Mr. tad Mn. J. A. Ramsey of C?e Creek vsdted Mr. wad Mn. Walter SteA* Be ?ari aod Ctrl ?Hue lldn ??-. MM Deutf Hall ef dhrouph our tertian ?bu week. Sammie Culver wee tick laet week but ie resorted better new. Glenn Gibson was at Jasper. Qt, Sunday. Reed Stiles of AMtevlUe spent tke week end at borne. ? ? WANTED And Sbert Order Cask ?V < V? ? ? C ' *? Apply In Edison's Restaurant mgmT * PERSONALS Or. and Mrs. R. S. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Williams tod sac Hu. returned tost week from ? trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Fain, Jr.. of Atlanta, were week end guests of Mr and Mrs. Charles Hyatt. Mrs. Jack Boeeok and children, Jan and Jay. spent last week end with relatives in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brow? of Footana Dam spent last week a with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. HardMg here. tMr. and Mrs. Ray Whitener and son. Danny Ray .left Saturday Cor their home in Detroit, Mich., after having spent several weeks here with relatives and friends. Miss Edna Bishop and her moth' ;r have returned home after hav ing been away for six weeks. -Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Swain left Wednesday Cor Keene, Tex., on bus ness MCCUUOO/ 4-SO MOW OM DISMAY We are proud to announce the gnat new McCulloch 4-30 Chain Saw. Ideal for 1-man felling, bucking, limbing... in timber up to 5 feet thickI See us for full details and free demonstration, ALEXANDER CHAIN SAW & EQUIP. CO. Sales & Service Phone 80-J Murphy. N. C. After 6 P. M. 80-W MAIL THIS AD TODAY I am interested in a McCulloch Chain Saw Model (please check) ( I Model 33 2.1 hp. ( ) Model 47 3.5 bp. ( ) <-30 4. hp. NAME ADDRESS CKjr . State IfttM DICKEY SUPPLY CO. -?? '? ? 1. Jk Ufey.K.c.1 r u r * Peachtree a itiM-. ? Mr. And Mrs. Hill Thomasson and Miss Charlotte Thomasson vis ited their brother in Blairsville. Ga . Friday night. Earl Moore of Cramerton, N. C. visited his mother Mrs. Susie Moore, last week. Carl Ray Lunsford of the U. S. Army, returned to camp after spe nding 10 days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Lunsford here. Mrs. Morrison Moore makes a trip to Atlanta, Ga., each week for treatment Ed Moore has moved his family back here after living some time in Gastonia. Mrs. Susie Moore has been sick it her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Math Leather vood spent Saturday night with iheir daughter *t Fires Creek. Miss Sarah Breedlove was re por ed some better after taking treat nent in Asheville. ' We have been having some real Among The Sick W. H. Murray, who underwent a spinal operation in Memorial Mis sion Hospital in Aabeville last Thursday, is reported to be doing 'very well. Charles Hyatt returned last week from Duke Hospital where he was under treatment for some time and is reported to be im proving nicely. Tom Evans returned hony Sat urday from Petrie Hospital where he wag treated (or a back injury 'from an automobile accident He is reported to be improving stead ily. Mrs. R. H. (Grannie) Hyatt con tinues quite ill at her home here. winter days after a few days like spring and people began to think about their gardens. Ricky Thomaseon spent Friday night with his grandparents, Mr. [and Mrs. C. W. Thomasson. i Mr. and Mrs. John Curtis and daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. Wld Christopher of Copperhill. Tonn., one night last week. ,( At Brett KING Barbara LAWRENCE HENN THEATRE Murphy, N. C. Wednesday.-Thursdiy, Mar. 17-18 i'xm i ji;^ * no/' Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hughes and family mads ? business trip to. At lanta. Ga Mrs. T. W. Kilpa trick and Bin. i. H Kilpa trick made a business trip to Murphy Saturday. Mrs. I. R Elliott and Mrs. Mary Forrister vsKed Mrs. WU1 Sneed one day last weak. Mr. and Mrs. Lenoir Moss of Ellijay Ga.. spent the week end with Mr and Mrs. F. W. Kilpat rick and family. Mrs. Edward Stevens and child ren of Culberson visited Mrs. Fred Sneed recently. Mrs. Lum Ledfbrd spent one day last week with Mrs. Lola Hensoo. Mr. Frank Green of Cartersvllle. Ga.. was the dinner guest of Mr. md Mrs. Fred Sneed Sunday. Mr. Clifford Elliott and daught ers visited Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Ell ott Sunday Mrs. Jess Winget who broke her irm recently is improving. Mrs. P. R. Hughes and son visit ?d Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sneed one lay last week. I, Mrs. Iduma Baitey of Marietta, v la . visited relatives here recently. Patrick Mrs. Arthur Cordin Is reported on the sick list. C. C. Standridge and Baine were in Murphy Tuesday as business. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hughes of Farner, Tenn. were visiting Mrs Hughes' mother. Mrs. G. O. Raid Tuesday evening. Mis. Hazel nQThe'a mother, who is a patient in Black Mountain, is said to he improving. The Bev. Lester Geek, plater of Liberty Baptist Church, has bean among the sick. Mrs. Louise Ledford and son, Stevie, were the guests Monday of Mrs. Bertha Martin. Clarence Jones is among the sick. Mr. and Mrs. C. C ?tsndridge and Mrs. Clyde Williamson were the guests of Mrs. Berths Martin Tuesday. Mr. end Mrs. Leonard Stand ridge left Mar. 6 for Orlando, Fla., [or a week's vacation. Mrs. M. E. Kllpatrtek has been visiting her son. A. L. Kilpatrick, yi Ducktown Term., for the past week. | Bobby Pollard Is sick with tonai BIRTHS in raw hospital Mr.