TRADE AT m* Wf*Hwrt KEEP YOUR vCsu MONEY IN .????I *?> muwrrv PROMOTING MURPHY AND ANDREWS v/mnm a?NUMBER M mJBFHY. NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, ICHI M, llH TWELVE FACES Four Fires Take Toll Of $215,700 Here This Week People You Knowj Mr. ud Mi*. Harve Elkins left Sunday for Flushing, New York for a visit with their son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe M.' Elkins. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Palmer and children, Woodrow and Pat spent a few days with friends in Knoxville last week. I Mr, and Mrs. 81 H. McGuire and Linda McGuire, j who spent'Ikst week at their cot tage at Peachtree, returned Mon day to their home in A&anta. I Ervin Greene of Concord spent a few days last week with Dr. and Mrs. Harry Miller. Miss Susie Mil ler returned home with him for O visit. Mrs. W. P. Odom spent last Thursday in Charlotte with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Odom. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weaver and children, Betty and Bobby, re turned from a two week vacation 1 spent with Mrs. A. E. Vestal in Asheboro, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Taylor and children, Ann and Tom my at Albemarle, and at Wrights-' ville Beach. Mrs. WillaBell Posey of Ashe vllle.and her , daughter, Mrs. Frank Morgan and son of Mont evallo, Ala., were in Murphy Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McMullan of Jffferson, Ga. visited her sister, Mrs. W. P. Odom Monday. I Mrs. William J. Canata and sons Bill and Dennis, returned Mon day to their home in Chattanooga after spending some time here with Mrs. Canata's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Chandler. They will soon leave for New York for a visit with Mr. Canata's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Canata. ? I Hazel Lou Fulmer of Sylva spent last week here with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Frank lin. Dave Moody has returned from Raleigh where he attended the State Lions Convention and in terstate Sanitarian meeting. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Odom have had as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ham by and daughter, Car men of Newport News, Va? Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Browne of Atlanta, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Odom of Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Mayfleld of Heflin. Ala., spent the week end here with relatives. Mrs. John Tbuss and sons, John ny and Noland returned Monday from a visit with relatives in West pJbs Beach and Mlama. Fla. Her sister. Miss Louclne Wells return ed with her for a few days visit, after which she win go to Aabe vflle to visit her brother-in-law and sister, Mir. and Mrs. Z. T. Miss Ella Jean Welts of wick, Oa, spent the week mtfi here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wells. John Thuss and sons, Johnny in Nashville, Tenn., with Mr. and Noland win spend next week Thuse' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Thuss. Mrs. E. C. Winchester of Mon roe Is visiting Mrs. Edwin Win ch enter end family here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hoke Mashburn had as guests last week Mr. and Mrs Joseph Boryvewskl of Me dina, New Tork. Mrs. Boryvewskl is Mrs. Mkshburn's nines. ? Members of Cherokee Lodge, No lie who attended the 4Srd Dis trict meeting Hayesville Monday night were 8am Cappa and dam Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davidson and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Simmons had as week end guests. Miss Prances Davidson and Phil Ooforth at Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Everett English, and Mr. and Mrs. W. 1it Lay spent Wednesday in Atlanta. Mrs. W. A. Barber at Lake Jun aluaka, formerly of Murphy. Is at Pontana Village serving as bos teas with Government Services. Inc. Mrs. Barber recently sent gi ullage to bar Murphy via A] 4 Towns Send Beauties To Andrews Soon Four town* will have partici pants lit the beauty contest at the July ? celebration in Andrews at the Andrews-Murphy Air Park. Andrews, Murphy, Hayesvllle and Robbinsville will send beau ties to the contest which is spon sored by the Konnaheeta Club and the Andrews Chamber of Com merce, with the cooperation of business firms In the four towns. The contest will be In two parts the selection of a winner from each town, and then a queen from the four town winners. Valuable prises will be given all winners and runners-up. The Judging will take place at the swimming pool, July 8, at S :30 p. m. No admission charge will be made. Entry rules for the contest are: the contestant 1. Must have been a resident of the town or county for the last year (1963-84); 3. Must be between the ages of IB and 20; S. Must be single; 4. Must have a bathing suit for the beauty contest. Qirla who are Interested in i terlng should contact the following persons: in Andrews, Mrs. Robert Heaton or Mrs. Elisabeth Davis; in Hayesvllle, Mrs. L. R. Stated; in Murphy, Mrs. L. L. Mason, Jr.; I in Robbinsville, Mrs. Ed Ingram. The deadline for entries is June - SO. I The Andrews committee for the Beauty Contest are: Mrs. Edgar Wood, chairman; Mrs. L. H. Bak er, Mrs. Gerald Almond, Mrs. C. L. Johnson, Mrs. James Ibberson, Mrs. Wade Reece, Mrs. Hancock Davis and Mrs. Robert Heaton. Anotner reatyre of the July S celebration will be the Kiddie Pa rade which will be a part of the big parade to be held on the mom lng of July S. Parents are request ed to call Mrs. Margaret Ann Watry or Mrs. A. B. Chandler, Jr., to register children for the parade. Memorial Service Be For Mrs. Campbell A special memorial service (or Mr| ? n?i? jisntr - Campbell, founder of the John C. Campbell Folk School in Biasstown will be (held in the community room of the Folk ^choel .on Sunday, June 27, at 2 f\ M. All friends of Mrs. Campbell and [the Folk School are invited to at tend. i | Mrs. Campbell, with Marguerite! I Butler Bidstrup, founded the 'school in 1925, and was its direc tor until her retirement several I, years ago. Until last year she was Chairman of the Board of Direc | tors, and at the time of her death was a member of the Board. ? - Mrs. Campbell was an eminent I L talk l<vd#t and worked with Cecil., Sharp on his ejection of old Eng lish folk songs and ballads found in the Southern Mountains. She, with her husband, was a pioneer in the field of adult education in this region, and helped revive and maintain an Interest in the moun tain culture. For many years she was direc tor of the Council o'f Southern Mountain Workers, which was founded by her husband, John C. Campbell, and she was instrumen tal in organizing the Southern Highland Handicraft Guild. Run-Off Election Is Sat.;| Carver, Hall On Ballot The Second Democratic Pri-' mary?run-off election (or nomi nation tor sheriff of Cherokee County?will be held Saturday, Jun St. Polling will be from at the regular polling places. Only two names appear on the ballot?those at Luke Carver, in cumbent, and J. L. flail. High man in the second primary will be the Democratic nominee tor sheriff to run In the genera] election in November. Murphy Masons Be Hosts To Georgians Murphy Masons will be hosts Friday evening, June 38, to a De gree Team from Oeoee Lodge of Morganton, Qa. I All Master Masons are invited to attend the program, which will consist of a supper in the Lodge Hall at t:S0 p. m. followed by the conferring of the Third Degree. A number of out-of-town Masons from North Carolina, .Georgia, and Tennessee are expected to be present. 1 Still, Whiskey Are Taken In Raids Deputy Sheriff Edward Truett. assisted by Deputy Sheriff Guy Roberts made a raid on the homes of Thomas and Jimmy Hardin in the Beaver Oreek Section, in Val and captured e Mfll and severe] gallons of whiskey. They ware cited before the local H Bonds Sale Being Stressed County meetings were held la western North Caroline last week to spur the sale of Series H U. 8. Saving Bonds, according to Jona than Woody, area chairman, U. 8. Savings Bond Oopunlttee. Kenneth C. Wible, deputy direc tor of the tJ. 8. Savings Bonds Di vision, met with Cherokee County bankers on the bonds. The sale of Series H Bonds (an Investment bond) has averaged almost 75 million dollars a month ?more than double a year ago. Much of the improvement of H bonds sales can be attributed to banker activity, Mr. Woody said. > [- The H bond is an income pro ducing investment in which an in' i terest check is mailed to the own-' er every six months. This bond pays three per cent compounded' interest and is always redeemable at par. I Cherokee County's quota is 137.000, of which $11,000 has al ready been sold. The bonds can be purchased at any local bank.' They can bo bought in denomina tions of $900. $1,000, $0,000 and $10.00. i W. D. WhlUker Is county chair man ef sales. V*' FLAMES BAN RAMPANT here Sunday In the Bag'and Building?on Hlwaaaee River between the two Bailway depots. Thin picture waa made by Fred Van Horn after the large warehouse (brick struc ture In back) had been completely gutted by the blase. Damage at this fire was estimated at tMS.SSS. Another fire Sunday morning filled out the day for the Mnrpky firemen who put ia 14 hours fighting flames Sunday. MURPHY'S 84-MAN Volunteer Fire Departmeat, beaded by W. g. Dickey, chief, called in help from Andrews and MeCaysvflle, Ga., Sunday afternoon to help battle the Rag land Building flame. In addition to these a number of other persons joined In fire-fighting before the angry blaze was sub dued. The warehouse storing goods for the Fame rs Federation and Gibbs Hardware, was wiped out, and the flame lept a firewall into the Hackney- Carolina Building. Firemen were able to keep the fire from boing below the top floor of the Hackney-Carolina portion. (Photo by Fred Van Horn) Cherokee Co. Rates High In Buying Power Survey Shows SPECIAL TO THE CHEROKEE SOOCT NEW YORK?Cherokee County proved to be a strong market dur ing the past year, standing well-up amoftg the nation's 3,073 counties In business activity. The findings are contained in Sales Manage ment's new, copyrighted survey of buying power, with statistics for 19S3 for all parts of the country. Continued heavy spending by residents of Cherokee County was a bright spot in the local business picture. Their purchases in the county's retail stores reached 38,910,000 in the year, slightly above the 10,710,000 volume record ed in 1963. Per family, these expenditures amounted to 18.000 in the year. The strength la In the comity which and greater diversity of Itures, especially in the direction of luxuries. The daut snows that the 4,400 local families had a net dispos able income, after taxes, of $11, 971,000. This was a gain over the previous year, when net earnings totaled $10,028,000. The increase, which was 19.8 percent, was attained generally. For the country at large a gain of 8.0 percent was reported. In the South Atlantic States the improve ments was 7.7 percent. IV per-family Income la Cher okee County, aa arithmetical figure obtained by dhidtag total beonw by total number at fam ilies. was $8,721 last year. la 1961 It was $8,382 per hunUy. That more money Is going Into savings and Into insurance and in vestments locally is indicated by the fact that only 87 cents of each available dollar is being spent in retail stores. Such considerations as the num ber of people living in an area, the amount they earn and spend and the amount they might have spent go into a rating called "buy ing power index." For Cherokee County it is .0068, which is the percent of the national business that might be produced locally. Actually only .0063 percent of that potential was reached last year, in dlcatlng that much pent-up pur chasing power remains. Andrews Hospital Fund Drive Is Close To $45,000 Hm District Memorial Hospi tal fund thermometer at the And rews Cittsens Bank and Trust Company was hitting close to $48,000.00 this week with Andrews pledges still going strong. Bill Whl taker Meanwhile, the Andrews Amer ican Legion Lester Btlllman Post 97 will move tts square dance to the High School this Saturday. - The pest has been sponsoring square dances at the Oty Hall with all proceeds going to the hoe-1 pital drive. The Chamber of Commerce in Andrews has announced that all net proceeds from their fourth an nual July 4th celebration will go to the hospital drive. The Chamber pointed out that the celebration la a county-wide affair and people from all over the area are invited to attend the many events to be staged during the three-day festivities. NEW DEPUTY TBUETT Edward Tuieit, SI, aa tl Cherokee Ooortj. reaM Deputy Mieriff, Friday tmm IS, by Mr. TiueSt Is married to toe AUee Firebug Probable, Fire Chief Says In a fire-a-day week in Murphy since Sunday an estimated *215, 700 has gone up in flames here. Murphy Volunteer Fire Depart ment Chief W S. Dickey said the Are, which completely gutted a warehouse in the Ragland Build ing and burned through the top floor of the three-story Hackney Carolina Co. Building Sunday aft ernoon and night, caused some *200,000 loss. Earlier Sunday?about 7:18 a. m. . a fire broke out at the build ing on Tennessee St. owned by E. A. Browning and housing Brown ie's Pool Room tuid Grill and the Murphy Shoe Shop. Damages at this fire were estimated at some $5,200, according to Mr. Dickey. Murphy firemen?numbering 24 battled the fires for 14 hours Sun day. Aid was called In from And rews and McCaysville, Ga., with each town sending a truck and five men to join the local depart ment in fighting the fire at the Ragland Building?near the rail way depots?Sunday afternoon. beaver home T3 Early Tuesday morning, the volunteers were again called out to put out flames at the home of Glenn Beavers on Old Hospital Hill. The fire, which was reported around 5:15 a. m. completely con sumed the one story frame house, destroying all furnishings as well as the house. Loss was estimated by Mr. Dickey at around *3,500. The house was owned by C. M. Wofford heirs. The Beaver family?especially one very young child?made 8 narrow escape from the Are. The Murphy firemen were called out of bed Wednesday morning around 5:15 when a 36,000 or 37,033 fire was report ed at the storage room and warehouse of Peyton G. I vie, just below the I vie Funeral Home here. The latter fire started in the room where Ivie stores immediate grave equipment?grass and chairs?and immediately lept into the adjoining warehouse where the flames licked up a number of new innerspring mattresses, bed room and living room furniture and touched on some electrical applianaces. The new load of bedroom furniture had just been placed in the warehouse last Fri day. However, nobody had enter ed the room where- the grave equipment was stored and where the fire was said to have started _ since last week, the Ivies said. The Ivie fire was discovered in the eariy morning by the Kern's Bread truck man. FIRE BtJGT Mr. Dickey uid the Ragland Are Sunday and I vie fire Wednes day appear to have been aet, aa no apparent cause of origin could be found for the fires. However, he said, the pool room and shoe shop fire was probably the result of a carelessly tossej cigarette in some new sawdust Mr. Dickey said the sawdust was put behind the pool room Satur day. The Beaver home, he said, probably caught fire from defec tive wiring. Further investigation is being held on the fires. Meanwhile the pool room man aged by Jack Veyles and the shop, managed by Qoetter Louder-milk, are already plans to rebuild an The big fire Sunday at the Rag land Building was still smolder ing as late as Tuesday. "Die Mas* waa said to have originated in a large, three story building being used as a warehouse by the Far mers Federation and Gibbs Hard ware A Auto Supply Go., owned by Jim Gibbs.

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