PERSONALS Mr ?d Mis. H. G. McBrayer of Anderson. S. C , spent Last week with Mrs. G. W. dandier Mr*. Andrew J Cor ley of Chal ks imaga spent the week end here' with her parents, Mr. and Mis. J. H. Wilson Sr. Mrs. Wilson return ed with her to Chattanooga for a visit. Mrs. J. H. Hamrlck and children Dchby and Clayt returned laat week from Miami, Fie. where they spent the past month with Mrs. Hamrick's mother. Mis. Amelia PopeU. Mis. G. W. Candler and family had as guests last Sunday. Mis. C Z. Candler and daughter. Mia Margaret Candler of Sylva, and Dr. V / Candler Jr of AabevlMe. | tltas Beaaie Dlcfceon spent laat ' vek in Copperhill with Mr. and Mrs R R Bum* and family. Mrs A M. BrlMaln who baa been 111 there for a while, but la now Im proved. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wlistener and , son, Dane Ray. of Detroit, are vis it :ng relatives in the county. Mrs. R. r. Merrttt has returned to Knoxville, Tenn., after spend ing several weeks here with Mr. and Mrs. Lowln Lovtngood. C. B. Hedrick of Oak Ridge, Tenn. spent the week end with his moth er. Mrs. Claude Hedrick. LOVINGOOD'S FINAL CLEARANCE SALE In order to make room for our Spring Mer chandise now arriving, we are offering our customers some real bargains for Friday and Saturday, Feb. 12 and 13. All ladies WINTER SUITS y2 PRJCF All Ladies WINTFP Toppers V2 PRICE All Ladies Wool COATS V2 PRICE Ladies Gabardine COATS $5.00 Ladies & Children's WOOL Sweaters Regular Price $2.98 NOW $2.00 Ladies Blouses NOW $2.00 Entire Stock Child ren's COATS NOW Vi PRICE 'Men's Corduroy PANTS Reg. $5.98 NOW $3.98 Men's Havnes Union Suits NOW $1.75 Men's Flannel Shirts NOW $1.98 Single Sheet Blankets Nctw $1.49 500 Pairs Ladies & Children's Shoes $1.00, 1.98, 2.98 And $3.98 First Quality Hose 51 Guage 15 denier $1.00 Mesh Hose 89c Don't fall to tee the above bargains on oar second floor. Be rare and aee oar new Sprint line of Ladles Salts. Dresses, Sprint Hats. Shoes and Bats. ROY V. LOVINGOOD THE HOME OF SUNDIAL SHOES Phone 234 Murphy, If, C. Next Door To Post Office gives you all these features at lowest prices! TH. hw 1954 ChovroM Bol Air 2-door radon. With thraa groat toriai, ChovroM ottari lha moil baootiful cKoico of medals In Its Hold. Striking New Luxury-Una Styling. Here are the tionally low maintenance costs (4) traditionally best-looking Chevrolets of all time. Available in higher resale value. 161 model-color combinations! Now Low Pikt on Power Steering. Gives Luxurious New Modem-Mode Interiors. Richer fab- control. Available on all models.* lies?vinyl trim?interior colors keyed to exterior New Power Brakes for Your Sofety-. - , colors in "Two-Ten" and Bel Air models! first and the outstanding Power Brakes" in Ciiev- . pnWTBfn H? New Power In "Bluo-Flam. 125" Engine. More rolefs; field Do much of thework.of[ braking for M ? POWI"? power-more smoothness-more e? you. (Available on models.) PERFORMANCE! brilliant Powerglide engine. New Automatic Window and Seat Controls. Touch PEOPLE IUT I r m . .... ?, a button to raise or lower front windows. Move rHFVamrrs IMCINIIBfD Now Power In Bluo-Flam. 1 IS Engine. The Blue- the front seat up and forward or down and back . cNullltlRlD Flame H5" Engine also gives you new high- with the same ease. Available on "Two-Ten" and THAM AMY FOR ECONOMY) compression power, finer performance and im- Bel Air models.* nm? ram portant gas savings. Come in. see and drive the new 1954 Chevrolet at Highly Perfected Powerglide. ..ou can have your earliest convenience, and we believe you'll the finer, thriftier Powerglide automatic decide it's the car for you! 'Optional at extra cost. sion* on all Chevrolet models. Extraordinary Four-Fold Economy ,,i pi iced line (2) extremely low operating costs (3) excep SYMBOL OK EMBLEM OF SAVINGS Mtair EXCELLENCE , Dickey Chevrolet-Oldsmobile Co. PHONE 60 MURPHY, N. C. RANGER Mr and Mrs Joe Ledford end oughter of Oak Ridge, Teon. spent the week end wKh Mr. and Mrs. Fred KMpedrick end family W A. Evans made a buatoas, trip to Murphy one day last week. Mrs. S. V. Evens and Mrs. C. B. Hedrlck and children of Oak Ridge Teon., spent the week end with Mr and Mrs. C. M Soeed said family. Mrs. Lum Ledford spent one day test week with Mrs. Taylor Henaon Mrs. Willie Walker spent a day test week with her daughter, Mrs. Edward Foster and family. The Rev. and Mrs. E. N. Ledford and family spent teat week visiting In Marietta. Ga. H . C. Johnson visited C. M. Sneed Sunday afternoon Mr* Ralph Ledford visited Hn OUa Stewart Saturday afternoon Mr and Mia. A. J. Johneon and ?on apent Sunday wtth Mr. and Mr*. H. C. Johnson Mr. Mid Mr*. Jew Wlngct made a burin*** trip to Murphy on* day Mrs. E. L. Shields visited Mr*. C. M. Sneed Sunday afternoon. The Rev. and Mrs. Leonard Walker and son of Tellico PUkne. j Tenn , visited Mr. and Mia. I. R. Elliott Sunday. CARD OP THANKS We wish to thank everyone who *"a* so kind and thoughtful during the sicknees end death of our he loved husband and lather. Mrs. B. H. Haigler & Family /SPECIAL SALE Tussy Cleansing Creams and Lotions FOR DRY SKIN j FOR NORMAL SKIN Emulsified Cleansing Cream Its rich emollients help to clean sp n*! soften your com plexio Reg. $2.00 size now^l.25 $3.50 size now $2.25 Pink Cleansing Cream Fluffy pastel cream for thor ough, aeep-down cleansing of normal or oily skin! Reg, $2.00 size nov. ^ 1.25 $3.50 size now $2.25 Dry Skin I ...the f '?h'Ur? that's 'special* for y? Reg. >1.15 size now ^1? SkkiLotiea To brace?and make your complexion glow! Reg. $1.75 aire now All prices plus tax MAUNEY DRUG CO. . Phone 151 Murphy, N. C. Letitia Mr ?d Mrs. line Tsykor taw been stak with flu, but i* mam tan pro vine The Rev. Tom Smith filled his appointment et Oak Grove Church Sunday, where he ie now There will b? a Training Union organized at Oak Grove Churdi Sunday night, with the assistance of the aseocietlonal missionary Miss Alma Jolly. Mr and Mrs. Wayne Olonts vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stiles Sun day afternoon. The Rev. Fred Stiles wlU preach s* Oak Grove Church next Sun day. Feb. 7. SOITHEND Uncle Lem Rogers celebrated his birthday Monday. Feb.8. He was 74. Mrs. Christine Ellery is visKlng relatives In Georgia this week I Mrs. Russell Culvar was in Mor ganton, Ga. last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ensiey of Murphy have moved to our sect ion. ^ Mrs. Gladys McDonald visited ? Ora Turner Sunday. Mrs. Garland Haney and daugh-' ter visited Mrs. Thelma Crawford Friday afternoon. Mrs. DeCalontme Has Ruth Swan Circle ? Mrs. Ottillie DeCalonee was hostess to the Ruth Swan Cir cle of the F;rst Baptist Church Feb. 8. with Mrs. Vincent Stiles, chairman, presiding and Mrs. Cal vin Stiles in charge of the program Members present were Mrs. Jew el Miller Mrs. Cecil Mills Mrs. Vincent Stiles, Miss Sarah Perry, Mrs. Ruby Hill. Mrs. Bertha Bates, Mrs. Dadr Shields, Mrs. Louise Caldwell Mrs. Bob Cheney. Mrs. Calvin Stiles. Mrs. DeCalongne. Re freshmerots were served during the social period. Si*i< Sn Andrews Leopard Palmer, who has spent 12 weeks in the hospital is still a prtient at an Andrews hospital. Robert Kilpatrick of Andrews Is a patient in the hospital. Mrs. Alb Cook is ill in an An drews hospital. BIRTHS IN PETRIE HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Hlgdon, Rt. 1. Andrews, announce the birth of i boy, February 4. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Parker of Marble, announce the birth of a a son, February 4. Mr. amd Mrs. Howard Davis. Rt 3, Murphy, announce the birth of a boy, February 4. Mr. and Mrs. Cyldc McDonald, Rt. 3. Murphy announce the birth of a daughter, February 4. Mr. and Mrs. Howard O'Dcll. Rt. 3 Murphy, announce the birth of a daughter, February 7. THIRD SUNDAY SINGING The third Sunday evening sing ing will be held at Oak Grove' Church Feb. 21. The Copperhill Quartet, the Smillineers Quartet and a number of others will be pre sent. NEW! NEW! W??GHS 20 lb or:E $235.00 ALEXANDER CHAIN SAW ft EQUIP. CO. Phone M-J Murphy. N. C. After ? p. m. H-W ews NOW ONLY 4Jt ill MJUtATKON for the easy-riding comfort of Super-Cushion Tires byGOOD^EAR FAMOUS MARATHON QUALITY No other low pressure tire at this price can match these Marathon Super Cushions. The low pres sure action of these sturd7 tires soaks up highway jolts. The wider flatter treads put extra rubber on the road for longer wear, better traction. Don't risk another unsafe mile on smooth danger ous tires. Replace them now with these low cost Super-Cushions by Good year. Come on in ... let's TRADE NOWI USE OUR EASY PAY PLAN Tarns as low as $1.25 a wttk for a pair Allison & Duncan Tire Co. MURPHY, N. C. PHONE 328 Hazelwood Sylva THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING Last week you saw pictures of our GRADE A plant and the precision mach inery used in producing the highest grade of GRADE A Milk. IS IN THE TASTING NOW visit our plant at Brasstown and see for yourself. Reach for COBLE'S GRADE A Milk at your grocer's, drink it, and prove for yourself the high quality and delicious taste of cur product. AND IN ADDITION When you buy COBLE'S, you assure your self not only of quality, but you know you are buying locally produced GRADE A Milk. And the price is at least one cent bellow the price of our competitor's product! Bacteria Testing Done Daily in Our Labor atory.