newspapers, radios and television gave regular cover age to religious news and articles, and that there are far fewer pro fessed atheists today. National leaders, he said have included in their speeches need for moral and spiritual regeneration if this na tion is to survive Bishop Henry was introduced by the Rev Rhett Y. Winters, Jr ] The bishop said. This revival of religious con cern provides both dangers and hopes for 1954. There is danger in America of former fasarem which brands ever, orpe who doesn t think as we do as communists The church must often stand tn judg ment of she status quo The Litur gical movement has its hopes when I churches return to the traditional j forms of worship, without regard ! to the meaning and historical use. I There is danger that these forms ^ may become idolitrou.s The hopeful sign of the liturgi cal movement is that the churches will be drawn closer together I S. S Williams, president, pre sided and recognized visitors. Ed Sanford of Wilmington. Del guest of Mayor I. I. Mason, and Dr B W Whit f.eld, president of the Lions Club Hiwassee Dam Wins Top Prize In Christmas Lights Contest 11 i wa.ssec I torn School and com munity m rompedu>n with five other communities in three stales, last w? i ? k was ur.nounwd first place wir.r.rr m the Christmas Lighting Contest sponsored by the Tr: S'ate I'n-Op r?f the Rural FJee "ra ill \*n>ik?.,iri? ei :n Cappcrhill. T en;]. \ c.i 'i -.a a rd of $2't was given the scls m ? f ^ ? r Th,. lT\-s' rw>red decorations at th?. ?.rhool and the comniuru'> Mrs Cliff Hadtcrd was chairman of the ccnn: "tec .n cha rge and she was assisted b> Mrs Addilee Brown and other faculty meuitx-rs and s' .iden*< Tfv award was won on .a manger scene :nad<, altogether h\ hand, and most iy scrap materia!^ The sirnr included the stable, in which were Mary and Joseph and the I toby Jesus, along wirh a donkey and sheep Three wise men and camels were erected leading to the stable The entire scene was light ed by a spot Santa Clans his sirgh. and nine reindeer led by Rudolph with his red nose was strung across the roof on another side of the school Mrs Radford. Mrs Brown and their helpers constructed the scenes from cardboard, scrap lum ber. coat hangers papier mache cotton and chicken wire Second prize went to the Copper hill Community, ifchird to Blue Bridge Others participating were Epworth and McOayesvllle Mrs Clay Hop wood Is PTA pre* Idettt at Hiw?w I >?t? and ?he wi! the winner of $10 for her own IN COMPETITION WITH FIVE other communities in three lilwassee Dam School and community was the first place wtnner In an RFA sponsored Chrktnat Llfbtinf Contest. Shown above with a part of the prfre winning acene are Mrs. Addilee Brown, left, and Mm. Cliff Radford, teacher, at the school. Three wine men and their camels were shown to the right of the stable and leading la H. < Scoot Photo) home decorations. Ln scklkior to a promotional winners won an as new lamp whkti she received aa a <*urs oi; U-r (J ran J O^. Opry Thvy no-Round a ich Lht* Hoii?-> IV aj*l The Dret> EHum Qoaru^ Tsiry Iliitv also Lk- .beard on Uir Eddie Arnold Sho1* iTxrtt-**da from this ^now *?..] into the PTA budget Admission for aduibs "will be Sixty and for children under twe-lv. Mk> Hedd\ Ur-t i member of ' : lasv a' Murphy School, and s I ( Hur-< k : nf si\ or'.h'ipnj , , U* bv h.- '1 sm'.I hi ? . M Friday Jan 1 n in Andrew^ r w.i a: u ,1 H. ? ? ?? t>, T i ? < 11ni. lira -h I > V .? u- ? : i r.i - < 1 11 k ? J 1hr VHii" .il > { ' i ' T'l!" ' i I ^ .1 ro-dudrd h\ 1 >i ^ S \' kins hys < nl rhornpist and mriiirnl srrn'\ At last yoar's rlin cs ?w*nv 10fi ohrldrrn anavidso:i won t11r S25 bond prizr for the best window ii deoorat.ion on hor front door The doooral.ions contest was an i-\ten-dor* of C-h.nst.mas Trade Week sponsored by k>eal mcr eha nth. Andrews PTA To Hear Bishop Henry Bishop M George Henry of Asheville will speak on "Parent and Famdly Education" at the meet i ng of the A ndnews School PT A Tuesday at 7 SO p m BlVhop Henry'a talk wfS be In connection wttti ttv PTA'a general theane tor ntrea&lng the taacfadnf of apdrttual and monad