KEEP YOUR m /itf i /(St a TRADE AT t ??"'? 0bf ^wrt J*' ; YOUR COMMUNITY ? IT PAYS v u., / ?? riNv kphy Ai\i ! / **ju*k tTnvm^i ? ?> SOUTH CARO' IT" A TWIIDAY, FT.' Il?. 1MK "* ^ Dr. Wall*, and fnMta of Kn. J. W. i and Mr. and Mra. Harry They want from tor* ? Atlanta where Or. Warner spoke a? ? medical maotU* on cheat ?ry. Mrs Warner la a niece of Mr*. Thompson. Mr. and Mra. Robert Barclay and ?on, John of Oopperhill, Tenn., ?pent Sunday with Mra. Barelay*a mother, Mra. J. W. Thompson. James Smith, atudent at the Unlveralty of Tennessee, Knoxville spent the week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mra. J. Franklin Smith and. his slaters. Mr. and Mra. Loren Davis, Mra. Roy Lovtngood and Mra. Dale Lee attended the Fashion Show in Atlanta thia week. Mra. J. W. Davidson spent a few days In Atlanta this week. Mrs. O. W. Hendricks and Mra. W. A. Hoover had lunch with Mrs. Otis Arp at Copperhill, Tenn., last Wednesday. Mrs. E. C. Sullivan and Mra. W. A. Hoover had lunch with Mrs. Os car 'Hendricks last Thursday. Mrs. Hugh Pitman and children. Carol and Hugh of Gastonta. spent the week end with Dr. and Mrs. W. A. HooVer and children. Mrs. E. C. Sullivan who had been here with her daughter, Mrs. Hoover and family, returned with them to her home in Cherryville. Mrs. Don Witherspoon is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mack Patton, Mr. Patton and children in Hender sonville. v Mr. and Mrs. Jim Franklin left Wednesday to spend a few days in Atlanta on business. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Cloe Moore and Mtd? ' Marie. Price left Itat week "Tor a vacation in Florida. ANDREWS , " Among those attending the Asso ciated Communities from Western North Carolina which convened Tuesday at Western Carolina Col lege at Cullowhee were Percy B. Ferebee, Supt, J. E. Rufty, 8. J. Gemert and H. M. Whl taker. Mrs. Wade Reece and Mrs. W. T. Teas have returned after a stay of two weeks in Florida. Paul Lay of Calhoun, Ga. spent last week here during the absence ' of Grady Garrett, who is manager of the Lay and Company Ten Out Store. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Grant and three children , Mike, Karen and Cheryl of Asheville have returned to their home after spending the week-end here with Mrs. Grant's grandmother, Mrs. John Rogers. Rev. and Mrs. George Cul berth and daughters of Aaheville spent several days of last week here j ? with Mrs. Cul berth's mother, Mrs. W. L. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Garrett and children, Jimmie and Connie, have 1 returned after a trip to St. Augus tine, Florida and other points In Florida. Mrs. L. M. Petty of Gastonla la visiting this week with her son, J. H. Petty and his family. Mrs. Lee C. Richards of Green ville, S. C. is the guest of her mo ther, Mrs. John Rogers. ? Harry Lay, of Falrmount, Ga., spent last week here with his bro- ? ther, Baxter Lay ang son, Dickie. 1 'Mrs. Clyde Jarrett left Friday for 8partanburg, 8. C.. for a stay ) of several weeks with her mother. ' Mr. and Mrs. Hancock Davis had as their guests their son, Dr. and Mrs. 'Jack Davis and son. Karl, of Waynesvllle. also their son, John Henry Davis, Mrs. Davis and', t their ohllden, Glenn and EUen I ^ of Franklin over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Williams and their daughter, Mrs. Crawford and i her daughter, Debbie Mr t : her h _ ' virit hen; with her sister. MM \ Ruth wVNhrcW. was adoomfr- , New Hiwassee Dam b shool >'? ? - ? ? v > >? ^ jf '!f ; ? *?;?? .'? < ? Ground Breaking Set * odav Ground breaking ceremonies for* the new Hhneeee Own School will bs held today at 2:90 p. m. at the new school site in Shoal Creek Townahip. The 40 acre site, purchased tor the school about two years ago, la located on the highway about a mile and a half from the Suit Post Office. Noah Hembree, chairman of the county board of education, will turn the first shovelful of earth. He will use a shovel purchased for the occasion by the HI was see Dam senior class. Dennis Graham is class president. Others present on the occasion will be Lloyd Hendrlx, superinten dent of Cherokee County schools; H. Bueck, superintendent at Mur phy Schools; and J. E. Rufty, sup erintendent of Andrews Schools. Also present will be county com missioners E. L. Townson, W, A. Hyde, and W. B. Dockery. Former commissioners W. E. Moore, Gay Hawkins and Sam Jones will also be present The Hiwassee Dam 8chool com mittee will be Introduced by Principal Hal H. Hale as follows: Carl Quinn, Guy Eller, Wlllard Graham, Clinton Loudermllk and Claude Patterson. The Murphy School band will play the prelude and postlude and the National Anthem. The invoca tion will be by R. L. Keenum of Suit and Mrs. Clay Hopwood, pre sident of the Hiwassee Dam PTA will give the welcome. Members of the county board of education, serving with Mr. Hem bree are Allen Brendle, Louis King, Lawson Lunsford and B. B. Palmerv Almost J30O, 000 will be spent on the new school plant, which is said to be the moat up to date to be built in Cherokee County. * NEW NAME The new name for the school ha* not been decided, but the plant will take place of the present Hiwassee Dam elementary and high school. It is hoped the new building will be completed by school opening next fall, although there is some doubt that it will be completed in time. The expandable modern brick masonry structure calls for some M classrooms, a symtorium (combination gymnasium and auditorium), a library and caf eteria. For the present the cafe terK has been cut oat tq get within the budget and the large library will be used for a cafe teria, is was saU. The Hiwassee Dam School has been housed in a wooden TV A building near the dam since 1936. At present the school is under 13 year lease with TVA. The contract expires in July, 1955. Funds for the new school will come largely from the county school bond voted last fall and from the state school bond voted in 1953. Barbara Shields Injured In Auto Mrs. J L. Shields (Barbara) of Atlanta, formerly of Murphy, re ceived a back injury and bruises Baturday - night in an automobile collision on Hilton St. here. Mr. and Mrs. Shields were travel tag on Hilton St. toward McLelland St. in a 1966 Plymouth. A 1956 Ford driven by an 18 year aid Mulkey boy came out of a aide street at the back of the primary school building and hit the right ' rear of 1 the Shifelds car. tfiere were three other youths in the Mulkey auto. Shields was forced into a tele phone pole. Injuries to the Ply mouth were estimated at $800 by ImrssUgaUng Officer Leo nart lanes. Some 1100. damage was Sane to the Ford, Janes said. Mr. ahields received a face *r#eh. Mrs. Shields was treat ?a a* a kwal hoefc?al wttfere she *as a patient until IUdAbjt after > ^ ; ;? "* ' Hearing is Called On Phone Rate Increase A proposal by the Western Car olina Telephone Co. to raise phone rates in Murphy will be heard by the North Carolina Utilities Com mission at the Court House here, starting at 2 p. m. Tuesday, March 1 The phone company is asking an increase in rental rates and in tar iff charges at its Murphy ex change. The company asserted Murphy was bypassed on the last increase granted by t)\e Utilities Commis sion. I The Increase would bring Mur phy rates up to rates now in effect in other similar exchanges in its territories, the company alleged. Public Invited To Folk School Benefit The public is invited to attend &< ?larch of Dimes benefit party at he Folk School at Brass town Sat urday, Feb. 12 at 8 p. m. Admission Is 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for children up to 12 years old. Refreshments, donated by members of the community, will be served. Special music will be furnished by Miss Rachel Grubbs of Knox ville, Tenn. Miss Ethel Capps, also of Knoxville, will introduce some new English folk games to the group. Miss Capps was recently an exchange teacher in England. I Fannie McLellan of the Folk School will present a puppet show. All proceeds will go to the polio (Irive in Cherokee aria Clay Coun ties. Marble Children Collect $110 A total of $110.50 as collected by the children of the Marble elemen ' tary school during the March of Dimes campaign. Mrs. Vic Wood's second grade collected the largest amount and Jackie Raxter of Mrs. Minnie Ta tham's first grade collected the argest individual donations. Other' leaders of their rooms ere: Victor Farmer, second grade Mrs. Vic Wood, teacher; Robert Watson, third and fourth grade, Mrs. Lunsford, teacher; Edward Bryson, fourth and fifth grades, Mrs. Helen Waldroup, teacher; {Nell Battle, sixth grade with Frank Walsh teacher. , Lance Boy Found Wet, But Unhurt Robert Lance, 14, was found Sat urday around 11 p. m. soaking wet, but otherwise unhurt after getting lost on a hunting trip. The boy had set out "buzzard" hunting in the middle of the after noon Saturday In tbe Gold Branch section of the County and lost his way. After dark he went in an abandoned house where he was found by a searching party of four officers and sever*!. other per sona. Deputy" Sheriff Lott&h West " re ported the searching party knock-,1 ed on the door of the house and the 1 ; boy came to the door. The lad said he had planned to stay in the house 1 and wait for morning to look for his way home. Officers on the search were ' Sheriff Claude Anderson, Deputies West and Charles White and High- ' way patrolman Walter Leming. White Named On Lion i Convention Committee i Members of the Murphy and An- ' , drews Lions Clubs are making i plans for the qtate convention to' be held in Charlotte May 29 - SI, | Harve Elklns, chairman of the ' Murphy club's convention comm ittee, said. I Bob White of the Murphy club | has been appointed a member of the rules committee at the conven tion, Mr. Elkins said. (Incomplete Polio Proceeds (Reported; Drive Ends oon A AUW Panel Talks Comics At Meet A panel discussion on comic books was held last week at the meeting of the Cherokee County Branch 61 the American Associa tion of University Women meeting at the home of Mrs. T. A. Case. ] Mrs. Germldine Meadows was moderator for the panel and per sons taking part were Mrs. J. A Morris, Mrs. Wiley Kinney, Jr., Mrs. Jtohn S. Smith, Mrs. Harry Miller and Mrs. Constance West. The education committee. Miss Ju liet Pegues, chairman, was in charge of arrangements for the program. Mrs. Miller ,ln discussing horror , comics said a test aside on a poor ( high school reader showid that i very little of (he reading matter ( was comprehenaiMe to Mm, and It hras the ptetuffe that made I ?i I s .>"?*- < - " ? wf SS her topic tnd took most of her In formation from the book. "Seduc tion of the Innocent^', a report on comic books. She cited cases of Juvenile crimes in which the ideal and plot for the crime had come from comic books. Mrs. West said comic books are an "invitation to illiteracy". Mrs. Smith reported on love com lcs. She said she was unable to find a copy of any lor* comic book last week in Murphy wbldi was the en4 of the month. She said she talk ed with a girl who told Her site had to get to the mwstaad when the comics came ta or all of the love comics would be aoU out. The girl further said that "love comlca are tame after some of the romance maxasinea." ? Some $2,700 was on hand here last week for the polio drive, Bob Bault, chairman, announced today. Mr. Bault said proceeds from the dance Saturday as well as dona tions from the schools are not in yet. He said the total should cohie to some $4,000 when complete. Mean while he asked helpers In the .irive to turn in their collections bo the drive can be cloaed. The Folk School will sponsor a party Saturday night with pro ceeds to be divided between *Clay : and Cherokee County polio drives. The benefit dance Saturday here attracted some 290 persona an a rainy night. Proceeds, not com- \ pleted, will probably be some ' wos. The dance was sponsored Jointly by the Lions, CI Titans, Junior Woman's Club and America* Leg- ] , I Andrew# PTA Meets Monday At School The Murphy City School Board: ia week gave the nod to a pre- j mlnary plan for a (235,000 three- j :ade senior high school plant and . possible gymnasium at the new y acquired building site on the Vndrews highway. The board ordered the plans with an eye cocked toward a sec- | ond distribution of state funds and , possible federal funds In the fut- j ure. The action came after a three , man committee from Raleigh spent several days here studying the new site, the present school site and the school system in gen eral. Members of the committee were Dr. A. S. Hurlburt, assistant state superintendent of public instruct ion and an authority in reorgan ization, Or. John L. Cameron, dir ector of schoolhouse planning, and Marvin A. Johnson, design consul tant and architect Suit, H. Dam Rabies Clinics Set Fri. Sat. I Rabies Clinics for Suit and Lib erty will be conducted tomorrow (Friday) on the following schedule it was announced : 1:30 - 2 p. m., Letitia Post Officc 2 - 2:30 p. m. Suit Post Office 2:30 - 3 p. m. Casteel Hawkins Store 3 - 3 :30'p. m.; Swansori Baptist Church 3:30 - 4 p. m. Brendle's Store 4 - 5:00 p. m. Jones Store at Lib- , erty Clinics will be held Saturday, ' Feb. 12, at the Hiwassee Dam sec tion as foilows: 1:30 - 2 p. m. Sam Roberson's , Store 2 - 2 :30 p. m. Oak Park Post Of fice 2:30 - 3 p. m. Walter Dockery , Store 3 - 3:30 p. m. Keid's Chapel 3 :30 - 4 p. m. Hiwassee Dam Post Office 4:30 - 5 p. m. Violet Church The fee is one dollar per dog. Historical Society Meets Monday Here The Cherokee County Historical Society will meet Monday, Feb. 14, at 7:30 p. m. in the Murphy Lib rary. The Murphy School Board made It dear that mm f tisnl will he slgne* on the tentative plana ordered from Architect C. O. Harrill until the picture ?? state and federal money to dear- , er. Figures on tne proposed shell like gym run between $30,000 and (40,000 and would Include facu lties for a community auditorium. But the special committee plac ed the need for a gym-auditorium and lunchroom below the need for classrooms. After bearing the f commendation from the commit tee, tile school board put the gym oo an sterna te plan. Touching on the lunchrooms, the committed reported that "this school Is doing a marvelous jab with the lunchroom they now have. It Is taking care of mora 'people than it ia suited for." Ttw experts agreed oo the need of % lunchroom but reported the Dead for schoolrooms must come first ? In their recommendations. Murphy Boys, Andrews Girls Take Wins Tues. The Murphy boys and the An drews girls are still undefeated in the conference today after taking wins Tuesday night in a double tilt at the Andrews gym. The Andrews girls tumbled the Murphy girls 60-41 while the Mur phy lads downed the Wildcats 51-42. g - |j r1 Sue Crawrorcr was hign scorer in the girls game with 34 points. Other Andrews girls scoring were Doris Teas, 12; Dorcas McGuire, 12; Bobble Conley, two. Murphy Girls sinking points were led by Jo Garrett with 14; followed by Laura Bailey, 13; Bet ty Palme, eight; Alice Lovingood, four; Gently, one; and Stiles, two. High scorers for Murphy in the boys match were; Johnson, 90; Coffey, 16; Elliott, seven; McCombs, four; Stiles, four. An Irews boys scoring were Hogted, 16; Cooper, 14; Wheeler, seven; ?? Pullium, three; Collins, two. Tourney Schedule Be Mack Up Monday . ~ - - --t- -**. : 4 Howard Moody Hurt In Fall i \ Howard Moody suffered a brok en hip in a fail on an icy road in the Smoky Mountains Sunday Br bout 10 a. m. Moody, accompanied by two men from Clay County, wag returning home from Knoxville, Tenn. A bus and seven ears were stall ed just above the second tunnel on the way to New F"ound Gap, it was reported. Moody got out of his car and walked up the hill to ash men who were operating a snow plow how the road was over the mountain. As Moody started back to his car, his feet slipped and he fell, crush ing his hip. He caught on his right hand, but was unable to break the fall, it was said. He was taken to General Hospi tal, Knoxville, where he underwent an operation. He will return home in about two weeks, according to reports, but will not be able to re turn to work for from six months to a year. He wts reported improving well Wednesday morning. Clyde Sneed drove Mrs. Moody to Knoxville Sunday and she is there at present with her husband. ? The schedule for the Smoky Mo untain Basketball Tournament wiB be drawn up Monday In a meet ing of coaches in Andrews. The boys tournament games, starting Feb. 16, will be played in Andrews. Girls tournament tilts will be played in the Bryaon City gym beginning Feb. 17. Boys and girls will play on alternate nights Feb. 16-19 and Feb. 23-26. (Mans Fete Scoots At Sapper Members of Boy Scout Troop IX were honored Monday night by the Clvitan Club at a supper at the Methodist Church. Some It Stouts Joined with the some M Clri^ans at their regular meeting. Scouts Julius Hill and Tommy Howse were presented with star pins. The boys earned the award at the Boy Scout of Honor last week, but the pins were presented by the Civitans who sponsor Troop 13. John Jordan is Scoutmaster and Ben Ragsdale is assistant Scout master. Ranger W. E. Howell Was in charge of the prograni. He spoke and showed a film on forest fire prevention. ? ' , 1 Two young farmers of Cherokee County are now at State College, Raleigh, tailing a short course In modern {arming. ?. ;v Fred Johnson, Rt. 1, Murphy and Herbert ODell, Rt. 3, Murphy left left Sunday ; morning for two weeka of intaMfted atadjf of latest nttkodt] technltjuci, mil pihulplea of fuming. ^ Andrews Jr. Class j Play Set Tonight s. The Junior CI as* of the Andrews Sigh School will present a play. Teen Times", Thursday, Feb. 10, at 7:80 p. m. In the high school luditorium. there are M characters la the play plus extras. principal R. H.