KEEP YOUR MONEYIN YOUR COMMUNITY TRADE AT HOME IT PAYS PROMOTING MURPHY AND v ANDREWS ( ME 64 NUMBER M MURPHY NORTH CAROLINA THI RSDAY, MARCH 14, 1?55 TEN PAOES THIS WEEK People You Know murphy Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. West and children, Pamela and Randy, of Canton, O., spent the week end here with Mrs. West's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Hunsucker. Mr. and Mrs. West and Randy returned to Canton and little Pamela re mained to spend the summer with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hunsucker. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Carr of Wil son, spent last week here with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Beerkens have returned from a vacation spent in Nassau, Bahama Islands. They met Mrs. Beerken's mother, Mrs. Margaret M. Gockel of Hil versum, Holland, who returned with them for a visit Mr. and Mrs. Harve Elkins have returned' from a visit with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne H. Gentry, Jr., and children In Wytheville, Va. Mrs. Gentry, Patricia Ann and Wayne Jr. returned home with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Patton and children. Bobby. Don and Mamie of Hendersonville, spent the week end here with Mrs. Don Wither spoon. Capt and Mrs. John Q. Arnett and children, John and Dickey of Ft. Bending, pa., visited Mr. and Mrs. Harve Elkins and Mrs. Wayne H. Gentry Saturday. Miss Jane Sneed and Miss Sybil Hughes of Chattanooga are spend ing this week at home with their parents. Mrs. Clyde SneeJ .Mrs. J. H. Duncan and Mrs. J. M. Hughes at tended the Grand Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star in Chat; ?oogA one uay last week. ' v 'fa. Vesta JTenaley had as Ms last week end, Mrs. Jerry -?ones, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hensley, of Cleveland. Tenn., and Mr. and Mrs. Edvign Hensley of Oak Ridge, Tenn., last week end. H. Bueck, Lloyd Hendrlx and J. E. Rufty were In Asheville last week on business. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. McMahan at tended the annual March Working Conference of Public Health ' Edu cators in Chapel Hill last week. ANDREWS Mr. and Mrs. Max Lenning and daughter, Teresa, of Denton have returned to their home after a vis it here with Mrs. Lenning's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gray. Mrs. S. E. Cover and daughter, Miss Frances Cover, attended the Ice Vogues held at the Oily Audi torium in Asheville Tuesday. Mrs. Paul Boring and children, Sara Alice and Paul Jr., spent sev eral days -of last week here as guests of Mrs. Boring's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dewar. Mrs. W. O. Darden and son Ned of Hogansville, Ga., have returned after spending the week end here with Mrs. Darden's relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Copley, Mr. and Mrs. Wymer Conley and Miss Rush Oonley. Mrs. Darden la the former Miss Mary Boone. Mrs. Herman West and son, Whitey, Misses Frances Brooks and Lucille Bell spent several days at last week in Roanoke Rapids with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice West Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Nichols luiv* as their guests this week, Mrs. Ntchol's father. W. B. Chandler at Villa Rica, Ga., and her brother in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. T. I. Underwood of CartersvIHe, Ga. Mrs. C. A. Brown left Saturday " a two weeks stay with her son, Mrs. Brown New Marble School Plans Are Studied Mrs. Warner Be On TV Show Mrs. B. E. Warner, chairman ol district one of the Federation ol Home Denomstration Clubs is at tending the state R. D. executive board meeting in Raleigh Mar. 23 2? i - She win appear on Grace White's television program while there Miss White Is home economist or WNAO-TV, Raleigh. Mrs. Warnei will discuss arts and crafts and will show several items from hei crafts projects. Grace White's television pro gram is a homemaking show de voted to the general interest ol homemakera. Mrs. Franklin Smith was invited to discuss the education program of the home demonstration club on the program, but she will be un able to attend. Kiwanis Club Sponsors Dog Control Bill The Murphy Kiwanis Club, the town's newest civic organization, has adopted the stray dogB and rabies problems in the county as one of the projects (or the year, Herman Edwards, club president, said. ?? Dr. George Size is chairman oi Ow projqct. olub aaid,? pe tition baa been drawn -up request ing the Cherokee County Commis sioners and the Commissioners of the towns of Andrews and Murphy to employ an officer to enforce an anti-rabies law in the county. The petition also provides for a quarantine of unvaccinated dogs, the club reported. The petition is being circulated through out the county. "It is felt that if enough persons are interested and sign this peti tion. the commissioners will be anxious to correct this terrible situation. Then Cherokee County will not have the bad reputation of being second in the number of rab ies cases reported each year in North Carolina," the club said. Pitt Walker Is Page In Senate ... . wm. rare wauoeb m William Pitt Walker, m, ion M Mr. and Mr*. WllUam Pitt Walkei of Andrew* recently *u appoints to Mm a*. . a page in th? North Carolina Oaaeral Aaaembly. Pitt la IS yaar* old jyvfl the great grandson <* the lata William Pitt Walkar, pioneer aattlar of raw*. Ha ia aerviar a* pace to Senator H. M Moor* af Hayeavtlle and al ao to another aanator who aerved in tha Senate with Pitt'* fTeat fraat unci*, tha lata George Walk -* Plans for a new school at Marbla were approved last week by the Andrews School Board and con struction on the new plant may get under way this spring, Supt. J. E. Rufty announced. [ I Di-. A. S. Hurlburt, assistant f i state superintendent of public in " st ruction; John L. Cameron, di rector iff the division of school planning; and Richard P. Lea man, design consultant, all of Raleigh. , visited Uie Andrews school unit re cently and inspected all buildings , and new building sites. They submitted plans and re I commendations to be considered in . in a long range building program 1 I for the Andrews and Marble schools. At a recent meeting or the board | of trustees of the Andrews School jUnit, the plans as submitted were studied, and after discussion of 1 the possibilities, the board unani mously decided to accept the alter i ' nate plans as submitted by the . Raleigh panel. The building plan, drawn by Asheville architect Lindsay Madi son Gudger, includes six class rooms, rest rooms for boys and girls, pirincipal's office, storage chests, supply room, a cafetorium, kitchen and boiler room. The building will be constructed on the new s^e purchased for the school about two years ago. The I site is the McHan property on Highway 19. The architect is now working on I I final plans for the building. OES PUBLIC INSTALLATION SET SATURDAY The local chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star will have a pub t lie installation of officers here Sat urday night. Mar. 26, at 7 :30 in the j lodge hall. I I Elective officers to be installed are: worthy matron, Bessie B. [Bates; worthy patron, J. Franklin I Smith; associate matron, Elizabeth | Shields; associate parton, Sam L. Davidson; secretary, Ann Phillips; , treasurer, Hattie Palmer; con- 1 ductress, Maude Duncan; assoc iate conductress, Alice Morley. Appointive officers are : Gemae jowenby, chaplain; Cora Davis, marshal; Annie L. Foard, organ ist; Dora Kaye, Adah; Mary Van Horn, Ruth; Sylvia Waggoner,) Esther; Ellen Cra'vford, Martha; , Myrtle Evans,' Electa; Fleeta Browning, warder; and Tom Pal mer, sentinel. Installing officers are; Ann Phil lips, installing officer; Mary Cath-I ron Sneed, marshal; Helen Moody, secretary; Hattie Palmer, con ductress; Lola Davidson, chaplain; . Annie Lee Foard, organist. Associate officers are ; Maggie Swaim, chaplain; Gussie Furr, I marshal; Marcella Smith, organist | Kate Hughes, Adah; Ann Lou An derson, Ruth; Evelyn Kiasleburg, | Esther; Mary Cathron Sneed, Mar tha; Edna Palmer, Electa; Joyce Sampson, Warder; Jess Rich, sen- 1 tinel. MERCURY DROPS TO 21 DEGREES Jack Frost made a return visit ! to Cherokee County this week when the mercury went down to 21 de gress Tuesday morning, accord ng to TVA statistics. The county has enjoyed some ' balmy temperatures during the past few weeks, but, as one man phrased it, "anythlng's liable to happen in March." Mrs. Taylor Dies Here Monday Mrs. Mattie A. Taylor, 86, died at 9:15 a. ifa. Monday, March 21, In an Andrews nursing home after a long illness. She was born Jan. 16, 1869 in Spoulding County, Ga., daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Richard Manly. The family moved to 8herman, Texas when she was 13 years of age, then moved to Memphis, Texas, where she was married to George William Taylor in 1891; from there she moved to Roswell, New Mexico in 1809, to Vermont, Utah In 1906, then to Brookville, Fla., in 191* In 1918, her husbanl died, and In 1919 the family moved to North Carolina. Survives are three daughters, Mrs. J. E. nelson of Toptoo, Mrs. r. T. G rosier of Corpus Oiristi, Texas, and Mr*. R. M Ruffner of Dandridge, Tenn.; two sou, Wil liam H. of Raleigh aad Prank D. ? The one day and five day fish ing permits for non-residents will return to North Carolina Ap. 1, Arnold Dalrymple, wildlife protec tor said here this week. Dalrymple said the one day per-| mit for $1.10 and five day permit for $2.60 will be available to non residents the first of next month. Non-residents will have to buy a special $2.10 permit for trout fishing. This is one dollar more than residents pay for the trout license and is the only change from ' the way the non-residents fees were two years ago. Meanwhile all pre-season stock ing on trout streams has been made in local streams, Mr. Dal rymple said. He said two further stockings will take place in the streams during open season in the summer. Monday some 1,500 rainbow trout were placed in Appalachia Lake. These trout came from Table Rock Hatchery near Marlon. Streams stocked Include 800 in Junaluska Creek; 300 in Valley River above Andrews; 300, Peach tree Creek; 300 Davis Creek; 3S0 Bald Creek ; 300 Little Shoal Creek 300 Copper Creek. Craig Supply Co. Opens Here Today Craig Supply Company, a gen eral store owned and operated by Winston Craig, opens in Murphy to day. I Craig's store is located In a new ly constructed brick and block I building on Tennessee St. in a spot formerly occupied by Coble Dairy. I The new store, SS by 100 feet, .will stock groceries, dry goods, I feeds, seed, fertiliser, work cloth es and shoes. Easter Seal Sale Benefits Local CllU^ .ripple Children MRS. SWAIM DONNA JEAN DR. BURLESON Dr. Joe Burleson of Ashevllle checks Donna Jean Hackle i-** leg as county health nurse Mrs. Alice Swaim looks on. Donna Jean was one of 71 patients seen at the Crippled Children's clinic in Andrews last week. The clinic, formerly held every two months, will now bo held each month on the Friday preceding the third Saturday. The next t clinic, will be April IS. Children and adults from Cherokee, Clay, Graham and Macon Counties are treated at the clinic, which is j sponsored by the N. C. Crippled Children's Society, now holding Its annual Easter seal sale. Donna Jean above, bt the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hackler of Andrews (Phot# Hjf Smiley Stndlo) Ratings Won At WCC Music Contestj' Entrants from Murphy In the Senior division of piano contest held at Western Carolina College March 12 were Nancy Sales and Hedy West, pupils of Mrs. Jerry Davidson, and Irene Roberson of Hiwassee Dam, pupil of Mrs. Mar garet Akin. Nancy rated 2nd division - excel lent; Hedy rated 1st division - sup erior; Irene rated 2nd division, good. Ratings or aie eutraces m the Junior division were Wanda West, 1st - superior; Annettee White and Susie Miller 2 division - excel lent; and Romona Haggard 3rd di vision - good. All entrances in the Junior division are pupils of Mrs. Margaret Akin. Hedy West will take part in the piano contest to be held In Greens boro, N. C. in April. In the band . contest, held the same day at W. C. C. Murphy band rated 4th division ? fair. HD Training School Be M * A Home Demonstration district citizenship training school will be held here tomorrow (Friday, Mar. 35) at the First Methodist Churcn from 10 a. m. until 8 p. m. Home agents and leaden are ex pected to attend from Macon, Swain, Graham, Clay and Chero kee Counties. Mrs. Clay Hopwood, president of the Cherokee County HD council" will give the welcome Cecil Palmer will give al. Mrs. Dock Sud^srth is pianist Andrews Lutherans \ssist College Drive A state-wide campaign to raise (1,500,000 fund for buildings and :ndowment at Lenoir Rhyne Col ege. Hickory, the only Lutheran >wned institution in North Caro ina, has passed the $700,000 mark. The St. Andrew's Lutheran Church in Andrews is taking active >art in this campaign with James N. Ibberson being the local com nittee chairman. Sunday March !7, will be the closing date for the ocal drive. Individuals interested in making .heir donations to this cause are isked to contact Mr. Ibberfcon be ore the closing date. 5tauffer Be Heard Presby. Church The Rev. John E. Stauffer, pas- | tor of the Little Brick Presbyter ian Church of Knoxville, will preach at the Presbyterian Church here Sunday at 11 a. m. The Little Brick Church was or ganized 32 years ago as an out- [ post of the First Presbyterian Church of Knoxville, The Rev. C. W. Solomom sup- j ply pastor of the church here is expected to enter an Asheville hos pital this week to undergo surgery, j and Mr. Stauffer is supplying the pulpit in his absence. A record number of some 3,475 handicapped children and 801 handicapped adults received help ' from the N. C. Society for Crippled Children and Adults during the past year, it was disclosed today. Included among the services is aid to the local crippled children's clinic held regularly in Andrews. Children from Cherokee, Clay, Macon and Graham counties are treated along with some adulte. Last year, it was reported," the clinic served 375 patients. Diagnos es included cerebral palsy, polio, osteomelities, club feet, perthis disease, rickets, tuberculosis of the bone, cleft palates and hare lips and deformities from old frac tures. Local funds are used to provide braces, special shoes, x-rays, trans portation and other aids to the handicapped. The sale of Easter Seals bene fits the crippled children's society which sponsors the clinic along with the local health authorities. The current sale of Easter seals is being headed by W. D. Whi taker of Andrews. Mrs. Roy Lovingood is chairman of the Murphy area. This week Mrs. Lovingood re leased the following list of organi zations and their heads assisting with the drive: chairman Easter lily parade. Miss Elizabeth Gray and the Girl Scouts; school ap peal, Mrs. C. K. Olson; coin con tainers, Miss Toots Cook; publici ty, Mrs. W. V. Costello. Civic clubs and others: Lions Club, Glenn Patton; Civitan Club, Nat Kinney; Junior Woman's Club, Miss Elizabeth Gray; Mur phy Garden Club, Mrs. S. C. Bur gess; Regal Club, Mrs. Bessie Dickson; Kiwanis, Herman Ed wards. Schools and industries: White Church School, Mrs. Harest King; Peachtree School, Miss Dale Sud derth; Hiwassee Dam School, Mrs. Maude Radford; Ranger School, Mrs. Cyrus White; Martin's Creek School, Mrs. Frank Hughes; Tex ana School. Miss E. R. Dennis; Van Raalte, Don Ellis; Brumby Mills, Ed Brumby; Commonwealth Lumber Co.. Ann Phillips; Hitch cok Corp., Mrs. Francis Bourne, Sr. The seal sale started Mar. 17 and will continue through April 10. Good Fishing Enjoyed On Hiwassee Lake The coming of spring has re awakened Murphy fishermen who have had good luck at Hawissee Lake. Last Tuesday a party of seven fishermen spent the day on the lake and caught over SO fiah . . . pike, baas (small and large mouth) and crappie. Most of the fishing waa done in the Beaverdam Creek section. The party was made up of Ar nold Dalrymble, Everett English. W. A. Singleton, Leonard Jones, Ray Heffner, Barty Akin and Pet? Stalcup. Mrs. R. V. Weaver Is New Band Booster Head Mrs. Robert V. Weaver was elect ed president of the Murphy Band Boosters Club during the new or ganization's second meeting. Other officers elected were Claude Jones, vice-president, and Mrs. C. L. Alverson, secretary treasurer. Approximately 40 people attend Ml the meeting last week. Plans inn to tncreiw niimtm Alp In the club. Alma of the club, j Mrs. Weaver explained, are to five 11 oral and financial support to the ichool band.

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