KEEP YOUR MONEYIN YOUR COMMUNITY PROMOTING MURPHY AND ANDREWS VOLUME M NUMBER? U MURPHY NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1SS5 TRADE AT HOME; IT PAYS EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEK. People You Know, MUBPHT Sfc- and Mrs. Bud Brown and baby, Debbie, are here visiting J Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cloe Moore. The Browns will I be here for a month before going to Augsburg, Germany. Miss Susie Miller student at Ag nes Scott College, Decatur, Ga., came home for the week end bring ing guests with her. They were George Spragins and Randy Seck man from Georgia Tech, and Ha Jo Dorough of Agnes Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Art Latshaw and children, John, Eileen, David and Phillip of Spring City, Tenn., spent the week end with Mrs. Latshaw's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Fox ( The Latshaws moved from Murphy i to Spring City last summer. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hoover at tended a reunion of his High School , Class of Crouse High School at the Battery Park Hotel In Asheville from Friday till Sunday. Mrs. Robert R. Rector has re- , turned to her home in Chattanooga J after several days' visit here with j her mother-in-law, Mrs. Lewis ( Hodges. Mrs. E. H. Brumby and daughter ] Mary Bolan were in Carrollton Ga. on business over the week end. Mrs. Dale .Lee attended a Gos-| sard Corset School in Atlanta last | week. Mrs. J. W. Crawford of Candler, sister of T. A. Case, and Miss Louise Moore, his niece of near Henderaonville, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Case this week. Mrs Francis Bourne, Sr., was in ' Atlanta last week. Mrs. H. G. McBrayer has re- , turned to Anderson, S. C., after' visiting her mother, Mrs. G. W. Candler here last week. , R. C. Mattax 4* visiting his son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. | John Campbell and family in Nashville, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Franklin spent last week end in Franklin with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. 1 and Mrs. Doug Simpson and fam ily. / I ANDREWS Mrs. Giles Cover attended the Ramp Convention held in Cook County, Tennessee Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Davis of Qunicy, Fla. spent the week end here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Davis, enroute to Waynesvilee where they will spend several weeks at the Davis Farm. Mrs. W. A. Cathey. Mrs. Carl West, Mrs. Elmer Childers and Mrs. Charles Almond attended the Baptist WMU Associational meet ing held in Hayesville Wednesday. Miss Jessie Truett has returned after spending last week in Ashe- 1 ville with her brother, J. L . Truett ] and family. Mrs. R. A. Dewar left Tuesday for a stay of several days with her daughter, Mrs. Alice D. Harris in Knoxville, Tenn. The Rev. John C. Corbitt will re turn Thursday (today) after con ducting a ten days Indian Mission work revival in Cherokee. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ferguson of Sylva were guests at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Herbert over the week end. Miss TrUby Glenn spent the .week end at Suit as guest of Mrs. Hoy* Rogers. Mrs. Jess Moulton has returned to her home In Charleston. W. Va. after * two weeks visit here with her sister, Mrs. Lee Watkons and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. William P. Walker have returned after a visit in Ral eigh with their son. Pitt jr., who is a page In the N. C. Senate. Mr. and KB. & J. Oernert and sots, Johnny spent last week in RMftfer. Pa. and Atlantic Ctty, Va. Mm O. W. Cover has returned after a visit wtth her sister, Mrs. Roy Campbell and fiUnfly of New port, tarn. While away Mrs. Cover attended the seoond amwial Ramp Festival held In Oooby, Tenn. re cently at which time former Presi dent Harry S- Truman Was among ? Forest Fir?.s Take Toll Of 1,000 Acres; Conditions Critical PLANS OKEYED FOR HOSPITAL Plans and specifications for the District Memorial Hospital to be erected in Andrews have been ap proved by. the North Carolina Med leal Care Commission and the fed eral government, P. B. Fere bee, chairman of the nospiv?i"s board of directors' said. The plans were completed recent ly by the Six Associates; Inc., archi tects and engineers of Asheville. Advertisements for bids from contractors have been inserted in building trade publications, Mr. Ferebee said. i The bids will be opened in And rews at the City Hall at 2 p. m. Friday,) June 3. ? Several bad forest fires have tak- 1 en their toll on National Forest land during the past weak and burning: conditions are listed as "critical", according to Ranger W. [ E. Howell. I The worst ot tne tires occured on Pounding Mill Creek drainage in Clajr County where some 1,000 acres were destroyed ? largely on National Forest land. ^ The fire started about noon Sat- , ?jrday, Howell said, and was fan- ' ned by strong winds making con trol very difficult and hazardous, i The flame was brought under control Sunday morning, Howell said, but the mop up crews are still patrolling the lines to prevent the fire from breaking out again. Other smaller fires occurred at Junaluska Gap, Bryson Gap, near Unaka and Persimmon Creek, near Letitia. Financing Of Water System Under Study A three-man committee from ths i town of Murphy-Mayor L. L. | Mason, H. L. McKeever, town attor ney, and Town Clerk Charlie John- 1 son is In Raleigh today studying the possibilities of financing a new | Murphy water system. The three town officials left here Tuesday to meet with the Local 'government Commission. Several (tlans to finance the Water I project were carried to the com mission by the committee. > The Local Government Commis sion is being asked to study all the plans with an eye toward okey ing one of them for financing the water system. The officials should be back In Murphy FnSijr It was reported, unofficially, that the three-man committee is concentrating on getting a go ahead from the LGC on a financing plan that does not include an in crease in taxes. Davis Is Nominated For Lions Club Presidency MerU Davis last week was nomi- ' nated for president of the Murphy Lions Club. Elections will be held May II. Other nominations reported by the nominating committee were Joe Ray. first vice president; Cloe Moore, second vice president, and Arnold Beerkens, third vice president. Also Alden Coward, secretary; Bob Bell, treasurer, Jack Dickey, tail twister, and Roy Fuller, lion tame?. Nominees to the board of direc tors were Mercer Fain, Harve Elk ins, H. A. Mattox, and A. Q. Ket one?. .The nominating committee in cluded Harry Bishop, Doyle Burch, , I' Bob Easley and Harve Elkins. Any further nominations from i the floor for posts in the club will, 'be made Tuesday, May 10 before, the balloting starts. I * ' Bob Easley Loses Mother Mrs. R. W. Easley of Bristol, Tenn. died at 2 p. m. Monday In a Bristol Hospital, of a heart attack. She fell on Saturday, April SO, and broke her hip and died an the operating table, It was reported. She is survived by two sons, I Swell Easley of Bristol and R. W. | Easley, Jr. of Murphy, and three 'grandchildren. ^ I Funeral Services were held Wed nesday at S p. m. in Oneida, Tenn. I ? ? ^ Talent Show Set ' Friday, May 13 J It teJtiine to Ogn up (or the talent Aow, which will be presented FH day May IX in Hie Andrew* High School auditorium. | The show is sponsored by the KonnaheeU club and cash prises will be given. Entries are aaked to rign with the following commit tee: Mrs. James H. A. Van Gorder and Itn. Margaret C Wild Flowers Is AAUW Topic Tonight Mrs. John Baughman will pre sent a program on wild flowers at the meeting of the Cherokee Coun ty Branch of the American Associ ation of University Women tonight CONTEST WINNERS Murphy'. FFA livestock Jndgtag wtnnln* tcrnu are Mr above after the beef Judging team won first place tat the Nantahala Federa tta contest at Chnsos College, 81 C-, recently. The dairy Judging team wsn second place. Both teams will compete to the district con test la AshevUn, May II and 14. Members of the beef Judging team are: front raw, left to right, Ben Ashe, Earl Queen, Walter Johnson, Clark Byers and 1. C. Owenby. Members of the dairy Judging team are: back raw, left te right, Peari Johnson, Leonard Foster, Clark Anderson, BUly Jmm and Charles Phillips." Murphy Baseball Team Will Open Season Here May 13 A non-?upenrtltiou? Murphy baseball team Drill officially open Ita aeaaon ajralnat ?trong Riceyllle, Tenn., here ftMay, Kay 18. and 8. The opening game against Rlc? ville Mt tor Kay IS ahould be a rapid On beginning at the Mason tor Murphy. Rice via* ? a strong tNm la Om J ? - ^ 1 * ' Salk Polio Vaccine Is Proved effective CHANDLER IS i ANDREWS MAYOR! A. B. Chandler, Jr., Democrat I was elected mayor of Andrews I Tuesday and the Democrats also I took the four alderman posts on the town board. Chandler polled 373 votes defeat ing Republican Grady Garret with 1 171. ' The four new aldermen and theif votes are: Ty Burnette, 341; Mar vin Pullium, 344; J. L. Truett, 349; and Roy Williams, 319.. The Republican candidates and their votes were: Grady Barlowe. 203; Lush Ledford, 195; Carlyle Matheson, 199; and S. H. Palmer, 176. I Murphy Church To Re Host At Regional Til Meet The First Baptist Church of Murphy will be host to the annual regional Training Union Conven tion Friday and Saturday, May 6-7. Main speakers will be Dr. Ram sey Pollard, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Knoxville, Ten:i., and a leader in the Southern Bap tist Convention and the Rev. Leslie Buir.gartner. missionary on the Cherokee Indian Reservation. Dr. Pollord wiU speak at 8:13 p. m. Friday and the Rev. Mr. Buin gartner will have the closing medi tation at 12 :20 p. m. Saturday. The two day session will begin at' 2. p. m Friday with registra tion. Conferences for the various departments will be held Friday ^lii^nooE The young people's speaking tuornament will be held Friday at 7-15 p. m. with Mrs. R$y Bennett in charge. The Junior memory work tournament will be Saturday mon ing at. 9:20 and the intermediates sword drill will be Saturday at 11:10 a m. Carl Corbin is regional director. Persons staying overnight for the convention will - be guests in Murphy homes. at 7:30. I The meeting will be at the home jof Miss Edna Bishop and Mis.; Phyllis Snyder will be co-hostess, i FIRST GRADER uonna Drortc grins for the camera aa Dr. (ieorge Sice gives her her first Salk polio shot. Donna Is the daughter of Mrs. Lena Drozir of Murphy and is in Airs. Harold Brown's first grade at Murphy School. The Salk polio vaccine has been proven up to 80 per cent effective In preventing polio. (Murphy School Photo) Local Red Cross Chapter Needs Help "The Cherokee County Red Cross# Chapter, with headquarters in Mur phy and covering the territory from Marble to the Tennessee and Georgia state lines, needs your help to survive," the Rev. J. Alton Morris, chapter president, said to day. Mr. Morris pointed out that to Uato the chapter has raised only about $850.48. The goal is (2,300. The amount that must be raised to keep the chapter is (1,500, Mr. Morris said. J The four definite services being rendered in Cherokee County, now, ' Mr. Morris asserted are the fol- 1 lowing : DEFINITE SERVICES 1. Services to the Armed For ces. The U. S. Congress holds the | Red Cross responsible for this ser vice and it is difficult to get rapid j service otherwise the president pointed out. 2. Home care of the sick; home j nursing courses at Murphy High School and at the John C. Camp- j bell Folk School. 3. Water safety classes in the summer when many local Boy Scouts pags their safety merit baugeS. " 1 11 4. Blood program. East jear S. C. used blood (whole blood, serum, albuin and gamma glo bulin) with a commercial value of some $1,354,950. Cherokee County's pro rata share of this amount is $390 in the Asheville Regional Blood Center for 1964 55. "Our chapter has given only about one third the coat of a new car for all the above-mentioned services," Mr. Morris/ said. These facts shruV help you know how vi tal it is that we keep our Red Cross Chapter, Morris stated. DONATIONS NEEDED , In order to keep the local Red Cross Chapter many individuals and business places will have to make a donation and many who have already donated will have to 'increase their donations, Mr. Mor ris said. Persona are asked to mail or take their contribution* at once to Floyd Bowman, Red Croas Prive chairman, at Soaaaraon Furniture Co., or to 8. 8. Williams at the bank. Garden Club Has Program On Hoses Mrs. Frank Forsyth and Mrs. C. P. Pennington were hostesses to the Murphy Garden Club Thursday at the home of Mrs. Forsyth here. Mrs. Jack Bocook gave a pro gram on rases and rose culture for the some 20 members and several visitors presents. The duty will sponsor the- organi zation of another garden club Tuesday, May 10 at 8 p. m. in the Murphy Primary School audi torium. Each club member will contact one person about the new club and anyone interested in join ing the new club is invited to at tend the organizational meeting, j The Murphy Garden Club will also sponsor a clean-up of ap proaches to the town and unsightly | trash heaps. | Persons were appointed to in j vestigate organization of garden i clubs in nearby towns. I [Two Arrest* Made I During Still Raids Two arrests were made, two il licit stills destroyed, and 20 gallons of "shine" and 600 gallons of mash were poured out during two sepa rate raids recently, Sheriff Claude Anderson said. The two arrests were made dur ing raid on a small still near An drews. Approximately 200 gallons of mash were poured out and 10 gallons of white whiskey was des troyed at the 30-gallon capacity still. The larger 50-gallon capacity still was destroyed in the Violet ( section. Some 400 gallons of mash ^ and another 10 gallons of "white" was poured, out. I Officers on the raid were Depu ties Char! os White of Murphy, and Lofton West of Andrews; Jack Mc Millian, Murphy constable, and ATU Officer Elrod. | Cutter Vaccine Not Used Here The Salk polio vaccine had al ready been proved as an immuniz ation to polio before it was used on school children this season, Dr. B. W. Whitfield said today. Dr. Whitfield, one of the Chero kee County physicians who admin istered the shots through the coun ty schools, made the statement af ter several cases of polio broke out in California. The Cutter vaccine used in Cali fornia was not used in this county, Dr. Whitfield, said. But he pointed out that those chil dren who have polio in California are in an epidemic area. The good record of Salk vaccine is pointed up in California he explained since - only 30 children have contracted polio out of five million in that section. The Salk vaccine, Dr. Whitfield asserted, was tested and pre-test ed even before another test was made on school children in a selec ted location last year. All the tests proved that the vaccine is effect ive. Only after all the tests, he said, was the vaccine used this year all over the country. The vaccine is not 100 per cent ef fectlve, Dr. Whitfield said, but 80 per cent effective. He asserted that 30 children who now have polio in California culd very well have been been carrying the germ before they received their first shots. One vaccine shot is not enough to gain immunity, the doctor point ed out. A board of experts, headed by Dr. Salk, found that the first I shot shoo*#, be followed in or ft* if weeks by the second 'shot. Then for th4 most complete pr^fce tion, the board announced, the third shot should come some seven months after the third shot. Not one single reaction from the shots themselves has been report ed in Cherokee County, Dr. Whit field said. Meanwhile Governor Hodge n an nounced the appointment of a state advisory committee to coordinate distribution of the Salk vaccinc. The committee is expected ti> as sure the most equitable distribu tion of all supplies alloted to North Caroling. Dr. J. W. R. Norton, state health officer. ?was named chairman of the committee. I i Murphy Band iPlans Open Air Concert At Park The Murpliy School Band will hold an open air concert starting at 8 p. m., Saturday, May 14, Kd i Reynolds, band director, said. The concert 'will be held at the school Ball Park. No admission win be charged. During the meeting o t the Band Boosters Club last Friday night, It was announced that $167.70 was raised at the last band concert. . Hie money will be used by the club in promotion of the band. Headrick Is Elected Civitan Club President Iur. a. J. Usadrtck was elected president at the Murphy Clvttan CJub during a meeting Monday night. Other officen elected were O. W. Arnold, vice praddwt, and Don Ramsey, secretary-troasuror. Members etected to the board of directors are Obntir I iww, L J. Phillips, Roy Lovingood, and Oordan A. Wilson. > I During other bustnisa at ttM it matter: J Dr. Oeorge Dyer trrns appointed {chairman of the schnUrshtp

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