Stu msmmsmo FOB SALS?Ctod* Btarfca, any Delivered Phone 203 Mur phy. N. & 31-tfc OUR REPREnJUTTATIVE wUl be In Murphy eeeh Tueeday. Used Stager Machines (or |39.90 19. New Singer electric machines from $94.50 up. All types of re pairs. Write, Singer Sewing Ma chine Co- Box N. Murphy, N. C. 31-tfc RESURFACE your floors . Do the >ob yourself. Rent our floor sand tag machine. Reasonable rates by the half-day, day or week. Also complete line of floor fill, tag and paint. Gibbs Hardware it Auto Supply. Phone 100. 21-tfc FOR RENT: Large 3 room un furnished heated apartment. All tile bath, tub and shower, 4 large closets. Inlaid linoleum in kitchen. Also for rent, one fur nished, steam heated room. Tele phone 30, Murphy, N. C. 30-3tc FOR RENT: 8 1-00? house all on same floor. Two t?ths, hot water, all newly painted See A. J. Ramsey, Murphy, N. C. 29-3tp COON HUNTERS TURN YEAR LING THIEFS! I know who you are?saw you on my property, which is posted land! WARN ING?Keep Off! Toby Fain. Fritz Guysler, Clate Fain 30-3tp WANTED AT ONCE: Rawleigh Dealer in Cherokee County Write Rawleigh's Dept., SCB 750-R. Richmond, \'a. 31-3tp GOT COLD MISERIES? * Get Quick Relief... B-Q-R quickly allays the chilly. aciv.y. liverish fcelmr . . . casts hkv.uache. neural tv.a a: d muscular ac:.due to cold*... mntiv flushes I'.Ic.t. lor ail hie .. ?" OetB-sJ-Rl 33c and fc>3c sirc< Your money back if r.&t delighted, j Use SINCLAIR ANTI-RUST FUEL OIL Extra value ? no extra cost ALLISON & DUNCAN OIL CO. Suppliers Of Fiue Petroleum Produets Murphy, N. C. FOR SALE: One town tantom wheel end spring special built Chevrolet truck. Also 1 y*?i swing for children. Reasonable. Phone 273-W. Murphy. N. C. 31-3tp USED FURNITURE FOR SALE: Nice selection 2 A 6 pc living j room suites, some good, some fair; 3 & 4 pc. bedroom suites, real bargains; 5 pc. dinette suite priced for quick sale. Sossaman Furniture Oo Phone 669, Mur phy. N. C. 30-3tc WOOD FOR SALE. DeUvered. Townson Lumber Co. Call 334. C. 8W