?ife Established July 1889 Published every Thursday at Murphy, Cherokee County. N ( WILLIAM V. AND EMILY P. COSTELLt Publishers and Owners WILLIAM V. COSTELLO .... i tor SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Cherokee County: One Year, |2A0; Six Months, $ I >0; Outside Cherokee County: One Year, $3.00; Six Months, fl.75 Carolina v ASSOC Lai jo* Entered in the Post Otfice at Murphy, North (..aiolinj ?? ?c.ond class matter under the Act of March J. 1879. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL E STATE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT SUMMONS DOCKET NO. 4282 NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY CHEROKEE COUNTY AND TOWff OF ANDREWS, Plaintiffs, 1 vs. ORA.V LUTHER and wife, ELMA LUTHER, and ANDY W. LUTHER j and EUGENE G. SHAW, COMMIS SIONER OF REVENUE. Defendants. By virtue of authority vested in me by a J udgment of the Cherokee Superior Court dated the 7th day of April. 1954, in the above entitled notion. I will, on Saturday, the 8Ui day of May, 1954, at 12 o'clock no-wi ,it the Courthouse door in Murphy, North Carolina, offer for sale * > 'he highest bidder for cash the following described lands in V-afiPytown Township, Cherokee Cou tly. N. C.: Being Lots Nos. 1. 2. and 3, in Rlrjek "C" of the Wells and Boyd Addition to the Town of Andrews, and being known ag the L. B. Wal dfinp property and home, and be ing! .the same lands described in a i deed from Clyde H. Jarrett and : wife to G. B. Hobiitzell, dated March 10, 1936. and registered in the offtce of the Register of Deeds | For Cherokee County in Deed L Book 116 at page 21, reference to ?which is hereby made f?r a more | . full description. i , Being the same lands as convey- | ed by deed, dated March 31, 1949. from W. T. Hobiitzell and wife Ada Belle Hobiitzell, to Oran C. Luth- j er, and registered in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Cherokee Coy illy. N. C , In Deed Book 169 at page 288. Being the same lands as convey ed by deed, dated January 20. 1950 frojn Oran C. Luther and wife, Ze poqia Luther, to Andy W. Luther, party of the second part, and reg istered in the Office of the Regis toriof Deeds for Cherokee County. N. fc , in Deed Book 176. at page 42a in which warranty deed it is expressly stipulated that "It being understood and agreed that the said party of the second part, that ?ihi property described hereon will revert to Oran C. Luther at thf death of the said Andy W. lAgher.' 4lhis the 7th day of April, 1954. L. L. MASON. 40|4tc COMMISSIONER ?i i NOTICE OF SERVICE OF Process by publication STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA i COUNTY OF CHEROKEE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT CHEROKEE COUNTY. PLAINTIFF, -vs CUFFORD MURPHY, and wife, NELLIE MURPHY, DEFENDANTS. TO CLIFFORD MURPHY - TAKE NOTICE THAT: A pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above en titled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: The foreclosure of the lien of Cherokee County taxes against real estate located in Beaverdam Township, Cherokee County, North Carolina, and the condem nation of said lands to sale to sat isfy said taxes, tax liens, interest and costs of this action and to for ever bar and foreclose all of your right, title and interest to the You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than Fri day, the 14 da^r of May, 1054, and upon your failure so to do the par ty seeking service against you will apply to the Court for Ihe relief goo^it, Thi, the 20 day of March, 1054. J. U HALL, Clerk of the Superior Court. *7-4te NOTICE To the registered voters of Long Voting precinet The Cher County Board of Elections notifies yon (hat Long precinct b*e been con sou ths Usaka Precinet In Beted Me the Unaka Prectau Registrars, Judges Are Named By Election Bd The list of registrars and judges to serve in the May Primary and general election to be held in Cherokee County was announced today by William C. Stalcup. The first name in each ward is the registrar. cthers are judges. Andrews, North Ward; Mrs. Wil liam P. Walker. Paul Barker, Wel don West: Andrews. South Ward; G. E. Lail, Lowell Wilson. Lofton West: Boiling Springs; Mrs. James Mintz. F. B. Arms. Luther Dock ery; Brasstown. Horace Stalcup. A. H. Stalcup. Wayne Carringer; Burnt Meeting Ilo ise, S A. Hugh es. Mrs. Gleet Stalcup. J J. Kus sell; Culberson. J. -V Cook. David Hembree. 1-ou Culberson; Kbe ? eezer: Fred MrDonald. ltatler Carter. R. E. Graves, Grape Creels Earnest Carrol. Everett Martin, Sam Capps; Hanging Dog. Boss A. Hensley. Abel Palmer, John Lovingood: Hot House, Lloyd New man. Charlie MrGill, C'arence Simmonds: Liberty. W. P. Hill. Leonard Jones, Ledtcr Brown. Marine: Mrs. Clara Bell Bryson, Gain Coffey. C. H. Townson; Mur phy. North Ward, W. W. Rogers. H. N. Wells. Charles White, Mur phy. South Ward: Jack Piercy, limmie Howse. Nat Penland: Ogreeta, Fred Martin, Mrs. Fred Martin. John Taylor: Peachtree, Vernon Thomasson. Hardy Morris, Johnnie Wilson; Shoal Creek, Mrs. Edgar Taylor, Don Taylor, Burton McNabb. Tomotla. J. C. Wells, J> B. Shields, Edgar Price; Topton. Nell B. Riddle. Chuck Conley, Bob Mason: Unaka, Winfield Mar tin, George Crawford, Clifton Rose: Upped Beaverdam. Mrs. Lawrence Doekory, Ross Woody, H. V. Radford: Vest, G. G. Quinn. Toots Mashburn, Clifton Raper: Walker School House, Mrs. Fred Sneed, H. H. Davidson, Harvey Stiles. Mrs. Shields' 8th Grade Has Exhibit LAST WEEK Mrs. Kate Shield's eighth grade has a "poetry display" in the Mur phy School library this week. Note books of poem.; and biog raphies of poets are on the bulletin boards and the following poems were read: "Robert of Lincoln" read by Fred Garden: "Height of the Ridi culous" read by Koy Cole: 'Casey at the Bat" read by Ronald Hogsed "O Captain. My Captain" by Rose mary Burgess; "Sandpiper" by Judy Davis; 'Cowboy's Dream", by Laura Mae Chastain. ? "Old Ironsides" by Eflward Gibsop; "The Liar", by Vandell Thomas; 'Seeing Things' by Jean Ledfoird; 'Trees and the Master", by Mamie Hayes; 'America Far Ate, by H. A. Strange: " A Boy's Moth er by Frances Crisp: 'Limericks" by Carol Sue Palmer. Ramona Haggard was in charge of the program. ? CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks to all our friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness. We would also like to express our appreciation for the lovely flowers and food contributions during the death of our husband and father. Mrs. W. A. Cathey Mr. and Mrs. Marion Vance Cathey James William and Daniel McDade ?0-1 tc ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor off the estate of W. L. PuIlium, deceased, late of Cherokee Coun ty. North Carolina, thig is to notify all persona having claims against ?e estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Andrews, N. C-, on or before the 1st day of April, 1955, or thig no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. . > All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate TMs Mb day off March. 1954. ORAOT PULLIUM. Administrator of the of W . L. PuHium, Woodard's Rites Held In Andrews LAST WEEK Funeral services for H. S. Wood ard 89.who died in his home at Vo nore, Tenn. Friday, were held in the Second Baptist Churoh Sunday April 4. The Rev. James Truett of ] ficiated. He lived in Andrew; mast of his life. His wife. Ihe former Etta Nnchnlo, died in 1931. lie is rurvived by one ?n. Cole \ViK>dnd of Ar.hevLle; or. > .taugn t.r. Mrs Ellen Thornas of Vonore. f'.ve ^indchildrer a id four great gran dchilleii. Rev, H. C Hoo.er. former pas tor of Liberty daptiit Church, is a patient in Tennessee Baotir Has pital. Kncvxvllle. Tenn. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT To the Citizens and Voters of Cherokee County Ladies and Gentlemen: A few weeks mo I announced that I would be a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Cherokee County subject to the action of the Democrat Party at the May 29th Primary. Most of the voters of the county know me personally since I have been in business in and around Murphy since World War I and for the past twelve years I have served the people of the County as Clerk of the Superior Court. As to my record in that office, you voters have it. ? Since I announced that I would br a candidate there has been something said as to who I was going to appoint as Deputies IT elected. I want to clarify that by saying that I have not promised any one an appointment and had no Intentions of doing so until after the primary. I have made no promises other than this, if I am elected I will discharge the duties of a sheriff to the best of my ability and that 1 have no intention of appointing any drunkard o* bootlegger as a Deputy Sheriff should I be successful in this campaign. The public in general know as much now as I know a? to who will be appointed, but I will say that if I am successful in this undertaking H will be my aim to appoint as good men as I can find who will accept such appointment. ? I will make this statement, that if I am elected to the office of Sheriff, I will woik with the people to the end that we may make cur county a little better place in which to live. I have nothing but praise for my opponents, but since I am in the race, I am go ing to put up as good clean fight as 1 know how in order to win and I appeal to all my friends and supporters to lend me their help in this undertaking, and I promise that I will give the people of the county a clean honest and upright administration. Thanking you in advance for any and all help in my behalf, I am. Since-ely yours, < J. L. HALL Candidate for Sheriff of Cherokee County . er\ % SPI I 8V DR KENNETH J. FOREMAN Scrlplarc: John If.41-41; D?f?u?ui B?*4!b| : I PeUr 4:1-11. O Our Living Lord LrsaoD for April IS. 1IM T" K about Jeiua aa If ho ?ly a hiitorical char act i take, aald William Adam. >Vhen other men die. their oi>. >ea can be written. There la nothing to add to the tale of their life. Even In the caae of the great and famoua men about whom new booka appear every ao often, each biographer ? merely edits newly discovered material at the most " he adds a chapter to other bi? , hies. It la simply the record ot a chapter hitherto un known?but It addi nothing new to the [acts, only to men's knowledge ] of the facts. With Jesus, as Dr. Brown points out. the case Is alto- j g ether deferent. You could not write j a "definitive," a i lastword. biogra phy about him ' even today, be- Dr. Foreman cause he still lives and Is active in the world. Jesus is not someone who was; that Is not the whole truth. Jesus Is. The message of Easter is not only that Jesus did not die forever; it is more that he lives forever, that he lives now. In the Church The Church is called In the New Testament the "body of Christ." In a very real way. that is true. One contemporary theologian has put this in a startling way. He says that Christ and the cbnreh are the complete Christ, just as a man and his body together are the com plete man. This may be .putting it too strongly. But no thoughtful Christian will deny that without the church, without some church. Christ would be bodiless In this earth. Without the church he would be a "houseless wraith of deity.** but with the church he has'eyes, ears, hands and feet. This Is not to say that any church is perfect; In the best of churches Christ walks lame and speaks in a mur mur often hard ^understand. Just as pny musician would be hamp ered by a broken arm. so Christ Is hampered by broken and self-seek ing churches* Vet taking it all In all. Christ dc!es live and speak and work through his church today. He Is there In the sacraments, there in the message of truth and grace, there In the life and serv ice of every church that ministers to men in his name. In Men and Women But the church does not exist apart from the men and women who are its members. (We mean real members, not just people whose names appear on the mem bership lists.) Christ lives again in every individual who loves him. Is devoted to him and (to use St. Paul's memorable words) Is "growing up In all things Into Him." When St. Paul said. "1 Uve. yet not I, but Christ liveth in me." he was saying only what countless Christians have said because they : had discovered It was true. Chris- ! tians less famous than Paul have I known him in their lives. A man ' who had had a great deal of trou ble with a certain temptation was asked one day by his pastor how he was getting along. "You know." the man replied. "I used to have a lot of bother from the devil and I didn't always get the best of him. But now when Satan rings, t just say. "Lord Jesus, won't yon answer the door?' " At Hw Rialit Hand of God The Apostles' Creed, which Christians in all lands know by heart declares that dhrist "?lt teth at the right hand of God." By this the church has never meant that Jesns is spending eternity sit ting down on a throne somewhere. What we mean Is that Christ Is not only alive on this small planet but that he lives and works with God. Just as In ancient times when a king held royal court the seat< en his right was teserved tor his most trusted and most active per sonal representative, so Christ lives on In the presence of Eterdal Power today. In ways that the heavenly glory hides from eur sight We dare not guess at all what he plans and does; but the Church Is certain of one thing; he is praying tor his people. "He ever liveth to make Intercession tor us." If It is a comfort to know of the prayers of any friend, how much more to know that the liv ing Lord is praying tor usl 80 on Easter Sunday the church sings? t how can she help It? The flower*' and the music are not to keep alive the memory of one who once > upon a time rose again, but are in honor of one who lives now. In and above tkj church and the world. ? i CAMP CARSON, COLO.,?Cor poral Billy C. Decker, son of Mr. and lira. Wade M Decker of Murp hy arrived recently at Gamp Oar son. Colo, to take >? "Opera JTHE MEN WUO WEOE STOPPED BY THE. SHERIFF'S ^\| ^ V Jfc I (DEPUTIES ARE HEADING RDQ * X f Lm^I I"" HORSETRADERS and THEYKJE RIDING YHDRN-OOT HORSES' TUEVgS THE MEN WE WANT.' IS* _f GO ARTEC TRE LAWMEN TONTO. BRING TUEMTO TWE MORSEJ TRADER'S CANCH.'i &S/T (cOMB ON, SILVER? JUST *S I THOUGHT, JOE. THOSE CROOKS M?E BRINGING B&CK j THE HORSES/ ' 'and -THE stolen GOD I ~z VOU TH1EVIN' CBOOVCS/ YOU SWlNM-tU US/ I ; Mr IN NMt; lUH SOLO US WJgTHLESS HQgSCS/ i CALM DOWN, GENTSj/ IT WAS A MISTAKE, AN' I'LL ) MAKE ITGOOQj -v , #V^ I'LL TAKE 0AC9 =OStN' AS THE LOME RANQfR ISA CaOOK? IP YOU KNOW ? SPtAK IOM VMEfV HP fl, FOLLOW Mtf f ITU. M A FEKTHTR IN OJR CAP to OPnjRS "twr aou> twef;/