&t a. Job Novl ip<i> /,< / MARCH OF DIMES k nut Rqhl 55! "'f ,'f Murphy Library PROMOTING M Ul\l ill . .NlTRK\l> VOLLMK M Nl MBKH-m MI KI'HV NOKTH CAKOI J.NA I liM)A? J \ M \lt\ MARCH OF DIMES rAGKK THIS WEEK People You Knowi MUKPHY Mm J W Davidson, Mrs B W ) Whitfield, Mrs K H Brumby! and Mrs Frank Forsyth were In I Atlanta last week Mr and Mrs H G. Elkins and Mr and Mrs Merle Davis are at tending a gift show in the Muni cipal auditorium in \tlanta this week Mr and Mrs Walter Coleman spent the week end in Atlanta They were accompanied home by Mrs H R Zittrouer who is spend ing the week with them Mr Zit trour will come up for the week end i Mrs W C Kinney a: id Mr ami Mrs. Nat Kinney left Tuesday for Social Circle, (la to visit the form*": s mother Mrs Hrvant who is seriously ill Mr s Clarence Hu h <?f Signal , Mountain, Term spent the we**k j end with her parents. Mr an i Mrs W'.ilani A\l.-y Mrs Dale Lee is attending ai gift show in Charlotte this week Mrs Fran* is Bourne Sr spent several days m Atlanta last week Mr- ami Mrs T A Case had as week end guests Mrs Case's cou sin, Mrs Kathleen House of Rob-) ersonville. ard Mrs M A James of Asheville Mrs. Charles Wi>rtht-n and daugh I ler Patty, went to Chattanooga i Wednesday to meet Mrs Wur I then s mother Mis V .1 Makrla j of Negaunee Mich who will spend si i me time here with the W\>r- J then Mr and Mis .1 II Duncan re 1 turned Sunday from a vacation in Florida M.- and Mrs Bob Fault spen* the week end at Warm Springs with their daughter. Sal'y who iC getting along nicely Roy Owens of Lexington was a 'guest of Mr and Mrs Bill Burnett Wednesday NTr arid Mrs Louie Hehr of West Palm Bca. h Fla -pent the end with Mr and M:s B:I] Barn-. ef t Mr . :? ' M i s J nn ' . nilt w i!l soon return from a thre-- week-; stay m Honda where Mr (lault has been working on the sets of "Florida Aflame", an outdoor dra ma featuring some of the early history of Floriuk. I ANDREWS Mr and Mrs Karl Orr of Bilt more spent the week end here us guests of Mrs. Orr s sisters Mrs Carrie Wilson. Mrs Vie Wood and! Miss Ollie Whitaker. Mrs George Clayton has return- | e 1 1 after a visit with her sons, | George and Charles Clayton in j Asheviile and with her husband at Black Mountain. where he is a pa- . t.ent in the Black Mountain hosp:- [ tal. Mrs. Jirp Harr.lin of Asheviile spent several days la.it week as guest of her aunt. Mrs Vina Kil patruk and Miss Elizabeth Kil Mi'S. Katr i^ee lias rcturM'.l t> her hi-me in Greenville. S. C. af ter a visit lu re with her parents. Mr. ;.n l Mrs. .John Rogers. Mrs. Clyde Jarrett returned last week after a two weeks stay with her mother in Spartanburg, S. C Mrs. Lyman Dills had as her guest last week her niece Mrs C 1 E. Benfield of Gadsden. Ala anil her sister-in-law. Mrs John Miles of Section. Ala , W. I, Dooley of Conasauga. Tenn spent several days here this week on business MrJ. Louise Rogers and her | mother. Mrs. Ben Grant, spent Thursday in Asheviile with Mr. Grant who is a patient at Mission Memorial hospital, after undergo ing surgery last week, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Munger o' ( Topton have returned home after , an extended visit with relatives in Tipton, Michigan. While there Mr Munger was guest soloist at | the Congregational Church ini that town. The Rev. John C. Neville, pastor of the Andrews Presbyterian Church, attended a meeting of the Asheviile Presbytery at the West Asheviile Presbyterian Church Tuesday Mrs. -J. 8. Watktns has returned to her home In Knoxville after a visit with her father, Sen Wal droup Mr. and Mrs. Joe Waldroup of Bagdad, Florida, are spending this week with Mr. W aid roup's father, Ben Waldroup, who Is U1 at his bom* tore. > Mothers March On Pono ... ? ? ? * ' * ? ? ? Tourist Permits Included Friday Night Here m New Fishing Bill Bill Expected To Get Support From WNf Voters bill to knock out the present high priced non-resident daily fish ing permit was introduced to the State Mousse of Representative as Hi. us,- Bill la-t week T M Jenkins. Graham County representative. told the Scout the bill has been banded to the ealen liar committee ui the House The t-' l u ill probably g>> 1" the ? on.rmttee on wild life jesounes < i r fish and game before it reached the House floor Hep .Jenkins said The prop-.seil b:il sets up two short term fishing permits for guest fishermen to this state Or:e permit allows the n.n- resi de!:'. *i fish f'-t the sum of ?l 10 ,i da\ A five day permit will < ost an out ofsta'e fisherman $2 ?> ' a'-"-"r?!insr to the proposed bill The present bill ? overing nul-uf state fishermen provides for a Id fee for visiting sportsmen regardless ot the number of 'days they plan to fish m a season TJa present biP received strong opposition from Western North Co olma when it was passed during the las' session ; ? ' th? Assembly The bill considered unfair by tourist -minded WNC, was a lead in c : 1 1 j >i c of discussion during tin past p- ? 1 1 1 1 ? al campaign The proposed House Rnl r> v.l. ch i alls [or two special pet niit > for tourists "-i!l probably g?** s t ton g support from voters WNS lop . f ?-n k i r s a-serte 1 that one phase of the bill is especially bene final to Western North Carolina }{?? pi. iirit el out that cent of| fund derived from license fee will he set aside as a special fund 1 for purchase or lease of lands and : waters ta be developed for the pro tection and propagation of fish for public fishing. Murphy School Boara Purchases New Site Tht- Murphy S- huol BuitrtJ. with '.ru- o-'opt-rul.-.n ttit- C horokoi County li -ani < .? f < '?.?rtirn;.s>i"n;ei ? tins vst'i'k ? 1 1 j , | ? I ? ? - 1 ! tiii' j i u r ? ? i, i 1 a - >1 J . .r: ' ? An !: t- w Or: |-Y a: * - i A Hui ! burl. ,i^is';im' >ta".o MJporir:U-n i It* n l j .iit.ii * nist t".j' ' j. iri an- 3 an a ali. , ? -n :v. ai:an:zat:. ?r: ; Dr J thn 1. v 'a hut >n "!:rect<ir of M'hmil.'i' iu-.?1 planning . arid I)r Ma r via A .I.#h::s-?n. ttesi^r. < onsu! tant wbl nu-ot with th?* Murphy S< hi*i! Board to determine what typo of building will bo done Mrs. Keese Dies At Turtletown Mi - W H !:??< ? i ! J UYdnos !a, A M at h- nit- of ho. dau^'hltr Mrs I HensVv. of Turf >' iiW!: Tonn a* tho age rf K-"-' !: "f n:ik 1 1* nk: f. - ? . ).-c.;5ht?'rs Mrs K I. Ki... Mi ll, if its C|-V. T.-nr Mr . .1 U Kcenuni ..f Suit Mrs l Fi. i 1 l.r.sli-y -I Tn ' wri. - TV in a-: j Mis I-.m W.... I. ..f Pa, kt.-.vn I T.-nr. n:.! 1J Li.,,: II : l ' .? ]< Furrr,; H ,.f ?' 1 ! ' ' I la.. :> m ? har go. ami tho fnreral will bo h'-l-J Frid ay. .fan 21. a' Zion Hill Church. Turtletown Interment will bo at Cnion Church Cemoterv at Bearpaw Creek Murphy Legion Post Exceeds Membership Quota Mi. r f .?!'?> I'.is? M i ' Ui- A ?*?!..- it. S' -fr- H^a-l^uartrrs ,if Ihr Ami ! ? .ir: in li:i\ t'h l?M- I * .-t 1m- IV. 1-. ? ? ? I l lr">" t'mri: !h?* A 1 -'.ant Nash M t'\ pros.sir..^ thanks t- ? the bership i hairman .i'] I' ?st <)ffnrrs. am! tticrribft shin wnrk?'r> l-.-r !>;??: r t }'?V Mil!.:; V K. ills'. ..r Sails f .? 1 1 r I ' ? ? j i ? t r 4 : : j - ? ; : t < '.urm'iaT'.-irr "f Ariit'ii.,;i:i I.t'jj".'>n .->>111"! a sta^Tm-nt of fi:.L'h f :? r a i ^ 1 I : . i r.h" I .i al 1' T h ? ? I <<: l? .s? ??: . : I ari ? 7" Q-1..M ; a:. ., -*::?<? ? ?? i-h ? )' ? hv S\iV H- nlqiM.- V ? | ar:-l a:?- hi . <?.? *!..? .ivwai:*' rr.mibership . f th- I'.-s! f. ,t *h - past four years I Tln'i't ?K WOM W S ( IJ r, I Th.> .)U!-;hi W. < On meet '..initrlil r:t 7 > t: I ni.t: y ,-i h ii* i ? : i;rr Four-County Rabies Control Program Is Planned Soon Cherokee County is planning a, rabies or hydroprubia control pro gram 111 ? ^operation with I'nik Coun'v. Tennessee, Famn County. ' '.(?i>rpia and Clay I'mntv. North I *:it .litia. nave Moody. 1'" a; San itarian announced this week A series o[ rabies clinics wtil be h? I I in Feb? u/try He [ninted cut that peration is necessary because 37 counties in the state had rabies in their ani mals during the past year Cherokee County was second in the state with 23 laboratory con firmed cases of rabid dogs These animgls do not recognize county lines, he said, and endanger other areas Dr Martin P Hines, Chief Veter| inarian of the State Board of Health, says "A four-point pro gram is being launched by coun ties throughout North Carolina, in eluding vaccination of all dogs against rabies each year; 2 elim ination of stray dogs by county wardens in cooperation with en forcement officers; 3 information to the public about rabies control; 4 evaluation of statistics for fu ture action " Dr Hines said that a gxsod con trol program for rabies will mean that fewer people will have to take the Pasteur treatment. He also said control of rabies will pre vent economic loss that comes when rabid animals bite livestock p.nd wildlife. Dr. Hines concluded that the con trol of rattles is vp to, etch citi?n. Ev?ry dog owner should teve his dog vaccinated against rabies eaota year U> : -AA . v?* '***? t? >1 liS. .IAKKKTT HOST I SS | M : s Uyo- H .T.i: : <-1t v:ll bf hostess to members >: the Kama Mil: '" ei.*v]e ?V -Xn-lft-ws Frst Bap':s! Chui' h a* h-\ homo ]'? I 1 1.:' y ;r. 2 p. m SIMS <.K \ I ) I \TKS i Army i'v! Ray < ' Sims, 22. .son | ' of Mrs. Leila Sims. Valley River 'Ave . Murphy. N C , re<ent:y was: graduated from the I Corps X.>:> ' I ; Commissioned Oftirer A< adomy in1 Korea. I Murphy Garden Club Meets Next Week The .Murphy Club will ih^ hi r 1 1 . ? ?: Mrs .1 \V [ > i\ r !>? '!i T : . i ? ]>y *: ! ?? ) \\ . 1 l. Pr> ? nV : by M il i : 1 :.j ( 'hritt ?? TV A s * ? 1 1 f pn.pe::;^ < :ff ;? ? ? H. will speak on shrub?. Betty Weaver In \ll Slate Hand BKTTY HKW'KR I'lajs <-l:iirnct with Ml SLitc lian. i Miss Bet I \ Weaver. a ! r - -tt a! Murphy Hi.-h *<::???..! thi month \v:]i play in tile Al. S'a'r ]':ui'i a.s '.he fn>! Murph\ i -*j?: ser.ta'iw ' ? Mm V. r.-i j v..i : s.-h-. t ?? i at'.- , * ' V -"!'T :r: !a v s. ?, (My las! fall The All State group of some ;<J i f ? 4 1 ! : . K. r>-<' < 'it y an-1 :tll l v, will veil e at Cul l'i\v:;ce Jan. 2H fur a two ilay prae tire schedule ? ?'.imaxir.i; in a ! r.'j- vV i ? -A.il play ??i'lnne4 v? ; i f i ' ; .? r is 11 vea? s ... i . ?! 4 ' - t Mr an.? M : !:>-t ? ? r ' \" W? aver . .f M jr . f. r- + Hairnetist an ? 3 i ? ? ? ? i ? ? r i ? ? , ? with tV?e Murphy S ? ;i- ?? ? I i i. i : . ? s'." i< the f'vshman repress n ' a' i \ - ? to the s4u?Vnt coun-'il. She is an ;>ct:ve member of the First M< thodist Church an-1 sings I ? 'hi- Youth c?mir >>f the Church ] She studies piano with Mrs James |c Hnws^. I ():>? nit r.ar-e: the Robh.r.sville JSehei. ! Band will also piny in the State Bnnd. Low Bidders Told For Clav ( * . r i > * r-ij. ' n will be^rin in Clay *">'jrity S'xtri on the m-w school ?ru? Um*s , i f t ; bi-ls Wri t' rei eiv 1 anl ? ? ? r i * r?i ? t s let recently T ' tl fir: 1- s i i 1 1 1 ? * .t:> .v.iil.t !?!'? 1 ? th?' 1 v * : ? - rt; st :i' <? ?? ' I i-iii- money f : " r* four s: ? h < k . ' a n> \v ainiitonurn for , . school; a new auditor |? .in. : '.hi- Shooting Oree'n School* t < .. ' n an?t cabine'.s for Klf ? ?? ^rt.1 . < t ri. 'I ? ' '?-rit r ; 1 1 rvnovit'.ion of I ? i. v. ? \ M Hughes an?l s.>n la a f * H H ...??!? M . jrjih . f .V. ? nnnnhni::. Wells r .\! . ? : .I'.iiiL < ' H ^ ' ' M:.' } >. l> ? \ i ; i I vvoi k. Murpr. . r 1 ? ? y1;- r ? : r.<i c : i : li : ? 1 1 ^ , . S, ,r:, K,< ' . c, ? .. , , ?' ; ! T.jj j ill. atvh4:?v!-en^ntM-r 'han't1 <if 'h?> woi k for DnJ,^1 ' i r : 1 Ha mil. Ass- .-eiates. which is a.' .1 in i har^v of new srln kj) work in Murphy Mr Hart ill is now mak tn.U his humo m Andrews to super ^ vise the buiMin^ projects in this ar>-a Porchliijht Is M?n For Mothers To Stop Th?- Mm j y ] s Man h o.i J i ?! 1 . ? i ?>v Mr s S ' " Harness, u.'l h<- hi . i Kri'ia v I.t": 2 fn>ni K . < '.y> ?' e a r. 1 ? : '? ? !: j tk?- an ?f f. .r-f *D c >nt ri hi;' c s> ?m e thing to fi t5 drive. Mrs Burgess said. The town fin- whi-.'h- will blow ? ? j r 1 ? tnyirmiriv < t th'k march v.ish.iii:- <? on tribute aj?* : k - . ' ? 1. >? ?. ..? rh?M.- ;x?r ? h lights Mn; }'.uri,'('ss said ' 'polio is no p'-r is.ti ; or ares I>kt's 1 ' ' 1 th.- i : 5 o. t successful :,;h! .:::ainit the ? f r * ? . 1 1 * - ? 1 <lisea.se. lave your porchhght on and your limes i>r dollars ready' NO I. -\STKKN ST A 11 Thr ula r nn'ftmK Murphy 'ha | >'.??? N" 10 < )ni?-r of tie- Kast ?in Star wiii not be held Thursday, fan 27 line to a friendship meet ng in H.iyesvJle Murphy Lions Club Gets Reports On Blind Work [ ai ?* <? rr.e 22 persons in ( ' r i " ? ! i r. t ? t 1 v ^ e ".in ^ ait t" the .'.\y[ with n 'iveni^t1 rtion'hly . ' - :s. ! h<* M i! i ? h y l.i < *lub re H'-'A.: ?' 1 |J k?' !' ?? , blin<: v ; le Hv.< v;.m's U> r ? ! m ? i {.???.?;?!' ni their % luri ri^ : rv p.i<: six n:o::!hs. h<- report*'- 1 Visits to blir.'! persons were ir.a?!e to investigate eligibility fur assist mm. to render talking book s-'i'M e. *?> distribute whit*4 runes . t : ? ? 1 give iRs'nK1! ions on use < ?f One - f rh^ ronin objectives M ?? < h s.n l. is to help sightless ;?< rsi>:is .if.'.! 'hen- families m si>r.ov crimes to hoconu1 beHei adjusted u> a situation which may be c\ : frnn-'.y fi ustratmtf S:::ir the start <<f the Naniahaht L??>ns F\vc Clinic i n Andrews people f r > ? : r . Cherokee County have re< eived eye examinations and treatments The clinic in Andrews has been in operation since July, 1951 In addition to the clinic in And rews. a clinic was held in Murphy in December for the benefit of si honl children. Some 34 persons had their eyes examined at that clinic and 25 received glasses Mr. Pro'i' M said . Bids Be Taken Next Week On New Hiwassee Dam School Hi N ' - . 1 1 b<- hot "o rov r w?iok tor the new Hiw^sro Dam 7 Srfi.H : huilding, Suj-t. I.loyl Hon .' ? Ii i\ s.n I today. 1 - Tho v. >t h.H ] ?? : no ,-.?r.s-pj. ( t ? ' ? .-i* Si;- il ( ' ! in :i <?< ?<?] i Ian- '? ? v." i ' : ; \ I o - . .?! s: po i :fications pro v.'iro I hv ! 7 ?Ti ! ? i (Iroenr, G.is'onii I | Bi<l< v. ,;i ho made fm goneril ron?lt uo'.ii n. plumbing, heating, j Andrews Scouts Will Conduct Tag Day Sat. For Polio Drive Tap Day will bo sponsored Satur? (lav. January 22 by the Andrews j Girl Scout group and the Boy Scout i troop jointly in the March of Dim-| es Drive for Polio funds "Blue I Crutches" printed tags, and "Figh }er Baloons" will be sold on the; streets and the dime board will be ' in operation a^ain. January 529 various organizations' will again sponsor the Dime Board The Mother March, or house to' house canvass. under the Rev. | James Hombuckle on Monday! evening, Jan. SI will climax the ! Marchof Dimes. At the beginning of the Mothers March the town's fire whistle will blow and residents are asked to turn on porch lights as a signal for the Worker* to C$.11 for donations j Other projects to be announced) later will include events by dif-' ferent organisations. Andrews Seniors Elect Superlatives The Senior class of Andrews High School elected superlatives Friday with the following students being elected; most polite, Pat Derre berry and Roy Palmer; best all around. Bobby Conley and Walter Raxter; most likely to suc ceed, Thomasine Almond and Todd Reece; most studious. Maxine Mason and Ray Adams; most ath letic, Sue Crawford arid Bobby Cooper: wittiest, Joe Collett and June Cruse; neatest. Lois Breed love and Carrol Matheson. Also, laziest. Barbara Barton and Daniel Dills; class grouch, Doris Holder and Ray Adams: class flirt, Bobby Barton and bill M?rr; cl?ss baby' L*rry West;. an nual queen. June Cruse; annual king. Dean Dockery. I f .-- * *"*.v"3Va -W i Mrs. Beaver Has Violet HD Meet Mrs. Gwendolyn Ceaver was hos- j tess to the Violet Home Demon- 1 stration C!i;b at her home .Tan. 7 ' Mrs Reaver also gave the rtevo- ' tional. Miss Edna Bishop was in 1 charge of the program after which refreshments were served 1 The meeting will be at the home ! of Mrs Fred Graham next month. 1 Brass town Com. Club Meet* Today The Brasstown Community Club ; will hold its first meeting of the new year Thursday, Jan. 20 at 8 p. m. at the Folk School Plans for a community auction l will be discussed and old movies ] of the Brasstown community will 1 he shown. 1 ?if i u i. 1 1 v. "t ;? . c \ i ;? va' )? m ani! < ? ??-Vr:h grading. Prt. :????>. i 1 1 h' ? fio hr tn> 'nf< ? if i v. !! Hf iffpiveil it th-.' I '?!]:.? i 1 1 i- '.I Boa.nl ollu'o In J !j?? in n r: Mi li-f at II a ni Jaml I | Thf H.v. i-si >' Dam School 'sj rw v; rvi r.pyniL' ;i TVA temporary s'nir inve no.ir th.-1 ilam. The lease' or1, tli-"1 buiMini: i uns out -his year. The new binMinp: will imiuile com plete facilities for grammar sehiwi1 a:i 1 hi^h school Tin4 site for the new scnool has already been purchase J. Scouts To Hold Rummage Sale Boy Scout Troop 12 of Murphy will hold a rummage sale Satur day. Jan 22 in Sossanion Furni ture Store. John Jordan, scout mas ter. said Proceeds from the sale will go into the troop treasury. Several mothers of scouts will be on hand to help out with the selling. Mr Tnrv?on ? V.ucwi OOill. Speaker And Skit Planned Red Cross Meet Here Fri. K. C. Lattimer, Rod Cross fields service director, will speak at a meeting of the Murphy Red Cross I Chapter Friday at 8 p m. in the] primary school auditorium. Four Lee Edwards High School students of Asheville will present' i skit on Hurricane Hazel at the | neeting. | The public is invited to attend. | Prior to the program several tfurphy School Band members will ilay. Miss Virginia PoelXing, southeast area Junior Red Cross flrector wilj also be present. The meeting was set for 8 p m. lot to conflict with the mothers ?arch on polio which ' will M Mild from fl to 8 p. m. Friday #*? Browns Feted At House warming Mr. and Mln. Albert Brown Sr. formerly of Hanover, New Hamp shire, who have recently moved into their new home 09 Piagah Rd near Andrews were honored Ttrure day evening with a surprise Pot luck supper and houaewarnring. Approximately 38 person* at tended the affair and ted

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