?Jfr Ctyemkr e ftntrt Established July 1889 Published every Thursday at Murphy. Cherokee County. N C WILLIAM V. AND EMILY P. C05TELL0 Publishers and Owners WILLIAM V. COSTELLO : duo. SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Cherokee County: One Year, $2.50; Six Months, f 1.50; Outside Cherokee Countv One Year, |3.00; Six Months, fl.75 I Entered in the Post Office at Murphy, North Carolina as second class matter under the Act of March 3, 1879. Letters To Editor Rodda-Van Gorder Hospital, Andrews, N. C February 1034 To The Editor Cherokee Scout Murphy, N. C. The blood mobile will rgain be in Andrews trorn 12 noon to 5 p. m. next Tuesday. March 2, and then the following week on March 8th the fund drive for the American Red Cross will begin for the And rews Chapter. The idea of the blood bulk was conceived during World War II. i The blood was furnished by the ; American civilians and processed | by and at the expense of the Amer t i an Red Cross, following tins the, blood was turned over to the med-! ical officers of the Armed Forces. From then on it w% used in almost j every country of the world where ever our casualties occured. Dur ing the war the mortality rate was so decreased and the results were so remarkable, it was decided by ?he American Red Cross in carry ci the blood bank as oae of its [ more worthwhile projects into the civilian status and ?* no expense to the recipient. Last year the Aaheville Blood Center, which operates the blood mobile and supplies blood to the smaller components of the blood bank, wag operated by the Ameri can Red Cross out. of its funds at an expense of $130,000, and this was money well spant. The blood hank represents only one part of the many worthy pro I jeots of the American Red Cross ' and th^ money we give during the i March fund raising campaign will I determine whether or not .the Red Cross will be able to carry on this expensive but all inportant pro ject. The money you donate and the blood you donate may be exactly what is needed i.ometime to save the life of your best friend or near relative. LET'S MAKE THE BLOOD BANK AVAILABLE AND KEEP IT SUPPIJED Sincerely. Charles O. Via Gorder. M D. It is estimated that North Caro lina turkey raisers will grow 5 per cent fewer bird;; this , ear than in 1953. Attention Motor Court Owners Guest Registration Card Special We save TIME-You Save MONEY 1,000 cards (3" X 5") Only $5.10 If you use our Regular Form. Offer open for 10 Days Only?Feb. 25 Through March 6 No Rush Orders Taken on thu. Offer YOUR COURT NAME IN THIS TYPE TOWN l\ THIS TYPE Name Address City , State Room No. Rate $ Date Arrived . Depart License No. Total S PHONE OR isyUL IX YOUR ORDER THE CHEROKEE SCOUT Phone 20 Murphy. N. C. When A MAN HEEDS PROTECTION Life is fall of situations in which both one's person and pocket hook are subject to hard blows. Fortunately, today yon can protect yourself acatnst both types of risk with modern insurance: Personal Accident insurance to cover injuries to yourself?Liability insurance to cover possible damaxe sulfa resulting from injuries to others?Fire insurant on your home and household property?and Extended Coverage that also protects you from damages caused by windstorms, fall ing airplanes and other hazards. We are fully prepared to gtve yon expert advice on sneh mat ters. Consult this agency today! INSURANCE DEPARTMENT CITIZENS BANK and TRUST CO. Murphy v Andrew! Feb. 22, 1954 To The Young People of America. If you wOl read this article ? through I think you will agree that your time was not wasted, and I assure you that every statement In j it is true. A little over three centuries ago our ancestors settled a new country. They didn't have automo biles. electricity and sky scrapers of our modern cities but individual ly they were just as you and I. j s0"1* good, sortie bad. some lazy, some industrious, some smart. 1 some dumb. They had not been here very j I long til a superstition called Witch ', ! Craft befogged the minds of prac- J ; tically everybody, the ministers ! rnd other leaders preached and be-'t ' lieved in the superstitution and the tragic and unbelievable fact is that they tried and put to death many old people who someone disliked J and accused of putting spells over . them by the ? magic of Witchery. * Now. you will asks, how could sane people be so stupid as to do such a 7 thing? Well, the reason is that ' everyone advocated, read about * Witches in the Bible and many act-' v ually believed in the superstition 1 and no one said one word against " it or tried to expose the supersti tion as the dweller of an ignorant 1 mind. As soon as a few people be- 3 gan the faiacy of it. it melted a- 5 way like snow in the sunshine. * I Now, the naration of the above 1 j bit of history i^ a parallel of a foolish practice of today that is on 4 [ a vast larger scale and doing mil- 11 | lion times the damage that Witch- f I craft could ever do and we may well ask ourselves how a people of even average intelligence could make it a billion dollar business effecting around three fourths of our population. j j If you will turn on your radio 3 or TV set you will see what I mean ' t for you will see the expenditure of millions of dollars in advertising various brands of cigarettes, all claimed to be the mildest and con taining less Nicotine than the other , brands advertised, and carrying ; the testimonial of this or that 1 movie star* or celebrity, all of I whom know nothing of the effects ; of tobacco on the human body and i all of them highly paid to lend j their name to the big lie. Now since you young people are i subjected to the endless parroting | [ of the wonders of the cigarette, let i me have a few minutes of your time to tell you the real truth a- < bout this thing called cigarette and t tobacco and what I am telling you < has been proven by eminent scien- ; tists and borne out fully by my ob- f servation5 as a Doctor treating con t ditions of the eye. ear, nose and * throat over a period of forty years, j rather than some screen star who < is well paid to parrot the false ( claims about the most destroying , far reaching poison ever used by \ 1 i the human race. I To begin with, we took the habit up from a savage race of American . Indians. Secondly, tobacco con- 4 tains the most deadly of all known ; poisons. namely. Nicotine, and | eighteen other poisons. One half j drop of Nicotine will kill an adult < person instantly If Injected. Third- , ly, it contains Formic Aldehlde, { Carbolic Acid, imagine its effect , on your lungs and throat. Pyridine, i similar in effect to Nicotine. It con , tains Furfural, the poisonous agent in whiskey, one cigwstte contains .as much of it as then is In two ounces of whiskey. | Furfural Is fifty times es poison ous as alcohol end causes the tre mor of the cigarette smoker and causes the shortness of breath so well known in the smoker. The Cigarette contains Acrolein which has a violent action on the nerve centers, productaw degener ation of the brain cells which Is pnemanent. ' , Now let's see what som^ men with brains rather than a movie contract say about the tobacco hab it The National Association of Edu cation says: The rapid increase in cigarette smoking among growing boys and girl, is (tot only a cause of alarm, tt is a call to arms. No tobacco user stands at the bead of his class or aver becomes a star athlete Ex-President Hoover said: There is no agency in the world that is so seriously effecting the health, mention, efficiency and character of boys and girls es the cigarette habit, cigarettes an a source ot Mrs. Powers Dies In Andrews M? H?tUe Frank Powers. 78 died in an Andrews hospital at 1:30 p. m Tuesday, Feb. 16 after a long illness. She was born and reared in Town, County. Ga, and bad lived in Cherokee County for the past 35 > ears. I Funeral services were conducted in Valleytown Baptist Church of which rf?e was a member, at 2 p. m. Wednesday. The Rev. Ralph Marttoeson offi ?lated and burial was In Valley town cemetery. Pallbearers were Alder Purser, Howard Gregory. Carrol Brown. Lee Bailey and Alvin Younce. Surviving are five daughters. Wrs. G. W. Henry of Waynesville. ttrs. Grover Collett, Mrs. Gordon Wilson. Mrs. Ray Matheoon and Mrs. Nathan Reynolds of Andrews; >n'e son. Grady Powers of Andrews Also three sisters. Mrs. Garfield insley of National City. CaUf. Mrs Tallie Plott. and Mrs. Alice Mc Taggart of Tunnel Hill, Ga.; three irothers. S. N. Webb of Farming on. N. M.. Lon Webb of Belmont Ind Everett Webb of Denver, Colo. [5 grandchildren and 25 great ;randchildren. Townson Funeral Home wa, in barge. i )r. Ezzell Sponsor :or Dental Clinic ATLANTA. GA?Dr. L. L. Ez e!l has been designated as And ews sponsor of the big Thomas P. Unman Mid-Winter Dental Clinic ihich will be held at the Atlanta Municipal Auditorium March 21, 2. 23 and 24. Dr. Ezzell is among the 1.000 >rominent Southern dentists Who ttended the scientific meeting last ear and as a result, been asked o sponsor the clinic among den ists in his district. The 1954 meeting will be the ,2nd annual clinic, which is held, mder the auspices of Atlanta s fifth District Dental Society. RECEIVE 3rd DEGREE Jack Dickey and Mr. Bagley. of liw&ssee Dam. received the third legree at a meeting of Cherokee j x>dge No. 146 A. F. and A. M. at , meeting Saturday night. A large crowd attended, mem >ers of a number of neighboring odges, as far away as Abbeville. >eing present, according to an-, jouncement by Sam L. Davidson, j ?rime! nearly every delinquent boy ( s a cigarette smoker. Dr. Hutchinson of the Kansas State Reformatory says; Cigarettes ire the cause of the downfall of nore boys in this institution than ill other vicious habits combined-( Do the statements of these emi- ^ lent people mean more to you ban the paid testimonial of some responsible movie employee? As a Specialist treating diseases >f the upper respiratory tract, I ell you with all sincerity that the ^ ;laims made by tobacco companies ( ibout their product are absolutely j alse. Cigarettes do irritate the ( hroat, sinuses, bronohii and lungs. | They shorten your life, give you lumpy nerves, cause ulcer of the { Jomach. shorten your wind, hind-, >r digestion and poison your nerv ;s with a deadly poison that passes shis -weakness on to even the third generation. j We have mentioned briefly come of the evils of tobacco as far xs physical being is concerned. Now, if it were a harmless habit the fact that it is the cause of more loss of property by fire than any ather cause should be enough to cause any sensible people to out law it and the only reason it i?'t, the same crmie to raise tobacco that it Is Narcotics is by reason of the tremendous revenue the Gov ernment collects from the tobacco Industry. Narcotics, used in mod eration would not damage the hu man system as much as tobacco, but you get Jailed for raising Nar cotls and paid fifty cents a pound to raise tobacco. This article i, probably the only one you ever read telling you the truth about tobacco instead of try ing to tell you enough untruths to get you to buy the stuff and then you can understand the uhy of Witchcraft and the way of the To bacco babk^ , Boys and Girls,, you are only owking monkeys of yqprselves if you do things Just- because you saw someone else do it, and no boy or girl ever took up this filthy, destructive habit for any'otter reason than be asw someone eiue do it, which is worse than no ex cuse at ail. You should see some of the bab ies I see born of cigarette mothers. That would be *M the protection would need. {.sua not paid to tall you this, and I say, leave It akma. F. V. TAYOR. M ?. Andrews Girls End Undefeated Season The Andrews Girls put la an evening at top notch playing to down a good Hayesvtlle teem 60 52 Tuesday. This marked the end of a full undefeated season of 15 games. The game was nip and tuck all the way, with Hayeaville holding an 8 point lead at the halfway mark (34-26). The half Mid final scores marked the widest margins of the game. Only in the final four minutes of the game did the And rews gir^ begin to puH in front, scoring three field goal^ In less ?-han two minute, of playing time. Sue Crawford was faigti scorer with 30 points. Doris Teas bad 10 point, and Elisabeth Postell 14. Wanda Garrett racked up 29 points for HayesviUe. Meanwhile, the Andrews boys dropped their game to Hayesvllle 45-34. This gives the Andrews boys an 8-4 conference record lor the Dean Truett and Bobby Cooper led the Andrews attack with 12 points each. Harold Long of Hayes vtlle led the scoring with 23 points. Among The Sick The Rev. A. R. Bell is expected to return home this week from an Emory Ga. hospital where he un derwent surgery recently. Mrs. Bell has been dismissed f from Murphy General Hospital where she was a patient last week.I J. M- Hamrick left Tuesday for an Atlanta hospital for an appendec tomy. Mrs.'Ruby Rogers Oorne is re ported to be seriously ill in Clear water. Fla. She is a sister of Mrs. Ann Rogers Mathqton of Candrel's Beauty Shoppe. arid formerly lived in Murphy. The fffnily was called to her bedside Sunday. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Bob White announce the birth of a daughter, Kathryn Sharon, on Thursday. February 18, in Murphy General Hospital. IN PETRIE HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs Hoyt Sneed, Rt. 1, Murphy announce the birth of a son. Feb. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Hillard Foster, Rt. j 1. Murphy, announce the birth of a' son, Feb. 19. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Sanders of Murphy announce 'the birth of a' son, Feb. 19. Mr. and Mrs. Kobert Taylor Rt. 3. announce the birth of a son. Feb. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones of Unaka announce the birth of a1 daughter, Feb. 21. Hadley Dickey At Chev. Dealers Meet Hadley Dickey, Dickey Chevro let-Olds. Co. Inc. has just returned from Atlanta, Ga. where wti intercepted at lea* dO.OOO 1 f ?o*rabaod plant, or plant p ducts