TRADE AT HOME; IT PAYS m K8RPYOUR Mill MONEY IN YOllflOMMUNITY PROMOTING MURPHY AND ANDREWS *'*?>-. WWIT. IOBT1 CABOUK A THURSDAY, MAT I. MM 91 To Graduate From Murphy; Maxwell, Clegg Are Speakers Dr. Charles Clegs, prration I of Young Harris Collate. wtt be! at the Murphy High gnduitkM fKtPBtow Tttat day evening. May IS, at ? p. as. in the school auditorium. Some 91 seniors will graduate. Baccalauraade services will he Sun day. May Id. at 11:15 a. as. at the school, with the Rev. As mood Maxwell, pastor of the 'hat Meth odist Church, delivering the hoc c a laureate sermon. Other ministers assisting at the service are the Rev. J. Alton Mor ris,pastor of the First Baptist Church; the Rev. Rbett Y. Winters, Jr.. pastor of the Church of the Messiah; and the Frank O. Brown, pastor of the Presbyterian Church. The valdictorlan of the 1954 is Mary Katharine Zimmerman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Y. Zimmerman. The Hatartatocian is Glends Ivie Brandon, daughter#af Mr. and Mrs. Peyton O. I vie. | Commencement marshals are Mary Nell Sutton, daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Luther Sutton; Hedy West, daughter of Mrs. Constance1 West and D. L. West; Fred Van' Horn, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. | Van Horn; Oeraldtne Mulkey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. | Mulkey; and Howard Corn well, chief marshal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Corn well. EIGHTH GKADE (Awarding of Eighth Grade cer tificates will be Monday, May 17 ad S p. m. In th? school auditorium | with H. A .Mattox, chafrrrm^of the board of trustees of the Murphy City Administrative Unit deliver ing the main address. Mr. Mattox will be Introduced by Burt Birchfleld, son of MC- and Mrs. Cy Birchfleld. The .welcome to parents and ftiendx wfH he by John Morris, son of the Bar. and Mrs. J. Alton Morris. Frsd Carder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cardsr, will give a declamation. "Hie American Boy" by Theodore Roost velt TKXANA SCHOOL Meanwhile the graduating exer cises for Texan a School wlH be May It at ? p- m. at the Tcxaoa I School auditorium. The speaker tor the occasion will be Dr. Fred Brownlee, immediate past execut ive director of the American Mis sionary Society of the Congrega tional Church. Dr. Bnrwnlee, one of the original directors of the , John C. Campbell Folk School, has retired and Is at Breis town. Baccalaureate services tor Tex ana.wlU be at the school Sunday afternoon, May 16 at 3:30 o'clock. Valdlctorlan tor the Texana gihduetlng class is Nell Colbert, s?n of Mr. and Mrs. Bartte Colbert Salutetorian la Charles Sutton, ?on of Mr. and hfrs. Aaron Sutton. Band .Concert To Be uesday Ibe Murphy School Budnul 4UAir OhorjuK ?actor the jetton of Edward Reynolds, will be pre sented in concert Tttesdsy, May 11 ait ? p. m. at the high school auditorium. Admission will be 75 cents and 35 cents. The Junior band will play three numbers. The Jbliewuig program wfll be presaated by the hand: Ah- Port March, Kisenburg; Overture E roles Button; Bceeaaise, Beethoven; Lit tle Suite for-Band," Briehnon; Clar inet duet, "Whispering", ptayed'br s % _ Also Alice -Blue' tliy; Stardust, Cannlchad; ington iPost March (with Mejor tto routine); Trombone Toboggan ' '.V. ???)) Ed Barnett Dies At Home Here LX Barnett, 88. a building j contractor and restaurant operate died Friday, April SO P m I In Bis home here after ? brief ill He was the son of the late James and Elisa McGuire Barnett, a na tive and lifelong resident of the of the Murphy section of Cherokee County. He had a host of friends throughout this section. Funeral services were held 2:30 p. m. Sunday in the First Bap-! tist Church. lite Rev. J. Alton Mor ris. pastor, officiated, assisted by the Rev. Asmond Maxwell, the Rev, Frank Brown and the Rev. Rhett Y. Winters, Jr. Burial waa in Sunset Cemetery. Pallbearers were, Hugh Penland, John Carrlnger, Paul Sudderth. Barty Akin, Ben Palmer, Howard West, Noah Hembree and Hugh Hensley. Honorary pallbearers were, C. D. Puett, Charles Hyatt, Claude King, Robert Weaver, Bruce Gor don, John Donley, Blaine Donley, Frank Craig, Dr. R. 8. Parker, Walt Mauney, Frank Mauney, Grover Mauney, James Bryson, Bill Brandon, Roy Wells, Harold Wells, Neil Baaed, H. Bueck, I. J. Darnell, Kanyth Davis, Dr. W.; A. Hoover, Nail Davidson, Rroadus Dockery, Hayes Dockery, Lewis Dewaese, Hedley Dickey, Richard Mauney, Jerry Davidson, Hayes Leatherwood}. J. L. Hall, Warren Sneed, Henry Hyatt, Ben Posey, Surviving fre G>a widow; Mrs. | OIlie Christopher Barnett; oi daughter, Mri. Grace Mynatl of KnoxviDe; toy tons, J. S. of Mar ble, ahd Jack of CuQowhae. Also one sister, Mrs. Ben Grant of Andrews, one brother, J. V. Barnett of Hemlenburg, Ohio; and five grandchildren. Townson Funeral Home was in charge. . Out of town relatives and friends who att^ided the ttmcral of ' Barnett Skndsy- afternoon were: Mr. end Mrs. Lewis Deweese, Char leg Pendley, Marietta, Go., Mrs. Alice Carter and daughter, Geneva and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Mynatt fo Knoxville, Carl Abernathy of Cop perhill, Tervn., Mrs. Fred BrerxDe, and Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Barnett ot Gastonia, Clarence Chrisman, Miss Addle Beam, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Ash brook and Miss Ann Hammond from Western Carolina College, Oullowhee. Algo Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mc Guire, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mc Guire, Miss Bertha McGuire and Gerald McGuire, and Fannie Mc Guire oi Andrews and Harry Fergu son of Sylva. Wi be by the County Demonstration Council Saturday night at 7:30 la the Murphy Gym. A varied Recreational program of Interest to family group# la be ing planned, litis wiH bring to a Cherokee County's otwer ot National Monte Demon tration week May S4L Folk game* tram foreign tnut tries will be demonstrated by e group (ran Mm C. Campbell FbBt 8abool. There wfll alio h* racrea tion for group participation. The entire week'i observance bag been centred around CKbenehip and.International Relatione.. ' aglllini la Invited to attend anrf bnad their fomiliee. County Milk Producers Need Asheville And Home Market The o?ly hop* for Cherokee end I Clay County milk producers now 41m la sa open and unrestrained milk market la the Aabevffie and In our local market, J. Un Smith said after sttaodin* a UUk Commissioners Aahevflle Monday | ..Mr. Smith pointed out that this lost the An-Jl" kdfter mertmtfor Its surplus dssalopad la id slate. '/Mr. Smith said the ?? atajM.. . . to Those attending the meeting Nun Phnrnk-M Piuifitw unm A ' from Cherokee County were *r WOMMn Smith. Mrs. Kate ?loComhs, all from - Murphy. Id Wood. Jr.. and Bill Russell fr?hi Smith asserted, was eepceiiSwl to I milk produced la Cberoicee Coup-I ty being sold |n the AsbeviHe aapak I et However, he piloted eat that I * Clay Wed the I kr and luM received public acceptance in market u>d Clay la b#| ?m< Md W. Cafeteria Aa organised m JBSpog pro Town Democrats Take All Seats In Election Walter Puett . Heads Civitans Walter Puett Monday was elect ed new president of the Murphy Civitan Club to succeed S. S. Wil liams. Other officers elected are Sam Harding vice-president, C. W. Ar nold, ^ecretary-treasurer and the Rev Rhett Y. Winters and the Rev. ?Frank Brown, chaplains. Directors are A. U. wuinn, J. C. Howse, Walter Coleman, Lemuel McMahan, John Jordan and S. S. Williams. New officers will be installed at the first meeting in June which will be ladieg night. L. L. MASON Folk School Party Set Friday Night A Spring Festival featuring folk games and an auction will be held at the Folk School Friday. May 7 at 8 p. m. The proceeds will go toward a fund for purchasing recreation materials. (Lynn Gault general chairman for the party, has named the following committee chairmen: program, George Bidstrup; refreshments, Frank Hogan and Glad* Holland; auction. Marguerite Bidstrup; de* corations, Dick Reece; badges, Salt ly Morton; publicity, Marily Luster The highlight of the program will be an auction sale, with W. J.. Martin and Lymn Gault as auction eers. Members of the community are being asked to contribute to the auction, aoA already a rack of feed and borne canned specialities have been promised. There will be a fish pond sponsored by Mrs. Murrial Martin for the children. There wiH a small admission charge, and refreshments will be on sale throughout the evening. Everyone is idvtted to attondl >1Sm Andrews Junior-Senior Banquet was held Friday night, Ap. 30 at 7:00 p. m. in the Dining Room of the Regal Hotel in Mur phy. Misg Jean Christy, Senior Class sponsor and Mrs. Annie R. Barnett and Robert A.i Williford, Junior class sponsors along with the Jun ior and Senior Class officers plan ned the program for the evening. A rainbow theme was carried oat in menu and decorations. Its* i consisted of Rain Draft f er). Bird of Paradise Blossoms* potatoes). Bat C Oold (yellow beans), Buttling Leaves, < (tossed seled), Cloud Fluf^ i Sunshine, (biscuits ei tfeoppUlfua Shift during exercises at ? p. ^1 in St Bonn i The Rev. \ Franklin will j The Town ?f Murphy rated tn ? !? straight Democrat Cbuncil with i* u...A. i I' ? a-tiifc f ? Mayor L. I^SRson reelected witfe 90S votes over Republican Merle ? ? ^ < Davis. Dav% drew M2 vote*. . t ? For aldetwn Cloe Moore, to- Ji ! cum bent, led toe winning ticked ?; with 571 Bob White, incumbent J; was low mail on toe Democrat aid* f" with 543. * . Other Democrat tallies were J Harry Bisbapt incumbent, 900; W. ? A. Singleton, .979, George L. Dyer, '? 553, and John Jordan, 579. J. W Franklin am* high hum oa thdTRepubMan side with 373 rotes '? Others were Marvin Hampton, 321) Edward Towneon, 290; Cliff Elliodl ^ 324< Roy liae wta'Kancg- Dneinty, ad Dam and third whs Boh Nantahala. ? " r, Ricfi ?Others in the contest were 1 aid Hopwood of HiSajsee Date, Terry Slagle of Kant dials, Lavop Thompson of Culberson, Ltod* Green of Murphy, Margaret Brend le of Turttetown Rt and Sally Kil patrick of Ranger. \ ., Judges were toe Rev. Asmond i Maxwell, Misa Mary Frances Axley I and Mrs. Anton Schmitt I William Lea presided, Mrs. Hoyt Kllpa trick gave toe devotional and J