DODBLE-TALK BY THE DOCKERY TWINS The Senior Class play cast for "My Mali Godfrey' 'is pictured Above, front row, left to right, seated: Hedy West, Harry Mattox, Geraldine Mulkey, Carol Owens, Fred Van Horn Mod nan Arrowood. Second row, standing .Birder Coffey, Nettie Sue Dockery, Lowell Scruggs, Edna Arm Palmer, Max Lefevers, Harry Burgesa, John Fowler, Joyce Jenkins, Gary MtClure. SENIOR FLAY CERALDINE MULKY and FRED VAN HORN won the first place honor in the Senior Play for best actor and actress. MAX I..E FEAVERS and MODEAN ARRO WOOD got honorable mention. The Senior Class cleared about PERSONALIZE YOUR WATCH Let us refinish dial and have jour name put on the dial of the wateh you are now wearing. It only costs from $3.60 to *5.M. E. C. MOORE JEWELERS Phone 582 Murphy, N. C $250. After the play Friday night the i cast and a few other people met down by the river ajhJ had a weiner and marshmallow doast. Every one brought food air 1 after eating they sat around tht fire and play ed games, chacervnes were MR. [and MRS JUNIOR SMART and MR. and MRS . ALBERT WAL LACE. I HEINE R ROAST ! Thursday night. March 31. the Intermediate Training Union of the first Baptist Church had a weiner roast at BECKY RHODES' home. After eating they played games. Those present were : LINDA EN GLISH. BECKY RHODES. JUDY DAVIS, LAVEAN HINTON. CARO [ Take Command. get the thrill first hand! DODGE o?" SEE YOUR DEPENDABLE DODGE DEALER! E.C. MOORE Murphy, N. C. Seated in front are GERALDINE MVLKEY and FEED VAN HORN who won first place honors In the senior play as best actor and actress. Honorable mention went to MODEAX ARROWOOD and MAX LEFEAYERS, standing. | Come in and try I ; Parker's new ! i ball point pen | ?lotter i (q% . . . only ball point pen to give you a choice of 4 point sizes! | V Choose the point that suits your writing best E. C. Moore Jewelers ilurphy, X. C. Phone 592 Walter R. Puett, Owner itSihereinow... __ \ ... the all new TUBEim DOUBLE EA61E gooqAear t f Tho world's finost auto tiro wftfa all Mm Got yours now o? oor "NO LOSS" IRAK-SI PUN! KOW rrfTtflrw at the con Wm of ytm praent tin* wtM allow yon their full triUrf w> Tube ? mu Vou'Il enjoy the ultimate in beauty, camion ana safety from thii won Jerful new tire. Miracle strength and durability from its S-T All Nylon Cord phi* Goodyrar'l ex clusive Grip-Seal construction. And this great new Tiibeless Double Eagle has the new "Velvet Ride" ? floats right over road bump*. "Safety Silencers" practically elimi nate annoying "squeal" on turns. Extra safe RniM ? Skid tread grips at all angles of skid. Deeper non skid tread give* ap to 42% mote safe mileage. I i Your old Htm i may mako thm i down payment. & Duncan Tire Co LYN BATES, JUDY SNEED. GLORIA BOWMAN. JOHN MOR HIS, GORDON BATES, KENNETH JONES, STEVE HEMBREE. HOYT ZIMMERMAN, DAVID GUISLER and BOBBY HEMBREE SOFT BAIJ. TEAM The Murphy Soft Ball Team made up of the physical education class headed by MRS. EDITH FUL LER. held an election of officers They are as follows : President, NETTIE SUE DOCKERY; vice president. JO GARRETT; secre Itary, GWEN (PUDDYTAT) COLE; j treasurer, LAURA BAILEY ; re porter. FRANCES STILES. I The club plans to play other j neighboring teams. They will prac | tice three times a week. CHAPEL PROGRAM | Speakers at Chapel last Wednes day, March 30 were Rev. R. Y. i Winters and Rev. A. S. Maxwell I Fred Van Horn presided. The ministers spoke on the com ing Easter season and its signifi cance and history in studying the Passover Feast of the Jews. The chorus class directed by Mr. Reynolds sang the Easter Song "Allelulla", soloist, Betty Dock ery and Mary Frances Crisp. Next were the campaign speak ers for the student council and their nominees, president, JUDY COOK. WALTER MAUNEY, GEORGIA SAMPSON, and HU BERT SNEED. Vice President, VIOLET Mr. and Mrs. Beecher Morrow visited Mrs. Harve Rose Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jesie Robinson and family were Sunday afternoon visi-j tors of Mr. and Mrs; Lester Taylor. The Rev. Luther 8wanson was the Sunday dinner guest of Fred Graham. ' Mrs. Ida Morrow spent * few days last week with her son, Wil-. lard and family. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham and children, Wilma and Edward, spent a few days last week in Washing ton, D. C. While there they attend ed the wedding of their daughter, I Juanita. to Ralph Sewell. Miss Marcella Beaver spent Sunday with Miss Helen Graham. Miss Ruth Allen and Grady Mur phy were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.~R. Beaver Sunday. Calvin Murphy spent Sunday with Marlene and Margaret Ann Beaver. Miss Dora Taylor spent the week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vester Taylor. All of her friends were glad to see Aunt Mary Allen able to be out at church Sunday. BOBBY PHILLIPS, STEVE. HEMBREE, and MARY RUTh| DONLEY. We will vote for the one we want | in homeroom next Wednesday. BASEBALL TEAM Murphy High School may have a baseball team this year for the first time in five years. COACH OLSON said that the mat ter was still undecided but that the possibilities for one are good. The school lacks uniforms and equipment but they have plenty of playing material. Around 40 boys have gone out with an experienced in-field. "Gut Hall" has played on several teams before and will probably by Murphy's pitcher. Some of the in-fielders are BURKE MOORE, FRED VAN HORN. DAVID GUISLER, and EDDIE JOE ELLIOTT. If the boys are unable to have a team then they will have games among them selves. RANGER Mr. and Mrs. Jen Winget and Mr. and Mr?. Frank Dickey of Mur phy Waited Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dickey of Copperhill, Tenn., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Art Latshaw and family of Spring City, Tenn., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. George Fox. Mrs. C. R. Ledford spent one day last week with Mrs. Taylor Hen son. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Elliott and | family of Murphy visited Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Elliott Sunday. , H. C. Johnson mad* a tm trip to Murphy one day laat ?Mk. Mrs. Ralph Ledford visited Mr*. Ruth 8tewart recently. Mrs. Floyd Evans spent on* day laat week with Mrs. C. M. Sneed and family. ? Mr. and Mrs. Jess Wlnfst visited M the Rev and Mrs. Better one day * last week. | Mr. and Mrs. Tom King n[i*nl Saturday In Murphy. Miss Geneva Kllpatrtok vlsltsd Mr. and Mrs. . A. D. Evans recent ly I And if the ^ | fire engines j|[ don't make it. Just be sure that you have enough insurance to carry you through any emergency. See us! CITIZENS BANK and TRUST CO. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT Phone 22 Murphy Andrew* BUT BUY NEW; BETTER TRADE-IN, TOO I Actual photo of ** Plymouth BoUckra Moot Suburban LONGEST, ROOMIEST Plymouth Suburbans? biggest in the low-price 3 ! Plymouth's six new Suburbans are here? and they're the longest, roomiest cars of their type ever offered in the lowest-price field! Each offers you the most cargo space however you measure, plus a tail gate that folds flat to extend carrying capacity. And each is strikingly beautiful, inside and outside. Compare the figures below? consider Plymouth's other bonuses in styling, power, economy and safety ?then come in and drive one of these big, versatile beauties. Do it today. STUN NING PLYMOUTH BEATS THE "OTHER 2" IN ALL DIMENSIONS I PLYMOUTH ! LOW-PRICE ' LOW-PRICE CM "A" I CAR "B" Over-all length (In.) ? ? ? ? Lanoth loading deok (ln.)^ . Total loading tret (aq. ft)* . Loading tret, 2nd aaat up (oq. ft.)* . ? behind 3rd Mat (oq. ftJPf Maximum width ' of cargo space (in.) . ? WHY PAY UP TO *600 MORE FOR| A CAR SMALLER THAN PLYMOUTH 1 Don't be fooled by the claim* of so-called medi um-price car* that they coat practically die same aa Plymouth. When you compare price tag* you 11 find that, model for model, Plymouth sella for much, much less than medium - . price cars, and gives you more car for your money 1 -NEW PLYMOUTH