NOTICE or SALE OF BEAL ESTATE IN THE SUPEBIOB COl'HT SUMMONS DOCKET NO. 117S NOTICE OF SALE OF BEAL ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY CHEROKEE COUNTY, PLAINTIFF -vs. ( FRED DALRYMPLE and wife, CASSIE DALRYMPLE; P. B. FEREBEE, Judgment Creditor, DEFENDANTS By virtue of authority vested In rr.e by a judgment of the Superior Court of Cherokee County dated the 12th day of January, 1MB, In the above entitled action, 1 will on dmsday. the 14th day of April, 1934 at 12:00 O'clock. Noon, at the L jurlhouse Door in Murphy. Cher .ikee County North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for ; ash, the following described lands in Kotla Township. Cherokee Coun j y. North Carolina: Being 30 acres, more or less of '~nd and bounded as follows: Mrs. Palmer b Hostess On Birthdays Mrs. Leonard Palmer honored her father, Elvert Queen on his 72 birthday, and her mother-in On th? North by Eliza Hughes; on the Last by Hobart Hughes; on ,te South by Sam Hughes; and on ;he West by Ross Hatchett. This the 10th day of March, 1954 H. L. McKeever 36-4tc Commissioner law, Mrs. Emma Palmer, on her 76 birthday recently. | Persons attending were Mr. and ?Mrs. Clint Han-ock and children, helby Ann and Gerald; Dorothy ?aimer. Mrs. Elbert Queen ,Mr. nd M s liaro.dJenkins and Ger aldine Ji nk ns: Randall Palmer; Lena P_lmtr and Leonard Palmer. The Agricultural Conservation Program provides federal cost sharing to help farmers protect their land against the ravages of erosion, Godfrey explains. To the extent the tarmers use the pro am to help them protect and im prove their land the losses from .wie will he reduced. For Day-Long Comfort Wear a pair of ORTHO-VENT cushioned shoes. BEN M. RAGSDALE Murphy, N. C. Yout-Local uniHu ViM Dealer Hfe say this to America... It took Studebaker,the great independent, to build the really modern car! Today's new Studebaker ? styled by Raymond Loewy ? is Studebaker's answer to America's growing demand for lower cost motoring. The s peed lined new Studebaker silhou ette is designed to save gasoline sensation ally because it's free from power-wasting excess bulk. Studebaker's independence is the reason we've been able to introduce the far-ad vanced new 1954 Studebaker so fast. Get ahead of the parade with an out ahead Studebaker. It will be worth more when you trade because its design is so advanced. H. S. VANCE, PtmMm# PAUL a. HOFFMAN, Chairman ol Hm BoarW THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION GET AHEAD OF THE PARADE! GET MORE WHEM YOU TRADE! WkiU adcwall tint ud chrome wheel dlaea optioul in ill model* At extra eori EVANS AUTO CO. Phone 48 Murphy, N. C. m.vo? GOOD TEA 1QC4 All-Nylon Cord .Super-Cushion ON OUR SPECIAL 'yoi/m'rmt mOHNPlANf 3nc//oofc ar tieee Now, regardless of the condition of your pres ent tires, we'll allow you their full value when traded for new Nylon Super-Cushions. ? Up to 12*/. more mileage than last year! ^ ? IS*/, greater skid protection! ? Quieter ride .. . less squeal on turns! This great tire is made with Goodyear's ex clusive Triple-Tempered 3-T Nylon! The result? A tire so strong that impact blowouts are almost unheard of! Its remarkable anti-vibration tread has 1806 inches of non-skid edges. 880 deep-cut safety slots for 15% greater skid resistance. Yet this tire costs only a few dollars more than a standard tire! "Trade today without delay''. TERMS! Pay as low as $1.25 A WEEK for a PAIR! ATTENTION new car owners Trad* for stronger, saf*r All-Nylon Cord Supor-Cwtblons today. It will cost loss than you thlnkl Allison & Duncan Tire Co MURPHY. N. C. PHONE S28 Haze I wood . Sxlva MOVING? Call... ( \ AMERICAN * RED BALL TRAJttfT COMPANY, MC. JH&MU" _ - -.fl SAFE ? DEPENDABLE ? ECONOMICAL NATION-WIDE MOVING SERVICE AUTHORIZED AGENT Palmer Bros. Trucking Co. Inc. Phone 202 Murphy, N. ?... COMPARE OUR AUTO INSURANCE RATES WITH ANY! Economical operation and coreful selection of risks keep Farm Bureau auto insurance rates low ? you get maximum protection for less money. Before you buy or renew, check with the Farm Bureau insurance representa tive in your community. More than a million city and rural drivers insured. Coll ? JOHN SHIVAR THE BLOSSOM SHOP MTTBPHT, n. c. FARM BUREAU MUTUAL ^AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY "f',. HOME OFFICE: COLUW9U S "O H I O ><* THE LONE RANGER By Fran Striker l'W|V|1T?ri:( WTrunFVn.! JUMP DOWN AND KEEP MM) FROM YOUR guns; WE WANT TO QUESTION VOU / ROBBERY OF BRITISH ] "~ GOLD. i YOU'D BETTER SEARCH 'EH SHERIFF/ ' ^SHERIFF, WE'RE NOT fl GOLD ROBBERS/ 0^^ T\ THIS MAN LONE RANGER !) twe LONE GANGER?) CAN YUH PRQVEL THAT? r YES. PEAC? THE , LETTER IN KY SHIRT POCKET GREAT SCOTT/ YOU y ARE THE LONE RANGE!?/ iVz DON'T YUH BBUBVr / J THIS LETTER IDENTIFIES THE lone ranger/ it? signed BV A HIGH OFFICIAL. ? I SAY THIS MAN'S A CROOK./ HE PPOB'LY t KILLED THE LONE RANGER.// WHY NOT SEARCH HIM ANP SEE M IF HE'S CARRYIN' THAT STOLEN BRITISH GOLD? ?fc(N 1 V " LOOK/ HE'S GOT BPITISH COIN? HIS SADDLEBAGS/ mtim I RECKON THIS PROVES "THE MASKED MANS THE HI&HWAY ROBBER ( ? THAT PUTS A NEW LIGHT J ON "THINGS/ ? 3 WE FPAMEP J \r TWE'LL HAVE \ I TO MAKE A ' L>I BREAK. DISARM DEPUTY-- j J^T tM, TONTO/\ /'LL GETHft/ Z&L (_7P THE HOUSES, TON TO?) Our OF Mr J 9?^-^ come on s/Lvee,