A REPORT To The People Of Cherokee County Sixteen months ago, y cu, the citizens of Cherokee County elected me to represent you in the North Carolina General Assembly. It was my privilege to serve you there for nearly four months - Since the General Assembly adjourned, there have been and continue to be services which I have been able to render the citizens of my county of Cherokee, above and beyond the four months representation in our Legislative Halls. It has been a privilege to serve so many of my neighbors in their individual problems relating to our State Government However, beyond those services, I wish to make the follow ing report - REPORT: Fishing License Bill: House Bill No. 930, commonly known at the "Fishinr Bill", passed during the Ses sion of the 1953 General Assembly abolished short-term NONRESIDENT fishing licenses As a result the tourist industry of our County as well as In other sections of our State has been adversely effected. This is a copy of the letter from Representative Thomas J. White of Lenoir County, co-sponsor of the Fishini License Bill - Similar letters or committments have been received from the ma jority of those members sponsor ing the original Bill - During the past 10 months, after the General Assembly adjourned. 1 have been working to correct the injustice created by thb law. I have kept after the Legislators who sponsored the bill; I have appeared before the Wildlife Resources Commission; I have contacted the Board of Conservation and Development As a result of these efforts, I am prepared to introduce an amendment in tht next General Assembly, if you return me to that body, that will make legal, one and five day fishing permits. This is a copy, of a Resoultion passed by the North Carolina Wild life Resources Commission after my appearance before that (Toup protesting the end of one and five day fishing permits. Dear Diek: I am clad to have your letter of January 5. I understand and can appreciate the situation resultinc from the Bill referred to in ybur letter, which was Introduced by Joe Fowler and myself at the 1953 session of the General Assembly. I recret exceed incly that the practical workinr of this Bill caused trouble in yonr County, and while perhaps we should have forseen this trouble, it was not forseen at the time, and those who drafted the Bill strongly recommended it as a beneficial measure for the State. You may count on me, if I am privileged to return to the House, to help you in connection with a Bill to correct the situation existing in your County and your section. I do not knqw whether some of the lakes and tidewaters mentioned in your letter other than those in your section should be exempted or not, but this should certainly be given careful consideration. I am glad that you have the backing of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, and so far as I am concerned yon can tell th? boys in Cherokee that you are just the one to get this matter straightened out and that I will help you do It. With best wishes, and assuring you that it was a real privilege to be associated with you in the Legislature. I am Sincerely yonrs Thos. J. White REPORT ? Hospital Ai Andrews: Thank You, Mr. Ferebee Dear Dick: I know that you will be interested to know that we now have met every require ment of the North Carolina Medical Care Commission in our effort to establish a hospital district embracing Graham County, Valleytown and a portion of Murphy Township in Cherokee County and Clay County. This area is now set and recognized by the North Carolina Medical Care Commission as a hospital district and the hospit al committees are now proceeding to raise their local share of the cost of building the district hospital. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the very valuable assistance you have been to the hospital committee and myself personally in getting this hos pital district established. Being in Raleigh, you have been very valuable to us in making appointments with the North Carolina Medical Care Commission for us and rendering many other services that helped us materially. Your cooperation is sincerely appreciated by alt of us. Cordially yours, Percy B. Ferebee Chairman, Hospital Committee I should like to call your attention to the fact that It WILL NOT be necessary for addi tional taxes to be levied to pay for the proposed hospital. This is due solely to the efforts put forth by the hospital committee of which Mr. Fere bee Is Chairman. REPORT ?Telephone Service Pledge: Darin* my campaign for election to the 1953 House of Representatives, I promised the cltisens of the Martins Creek area to help them obtain telephone service - As a result of my pledge to the eHisens of the Martin's Creek Community, I have continually been in contact with Mr. Linn Garibaldi, President of the Western Carolina Telephone Company requesting telephone service for Martin's Creek area, as well as other rural communities of Cherokee County. At the present time the engineers of the telephone company are making a study of a survey taken which includes a requestor ill additional telephones in the county. This study should be completed by the latter part of May, at which time a meeting will be held In Murphy to discuss the project in detail. Knowing Mr. Garibaldi as I do, I feel sure that be will do everything possible to provide aa much service as is practical from his company's standpoint and from the cltisens' standpoint County Agent G. H. Parley has rendered, and is rendering, a great service to the people of the County In this survey. , OFFICIAL RELEASE NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION At a meeting in Raleigh the Wildlife Resources Commission went on record as willing to support action by the 1955 Legislature to amend the Law abolishing short term non-resident fishing licenses to exempt aritficial impoundments natural lakes and tidewaters. Thus reservoirs such as Hiawassee, Chatuge, Santeetlah, Fonlana, Lakes such as Waccamaw, and areas such as Currituck Sound would be legal fishing grounds for nonresidents holding one-day and five-day permits. REPORT ?School Teacher Salary Vote: Due to the fact that I voted for a lOCr raise instead of a 12increase for the teachers, I have been criticized by some of them because, I am sure, that they didn't ful ly understand exactly what happened. I should like to explain as fully as I possibly can, with the space I have, exactly what did take place - I.Early in the legislative session I went on record as opposing the proposal for setting aside $17,500,000 for a cash operating fund. It was my belief that the citizens of the State had paid this money in taxes and they should receive services for it. Had these funds been set aside the teachers would not have received an increase, in my opinion, without an increase in taxes. 2 When the proposal for a 12M> '< increase came before the Hous^ of Represen tatives, it was explained that should the entire 12'i Cr be granted, a deficit would be caused in the budget of our State. After hearing this and having som^ knowledge of State fiscal affairs, I was sure that should the legislature adjourn leaving an unbalan ced budget the sale of the school bonds in which everyone in Cherokee County was interested, would be seriously effected. It stands to reason that the money market of the world would not buy a bond for an interest rate we could afford when they could not see how we were going to meet our appropriations - As it was, I voted a gainst the 12' if r'r increase but voted for a 10 ri increase - Later on that same day, an amendment was offered under which the teachers and State employees would receive the additional 2'i '< increase should funds be available at the end of the fiscal years 1954 and 1955. This. I voted for because if there was money available, I certainly wanted the teachers to have it, as you know, this amendment passed. 3 I should like to point out at this time, though it is not commonly known, that I was a co-introducer of the bill which provided for a minimum retirement of $50 month ly for teachers and State employees at the age of 65 with twenty years' service - Prior to this, some teachers received only S6 or S7 per month - 4 I was also co-introducer of the bill that requires all school buses to be routed within 1 j mile of any school child who lives more than Hi miles from the school to which they are assigned. The teachers and citizens of the County may rest assured that I feel that the child ren of our State are our greatest asset and that it is our responsibility to provide ad equate facilities and teachers with the finest certificates so that they may receive the education that they deserve and which we owe to them. REPORT ?School Bonds: Thank You, Mr. Hodges Dear Dick: I want to thank you for the assistance you cave in the special bond election. We can all be proud of the results and I know it is a source of satisfaction to yon to know that you made a substantial contribution to such worthy causes. I hope the State will have your continued interest and energy in-public affairs. ?o Yours very truly, Brandon P. Hodges What this School Bond money means to Cherokee In Dol lars and Cents: ? From $25,000,00# of the School Bonds, Cherokee County schools will receive a total of $178,755.45 - County schools - $7S,?96.0?, Murphy schools - $56. 062.64 - Andrews schools ? $48,396.85. The formula under which the counties will participate in the re maining $25,006,000 has not been decided upon at this time ? To Carry Out My Efforts To Amend The Fishing License Bill To Get Back One And Five Day Per mits And To Take Advantage Of The Seniority Gained By Past Service In The General Assembly I Respectfully Solicit Your Support In The Democratic Ptimary May 29,1954. Richard (Dick) Mauney