1 111 ? 1 ? ? " 1 I | Right, Step Tr? petiUK aau wjE be is Cberuicc Coacry uu? *?? ?t ii ^ t-jr a nryn: i ihmfw teiicc las ui 'Jbr '/?-,-4 v. teaJ ?aaiy Ktecibert 'Jve ara?-l ?er?-.^e* o? ta?u?e per*M-a vtrvst* ?xsj&'jtA. cu r i>? use c/ Sbe aliwo"* Sajcs & lanr wj?ju4?a aCef> karx k? ? 'AC. \ s.t fat? _-^r fc Sea cMjnty E ? '-? ?-?-gr. ^ -fitrju-jr. Awt an/, tc !fee niU of n-irl*-n i= t* ps*r?. ?>rtxie? ?t Wjert :*. _t & ?!irtrr 2? the petf'.t of *Jfc-s <*?.?) v. -*>e "Jj* ? a> it Deix-v* the? iriT Iw Gc*-?. Aiwl r.v; r.-?_ y/je .tt-T ju.: W?r?? N-.rtk Car-. * u b t??w? K. (.lei- t.t*.v.a T e sj' ?w vf trfMj'i r.*.; r.:RfSt_ ie -t . - 4=jia *yj?a -.,. ve iuU B ?.-4 '< E".?' 'jtj *v* >?*" ?- ? yea.' TVv? ??".?*- .f.rj ? >. amv m.'x civJia/.- _? ; ? ??.- - . ?:-.!_ ? r-r;r A Last W arnitig T f ." T- - ^r-r.-v ;V.fc *? * V .cV I'- bfr'i..' I'.v. r. v- * :. r. ar.2 urr.*r ^ *.v^ J' V.'Vw-'' r!-i" '. ' *? ^ .1 f f ' " * " ? - ? ' p to V/jr*- : f-". up " '/ 1 . K&Jiigh T'.< -i.-'.ci *. ' - ?vnj v. '.r'4' ? ' i.- '.a at !?rr&jr* !?*???? i-? *'>???? - ?: ??? - . ?*> L-. '. rf E'-: V-f: -? -v.i."; rr e-i ' i *-rt- th; tor-.tt! if---' . - A_"i the fcfci jcr. w... b? 4->. Postman *s Life It -Jt -i -?jr. t r'-i ~'t sit m * lar-; c?. H* ?- ? 'r. s*Ji c-.. - tsjur*. be ultxc^ ?t by ?ivj? s._i - 11?, . blUcr: b)- ?!-/?> v. ? ?ivr. : bet^r. e there * *ey rtt-vr^ of a ~zr. trXizg I a pcsUna.', an-l i be au*. in arry kjrf of weS-'JTer. But he 4oe? get off or. Wuh Birtijday. AM ? yoc kmiw it - i*. rained ail day in Cherokee Coirriy Fe'iruty 22. TVA Gives 17 Million Tree Seedings For Reforestation TV A mud today that mm than 17 million tree ???"lling?, mostly pine, have been taken from the ' ground and graded a', its Clinton, Tenneiwetr, tree nursery. Mont of the >e*dlingi are being distributed throughout the Tennes see Valley by state forestry and extension agencies; fhe balance were produced on contract for forestry agencies It is e*,ima'?-d that the Clintm nursery will yie'd nearly 22 mil lion needling! this season, of which about 15 million will be planted by Valley farmers and timber tract owner* TV A ha* more requests for the seedlings than it can fill, it said. Report! from field jtaiJ ...ember* wtocaXe that an a-iiit:c'_2j live million seedlings cou!4 h?/e been dk4 by farmers ani :'?sr Umber owner s. North Alaba ~i counties could hare used afcc'jt a million more Kedtinp than the 2.2 mil lion they have bee-: allotted, TV A ?2LU?. Requests from Valley counties In western North Carolina _a4icate they could have u sei 3!,i million, instead of the 2% million they will get. TVA's forestry representative tn the Chattarvrga area reported that at least a half million addi tional seedlings couU iave been planted there. Early Morn Prayers Planned In Andrew* Cm Friday morning, Feb. 25 at 8 o'clock the Andrews Free Metho dist church will sponsor special prayer service# which will con tinue through until 2:30 p. m. The church will be open from 0 a. m. to 2:30 p. m. tor those wait wUS to com* and offer prayers, according to aitnouacament by the pastor, the Rot. K KimberUn. Eat - TO WHOM IT MAY OOSCERN: I, Maynanl J?ok Mills, am wp iratfd from CkrbtlM WUskhi Mill* ind am not aad win not be rrnpoti -lWc for any dfUi mute by her now or hereafter. Msjmard Jlrt Mills North Carolina'* commercial hatcheries produced an estimated 4,02.000 chicks during last Decem ber, or 19 per cent below the num ber produced for December of the previous year. THE CHEROKEE SCOUT Jr*y. taw Pubtlahad rrery Thursday at Wapby, Cberokaa Oooaty, IV. C. WOJLIAM V. AMD EWLT P. CCMTEUiO-PuMlflhera and Owners WUXJAM V. conmo ~ 1- Editor SUBSCRIPTION HATES Cn?ty : OiM'Taar, ?.?; She Cbwty: Om Taar tt.OO; a >. <1 90 W.T* at Murphy, North matter under Am Act Letters To Editor Mutte. * C FeUnmrr ?*- -*? TSt CbtnJut* text Mafpfcr. > C. 1*4; &; Fct -jae Juss". IVO *l>Hu I hart arjuctxj ti s^ic-je m yoa r pk^cf "Calbofc* Seed Oars " wte it? by Rtw-mi Jute^s Peaty It j-js^s hok af tie ouunery iraere ? '-^*Tt M f- BSfcC& g*M-?lrfCg. J?.!?yiS 5 is t*r~aa?y t . j.-mlitot* ?j*S E?ar e?wr?fjj to |?* ma ti a t j?n! new iA-ytr J la b-jj* -Jsa.-. ?s a a j> pea.' u.'.i aea?Jaft , SaxeretT Vjj J K T School For Dairy Farmers Be Mar. 3 X sciiiol if icattSJed for r-v. r C'/ar.r TKzradav msrs 1-; X'tr-a t inn v ? u=\.: i~^a v. iisrr ! ?\\- v.? c-; liter prttttsai ' 'ti- d zrz/easi/m 4tn **??< ? --lLtu w-Z iei? w.ii 4i?n>!?xr V'.Ti --^s iZ -tit >etr a-~ - i-" ?_-? for tvet or* t- - l; ni. 6% w>sis.*t !w ?- v. '.lit sf.pi ji-> ? ? 9T? t-ry-.T.i'Caily v1 \-j U Tr r.': ?' yazj-i. *Jse tc . .rvrrim - J.-.T Mi st if,;-: Andrew? Personals t.- . >! - Et- e '' K-'j'. : ' - "s"'- tit v^jc tr.i : v.-.'. M-? DillaJrrr. ? p>r ?*'j It Mr* Be-. Orar." A~-'r '.Vjh a "trA.rj; the Lia ' Div int.- : liorl CirvlL-j r. . -grti iir.ca! Djlrrrt Republic !*-_= la U.? Oofp Vanderifci* K> *e: feSrisT er?^ *nt P. A. O^sr^r, 7a' a AAur-- arid Ke'.is i- - Sir*. Ijcraj i Wtei of V&IIev Vrarn is fpcu-tiDg a wt.!? a: tae If M C! Mr ?rl Mrs ft A. D? *-ar. < raj s< Sbt K m'W-i rM Tiwv my. Fe* IT af ti* SseE Insist V-a Aad-t** Sm ru BC-atec ?i by IL-i Oies Strar-ac. c*jur jult c< tie Aj&erv.-a 1,1a ci uz of E& "'?* wte?ch tie aiade nft a pi.ni of ki las: scBii&er Sae fflsstr*: er} jser talk w?h ooiwi s^ie. c.?.ie jt tr* iirn'j rorrig a. ma.iT tie party traveled M~s Rath seas r Pa3ac wi^ *??-? * tie clvfc aja-- rare: year *ri;h ' Sfce fc&twr-jg officer* aiao re-eiec : ? Mrs Oiftr *>/! rice jree. ?rt ILi Vernon ??? .?rtiry Mrs Hiriu Erix treaj .? '-i.u~.ar of ac>njsa:2t r.c T-.e '.:.b '. rjsJC?e Mrs Ar ._? Mrs. H E !>avj? J-.'r.r. P.rlH Mr* Jirr.H 3*er J!r* -A E Chandler ^ Jr Mr * X'-rrs.-rA ajxJ "Mr? Ccc^y. M:? P. A. L^rsr crairmar. of ??? Andrews Ca.me0e Library board exp-resse-i arpreciatjOE to <-iu: fir Tr.h'r-.iz & possible to v^r a c-arl :rviev. an"! cata . r:* with fus-te from a Cullowhe-? March *' | Giieo were Mrs Case. Mr? ' EZier Tierstarii of Foctana Village Mrs Herbert Sheidy. Mrs John ? Puli.'jro Mrs. Tom Mainraarella arxj Mrs. Elmer Bickta. i ; i Hostesses were Mrs. Oler Strat I *wn. Mrs H A Van Gorder. Mrs .'jxmy Fere bee. Mrs L. B. Wom 'atk Mr? A B CSmte. Jr. Mrs. 1 Mcnfaret Ann Worry aod Mrs : Johr Sla^.e Andrews Births Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bovd CaldweH of Olean. S. T. have an- ' nounced the birth of a daughter. Martha 8oe, cm Thursday, Feb. 17. 1 Mr. CahhreU ia the aoo of Mrs L O. CaMwefl of Andrews. Lay Speakers Visit | In Churches Sunday | VIOLET I Mrs *sjt Bare ws* tee v_s\"_nr r-er sac lb^ it?'jfT-f is Je2er*)c Csj Tm ttu rrcar* K to be; biaae hrt *? LZji IL-t C ? Giriiai tsi '""7 l-asned Mrs r.?^?Bf i sf/Aer ILt Vesta Bam Sac aay t*>rjocr j Mr mi Mr* P-a^se Pi;-* asi c&Mrtz c< MaryvJie. Tear. ss?." ??-?? oi Ok St and K. L Tirk: Kiss r * F- .5* STfr: SErsrSty ragti". t 'Jl ber F^rtr Mrs. Est-" Mtrmr. V *rs 7Vf>3jr* Qrtfwi* vaC-jpi Mr sjai Jh Winter Gr? t4.Tr iass ?*efc Tt* ?j?t ?2>r x-f Lo-iSwr ?*it~ ? were 5ir?i?y timer paesj cc Mr ar,i V-f W L. Tartar Vn 2m. Vj tra ks* T.'.r^'. ' ir ir>i J-*- XI Sera* Hit Vy t* - ?.-*? Tr _~.r.rr -.-.sned Mr? "?ir-iliVT Dei"*? Friday of It?" r?'t V. W..? -1 "riiir Fj. day , ~:grt n-.tr i Bex-rt? K.v ar.d Kr; >ih P-te.:c fere v*~i ersi g-aeKS '-* X? tn: Mrs ff L Taylor. Mr asd Mrs WiSard M:e*rt* * - ; i' - Jtss?TTj Crrrw* v - ? r' 5u~ '?;?? Zi2~ *T? srjtfZs eg K* ?ni if - >. o X ' ? m **" P/jffnary A3e^ ?j?r.t iarur-ds. lli.vt^e ar>i V ? --r~- ?-*?' f P^ave r>lor?-s Graham r_i5 rettirsfrd tx *tn? the 3it t *-- ajjvJjer tjpentjrin at the B*t '-ft K-wj.tai ao Ttiesday iar Ti?i. Cr*?y i J r. M'jrplTr *f * - fc-rssred a brtbday supper r.ve" by ti?ir mother Mt Orue 111 L-f.ii" StWiiv T-..yrr, Tr^? pfwer. xr. addiioa to the f?w~v Mrs Mary Beaver Mrs R?i Ssnth. lU-? P.ath and ResEie A> >r. Marcella Bearer. Junior 7sr 'or P-alph ar*i Ray Davis. * Mrs Mae Lanaermar visiter; he lather. Harry Harr.by Sunday Lf temrjor. LOST IS ANDREWS: A red leather biOiotd ruoUiauz driver* licr?r. ? i t?l ?n?lly mm"": '**" Mrv. Chrtomt Marti BfwJiii ?B HtlMk. V. C. CAKD or THANKS We wish to n|U w oar Mix ere ?h?rtki and appreciation for the many kindness Aon oar betowd Soary and us AaT?ne ? ai??iy cm J zstt i*re saw* a* bejia rmif a.' 55* dur-ri stxt truskii H sever*! jam. Tfimwser* F^t teitj .iur^iws ? Fi!< llf-jL-vix. rt? 5a?2K E5mc:??: Prsw*t.eraa ani F??* Mer*?*;? A-* ..xwrcaf XL JhBB- secooJ yrf-Eiaiie- rmsait. Ti* .x^pt-gi rwrtr ias: Susjay ?tut ??* 5! waru-Tt traac. ?rr ? fi.itrc>sf Tr.kC.y a rr-^vcs ce? Si S?jIT r?. r fi-jj is.v-r-?r w _ sc?ui r. esari * Ti^'jos vl wo; PtT-.e I-rae :> .rmi :: -** if P^rs^'etur ?oc J? jl 5. *x 1 f^c :: ".ii :-?JC C^xrch: ?13 TVe ET_i v -J?? 7 t* u* r ? ? Jt?i? c.e =*~ is C:- it 7-xt.tc z: -Jm Eap "lac > L.Tii tix ? *? i" ??T'i H. V Ril-e l~-f ~*"f-5r^~tr.z.- ^ y Wrflsf3 "iJ t>? * ? 1 ? ^i> Jpt- i-Sf '-^i' v ;-fi a ?fce W>ri3 - tt an.ir. t: lirt - ."nwrc T>!-i :?? "_t? Cati ? CTfe? r:>:4:f t" tie ?:i>:-jc ? _ jtst Wfir-fi-iir iSu'-T? ?"f jtf n^rT''* s-y>t f ? ^ c". :?>*? ^ fr^szar user. tili-r* t: "_tii n:?i:?:C vjr^$ *J* crs I? ; ere : ?-e 5 sen In Ca"1? Inventories Tr? rr - ?r- :?? 7 r-~y * -5 fci cat- j L? ;-r ii.~.i jt ?C:ir?t -Tiara' Ti* or ~t,-^--. ? i .fKt r.i?? w- j.li.: -. i s.1 iCT < r i - :c-d;rjr esti z^t:* rfr?KV? -* -e.l&ti by the i N -u TXruLra. Tj-x T^x rri ay ! .her? Tt* tuio. aer *-- r rmrmtrr 1 ;K-4 b*j* r* rr.trH-1 *.>:l.-'t ? ilKxe "jh t:* ? nr 1 "? ~i_rt rf tt: w t%ea? Ttuf 7-ci.- E.t.-iJ fir*; Urns i 23hB -JJik; -i .^r,-irr>- numbers ! hire ~~j & fain over, tb* pit ..ocu t?s PrarioST rf Se decline fJurisr tie yctr *aj ia milk stock as -J>e consbcs?i ronsber of milk cows and fa esfen ! years p'.us milk heifers l-l rears a=d heifer calves for milk dmpped from 583 000 to 575.000 bead. AD other catUe. or those kept primarily for beef purposes, at 358.000 00 January 1. 1*55 were practically mcfeangsd from the 359.000 or. farms a year earlier. 'I THE LONE RANGER By Fran Striker I' ? And "Hi* KnUe Throw ins Tfam All Day Sal., KfH-'ir Admission U\TK SHOW. Sat . Feb. 26 "SECl'BITY RISK" Sun.Mon., Feb. S7-28 B VIA and PA KETTLE !? The EGG and I Thure.-FrL, Feb. 24-25 jUGAOfKUVBTI 9 "" .BHD ANDREWS, R. a Frt.-S??., Heb. tt-tt "THE DESPERADO" LATE SHOW, SO., Feb. M "EVERT (URL SHOULD BE MARRIED" Sun. Moa.. Feb. ti n "8HIEID FDR MURDER"