?i?e tffcrrakff Htuwt Established July 1889 Publisher1 *verv Thursday at Murphy, Cherokee County, N. C WILLIAM V. AND EMILY P. COSTELLO Publishers and Ow ners WILLIAM \ COM LLLO Editoi SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Cherokee Counts One Year, $2 50; Six Months. $1 50; Outside Cherokee County One Year. $3 00; Six Months, $1.75 -ntered in the Post Office at Murphy, North Carolina, as second - tag matter under the Act of March ). 1879. Church Should Be Guiding Influence Of Community BY WINSTON CRAIG * Chairman of the Board of Deacons of the First Baptist Church. Mur phy. We are told by Webster's Dic tionary that a church is ' an edifice tor religious worship." The Holy Bible tells us that a church % a local congregation of obedient believer 1 oulii, J 1 might, with these two very similar definitions kept in mind, like to cause every read er of this article to tnink, to think, to think. In this atomic age in which we c ? living many people think in 1- ns of the f nancial, physical and I t'v social, forgetting entirely the! spiritual side ce imuniv end oar country taday is I,he spiritual One noted writer has said that the next field to b? conquered is that of human relations. The art i f people being abic to live to gether amicabiy in peace, in harmony with their fellow man. i i oguizing your neighbor and his privileges, recognizing also tin individual s obligations and responsibilities to his neighbor, to his churh, and to his God. The Church should be a guiding influence oil tit? individual w'ocro n 'V he iY!ir'h' h an pleasure Or at v. iih. T ? c cbinv'i i'.iiu'U lie an in fill.vice on the s h.i P., of our land. I b< in? ox .".??nc'.y c i rc'i n.nl about he program of Christian 'ditca . . in so far as iiifiucnciug the' ,.itv and student I nly toward mair.t r ir. ice .it a h giior ".'aud it morality. I would lik-1 rinfine the im' I) ' inc i l ie i mrCi to a coin iiiit., by o 'lining i.ouie of the at1- >U'toif a Christian. A Chrir-' t; has a f0 giving spirit tie ?? v.illing to carry h.s p ill if (he Inn ' H" has a heart ot io.'e for his fel 1 - man. cjnsideratora tar others, de voted to his Christian duty, dil igent. faith in Cod, forebearance. You should find a Christian free from anger, conceit, envy, gossip,' judging others, malice, wordly en-1 taiiglements. You Should find fur-! ther characteristics in a Christian such as gentleness, holiness, hon esty, hospitality, humility, kind ness, meekness, obedience, pati ence. purity of heart, reliance upon God. I\e have record in the Bible of a man who had the qualities listed above?one infallible, perfect, a savior an example never equaled in so far as mankind knows of. Can you imagine a town inhabit ed with people of these character istics? Certainly you and I can see the importance of the church to a community. We will say. then, that the most important doty of a chur ch to a community is. being led by the pastor, that it should strive to preach, to teach and to live so near the example left as by oar savior, leans Christ, that lost men and wo- . men. seeing the contrast in the lives of professed Christians and their own. will want to live a little better, will want to come to church. srOl want ?0a influence used toward the betterment nf his community. .. The consequence, naturally is that we have a better church, a better town, a better county. We need to give God a chance NOW. Over a six weeks period there will be an emphasis on the part of all churches and church members, cooperating together, en deavoring to invite everyone to go to the church of his or her choice. If you haven't been asked, I'm asking you through this article, a personal invitation, to come to the First Baptist Ghunh, or to the church of your choice, next Sun day. Realize, If you will, that you as an individual, are responsible the success, or failure, of thi, prog ram. Give God ? chance, NOW1 insects and dlaeaaeu attack every major crop grown In North Car The Andrews Lions Club sponsor a Kroom and !.'? Mat Sale Friday and Sat u.dav. March 26 and 27. This sj':,, will include a door to ???a. r sale and street sales in Andrews Marble and Nanta hila. There are two sizes of r>r "ins. one suitable for stores and business places and one for housewives. Lion E. A. M linger is the chairman of this sale which will be the tit st of an annual broom and : wr mat sale. Andrews Personals and Mr? Clinton Luther V :it.1. Gj spent the week . Mr. ar.cl Mi ? .1. W. Luth ,-i Mr,. ,t D. King and of Dal' r.. Ga.. were the ui guest, of Mr. and Mrs. ] l- , Gay. - .1 >e Sursavaie has returned after a visit with her parents (if Mrs M H. Russell in i". .ersville. ft Ferebee and W. D. Whitak ci the week end in Raleigh where they attended a bankers con ve .*i: r. Mrs. Baxter Lay and son. Dick ey spent last week in Sylacauga. Ada visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs W. H. Wyatt. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrance Reed anas-ans. Tommy and Charles B? sper.t the week end with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Baker. Mr< and Mrs.-L. B. Nichols have returned home after a weeks visit witn their son. Lee Nichols, and family in Nashville. Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hall of Ash eville were in Andrews during the week end due to the illness of Mrs. Kail's father, Jake Abemathy. Miss Margaret and Miss Mabel Fi.sr.er have returned from a two week s busing and vacation trip to Nev, York. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heaton hive returned from a weeks vacat NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHEROKEE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT CKSROKEE COUNTY, PLAINTIFF, -vs W V. TAYLOR and wife. CLARA TAYLOR, and JOHN BEAVER and ?wife. VESTA BEAVER DEFENDANTS. TO W. V. TAYLOR TAKE NOTICE THAT: A pleading seeking relief against yea has been filed in the above en titled action. The nature of the re lief being sought is as follows: Tse foreclosure of the lien of Cherokee County taxes against real estate located in Beaverdam Township, Cherokee County, North Carolina, and the condemnation of said lands to sale to satisfy said taxes, tax liens, interest and costs of this action and to forever bar and foreclose all of your rights, title and interest to the same. You are required to make de fense to such pleading not later than Friday the 14th day of May, 1*M and upon your failure so to do the parties seeking service ?gainst you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 30th dey of March. 1054 J. L. HALL S7-4tc Clerk of the Superior Court ion in Fiordia. Mrs. Paul Boring and son, Paul Boring. Jr., and Dan Owens of Can ion. Ga., were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dewar. Harry Dewar of Atlanta, Ga , was the overnight guest of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dewar. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Payne i t'.iildren. Janet and Scott of t Point. Ga., and Miss Ann Hill [ " Bryson City were week end of Mrs. Frank Crawford. Miss Sus^ Miller has returned ?? Agnes Scott College. Decatur. Oa. a'ter several days vish with ' er parents. Dr. and Mrs. Harry Miller. Mrs. C. E. Hyde and children, Rosalie andPeggy and Mrs. S. M. ilenton spent Friday and Saturday n Atlanta with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. lenton and children. Mrs. Wiley C. Kinney. Jr., and Monday. Tommy Moore of Atlanta, Ga., IT.. Moore, and Vera Moore, pent the week end with Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Snyder of \shevil!e spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Luther. son. Michael, spent the week end in Dalton. Ga, with her parents,1 Mr. and Mrs. J. M Jones. Mrs. Howard Moody spent last ?eek in Knoxville with her sister, Mrs. Benton M. Taylor and Mr. Taylor. Mrs. Ruth Carringer spent last week with her son-in-law and dau-1 ghter. Mr and Mrs. R. J. Blake in Heflln. Ala. Mr and Mrs. Blake > with their children, Richard and Mike, accompanied her bom? and ! are spending thi, week here with her. Mrs. P. F. Woodyard and aon, Michael Peyton, of Covington, Ky., after having spent a month here with her mother, Mrs. Willard Co oper. returned to their home Sun day. accompanied by Mr. Wood yard who canvg for the week end. Mrs. Ralph Harbin of Maryville. Tenn.. visited her mother, Mrs. L. E. Mauney, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Spurge Christoph er of Atlanta came for th* week end to visit the former's mother, Mrs. W. Christopher, who is ill. Jim Franklin attended a Buick Dealers Meeting in Greenville, S. C . last week He was accompanied >y Mrs. Franklin and Mrs. W. P. Odom. Mr. and Mrs W A Phillips of Asheville were in Murphy Monday.; Mr and Mrs. W. A. Sherrill, Jr., are here with Mr. Sherrill's moth er. Mrs. W. A. Sherrill. I Gordon Darnell has returned to McCallie School in Chattanooga tfter a few days' vacation at home. Coming Soon TOBACCO ROAD", DICKEY THEATRE NOTICE DEMOCRATSOFTOWN OF MURPHY There will be an open meeting at the Courthouse Monday Evening, March 29 at 7:30 O'clock For the purpose of Nominating a Mayor and 6 Councilm en to be voted on in the May 4th Elec tion THIS IS YOUR PARTY1 IT IS URGENT THAT YOU BE AT THIS MEETING TO SELECT THE PERSONS OFYOURCHOICE! 'rocket' WAS GREAT B EFOR I Be Sure to Drive this 54 ! This Is your year own \ an NO ? SO L.OW ? SO I.OVBL.V ? SO UVML.V * 2-tW Sodon A CamI Moton VdW. ...It's America** mast talksd-sbout carl What ? pmwility?and what a performer! This sensational new Oldsmobile Saper "88" ia not only the moat thinning car that erer atole the abow?it'a the moat thrilling, willing car that ever took to the road! Come alip behind ita dramatic, panoramic wind ahield! Tingle to the hreath-taking power of ita record-breaking new "Rocket" Engine! Relax in the effortleaa security of its Safety Power Steering*! Savor the solid luxury of its road-bugging ride! Here ia visibility, maneuverability, readability you've always dreamed of discovering! See us for your date... with an "88"! ?Optional at extra east. IX/I Dickey Chevrolet"Oldsinobile Co. PHONE 60 MURPHY, N. C. ? TUNI IN THURS., MARCH 2S-ACADIMY AW/RDS PRISINTATION ON NtC TV AND ?ADIO J EbQIBIUK^ ?k SPEAKS '" ? 1 1! | BY DR. KENNETH J. FOREMAN J ftcrlptare: John 15? It. D?*?4i*n?l RtaJtaf: AcU S: 14. 57-30 Guiding Spirit Umi for March tt. 1M4 ??\1T HAT kind of evidence could *V convince you that God ex lets?" The question was put to a famous agnostic who answered it in a popular magatine last talL He writes: "1 think that if I heard a voice from the sky predicting all that was going to happen to me during the next 24 hours, including events that would have seemed highly improbable, and if all these ! events then pro ceeded to happen, I might perhaps be convinced at least of the exist ence of some su perhuman intelli gence." This ag nostic, who has a brilliant mind and knows a great deal about many things, Dr. Foreman has managed to lay bare a consid erable ignorance about religion on his part. If this is what he insists on before he will believe in God, he will never get it. If we all waited for the kind of thing he wants to hear, no one would be able to believe in God. ? ? ? The Spirit, Does Guide, But... To begin with, it is most unlike ly that God will reveal his plans in detail to this gentleman. He has never done it yet, not to prophets and not to apostles, saints or, martyrs It One of the greatest of these who sa.d we walk by faith and not by sight. So it is not like ly that God will give an elaborate set of predictions to a man who does not want to believe in the first place In the second place, the demand made by the agnostic as sumes that the future is just as fixed as the past, that there is no such thing as freedom. Not even God can predict one day's events in advance if there is any real freedom in the person to whom he makes the prediction (This is a different thing from saying God cannot know in advance?that is anothei proposition And yet. and vet?the same Christian church which would with one voice deny hut God pi i :: ises to any man in adi le knowledge in advance of ,vii int day s happenings, has llnineJ from the very beginning rat God does guide his people by ciis Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus' promise, that the Spirit would guide his people into "all truth." has been fulfilled. It may be a mistake (though this writer thinks not) to suppose that the Holy Spirit has more than we think to do with men's discoveries in science, in geography and inven tion; it is certainly no mistake to suppose that the Spirit guides men and women in their daily lives and problems. The Spirit does guide us but not as a voice from between the clouds and the moon. How long is It since anybody in your church heard, with his ears, a voice out of the sky? Yet God's voice is heard every day by Chris tians, the "still small voice," the voice that makes no sound, the "sound of gentle stillness" which is the literal translation of "still small voice." Spirit of Truth The most serious practical prob lem connected with the guidance ot the Spirit ot God in our daily Uvea .s this, first of aU: How can we tell the Spirit's "leading" from no tions of our own? When we have an Impulse to do or to say some thing. to go or to wait, is this God that gives us the impulse, or is it only ourselves, or (chilling thought) could it even be an evil spirit? Mow we must remember that God can and does speak to us In quite "ordinary" ways. When we are really hungry, we look tor food. We don't need any voice from the sky. But In the "natural" Instinct of hunger, God who made us Is saying to us, "Eat if you want to lire." Admitting an this, is there any good way of telling whan the voice ta God's and when it la not? Yes. One test la this: Is It the voice of truth? Does It push you toward reality or away from it? . . . What would you say to a man who told you that Ood had commanded him to marry Ova wives? ? ? ? The Spirit of Jesus The Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Jesus are not two Spirits but one. This gives us further insight into how we may identify the true divine Spirit, as different from our own. If ever we are tempted to justify something we want to do. by saying It Is God's will, let us stop and think Brat: Is this what Jesus would do? We know enough about Jesus to know what sort of person he was. We know how he lived. We can be quite certain that the Holy Spirit will never lead a man to do an un-Chrlstllke thing. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Shields atten ed the funeral of a cousin in Mor anton. Ga? Monday. Dick Ketner of Clemson College L C. spent the week end here with is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Quay ataar.