& Saluting Cherokee County's 1,000 4-H ers PLANNING SPECIAL PROJECT HIWASSEE DAM SENIOR GIRLS 4-H member, dtecum plans for a dairy foods demonstration with the help of their leaders. Left to rlfht are Juanlta Raper, Mrs. G. H. Butler, Home Demon stration 4-H leader, Lucille Graham. Geraldine Henry, Wills Lou Raper and Mrs. Marion Wilson, school club sponsors. Parents Mean Growth To 4-H ! I Wherever a club member has sue , I eeded, a parent has been interest Four-H Club leeders report. Pireivts have been proud that their son or daughter has become 1 member of the greatest volun | tary rural youth movement in the United States. > iut-H has appealed to parents because It is a "back to the home" program. Patients have) realized the value of their children's learn ing how to solve a farm or home problem through project work. Club members have shown the way ' many times, it was said. Whenever a boy or girl joined the Four-H Club and continued to be active, parents have encouraged them, the leaders say. When disappointment came, par ents offered a guiding hand, and when a job was well done, parents Wherever you nee a 4-H Gate Sifn denotinr the home of a 4-H Club Member, there you will find a conscientious citizen?one who has dedicated Head, Heart, Hands, and Health to Club, Community, and Country. Durlnt 4-H Club Week, March 8-14, we salute these boys and yirls, men and women, who are worklnr to tether for the better ment of America. MURPHY HARDWARE Murphy, N. C. Phone 25 k fe.i with a This new '54 GMC light-duty wasn't born just to win beauty contests. Sure, its sleek lines, full-width grille and panoramic windshield are handsomely un-trucklike. There's the same dashing air about the inside, too. Two-tone color scheme. Harmonizing, supple-as leather upholstery. Smart instru ment panel, with dials clustered for instant reading. ? But mister-take another lookl j. A burly, brawny brute of an engine jj?a real truck engine?makes you ithink of a Miss America who also i bend horseshoes. 12S horsepower sys that this beauty can heft a top with ease and dash. That's more power than some makers pack into their two-ton models. That's more usable Power than in any other 6-cylinder engine in its classI And its wide, deep box holds at least 8 cubic feet more than the roomy '53 model. That tail gate is grain* tight?and sand-tight. Finally, itoffersTruclc Hydra-Matic Drive* that saves you, scves your cash, saves your time. (Note to the luxury-minded: there's a DE LUXE model at extra cost, with chrome grille and trim, two-tone paint, curved rear corner windows-the worhs!) Come in and drive this great GMC. It will do all its own selling! 'Track Hydro-Mafic Drive ttandmrd cm M. J. /, aAei m M m I Meager^ O ~? mO& mmm wprrwmeu est wmttw cms wet mmti. Be careful?drive cafety D. & L. PONTIAC CO. Phone 243 Murphy, N. C. ? . -.I i* t aIAa ? !? m fm mm m m mM ? I 1 - - ? ?bM- ? ? ? mm? il ? ? ^ ? v pMMMtewHM iiP9 09rrvrpnauMarrvcxi?fiof9vr wivivavaivf ???????????? H IIII i?Mi * Iin iw ,?.?? ?*?***?<* ??*?*. A. .???#**,... ???9w* + i. nj^iffimi if FOUR H'ERS HELP PLAN their own program* and activities. Pic ured above are the 4-H County Council Officers. Left to right are re porter. William Lee, Martin's Creek; vice-president, Clyde Stark*. Bearpaw Rd.; secretary. Jerry Ruth Smith, Martin', Creek; president Juanlta Raper. Oak Park: Not present for the Picture were recreation leader. Tommy Keenum Suit; and mnslc leader. Jo Ann McDonald^ White Church. ;joiced along with the Four H'er. It has made the parents happy, ie leaders say. when a boy or irl was proud to say, "This is my ilf. Daddy loaned me the money i I could have a really good one." When a boy or girl has learned ie most it has been because the arent did not do the work for lem but showed the .way. Club ork has meant the most when the imily could share together their xperience around the "family, ta le". These occasions have helped lie boys and girls feel that club rork was important. i Club work has grown the most lso in communities where the lome Demonstration Clubs, P.T. l.'s, church, school and others hared in the program. Leaders say the club work will I ontinue to grow with the full sup iort and interest of parents. DEiTTAnE. 1UC.O ur vinnvn rhe deadline for that annual [htmare of filing income tax is nost here. Monday. Mar. IS, is A Job Well Dane ! 4-H boys and cirls help keep Am erica strong by contributing In lar ge measure to its economy. But, more than that, their Industrious, serious-minded clttsenship gires the nation deep confidence for the rnture. During National 4-H Club Week, March 4-14, we Join Uncle Sam in congratulating 4-H mem ben, not only In our community but throughout the nation. Farmers Federation Congratulations, 4-H'ers! Thf observance of National 4>H Club Week,'March 8-14, la an opportunity to aalute the more than two million 4-H boy* and ftrl, who' are taklna Important atrldes toward finer ettfemnahlp. Whether it be learatnc better care and operation of farm equip ment or mastering a homemaklnc akin, 4-H member* acquire In itiative. responsibility and leadership. We commend them for their dedication to the fourfold development of Head, Hands, and Health through the 4-H profram. Roy V. Lovingood's Home of Sun Dial Shoes PORKY WOULDNT POSE PORKY WOULDN'T COOPERATE with the camera, bat be did cooperate with his young Four-H Club owner, Claude Row land. by winning a bine ribban at the county fair. Four H'ers like to watch entitle end plants crew and above three of Claude's ir.ends admire his young gilt Left to right fat the picture are Billy Parker, Betty Kate Wilson. Jackie Wilson and Claude Row laud. All live In the Slow Creak Community and are members of the Peachtree, Four- H Club aseeyt Jackie, Who 11 * menftr of the Murphy Senior Club. - ? ? ' 1 uiemuers uiuuse Their Projects Four-H Club members choose ?Aom a variety of farm and home projects those that interest them m?st. ' ' U * I ) ? * Thg aim of a project is to teach 1 better way by putting to prac tice the recommendations that are le last day for filing both state developed mrougn xnc ?penui??. id federal income returns. stations. J If we'd know'd you was a-comin'.... Yes! We'd have baked a cake for 4-H Club Week March 6-14. . . .an occasion for congratulations to 4-H members and their leaders. Many a 4-H Club girl can turn out pastry rivaling that, of the most ? \ mature homemaker. . . .and 4-H boys are equally able in their chosen projects. These competent young folk have many achievements to their credit. Yet, along with the'hard work they learn to have fun and be a part of group activity, too. During this special week in the 4-H Club year, we salute them for their contributions to the betterment of their community and their country. Murphy Supply