v.wff ' (gfaefrlter fwwt ;{? YOUR COMMUNITY 11 rA,a PROMOTING MURPHY AND ANDREWS VOLUME 64 NUMBER- J4 " MURPHY NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1?55 v People You Know MURPHY Miss Lovey Balker of Norfolk, Va., is visiting her sister, Mrs Harry Seamon and Mr. Seamon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hardin and children. Laurie and Bill spent last week end with relatives In Hendersonville. The Hardins have recently moved here from Padu cah, Ky., and are occupying the home of Mrs. J. D. Mallonee. Mrs. J. W. Thompson and Mrs. Harry Bishop visited Dr. and Mi's. J. \V. Thompson and children in Atlanta last week. Mr and Mrs. Sam L. Davidson, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Davidson had as guests last week end. Miss Francos Davidson and Phil Go forth cf Charlotte, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Simmons and daugh ter. Cecelia of Athens. Tenn. Mrs. Robert Barclay and son, John of Copperhill, Tenn., spent last Sunday with the former's mother. Mrs. J. W. Thompson. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Dyer and sons, Bill and Timothy, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Her man Deweese in Asheville. Mr. and- Mrs. Joe Dyer and son. Jody, of Fontana Dam. will spend next week end with Mr. Dyer's mother, Mrs. J. W. Dyer. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Coleman will leave Sunday for Chapel Hill to spend several days with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Breeland and daughter, Melissa Ann. Mrs. J. T?. Hoover has returned to her home in Lincolnton after a two weeks visit here with Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hoover and children. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Banner of Asheville "<pent the week end with Mrs. Banner's father, P. A. Mauney . Miss Addie Mae Cooke of Mur phreesboro is spending several days at her home here. She caMtr ?inpeoially for tk? wedding of Miss w ary Ellen Payne to John Garrett 9 ft Saturday Mrs. E. J. Darnell will spend this weak end in Atlanta with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Darnell. Mrs. Ruth Carroll spent the week end in Atlanta, Ga., with her mother who Is a patient at Pied mont Hospital suffering with a broken hip. Mrs. Tom Evans spent Monday in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Brown Caldwell Tuesday in Atlanta. and Mrs. Grover Mauney spent ANDREWS Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Petera of Winston-Salem spent the week end here at the home of their cous ins, the Misses Gladys and Jean and Harold Christy. Mrs. L. M. Fortner and son. Bob. and daughter, Judy, of Memphis. Tenn., are g-uests of Mrs. Fortner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Carp- ? enter. Bob is attending Columbia ^ Military Academy at Columbia, J Tenn. and is having spring holl- '? days at this time. Mrs. Ellen Tjersland of Fontana Village was the house guest of Mrs. Ruth Starr Pulllum over the week end. Mark Boone of Raleigh spent sev I eral days last week here with rela- 1 tlves. | Among those who attended the j program on Evangelistic Missions j held at Central Methodist In Ashe- ; vljle Thursday were: Mr. and Mrs. 1 John H. Christy. - Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jordan. Mrs. James Horn-' buckle and Mrs. Fred Babbington. | Officials of Berkshire Knitting' Mills of Reading, Pa., who visited the Andrews plant last week were : R. G. Ohlinger, William Brenner, j Joseph Marks, Charles Kerber.j William Sheeler, Arthur Krumme noel and their pilot, Brooks Mc ElroJ. Ma. Went Cruse Is spending this > ti? Miami, Fla., with her Miss Mary Ruth Cruse, c Denver Lowe left Satur-1 Fort Lewi*. Waah. where he will leave shortly for a tour of ductal the PMflfc area. ^1/c Truett%fray who has been stationed with the Air Force tor the put IS months on the Island of Guam returned home tail week He trill be associated with his lath Win ?5 ~ i if liflll iivMJTfi rauBO mis vvu? $1.10 Non - Resident Fishing- Licsnse Returns Polio Drive Tops $6,000;Report Told Music Leader Training Set A District Home Demonstration music leader training school has been scheduled for Murphy, Tues day, March 15 at 10 a. m. in the basement of the First Methodist Church. There will also be an after noon session. Dr. Arnold Hoffman, state music j supervisor, Raleigh, and Miss Mary Harris, western district home agent, Raleigh, will be in charge cf the training day program. The following are invited to at tend: county and club music lead ers, choir directors especially of rural churches, county and com munity chorus directors and rural ministers. Home agents and leaders from Macon, Swain, Graham, Clay and Cherokee Counties are to attend. I Andrew May Opens Accountant Office Andrew May, accountant, this ?vcek announced the opening of his office in the Mauney Building Mar. 15. Mr. May will offer complete bookkeeping service, and prepa ration of income tax returns ? both state and federal, for Cherokee, Tlay and_ Macon Counties. Cherokee County raised some $6,442.70 for the 1955 March of Dimes, according to Robert S. ' Bault, chairman. j Mr. Bault this week released fin Jal figures on donations to the fund ? as follows : special gifts, Harry j Bishop, chairman, $692.65; indus try, ? Frank Forsyth, chairman, ,$192; mothers' march, Mrs. S. C. j Burgess, chairman, $576.58; dance, j It. W. Easley, chairman, $436.50. - Also, White Church School and I community, Horace King, chair man, $131.92; Peachtree Commun ity, Mrs. Frank Ferguson, chair man, $296.48; Peachtree industry, $100; Junior Class, Murphy High School, $200; coin collectors, Jim my Howse, chairman, $159.71, and music boxes, Bud Alverson, chair man, $68.30. Balloon sale, Mrs. Cloe Moore, chairman, $35.10; Ranger Grange, $35; Martins Creek PTA and 'Grange, $76.05; Folk School, $27.77 j Murphy City Schools, H. Bueck, chairman, $345.17; County Schools, Lloyd Hendricks and Mrs. Jack Pinson, chairman, $306.87; Texana | School, Miss Elma Ray Dennis, I chairma.., $26.90; donations, $802.40; and Andrews, Mrs. Ed Wood, Jr., and Mrs. D. E. PuU 1 lum, co-chairmen, $2,240.40. I Andrews Basketball Banquet Is Tonight Robert P. Andreas, dflMPbf* Young Harris College, Young .iar ris, Ga., will be guest speaker at the basketball banquet Thursday night (tonight) in the school cafe teria. ? I The banquet is sponsored jointly by the Rotary Club and the Konna heeta Club to honor boys and girls ' of the basketball teams of And rews School. James Hornbuckle will introduce the speaker. I S. J. Gemert, president of the Ro ! tary Club, will be toast master. The response will be given by Miss Dorcas McGulre. ! J. E. Rufty will recognize the honor guest, and give the address o! welcome. Coach Hugh Hamilton and Coach Ruth Hamilton will present the ( sportsmanship award and letter awards to the boy and girl respec tively of the two teams. p Laymen Speakers I Named For Sunday Continuing the exchange of lay men, four Murphy churches will a gain be visited by guest laymen speakers Sunday morning. C. K. Olson will be the Episcop al visitor at the Baptist Church; the Baptists will send Don Ram sey to the Methodist Church; H. Bueck is the Methodist represen tative to the Presbyterian Church; and W. A. Singleton of the Presby terian Church will speak to the Episcopal congregation. The exchange of laymen is in connection with the current church attendance crusade. The crusade will climax with Easter and reviv al meetings have been set for most of the churches in April. -FARMERS FED. PLANS MEET j The annual Farmers Federat I ion stockholders meeting for Cher ' j okee County will be held at 8 p. m. | Friday, -March IX, in the Murphy warehouse, James O. K. McClure. federation president, announced this week. The Murpr.v warehouse commit tee- will be up tor re-election. New members may be acfded to the com mittee, Mr. McClure said. One county director will be nom i inated and voted on at the annual ' meeting of all Farmers Federat I ion stockholders at 10 a. m. Sat ' urday, March 26, in the Buncombe County Courthouse in Asheville, he said. Panhandle Pete and the Farmers : Federation String Band will be on [ hand again to entertain during the | Murphy meeting. Free baby chicks j will be awarded as door prizes and | refreshments will be served. | Directors for Cherokee County are J. H. Hampton and Clyde Mc Nabb. j Members of the Murphy ware house committee include W. A. Ad ams, Murphy; Claude M. Anderson Culberson; Horace Brendle, Suit; Ernest Burnett, Andrews; Mrs. Henry L. Carver, Andrews; Wayne Crisp, Murphy; J. H. Ellis, Mur phy; J. L. Hall, Murphy; J. H. Hampton, Murphy, and Gay Haw kins, Suit. Also, Mrs. Clarence Hendrix, j Murphy; L. F. Locaby, Murphy; j Ralph Lovtngood, Marble; Dillaird McCombs, Murphy; and Wilbur McCombs, Murphy. . Also, Qy<}* McNabb, Murphy;] B. B. Palmer. Marble; S. H. Rob-, erson, Suit; Claude Stiles, Mur-. phy; Dillard Stiles, Murphy, and Mrs. Bryan Whitfield, Murphy. Flower Prints Be Sold In Andrews Colored prints of tropical flow ering trees of the Carribean area, made by the Alcoa Steamship Company in advertising the Carri- 1 bean cruises, are on display this week in the show windows of the Nantahala Light Company And rews. |' |' In this collection are companion ; j prints of Plumiera Alba (white i Fraegpani); couroupita guianenses 1 (cannon ball trees); plu mieria| rubra (red Fraugipani) and a . large number of similar prints. I ' I > These prints will be for sale by | ? the WSCS and the WSG jointly in J connection with a bake sale to be I held next week. Over 60,000 of ( these prints have been sold else . l< ?where. . "Symphony Of Spring" Is Theme For Junior Woman's Club Fashion Show The junior woman s uud sprue fashion showing next week will be a "Symphony Of Spring" with some 40 models displaying a variety of new outfits fr6m local stores. Everyone is invited to attend the showing for which no admission charge will be made. A silver do nation will be taken for the club work among needy children. The fashion show will be staged at 8 p. m. Friday, Mar. 19 in the social hall of the First Methodist Church. Refreshments will be served. Sports wear, separates, Easter outfits, children's clothing and af ter ftve fashions will be included. Mrs. J. W. Davidson will be the piano accompanist. Some 36 door prows will be of fered, Including the following: Green's Cub 8tore, Super Store Coffee: Man Shop, pair socks and handkerchiefs; Murphy Shoe Shop, ofte pair heels, Jabaley's, bed spread; Murphy Ice Cream Pallor, pint ice cream; Howell's Market, two boxes cake mix; ' Roy V. Lovingood's, ladle* blouse; Davis Jewelers, crystal dtvfled egg plat ter; A t F, two pound* vacuum pack coffee; and Oibbs Hardware ? za ii. garden nose. * Sossman's. Westend Singing Tea Kettle; Crawford Tire Co., TV Store, box Kleenex; Murphy Food coffee carafes; Carringer's Dept. \ Store (health and beauty aids' dept.h'Toni home permanent; Davidson's can of mints; Cherokee Scout, box 125 personalized inforn* al notes; E. C. Moore Jewelers, earrings; Western Auto Store, sunglasses; and Mauney Drag Co., Desert Flower hand ldtion; Cow ard's. cuff links and tie clasp set; Trudy's $10 gift certificate: Cand ler's. one pair hose; and Park er's Drag Store, Viv lipstick; Mary Cathron's Beauty Shop, shampoo anfl set. Also Murphy Supply CX... one pair hose; Cherokee Cafe, country ham dinner; Murphy Hardware, Pris- * cilia Ware Griddle; Lay's 5 ft 10, Batter Bowl; Regal Hotel, two luncheons; Murphy Florist, one corsage; Quality Market, large can Co. TV lamp; Hilton's Office Sup- i Johnson's Olo Coat; Ivie Furniture , ply, Easterbrook Fountain Pen; Murphy Electrical Shop, gift of J crystal; Cherokee florist, one cor-| , ??re; and Economy Clothing, ooe pai; hose. State Tax Rep. Be Here Next Week J. R. Penland, deputy tax collect 1 or for the N. C. Department of I revenue, will be at the courthousc \ in Murphy on March 14, 15, and 21 s an 28 to assist taxpayers in filing their state income tax returns. |t i Farley Resigns As County ! Agent; Goes To Brevard G. H. FARLEY j G. H. Farley la week resigned | his post as Cherokee County Farm agent ana is now working on a "special project" of the extension , service in Brevard. Mr. Farley said his resignation came after he was asked to resign by the County Commissioners. Mr. Farley served as Cherokee County agent for some three and a half years. He worked in Brevard before coming to Murphy. Farley is a graduate of Berea College. Ky., and did graduate study at the University of Noith Carolina. Mr. Farley is -already oil his new job. His family ? Mrs. Farley and their three children ? will leave this | week for Brevard. The Farley fam | i'.y attended the First Methodist j Church here. Contacts Be Made For Mass Chest X-Ray GARDEN CLUB IS ORGANIZED IN ANDREWS Miss Louise Ballard of Lake Junaluska. director of district qne, which Includes Garden clubs from Try on to Murphy, was guest speaker at an organizational- -meet ing Thursday afternoon in the lad ies parlor of the Andrews Metho dist church. Miss Ballard gavo the three fold purpose of a garden club as being horticulture, conservation and beatification by working together end exchanging ideas. She gave the general functions and set up and read the garden club collect. The club will be affiliated with the Garden Club of North Carolina and the National Council of State Garden ClubS Mrs. Paul Jordan was elected chairman pro tern. A slate of offi cers will be presented by the nom iiiating committee at a meeting to be held today at the home of Mrs. ft'. Turner Holland at 3 p. m. VIOLET HD HOLDS MEET The Violet Home Demonstra tion Club met March 4 at the home >f Mrs. W. L. Taylor. Mrs. Gay Murphy presided. A report on food conservation and i book report was given by Mrs. Gwendolyn Beaver. Miss Edna Bishop, home demon- 1 jtration agent, presented reading certificates to the following: Mrs. Virginia Patton, advanced leader ship certificate; Mrs. Beaver, and Lorraine Morrow, advanced certi 'icatc. Afte rthe business session. Miss 3ishop gave a demonstration on Jicture in the home. Refrehmerits vere served following the demon itration. The April meeting will be held at he home of MrS. Gay Murphy. AN EDITORIAL People's Choice The Cherokee County Commissioners this week decided to leave it - . I up to the people to decide U this county is to have a stray and rabid i dog control. The control will cost money to set up and maintain. Just, how much money should be determined at the next meeting when an official of the State Health Department meet* with the Commissioners. And the Com missioners feel that before- they appropriate the money they want to btow how the people fed about the issue. OOW WHtEU ON MOB NX .. . sK ' V'i A -y-lA - * - A' . ? ? v *J. -i . . W .. ? Mrs. H Bueck is head of a cit izens committe which will soon con '.act every home in Murphy for the mass chest X-ray which will be held in Cherokee County April 1-16. The committee will publicize the X-ray and will provide transportat ion to the mobile X-ray unit for persons who do not have a ride. The steering committee for the house to house contacts includes, in addition to Mrs. Bueck, Mrs. John H. Baughman, Mrs. Tom Mauney, Mrs. S. P. Horowitz and [ Mrs. Jajk Bocook > Five Andrews Men Enlist In Navy Five men from Andrews enlisted in the U. S. Navy during February and are now taking basic training at the U. S. Naval Training Center. Great Lakes, 111., it was announced today by L. E. Fay, chief petty of ficer in charge of the Navy re cruiting station, Asheville. The men enlisted are: Jack Ta tham, William T. Elliott, Ralph N. Belcher, Frank J. Whitaker, and Ralph Moore. [Fishing Bill Passes Senate North Carolina will have a fair er fishing license for out of state fishermen by the time trout season opens April 5. The bill will be come law as soon as it gains the House approval of a Senate amend ment to the bill. The new fishing measure passed the Senate without opposition Tues day. The Senate amended the bill to make the new short term per mits effective within 20 days (in stead of 30 days as the bill orig inally read )to be law by April 5 when trout season opens. Under the bill, a non-resident may buy a one-day permit for $1.10 or a five-day permit for $2.60. Under the present law, a non-fes ident must buy a $6.10 full season permit. In addition, in order to fish in a mountain stream stocked with trout grown in state hatcheries, a non-resident will be required to buy a trout stamp for $2.10 in ad dition to the fishing permit. MURPHY ENDS CAGE SEASON BY IDA BRUMBY The Murphy Bulldogs closed their 54-55 season with a loss to Brevard high in a district tourna ment at Bethel last Wednesday. Brevard tossed in 69 points to Murphy's 63. At the half Brevard was ahead 31 to 26. Unable to make a recov ery in the third of fourth quarter Brevard kept a four to six point lead on Murphy in the fourth quar tet. ' Bobby Stiles was chosen on the all-tournament team from Murphy. He was also high-scorer for Mur phy with 21 points. Birder Coffey was second with 13. Eddie Joe Elliott got 10 and Pearl Johnson got B. Jimmy Mc 3ombs got seven and substitute,. Bobby Phillips, got four. The Bulldogs ended a successful season with no defeats in their coir Terence and only two losses in tournaments. Playing on the Murphy squad this year were: Bobby Stiles, Bir ler Coffey, Peary Johnson, Jimmy McOombs, Eddie Joe Elliott, Fred Van Horn, Bobby Phillips, Austin Coffey, Hoyt Zimmerman, David 3uisler, Don Amos, Ray Keph&rt, uid Eddie Odum. More'^Information Sought For Cherokee Co. History Folk School Will Have Box Supper A box supper, sponsored by the Brasstown Community Club, will itart at 6:30 p. m. Saturday, Mar ch 12, at the Folk School. Every one is invited and the lad ies are asked to bring a supper for two done up in/ an attractive box. The supper will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. Lynn Gault and Dub Martin will be the auctioneers. A cake walk will be sponsored by the young people's class of the Hickory Stand Methodist Church. The Brasstown Boy Scouts will sell coffee and chocolate. There will be a program of special mus ic, singing and a play. All proceeds from the sale of the box suppers will go Into the Brasstown Community Club's fund for a recreation area. Marlly Luster Is general chair man; Murriel Martin is publicity chairman and the program com roittee includes Pat Coleman. Fan nie McLellon and Willis Jones. O. E. 8. TO MEET Murphy Chapter No. 10 Order ot he Eastern Star will meet tonight [Thursday) at 7 :S0 p. m. in the Masonic Hall. All members are Jrged to be present as election of Mrs. C. S. Freel of Andrews this week issued a final call for infor mation to be used in her history jf Cherokee County. Mrs. Freel is compiling a county (listory for the Cherokee County historical Society. She said librar es throughout the state purchase county histories and Cherokee bounty is missing out on some ad vertisement for itself by. not being -epresented among these histories. She said family histories, church listories. histories of old houses ind places of interest, ghost stor es, humorous items and any valu ible historical data are needed. She said histories of pioneer fam lies should contain the name and late of the first settler of the fam ly, nationality, occupation, resi ience. number of slaves, number >f acres in land grants, public of Ices, military records. -uke Ellis In I!enservaticHi Work . Luke Ellis of Andrews is now a ulltime employe with the Soil Con ervation Service in bounty. Mr. Ellis he Conservation ears. in aid

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