Sht dfarntkrr ftusrt Establish* J July 1889 Published every Thursday at Murphy. Cherokee County. N. C WILLIAM V. AND EMILY P. C05TELL0 Publishers and Owners WILLIAM V. COSTELLO Editor ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES In C.ierokee County: One Year, $2.50; Six Months, $150; Outside Cherokee County: One Year, $3.00; Six Months. $1.75 Entered in the Post Office at Murphy, North Carolina, as second matter under the Act of March 1879. SING AT ANDREWS CHURCH CARD OF THANKS During a time like this we real how much Our friends really mean to us. ... Your expression of sympathy will always t>e remem bered by the family of BFTON L-IT, PRESBYTERIAN BAKE SALE The Women of the Presbyterian Church will hold a hake sale Sat urday from 10 to 12 o'clock, noon. in the show room of Evans Auto TLE. ? * 43-ltp Company. It fokC5 !?:ss thon a dollor's worl'i of Growinr; Fee r ' o put o pro ductic:> pullet on the nest! ..WI'll SNOW YON HOW ITS HONS Drop into our Mom and mo our pullets. Then take a look at the records. You'll find the Purina Plan?Growena after Chick Startens?gets 'em in the nest producing for that good, early fall egg market Best of all it can be done for I?s8 than $1 per bird growing feed cost Come in soon and get the proof! *RM* STILES PRODUCE CO. SEEDS-FEEDS-FERTILIZERS We deliver Phone 143 To Capture the Zing of Spring, Drink COBLE Milk Swing into the spirit of Spring. . .on Coble Milk! For a fast pep-up and perk-up, there's nothing like this wholesome energy-builder. Drink plenty of Coble Milk NOW! < I ; As fresh as the fldwers of Spring is our milk. , Rushed fart from the farm to your door K Epply Sisters In Andrews Soon The Eppley Sisters Gospel' Quintette of York. Pa., will appear! at the First Baptist Church, And-j drews Thursday, May 13, at 7:30 P. m. The five sisters render a spirit ual program featuring vocal quin tettes, soprano and alto solos, piano-playing and numbers on the following instruments: vibra-harpj violin, electric Hawaiian guitar.! saxaphone. accordion. Cathedral Chimes, trumpet and organ. The sisters have appeared in churches of 41 different denomina-j tions during the past nine years, j in the United States and Canada. Some of the girls are graduates' of Wheaton College, Wheaton, 111.;1 others of the Dunmire School of Music. Harrisburg, Pa., and at present all are special vocal stud-| ents of Messiah Bible College, Grantham, Pa. The public is invited to attend. | Mrs. Hill Dies Tuesday LAST WEEK Mrs. Magdalene Sullivan Hill, ] 81, wife of Ben H .Hill, Hayesville,' Route 4. died at noon Tuesday,) April 27, in her hom? after a long] illness. Funeral services were held Wed nesday at 3 p. m: in Sweetwater Methodist Church with the Rev. John K. Miller officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. She is survived by her husband; one daughter. Miss Maude Hill of the home; four sons, Tommy and Claude of Maryvllle, Teno. Frank and Charlie of Hayesville, Route 4; eight grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. Also two brothers, Elijah Sulli van of Calhoun. Ga.. and Elbert of Blairsville. Ga.; two sisters, Mrs. Isaac Mauney of Gainesville, Ga., and Mrs. Joe Reid of Atlanta, Go. Townson Funeral Home was in charge. Church of God Revival | Held In Upper P'tree A series of Church of God tent revival meetings was started this week in Mr. Boyd's meadow in Upper Peachtrej. Services are held nightly aljflbfcd everyone is ln G. Wilson, evang el idn|jPKchin 8 Revised estimates place 19531 chick hatchings in North Carolina] at 67 936.009?up 13 per cent over' hatchings a year earlier. ARROWOOD Airman Third Class Jesses W. Arrowood of Channte Air Force Base. III., spent Easter with his parents. Mr. and Mto. Frank Ar rowood of Marble. Bt. I. Arro wood wa, sent to Channte in February from Lackland Air Base after he completed basic train Ins. He entered the Air Force in Dec., 1153. He Is now trainint as a Jet mechanic. Be fore enlistins in the Air Base he was s senior at Murphy Hlfh School. SOT. QUEEN T/Sct William W. Qneen, son of Mrs. Bethel Wilson at Marhle. Bt 1. entered the Air Fone April 15, 1945, and is new stationed at Scott Air Fen III. He served ZS manths EDWARDS Array CpL Raymond P. Ed wards of Murphy holds the X \ PRICE IS doWn ON THE NEW, UGHT MOOR 33Al HWIIUOCH CHAIN SAW I ?*Kh tl??tM*rd Mai* af 12 Md It iacfck m Ma* tin ofa Wm. i > 33A it )?M toy for pica, for mhA vwdcvlttog to sntil m) FfSK tow erf to ? rVLLFUCCONLT WS.N L? :: ?, ? &W -? . SAW A EQUIP. CO. ? .. v GARDEN Tl BT ROBERT SCHMIDT May is another month of odd 'job* in the yard and garden. This is a good month to piant dahlias. They will grow well in any good, ?well drained garden soil?either sandy loam or clay loam. Good va rieties for North Carolina accord championship bowling team tro phy which the lfth Infantry Regiment recently won in Ger many. Cpl. Edwards, a clerk in the regiment's Third Battalion Headquarters Co., has been In Europe since Dec.. I1SL A form er Murphy High School stndent. the 25 year old soldier entered the Army in August, IMS. He Is the son of C. P. Edwards of Mur Phy. ing to color are: ' j White?The Real Glory. Great Lakes: Red?Cherokee Brave, Ed ' na D , Maffie. Pink?Jersey's Beau ty. Victory. Five-Star General, D. Day. Pink Flamingo; Autumn Shades?Jane Cowl, Kristen Flag ged. California Pageant; Yellow? Prairie Sun, Edgar Guest, Clara Hook; Pudple?King David, Jean Trimbee; Orange-Red? Arthur Godfrey. Ruffled Giant: Blend? Dixie Winedo*. Plant dahlias at least three feet apart and stak? them with five feet stakes or they will blow over in our summer storms. Do not fer tilize too muoh at planting time but apply fertilizer at least once a month during the growing season. Any good garden fertilizer will be satisfactory. FOR SALE DAIRY & CHICKEN FARM 165 acres of land 6 room house only II years old ' 1 stock bam?56 x 62 1 dairy bars?12 stanchion 2 milking machines 1 chicken boose?capacity 4866 broilers 19 head fine milk cows 6 heifeos . 1 tractor?one year old 1 mo winy machine 1 rake HYDE INSOMNCE & REALTY Individual Journal Grinding In Tour Car Automotive Machine Shoo Service Gr Brake Drums Timed Meters Rebuilt Crankshafts Ground Cylinders Bored Valves Groand WE DELIVEK i Complete Stock of AUTOMOBILE and TRUCK FART8 KAYES AUTO PARTS, Murphy, North Carolina Swing into spring with a sparkling, bsautiful, genuii MURRAY 54" CABINET SINK ft tho chooco of a SpriogtUoo Morray't tootatioool _ Mm biggest surprise is the price? !2??5J?CS.!SS 0NLT St ? old, stek, too?replace tt with ? sen nine. Hi Murray 94' SSH&ftLiS S99.50 ten*. It's the Unset borne- n -? -r J I flseldns bargain mtown! SfiftitlbdaqI eUS4' e Oas rless, ecl4 reslsMee h Mealeui yimlele mail ?e rtx h Smoky Mountain Gas Company Sfes^N- ? JL.) 3FWI 76 HE BY DR. KENNETH J. FOREMAN ?irlftaii: I Kmc* 17:1?lt:IA. . - T I ? ' r yOU hive never read the story at Elijah and the prophets of 'bail, you have missed one of the most dramatic stories of the world's literature. And yet how ever you take it you may be left with the feeling that this tale does not belong in the twentieth cen tury. Nobody believes in Baal any more, and miracles like fire tram heaven that will In one instant burn up animals, wood, stones and deep trenchea full of water?such mir acles Just don't happen any more. Bur this is more than a wonder tale out of the far past Like all of the Bible, it has something to say to us today as to man of all times and places. ? ? ? When Evils Are Idols Every age has its Baals. Idols are not always made of stone or wood. They may not be in any physical shape at all, an idol may be an idea, a "spirit of the times." It can be a desire or a dream. AD idols are bad because they are always in place of the true God: but the worst idols are evils which are so popular that they are taken (or granted. The Baal against whom Elijah fought bis brave bat tle single-handed was the god of the royal family; end It was so nearly the god of aU the nation that Elijah had the impression that he and he alone could see the hol lowness of this cruel god. The truth was that the worship of Baal was not a theological heresy; Baal was not simply a wrong name for God. Baalism involved crimes hi Baal's name; no true worshipper of Be el could be pure or kind of heart Baalism was worst a national religion; It waa a nation al cancer an^ the end of it would be national ieath. Elijah knew It: but nobody alee knew it; and se when he attacked Baal the au ' tboriUe* marked him down as a bad character. So. far from thank ing him (or chaiiangtnj a great evlL ha was run out of tha coun try like an ordinary criminal, a a a p Why Reformers Am Hated You can divide aO citizens Into two kinds. One (whether realizing it or not) takes (or its motto "Whatever la. Is right." The other kind sees that some thing. that are. ought not to be. And a tew of this other kind begin to agitate and talk about changes that must be made. They are sometimes called reformers; but they are usually called worse names. One hundred years ago end more, there was a book written by a man named Helper, which pointed out in detail the bad economic effects of slavery in the states that prac tised and legalized it The book was not answered; it was banned. In at least one state it 4af a legal ! offense to own a copy iff it Helper himself was attacked In news papers and in pulpits. For he had dared to challenge the Baal of In those days, in tha north as well as in the south, to be an "abolitionist" was to be Joyr-raled Ma crack-pot or a liar, or worse. Nowadays, two of our Baals are war and the liquor traffic. What happens to parsons who say a word againat that great temple of the Pentagon? What hap pens to people who come out with the truth about the effects of liquor and propose even to limit liquor advertisingT Hp-.- too are called crackpots, liars and worse, r ? ? ? Tfce Tide of Tomorrow Elijah wm mtgt?Hiy discouraged at one time. It looked to htw as it tha whole country wm against him. God had to aapiain to Mm that there were seven mod people gtm far his country, tven if ha wm the only man jrho wd the courage la speak ooL ft a always that tray. For one par ton wm has the nerve to ?*?! lenge evil In e load eloar voice bare are thousand! who believe is he does, only with their mouths shut But the important tt?tng wm oot that Elijah had some sympa ???. Tha important tact was thst be wm on the side at Ood. Utile David never leaks as tf be had a chance against Goliath; but tha real reason why David Is stronger is that God is for him and against Goliath. Those who are ?gainst God. no matter I 1st they may be, ere tawed though they be. ... challenge the destroyers In the anas of God Ood at last always