t(LL vPhH PIANO TUNING Grands and Spinets $8 00. raaang pKch. $15 00 Uprights overhauled in my shop only Ivories 10 cents each New (Strings $1 50 to $2 50. piano be nches $0 95 up A R Bell. Hbome 103 Murphy N C 25-Atc TOR RENT McCall furnished ap artment. all modem convenien ces, first floor four rooms One six room unfurnished place Reasonable rent. Rhone 106, Murphy, N. C 25-3tc FCQt RENT First floor 4 room unfurnished apartment. Will fur nish bedroom if desired Private entrance and private bath Hot water furnished Mrs. J W Th ompson, 113 Campbell St . Ph- ^ arte 103-W Murphy, X. C. 25-3tp OUR REPRESENTATIVE will be In Murphy each Tuesday Used Singer Machines for $39 50 up New Singer electric machines from $94 50 up All types of re pairs Write, Singer Sewing Ma chine Co.. Box N Murphy, N C. 22-tfc | chest of drawers, also one used trailer Mrs. J A Richardson. | 146 Hiawassee St.. Murphy, X C. 25-3tc FOR RENT: One 4 room house ' Hot and cold water furnished. | See Mrs J. W. Dyer at 511 Hi awassee St . Phone 96-H. Mur phy. X. C 25-3tc PHOTOGRAPHS: Portrait, com- ! merical, kodak finishing, wed ding receptions, and copies Also photostatic copies. Smiley's Stu dio, Andrews, N. C. 22-tfc WELL DRILLING? Have your wells drilled modern machinery Six and eight inch domestic and commerical wells Macon Pump I and Well Company Write F B Rogers, Rome No. 1. Franklin, N C 23-cfn | RESU RFACE your floors Do the | yob yourself Rent our floor sand j ing machine Reasonable rates j by the half-day day or week Also complete line of floor fill ing and paint Gibhs Hardware &i Auto Supply Phone 100 21-tfc FOR RENT Two nicely furnished apartments. One 4 room, one 2 large rooms Steam heat, hot and cold water furnished See Mrs. J. W Dyer, 511 Hiawassce St, Phone 96-R. Murphy, N C 25-3tc WOMEN WANTED Housewives. Address advertising postcards Must have good handwriting LIN DO. Watertown, Mass 23-4tp 'OK SALE?Cinder Blocks, any size, any amount Delivered Palmer Bros . Phone 202 Mur phy. N C. 22-tfc HELP \\ WTED FEMALE ladies earn extra cash by addressing advertising postal^ at home. Write, Vali Co Box 1042 Mun cie, Ind. 26-ltp FOR SALE:: 1951 one ton Chevro let truck would trade for good 1 -j ton pickup, also Army jeep, good condition, would sell cheap. Call 126-J or see Chester Far mer 26-3tp WANTED TO HIRE Man. pre ferably married, to help with cows and poultry"; house, lights and water furnished. Apply at farm of Billy Wells or call 665-J 26-3tc FOR RENT 1 5 room house with bath, all electric kitchen, hot air furnace, large front and back porch, all on same floor; also one 4 room apartment with bath Hot water heater, oil fired fur nace heat, private entrance; phone 669 or see F M Bowman at Sossamon Furniture Co. 26-3tc SALESMAN WANTED Would like to hear from man with car who wants to step into business of his own nearby. Buy on time pay you soil Also other local ities available. Write Rawleigh's Dept. NCA-730-TC. Richmond. \ a. 2t?-ltp I t )R LENT: One 4 room house with bath. One 4 room house w.th bath, wired for stove. Elec tee water heater furnished. Both close in Mrs. Tom Evans. Mur phy. N C , Phone 44-W 26-ltc FOR KENT: 3 room cottage on Terrace Ave. Water and lights SI5 per month Phone 584-W Murphy. N. C. 26-3tc ONCE AGAIN IT IS POSSIBLE TO GROW DELICIOUS SWEET CHESTNUTS by planting Bhght resista-nt Chinese Chestnuts Trees produc^ proJilie crops and provide shade 'or home grounds Two 5 lo 7 ft- Bearing Sue Trees Offer No 3-G?for $8 85 Ex press W'rvte for Free Copy New 56 page Planting Guide Caltalog in color offered by Virginias largest Growers of Fruit Trees, Nut Trees Berry Plants, Grape Vines and Ornamental Plant Material Salespeople wanted. WAYNESBORO NURSERIES. WAYNESBORO, VIRGINIA 26-1 tc 6 APTS FOR RENT 2, 3 & 4 rooms Hot water and separate bahts in all Near the hospital. A J Ramsey. 26-3tp ?IANOS Ony a rew left $165 up ' Benches $9 95 up. Also large coal furnace $50 A R Bell. ! Phone 183. Murphy. N C 24-3tc 1 "OR RENT: 5 room house, rent reasonable Call 75, Murphy N. C. 25-3tc WOOD FOR SALE. Delivered. Townson Lumber Co Call 334 C 23e/n TODAY{ | FORD ^. TRUCKS F.C.A. more truck for your moneya N?w fmrd F-900 *? Jo?, G.V.W. 27,000 lbs., G.C.W. 55,000 lb?. BURCH ROTORS REECE MOTOR CO. Murphy, N. C. Phone 95 Andrews, N. C. Phone 52