KEEP YOUR HONEY IN YOUR COMMUNITY VOLUME M NUMBER? -iS ilft (Himikrr PROMOTING MURPHY AND ANDREWS TRADE AT HOME; IT PAYS MURPHY NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, MAY It, IMS TWELVE PAGES THIS People You Know MURPHY Miss Hedy West, Miss Jo Gar rett, Lowell Scruggs and Fred Van Born accompanied by Mrs. Dewey Carrett, left Murphy Saturday by automobile (or Miami, Fla. They expected to spend four days la Mi&ma, attending the Southern Baptist Convention and were to fly to Cuba where they would spend four days. They will return home early next week. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Burgess re turned home Monday after attend ing the Kentucky Derby at Ctruro hill Downs in Loulsvillej Ky. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Fuller, Mrs. Quay Ketner and Miss Frances Dickson attended the Mother's Day program sponsored by the Mili tary Department of Clemson Col lege. Clemson, S. C. Sunday. Mrs. John W. Brandon of Atlanta ?pent the week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Ivie. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Canata and sons, Bill and Dennis of Chat tanooga, spent Sunday here with Mrs. Canata's parents, Mr. and Mrs.R. D. Chandler. Miss Carolyn Axelander, student at the University of Georgia, Ath ens, spent the Week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Alex ander. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. (Bud) Alex ander and child ran have moved in to their new home at Brasstown. Miss Clarissa Ktwald of Rome, Ga., spent the week and here wltb her sister, Mrs. R. H. Foard. Dr. and Mrs. Logan of Qntnaa ville, Ga., spent the week end with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wilson and fam ily Miss Hazel Lou Fulmer of Sytva, spent the week end with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Frank lin. f . Mr. and Mrs. W. k Taylor left Monday for their home In Raleigh after spending some time here and in Andrews with Mrs. Taylor's mother, Mrs. Bruce King. K. H. Woosley of Atlanta spent the week end with his cousin, Mrs. C. W. Savage. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lovingood made a business trip to Asheville Wednesday. ANDREWS Mrs. G. C. Plott.of Waynesville spent the Mother's Day holidays here as house guest' of her son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Battle. Mr. and Mrs! Nathan Reynolds of Wilmington spent the latter part of the week here visiting re latives. Mr. and Mrs. David Winters and son, Everett, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B. Gandy of Knoxville, Tenn., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Chandler Sr. over the week end. Mrs. Gwyn Anderson of St. Pe tersburg, Florida is spending sever al weeks here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Devereaux Birch field. , , 'w. C. Everett of Katonah, N. T. has arrived for a months stay here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Zeb West have re turned to Wilmington after a visit here with relatives. Misses Mabel and Margaret Fisher spent Wednesday in Atlanta Ga. where they purchased stock tor Fishers Store. Mr. Bill Gregory of Detroit, Mich spent the week end hart with Ma parents and family. ' I Rev. and Mrs. John C. Corbitt and children will leave Friday for Miami, Fla., where they will at tend the Southern Baptist conven tion next week. They will be ae*| companies by Mr. Corbitt * mother | ol Anna, W Mrs. Jack Herbert, Mm C. H.| | Plans Started For New Murphy Watered ^em Tourists Will Receive New I Parking Ticket Tourists In Murphy who happen to over park in a metered space starting next week will receive a "hurry back" courtesy ticket. The special courtesy ticket was okeyed Monday night at a Town Council meeting. | The ticket will thank visitors for coming to Murphy, ask them to ! hurry back and remind them of the 'town's parking regulation. iVBS Workers To Have Clinic M | A Clinic for Vacation Bible School ? workers will be held for the West 1 era North Carolina Baptist Asso ciation Friday, May 13, at 4 p. m. I at Peachtree Memorial Church. ' A morning and evening session will be held. Persons attending are asked to take sandwiches and the host church will serve drinks.' The Rev. Lester 8towe, host pas tor, will open the meeting and Miss ( Dorothy Edwards will give a .demonstration at Joint worship ser (Vice, followed by discussion. | The five departmental confer ences will be held at S p. m. with the following leaders : pastors, | general superintendents, princi pals and others, Miss Dorothy Ed I wards; beginners, Mrs. Kenneth jWoodard; primaries. Mrs. O. E. Scruggs; juniors. Miss Hyma S tames; intermediates, Miss Alma Jolly; music director. Mlas Frank teMvtiB. u -*? | ' T'' I At the evening service the Rev. 1 Johnnie Grant will have the open ing devotional, followed by a gen 1 era] conference led by Miss Ed j wards. The departmental confer ' ences will be resumed from the af | ternoon with the same leaders. Mrs. Singleton Is ?Pro-Tern Head Of New Garden Gub I Mrs. W. A. Singleton Tuesday night was named president pro-tem I of the new garden club now being 'organized in Murphy. | At the p re-organization meet Tuesday night some eight pros Ipective members met with mem tbcrs of the Murphy Garden Club I to organize a new garden club in Murphy. A prospective list of some eight or ten other names was presented for persons who were un able to be present. The organizational meeting for . the new club will be held Tues I day, May 31, at 8 p .m at the home of Mrs. W. M. Lay. j Mrs. 8. C. Burgess, president of the Murphy Garden Club, presid ed at the meet Tuesday and listed the purpose of garden clubs as in cluding conservation ' of natural resources, beautification and study of the "fine art of gardening." Mrs. F. C. Boume, Jr. and Mrs. Harry Bishop served refreshments and arrangements of old fashioned garden flowers were provided by Mrs.' Prank Forsyth and Mrs. Jim Gibtas. Anyone interested in belonging to the new club Is Invited to at I tend the meeting May SI at the' home of Mrs. Lay. Robert Horowitz Is In Honorary Society Robert H. Horowitz, too of Mr. and Mr*. 8. P. Horowtt* of Mur phy, thla week ?u accepted tnta the Van Am Junior Service floe- 1 Mjr at Cbhunbla University in New York City. Horowita was one of only IS membera of the fraahraan claaa of aone *00 membera taken into the1 Murphy School Graduation Speakers Announced Today Andrews, Murphy FFA Boys To Attend Meet Winners- of 20 farm improve ment contests will be named at the Western North Carolina rally Future Farmers of America " Fri day and Saturday in the City Audi torium in Asheville. ANDREWS ? MURPHY BOYS The Andrews Vocational Agricul ture Department will be represent ed by James Franklin, Federation public speaking winner, and five other delegates, Wayne Bailey, John Carringer, Wayne Battle and Monroe Trammell. I The Murphy Vocational Agricul ture Department will be represen ted by its winning beef and dairy teams, both of which will partici pate in the district contests. The dairy team is composed of Pearl Johnson, Charles Phillips and Bllfy Jones, with Leonard John son, Clark Byer* and Ben Ashe, with J. C. Owenby and Earl Queen as alternates. B. J. Comwell, tenth grade stu dent, will also attend as a delegate. ( The boys will be accompanied by their teachers, Dick Ramsey, Gene Denning and Glenn Patton. More than ^,000 FFA memtKHf and their vocational agricultural teachers from 25 mountain counties will participate. TOP EVENT . Some top events will be dairy cat jtle judging at Biltmore Dairy Farms at Biltmore, livestock judg ing at Kerrygill Farms at Fletch er, public speaking and parliamen tary procedure contests in the City Auditorium. Contest winners win be selected , in forestry, Junior corn growing, barley tobacco, farm electric, farm mechanics, farm safety, ' dairy Improvements, supervised practices, livestock Improve ments and the best FFA chapter. Winners of the Carolina Farmer and the American Farmer awards will be announced. The land Judging team from Mills River School in Henderson County, which won the state con test in April, and competed in the national contest in Oklahoma, will be honored. SPEAKERS Program speakers will include J. Warren Smith, N. C. director of vocational education; A. L Teachey, N. C. supervisor of agri cultural education; R. J. Peeler, executive secretary of the North Carolina Future Farmers of Ameri ca. Also, H. T. Gryder, district sup ervisor of agricultural education, and Billy Whi taker of Pilot Moun tain, president of the North Caro lina Future Farmers of America, will speak. Vocational agriculture ts taught in 95 high schools in Western North Carolina. Aj>proxlnm*% 5,r7a stodea* en rolled ia Miad are laara tag wood tarm 'prtMtlees, live stock management, Asp pdac ' tices, and obtaining practical ex perience that will enaMe them to be good farmers, the district supervisor reported. Headquarters for the rally will be the George Vanderbilt Hotel. Program features will include performances by a 40-piece brass band composed of students from various WNC schools, a 75-piece male chorus, and a recognition luncheon in the City Auditorium in Asheville on Saturday. * > Mrs. Wlnnlfred Townson Wells, ' Wallace attorney and (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. T ovynson of Murphy, will be the speaker at the Murphy High School graduat ion exercises Monday, May 23 at 8 p. m. James Howard Cornwell, valed ictorian and Grace Hedwig West, salutatorian, will also speak. Some 100 seniors will receive dip lomas. The baccalaureate sermon will be preached by the Rev. Mark Jen kins, pastor of Calvary Episcopal Church, Fletcher. Baccaleaureate services will be held Sunday, May 22 at 11 :15 a. m. Mrs. Edna Whitley is pianist for the occasion. The invocation will be by the Rev. Asmond Maxwell. Father Joseph Dean will read the scripture and the Rev. Rhett Y. Winters will lead the prayer. Marshalls are junior class girls who hold the highest averages and include Georgia Sampson, chief marshal!, Judy Cook, Virginia Fowler, Mary Ruth Logan and Sue Ruth Rowland. MURPHY LIONS ELECT OFFICERS Merle Da via Tuesday night was elected president of the Murphy Lions Club. Other officers elected were J. H. ] Duncan, first vice president; Cloe Moore, sedond vice president, and Arnold Beerldns, third vice presi dent. Also, Alden Coward, secretary; Dr. Robert Bell, treasurer; Jack Dickey, tail twister, and Roy Ful ler, lion tamer. Elected to the board of directors were Mercer Fain, Harve Elkins, i H. A. Mattox and A. Q. Ketner. [ TAUKNT SHOW A Talent Show will be staged to morrow night, May 13, in the And rews High School auditorium spon sored by the Konnaheeta Club. | ANDREWS SENIORS ON TOUR ANDREWS HIGH SCHOOL seniors, above, are pictured with Sep. George A. Sbuford on what b prob ably the moat photographed spot In tho country In the springtime, the lawh of the Capitol building. The seniors returned last week after a tear of New York City and Washington, D. a Front row, seated, left to right, are: David Saey, Dean Dockery, Gerald Wheeler, Johnny Baxter, Jerry Gilbert, BIB Karr, Bobby Cooper, the bos driver, Todd Beece, Walter Baxter, David ToOf, Bobby Gibson, T Sanaa Posted, Bay Adams and Larry West. The middle roif, kneeling, are Patsy Derreberry, Anne Barker, Barbara Laughter and Dorcas Ann McGulre. (Handing, bank row, Mr. Ford of the Southern Hallway System who made tho trip with tho seniors, Lsls Biuiftin, TMmadtae Ihnial Gladys PuUhnn, Sue Crawford, Barbara Batten, Doris Bolder, Btoiy Both Glbooo, Jim Wood, Mhn Joan Oristy, Bep. shuford, Jane Cruse, Bobbie Oonley, Doris Tens, Mnxtee Mas an, >ss?ph|? Coffey, Jims Thompson, Bebecoa Babbtogten and Blrhard Loudermilk Goes To Alabama Mine Eldrtffa Loodarmilk tw r?alfn ed Ida position with the Hitchcock i Oorpontfcm to kcoipt amptoymant I as offioa miBiitr of Dlili Wiih, "toe.. *t |balr opmt tOM In Ran dolph and OaUWM OowMIm, Ate. and Van Horn ot Jturpky BAKE SALE TO BE SAT. HERE 11m American Legion Auxiliary will hold a bake sale Saturday at ? a. ?>. at Murphy Electrical Organization Of Cab Pack Be Talked All parents Interested In CUb Scouting u? Invited to attend an organisational meeting tor a Cub Scout pack tomorrow, Friday, at ?M p. m. In the assembly room at the bank ker*. Tom Speed, grout executive of Mm will be Mn to aatt with R.C.MATTOX SUCCUMBS HERE \ R. C. MATTOX Roscoe C. Mattox, 75, died at 11:J0 a. m. Sunday, May 8, in his home here after a brief illness. Funeral services were held at 11 a. m. Tuesday in the First Methodist Church. The Rev. As mond Maxwell and the Rev. J, Al ton Morris officiated and burial was in Sunset Cemetery. The body remained at I vie Fun eral Home until 10 a. m. Tuesday, when it was taken to the church to lie in state one hour. Pallbearers were: Dr. /. N. Hill, D. V. Carringer, Roes Lovingood, Edwin Hyde, Frank Forsyth, Har ry Bishop, H E. Dickey and W. D. Ragsdale. ... _ t Mr.- Mattox t^ajf a member at the First Baptist Chutch, and had ser ved on the local school board, the town council and the welfare board.. , | He was a native of Comer, Ga., and attended Young Harris Col I lege, Young Harris, Ga. He was married to Miss Lena Webb of Youg Harris, June 17, 1903 and moved to Murphy In 1906 where he had been associated [with the Murphy Hardware Com pany from that time. , 1 Surviving are the widow; one j son, H. A. Mattox of Murphy, two daughters, Miss Martine Mattox of Knoxville, Tenn., and Mrs. John W. Campbell of Nashville, Tenn; five grandchildren and three sis ters, Mrs. Sallie Kidd, Mrs. Gus j sie Crooks of Danielsville, Ga., and Mrs. Jessie Scarborough of J Come/. Improvement Not To Mean Increase In Town Taxes Murphy Town Council Monday night started the legal machinery that can lead to a new town water system after the board voted to ask approval of a $840,000 bond issue. The approval will first have to come from the Local Government Commission in Raleigh. Then the voters of Murphy will decide on the bond Issue at a special election. However, pundits expect no op position tc the issuance of the bonds from either the voting public or from the Local Government Commission. NO TAX INCREASE The n6w bond will not mean a raise in taxes, according to fig ures worked out last week end by the LGC and Murphy officials. Mayor L. L. Mason, H. L. Mc Keever, and Charlie Johnson, town clerk, met with LGC officials and brought back a schedule of propos ed bond payments. The proposal includes about $190,000 worth of bonds for the wat er system and 1150,00 worth of bonds to pay off the town present indebtedness. The $340,000 is to be be paid off starting at $21,900 in 19G0-S' . That year will see tbe highest amount to be paid off in one year. After that the yearly payment deer? ae by a boot $330 a year. The entire amount is to be paid in 1988-89. At present the town is paying $18,000 a year and wimld pay off its present indebtedness tn about 30 years. The $130,000 the town now owes is to be refunded or refinanced under the proposed bond issuance. With the first legal step already taken Murphy voters should be going to the polls in about four months to decide whether or not the town is to have a new water system. Free Band Concert Be Saturday Night The Murphy School Rand will hold a free open air concert start ing at 8 p. m. Saturday, May 14 at the ball park. Ed Reynolds is band director. The public is invited to attend the concert which iq sponsored by the Band Boosters Club. Folk School Board Has Annual Meet | The board of directors of the John C. Campbell Folk School at | Brasstown last week end held their | annual meeting at the school, i Some eight board members were | present including;: Miss Louise Pit |man (chairman) of Asheville; Ric hard B. Coolidge of Boston, Mass.; Miss Lois Bacon of Alexandria, Va. ; J. Edward Davis of Washing ton, D, C.; Mrs. Marguerite Bid strup and Fred L. Brownlee, Brass town; Hobart L. McKeever, Mur phy; Mrs, Opal Green Brendle, Fontana Dam. Due to illness, Per cy Ferebee of Andrews was un able to attend. Other guests who were present for the occasion included Mrs. J. I Edward Darts of Washington, D. C., and Miss Edith Canterbury of W. Roxbury, Mass., who at one time was private secretary to Mr. and Mr*. John C. Campbell. v The meeting was held Saturday and was followed by a buffet sup per at which board members wen entertained by former students and other families who returned for the occasion. Most of the board members were also present Friday night for the weekly folk games. ortsed tor the form, toe aad the for ucation, it was said. Some improvements will be made immediately, the school' said, and others must wait for additional money from toc&l and distant supporters of the school. FRANK FORSYTH BE EIGHTH GRADE GRAD. SPEAKER r Frank Forsyth will speak at the Murphy School eighth grade grad uation Friday, May 30 at 8 p. m. Eighth graders on the program are the following : Margaret Rich, invocation; Lenna Ruth Ramsey, welcome; Robart Xasoe, tramp* solo; John Snesd. clan history; June King, class trip; Billy Town son, Cherokee County history; Ann Brltt, poem. Also, Frame Dockery, declam ation; Edith Fays Wilcox intro duction of speaker; and Dorothy Truett, benediction/ Some 104 eighth graders will rr ceive their certificates. O. K. ft. TO MEET

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