VS1 sett vP*H (/S? THE WELL DRILLING? Have your wells drilled: moc?rn machinery.! Six and eight inch domestic and commerical wells. Macon Pump and Well Company Write F B. Rogers, Route No. 1. Franklin. N C. 33-tfc FOR RENT: Nice steamheated ap artment, furnished or unfurnish ed. Call 30, Murphy, N. C. 37-3tc I FOR RENT: Small furnished ap artment. Hot and cold water fur nished. Electric heat. Josephine Heighway, call 35 or 65, Murphy N. C. 37-3tc | WOOD FOR SALE. Delivered. j Townson Lumber Co. Call 334. i C. .... 33-tfc FEW NICE BOXWOODS for sale. Call 127-J. Murphy N. C. 30-.lL; FOR SALE: Pure-Bred white Es kimo Spitz puppies. Call 45t-M-2 or write Paul Sudderth, Rt. 1, Murphy. N. C. 30-1 tp FOR RENT: Downstairs, healed, I five room apartment with prival? 1 bath. Call 30, Murphy. N. C. " I FOR RENT' 5 room house wi'h bath, wired for state Flo,-,: water heater ii'uLhed. Also 4 room house will: h.dh. Wired f r, stove Both close :i. Call 44-W i Mrs Tom Fv:ui>, Murphy. N. i_\ J 30-1 to. NOTICE OK SALE OK REAL ESTATE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT SUMMONS DOCKET No. 4283 North Carolina Cherokee County Cherokee County. Haintiff VS. CHARLES HIGDON and wife, RUTH HIGDON, W. D. WHITAK ER. TRUSTEE, and JAMES B. FEREBEE II. and CITIZEN BANK and TRUST COMPANY, Defendants By virtue of authority vested in me by a Judgment of the Cherokee Superior Court dated the 5th day i of March. 1954, in the above en-j titled action, I will, on Thursday. | the 15th day of April, 1954, at 12 o'clock noon at the Courthouse, door in Murphy, North Carolina, j offer for sale to the highest bidder j for cash the following described ( lands in Valleytown Township.) Cherokee County. N. C.: FIRST TRACT: Being part of Tract No. 37 in District No. 7, and j beginning at the intersection or ? mction of the N. C. Highway No. j ? and what is known as the New ainsville Road. North 4 de "ccs East 80 feet to a stake; j . -.re N 21 degrees 30 minutes '150 feet to a stake: thenee N. j " logrees 30 minute.; 59 feet to a ake. Southwest corner of Wat k.rs lot formerly k own as the 'M. M. McLean lot : thence with ( line of sa:d lot N. 31 degrees 264 feet to a stake in the j me of the land belonging to An Irows Manufacturing Company; i-.ence with said line South 34 de crees 30" E. 306 feet *o a stake in me lorks nf the ditch also former ly a small black gum : corner of \ndrews Manufacturing Company property; thence with the ditch a-.l binding Andrews Manufactur ng Company land on the North ide of State Highway No. 10; thence with the Nortii Margin of State Highwoy No. 10 N. 74 degrees 30' W. 318 feet to the Beginning, containing four and ainc-one-hundredths (4.09) acres, nore or less. >ECOND TRACT: Being part of Tract No. 37 in District No. 7. Be ginning at a stake, the N. W. cor ter of J. W. Phillips lot. and runs Eastward with his line 200 feet to l stake; thence S. to the N. W. nargin of Highway No. 10; thence Vestward with said Highway a lout 200 feet to the West line of 'hillips lot in margin of said State lighway No. 10; tihence Northward rith said West boundary line of aid Phillips lot to the Beginning, ontarining afractional part of ah ere. Being the same lands as eonvey d by deed, dated January 6. 1944, rom J. Frank Bristol and wife, >din Bristol, to Charles Hlgdon nd wife. Ruth Hlgdon. and regls ?red in the office at the Reflhrter f Deeds for Cherokee County! N. in Deed Book 149. at page 42, eference to which la hereby made >r a more full descrpttlon. This the 16 day of March, 1954. L. L. MASON, Commissioner 96-4M NOTICE HEROKEE COUNTY ORTH CAROLINA The uodtnifned having quaR ed m adminiatrator ot the ! Mildred Dodd Brumby, d. Me of Cbenofce k to aoMCf *11 pereode having 9 FOR SALE: 1 truck taman special built springs with hangers, wheel, ready to bolt on. Fits Chevrolet and GMC. price $65. 00: 1 trailer for car, could be could be made into boat trailer, price $20: one oil stove 5 burner 2 burners under oven, perfec tion, price $35; one yard swing, for children, has pump swing, also regular swing. Call 2?3-V\^ 38-3 tp GOAT MILK is just what the doc tor ordered for stomach ulcere, constipation, liver, spleen, colon troubles, asthma, arthritis, rheu matism. etc. It is 33c per qt. Fresh goats $25 up A. R. Bell, Phone 183. Murphy, N. C. 38-3tc FOR SALe.: 8 acres land; 5 room frame house lights, small or chard. out building. In Pleasant Valley section. 2'4 miles from Murphy, N. C . good neighbor hood. good road. Mail and school bus, store and church in sight, other onveniences. Price reason rbio. A. G. Thompson. 88-3:p FOR KF.NT: 3 i.x.m apartment w ith .bath. C.i'1 P8.\v, 432 11 a St.. 39-ltp \OTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHEROKEE IN THE SUPERIOR COVRT ; HKh-i iKEE tO'.'NTV, PLAINTIFF -\s \LL I NKXOWN HEIRS AND AS SIGNEES OF MIKE CHRIST, Oecea-ed. and L. L. Mason, Jr.. 3v.ai0.ian ad litum. DEFENDANTS TO: ALL UNKNOWN HEIRS AND ASSIGNEES OF MIKE CHRIST. Deceased TAKE NOTICE THAT: A pleading seeking relief against ,-au has been filed in the above en :itled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: The foreclosure or the lien of Cherokee County taxes against real estate located in Valleytown Town ship, Cherokee County. North Car alma. and the condemnation of said lands to sale to satisfy said :axes. tax liens, interest and costs af this action and to forever bar snd foreclose all of your right, title and interest to the same. You are required to make de fense to such pleading not later han Thursday, the 20 day of May, 1954. and upon your failure so to to the party seeking sendee a tainst you will apply to the Court 'or the relief sought. This the 1st day of April. 1954. J. L. HALL CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR !9-4tc COURT. n'Dtice of service of PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHEROKEE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT CHEROKEE COUNTY. PLAINTIFF ALL UXKONWN HEIRS AND AS SIGNEES OF CHARLIE LISEN BEE. DECEASED, and W. D. LIS EN'BEE. DEFENDANTS TO: W. D LISNBEE AND ALL UNKNOWN HEIRS AND AS SIGNEES OF CHARLES LIS ENBEE, DECEASED TAKE NOTICE THAT A pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above en titled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: The foreelousre of the lien of real estate located in Valleytown Ttownship. Cherokee County, North Carolina, and the condemna tion of said lands to sale to satisfy Cherokee County taxes against said taxes, tax liens, interest and costs of this action and to forever bar and foreclose all of your right, title and interest to the same. * You are required to make de-J fense to such pleading not later! than Thursday, the 20 day of May, 1954. and upon your failure to do to the party seeking service a jalnst you will apply to the Court lor the relief sought. This the to <*7 of April, 1954. J. L. HALL, Clerk of the Superior I9-4tc Court Ham* against sadd estate to pre ant them to the undersigned on or efore the 19th day of March, 1959, r this notice will be pleaded In ar of their recovery. All persons idebted to aald estate will please ?eke Immediate payment to the nderatgned. This the 17th day of March. 1954 M. H. BBUUBY FOR RENT: Unfurnished 5 room apartment. Private entrance. Private bath. Wired for electric stove. Located on Valley River Ave. Call 216. Murphy, N. C. 38-3tc FREE HICKORY ASHES to any one who hauls them off. Extra i good for fertilizer. Smoky Moun tain Fibre Co., Valley River Ave., Murphy, N. C. 38-3tc BULL DOZER work by the hour or by the job. See J. M. Hughes and son or call 246, ilurphy. N. C. 38-tfn FOR SALE: 1 Turner nay baler (like new): 1 Ferguson lift har row (brand new); 1 (heavy duty) Ferguson side mower; 1 Fergu son side delivery rake; 1 Ford dump truck; 1 set Ferguson T>rn planters. Phone 48 or 44-W. Evans Auto Co. 38-tfc FOR SALE: One 4 room house with two acres land; one 5 room house With 6 acres land. Will sell one Op boih. See W. W. Cook Box 181, Murphy, X. C. 38-3tp NOTICE: WE AF.E BUYING dog > :> >.1 again. See Cloer & Ander <. i at ltayesville, N. C.. for (> ices and specifications. 38-tfc 'OR RENT: at 511 Hiwassee St.. I-vo large room, well-furnished apartment. Hot and cold water, automatic heat furnished. Call Mrs. J. W. Dyer, Phone 192. Mur phy, N. C. 37-3tc OK SALE?Cinder Blocks, any <i?. any amount Delivered Palmer Bros., Phone 202 Mur ' phy. X. C. 37-tfc OUR K EPRESEXT.VrtVE will be in Murphy each Tuesday. Used Singer Machines for $39 50 up New Singer electric machines from $94 50 up. All types of re pairs. Write, Singer Sewing Ma chine Co^'Box N Murphy. N C 37-tfc. RESURFACE your floors . Do the job yourself Rent our floor sand ing machine. Reasonable rates by the half-day, day or week. Also complete line of floor fill ing and paint. Gibbs Hardware & Auto Supply. Phone lOo. 33-tfc TRAILER WANTED; Two wheel type. Cash. Adolphus Bell, Phone 183. Hilton St., Murphy, N. C. 37-3tc SALESMAN WANTED: Rawleigh business available in Clay Coun ty. Start immediately. Selling experience helpful but not requir ed. Car necessary. Writ^ at once for particulars. Rawleigh's Dept. N'CD-750-251. Richmond, Va. 38-4tc FOR RENT: McCall unfurnished six room place, nice and clean. Electric hot water heater and oil and electric heat. Reasonable rent. Phone 106, Mrs. McCall El liott. 33-3tp Johns - Manville Bldg. Material* Asphalt Shingles-Roll Roofing Asbestos Siding r.lBRS HDW. & AUTO SU?'??L* NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHEROKEE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT MARY LOU FERGUSON CLAY. PLAINTIFF -V? DOYLE L. CLAY. DEFENDANT TO: DOYLE L. CLAY TAKE NOTICE THAT: A pleading seeking relief against FOR RENT: 4 room unfurnished apartment. First floor, private bath, hot water furnished. Phone 103-W, Murphy. N. C. 39-3tc BE A CHARTER SUBSCRIBER to "Go Ye", monthly religious magazine, starting May 1. $2 year. Addie Mae Cooke, Editor. Mufreesboro. N. C. 39-4tc See 1/5 SAVE.^ See our daily specials E. C. MOORE Murphy, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE OF SEAL ESTATE IN THE SUPERIOR COVET I SUMMONS DOCKET NO. 39?6 NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY Cherokee County. Plaintiff, -vs? , ETHEL SELF, Defendant. By virtu." of authority vested in me by a Judgment of the Cherokee Supcrlor Court dated the 17 day of Marei. l&oi, in the above entitled you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is en absolute divorce upon the statutory grounds of two years separation. Ybu are required to make de fense to such pleading not later than the 27 day of May, 1954. and upon your failure to do so the par ty seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. I This the 3rd day of April, 1954. J. L. HALL | CLERK oV THE SUPERIOR 39-4tc COURT action, I will, on Thursday, the 22ud- day of April, 1954, at 12 o' clock noon at the Courthouse door In Murphy, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands in Shoal Creek Township, Chero kee County, N. C.: Adjoining the lands of Pender Brendle, Carl Beavers and others, and bounded as follows, viz: In District No. 8, on the tributar ies of Shoal Creek. BEGINNING on a small post oak on top of the ridge runs E 33 W 17 poles from N. W. corner of No. 570, thence N. 45 W 40 poles to a post oak; thense N 23 W 22 poles to a Spanish oak stump near the road; thence E. with meanders of said hoad to a stake and pointers at the top of the ridge; thence a S. E. course with meanders of said ridge to Carl Beavers line a small black oak; thence w. ai poies with Carl Beavers line to the BEGINNING corner, containing about 12 acres more or less. This the 16th day of March, 1954 H. L. McKeever, MONUMENTS of Quality And Distinction You will want the best For your loved ones Who have eone to rest Yet the cost Is less at W. N. C. MARBLE & GRANITE CO. Marble, N. C. low-friction 3IX FORD'S NEW I-BLOCK SIX IS THE MOST MODERN SIX IN THE INDUSTRY . . . THE ONLY LOW-FRICTION SIX IN ITS FIELD t Why are more and more folks who like sixes swinging to Ford's 115-h.p. I-block Six? ?cause they're getting the most modern six in the industry . . . and for lesl money than practically any other six in America. Ford's short-stroke, low-friction design means less gas waste, less wear and longer engine life. The extra-deep, "I-shaped" block means a > more rigid, quieter engine. And the new high-turbulence combustion chambers, teamed with Ford's exclusive Automatic Power Pilot, bring you even more "GO" per gallon. ONLY FORD OFFERS ftOTH A V-8 AND SIX LN THE LOW-PRICE FIELD I Ford is still the only low-priced car to bring you V-8 "eight" in the industry. Brifc m Ford engines are power. And this year, Ford's Y-block V-8, with its new available with Fordomatic, * OvarMvs* or Conventional deep-block, low-friction design, is the most modern Drive?the finest choice of drives in the low-price field. ?at extra coet HERE'S WHAT FQftD'S LOW-FRICTION DESIGN MEANS TO YOU '54 Y-block V-S piston stroke OHIW > ' - - ? - - i - < ptSVM STTMT9 LONGER ENGINE LIFE. Both new Ford engine* ue of short-stroke design. This means pistons travel lees distance. Naturally, there is lees friction and leas wear. In Hoth engines overhead valves have a free-turning feature which allows them to rotate to cut down wear. MORE POWER. Because there is less friction to over- ? come in moving pistons up and down, there is more energy available to more the car. And because combustion chambers are wedge-shaped, fuel bums more completely ... for even more power and less gas waste. MORE "GO" PER GALLON. In addition to thus gas saving, low-friction design. Ford engines bring you the Automatic Power Pilot which squeezes the last ounce of power out of every drop of gas. You won't find any of the modern advances on this page in any other low-priced car. Worth more when you buy it lis worth more when you sell itI COME IN AND TEST DRIVE THE REECE MOTOR COMPANY N. C. Phmm&2 BURCH MOTORS Murphy, N.C. Phom95

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