o KEEPYOUR MONEY IN vOlJR COMMUNITY VOLUME NNU1DE1M5 milt PROMOTING MURPHY AND ANDREWS TRADE AT HOME; IT PAYS KCKPHT NOBTH CAKOLCNA THI R8DAY, MAY 26, IMS TEN PAGES THIS WEEK People You Know Mrs. Mada Mallonee and Mr. and Mn. B. A. Mallonee and family of Chattanooga, Tenn., spent Sunday with relatives in Murphy. Mrs.' S. M. Benton, Mrs. John Weils and Mrs. Lester Lane of Cornelia, Ga. visited Mr. and Mrs. C.'E. Hyde and family last week. Mrs. Annle^Peweese of Knoxville visited her brother, Porter Axley and family last week, She came es pecially for the graduation of her niece. Rose Axley. Mr. and Mrs. Leon V. Axley and children, Vance and Tommy have returned to their home in St. Louis, M., after a visit here with the formers mother, Mrs. Tom Axley. They also visited Mr. Ax ley's sister, Mrs. Floyd Williamson , Mr. Williamson and children, Susie and Lyman in Raleigh, before returning home. Mrs. Wayne H. Gentry and chil dren, Patricia Ann and Wayne, Jr., are here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harve Elk ins. Mr. and Mrs. Mercer Fain spent the week end in Knoxville with Mrs. Fain's mother, Mrs. T. I. Mount. Mrs. A. M. Brittam, K. R. Burns and son Britt of Copperhill, Tenn., spent Sunday here with Mrs. Bes sie Dickson and Miss Bertha May field. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Odom and Mr. and Mrs. Olen Stratton of Nantahala have returned from a tour of points of interest on the East Coast of North Carolina and other points. Places visited were Manteo, Jamestown, Va., Williams burg. Virginia Beach, Yorktown, Richmond, Norfolk, Newport News where they visited Mr. and Mi*. Ralph Hamby. Mr. Hid Mrs. H. R. Zittrouer oi itlanta spent the week end hare with Mr. and Mra. J. H. Hampton. Mr. Zittrouer returned and Mrs. Zittrouer remained for the week. Mra. J. W. Dyer had as week end guests, Mr. and Mrs. James B. Edmons of Chattanooga and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pittillo of Bre vard. ANDREWS o Mn. W. A. Cathy has returned from a 10 days visit with relatives in Oolumbla, 8. C. and Toccoa, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. R. A Dewar attend ed the graduation of their fraud daughter, Sara Alice Boring, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Borii^r In Canton, Ga., Tue*day evening Mrs. Dewar remained for a longer stay and will also visit her brother in Cedartown before returning home next week. Mr. Dewar re- } turned home Wednesday morning. Mrs. Clay Rogers and daughter. MarUou, and son, Billy, of Whittier were guests of Mrs. Roger's aunt, Mrs. Clara SherriU at the Valley eown Mc'or Court Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Whitey West have returned to Goldsboro after a visit of several days here with Mr. West's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Her man West and Mrs. West's parents Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Jones and ?on, Jimmie, of Blalrsville, Ga., spent the week end with Mrs. Jones, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Hardin. Jack Rogers left Saturday for Clearwater. Fla., where he will join a party of 39 representatives of a refrigerator Company far sev- * era! days fishing trip. Mr. and Mks. Frank Baker who have resided* hare tor about two years left Tuesday morning for] Russell vide. Ark., where they will reside. They sold their attractive mar home to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mints of Marble. Mn. JOhn C. Neville left Wed nesday for Montreal where she will spend the week end. She will be Joined the latter put of the weak by bar son. Nick, student at West ern Carolina College, OuHowhea. Mrs. David Bristol member of h* Andrews school faculty left Wednesday afternoon for Sunbury, /*., where will Join her hus band who is playing haae ball this sissmi with Mm fun bury Red Lags. Mrs. Addle Garrison of Rock Hill. S. C.. was the house guest of Mn. Vina fCilpatrick and lb Ipatrlck onrer tha A- ' Murphy To Get Dial Telephones Next Year June Jurors Drawn For Superior Court 1 The jury list drawn (or the June term of Superior Court was releas ed today. The two weeks term opens June 30. Judge Dan K. Moore will preside. First week jurors are: H. E. Dickey, Murphy; Ted Trull, Mar ble; Margaret Trull, Andrews; J. M. Anderson, Culberson, Et. 2; Clyde Gladson, Murphy; Giles Lu ther, Andrews ;01en Clontz, Let itia; Roy Waldroup, Andrews; R. H. King, Murphy, Rt. 2; J. C. Wells Marble; Hubert L. Hinton, Murphy and Oliver Gregory, Culberson, Rt. 2 Also J. V. Hal'., Marble; Pink Liming, Doc Gibson, Dee Mostel ler, W. C. Hogan, John C. West and W. Fred Davis, all of Andrews; C. G. Rose, Unaka; Frtuik Clark, An drews; C. S. Evans, Murphy; Hur mon Green, Letitia; and Fred Stiles, Murphy, Rt. 2. The second week jury list in cludes : E. E. Stiles and Wade Decker of Murphy; Everett Mar tin. Murphy, Rt. 3; Helen D. Pat ton, Andrews, Rt. 1; W. R. Mar tin, J. P. Calhoun and Frank W. Swan ot Andrews; R. F. Martin, Murphy, Rt. 2; and N. W. Lov ingood, Murphy. Also John Dickey, Guynn Owen by and G. C. Cornwell, Murphy; Arthur Nichols, Culberson; J. T. Dobson and E. F. Trantham, An drews; Fred Martin, Murphy. Rt. J 3; Earnest Graham, Murphy, Rt. 4; and Jewell Thompson, Murphy.^ Bloodmobile To Be In Murphy, Andrews. 1 ,2 The mobile blood collecting unit will be in Murphy and Andrews next week to collect blood dona- ' tiona. The unit will be at the Murphy i First Baptist Church Wednesday, ! June 1 from 1 p. m. to 6 p. m. | The unit will be at the Andrews City Hall Thursday, June 2 from j 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. The Andrews quota la 100 pints. In order to get ,100 pints, It is necessary that at least 118 prospective donors vjlmj-, te?r to giv# blood, It was said. Among its other services the blood bank has been a means of 1 notifying unsuspecting prospective donors who have presented them- ' selves to give blood that they were : anemic ; had high blood prea sure; had loifr blood pressure; or had some other condition that need ed immediate attention. Any person who has received blood from the blood bank may take advantage of this chance to have a relative or friends return Jtb? Mood ttt -OT$?r that It may be available for another to |iae. 1 Polio Chapter To Elect Officers June 10 1 New officers for the Cherokee County Chapter for Infantile Par alysis will be elected at the annual meeting June 10 at 7 JO p. m. at the courthouse. Robert L. Jones, state represen tative of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, Inc., of Charlotte, will be present for the meeting, according to chairman Doyle Burch. Mr. Jones will meet with mem bers of the local executive commit tee before the meeting. Meanwhile, a breakdown of do nations for the past three years Ann Pennington Wins Dist. Contest ? ... PENNINOTOJf Miss Ann Pennington, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Pennington, of Murphy, U the fint place winner of a district evangelism contest sponsored by the Methodist. MIm Pennington's essay was en titled "Why I Go To <W". She is a member of to Murphy First Methodist Church. She, won a week at Camp Junaluska. Mia Betty Weaver, also of the Marphy first Methodist Church, in the dis trict oddest. flu.- . ?*? V *? '? shows a steady increase in local J contributions to the March of Dimes. i The Cherokee Cbunty drive net- 1 ted $3,530.85 in 1953; $6,540.21 in 1 1954; and $6,988.66 in 1965. Iin play County the 1953 collec tion totaled $406.19;. in 1954, $652.90; and in 1955, $1,455.14. . Murphy Garden Club Meets Today The Murphy Garden Club will meet today (Thursday) at 3:30 p. . ml at the home of Mrs. Harold Wells. Mrs. John Smith will be co hostess. New officers will be in- i stalled. 1 RANGER CEMETERY Friday, May 27 has been set a side as the time to clean off the Ranger Cemetery. All persons who have loved ones buried in the ceme tery are asked to come. ] Baseball Game Set For Friday The Murphy baseball team will meet Bowaters Mill here at ? p. m. Friday. The mill team is from Calhoun, Tenn. Murphy suffered a 14 to 6 de feat last week from Lafayette, Ga. At present the local team is not getting the support It received last sean, Ed Anderson, manager, said. However, he pointed out that bad weather has probably held back many spectators since the season started. Season tickets are still on sale and Anderson asked supporters of the team to purchase one. Grange Talks Milk Price Milk prices were discussed at the meeting of the Martin's Creek Grange last Thursday night at the Martin's Creek School. It was announced that milk dis tributors of Western N. C. have requested a public hearing with the N. C. Milk Commission to con sider the price of Class One milk to $5.90 per CWT. All milk producers in the Grange were invited to attend to see if the reduction is necessary In the face farmers and to learn whether or farmers and to learn whteher or not the distributors plan to reduce the price accordingly to consum ers. The qutcome of the tobacco re ferendum was also discussed. The next meeting of the Martin's Creek GrwuajssUJ be a pol^trck dinner for all Grangers .arid 'their | friends on June 1 at the Martin's I Creek School. This will be a public meeting, assembling at 6 30 p. m. and begin ning to eat at 7 p. m. There will be games and entertainment for all. Nine Girl Scouts , Receive Pin* Sat. Nine Girl Scouts received their scout pins and membership cards Saturday night at the investiture service at the First Methodist Church. Officers of Girl Scout Troop Four conducted the ceremony. The following girls received pins and cards: Mary George Baugh, Frankie Ann Beal, Elizabeth Gibbs, Susan Maxwell, Glenda Mills, Dorothy Ann Mull, Brenda Ann Quinn, Beverly Saunders and Lynda Schuyler. ^ Hot dogs were served with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hyatt assisting in preparing the hot dogs. Mrs. George Size is leader of the troop. % BANK BE CLdSED The bank will be closed Monday May SO, for memorial day. < Engineer Says Hayesville Highway Be Started Soon Construction will begin soon on the new highway from Brasstown to Hayesville, John Caldwell, of Murphy, resident engineer with the State Highway Department said , hero today. Mr. Caldwell said the contract ' for the new highway has been awarded to Macon Construction Co. of Franklin. He said the project will take about a year for comple- ! tion and should be finished by summer, 1956. Mr. Caldwell said the total pro- 1 ject includes a new highway from the prison camp at Peachtree for , about three miles to Brasstown, ' and then 6.3 miles from Brasstown to Hayesville. The latter portion? from Brass town to Hayesville ? is the part that will be started first, Mr. Caldwell said. Mr. Caldwell said the new high way will have 22 feet wide pave ment with 10 feet shoulders ? mak ing a total width of some 42 feet. He said when completed the new highway will be as good as or bet ter than highway 64 from Murphy to the Tennessee lipe. A full crew of nine men is sta tioned here working with Mr. Caldwell on the project. Meanwhile, the contract for the Marble? Peachtree road will be let in July, Mr. Caldwell said. Band Boosters Set Dance Here Sat. i The Murphy Band Boosters Club will sponsor a dance Saturday night ; at the gym with music by the 12- ] piece Murphy Teen Swingsters. Ed Reynolds is director of the group. Round and square dancing will be enjoyed from 8 p. m. until mid night. Members of the dance band are i Linda English, Betjy Weaver, Linda Palmer, Judy Davis, alto Saxophone; Bill Rhodes, baritone sax; Judy Sneed, tenor sax; Tom my Howae, Bob Uance, Ronnie, Brit , tain, taimpet; feiily Bro^ng, Ed- 1 die King, trombone; Ramona Hag I gard, piano; and Harry Duncan, drums. Tickets are now on sale at $1.50 j per couple (or adults and 50 cents per couple for teen agers. During intermission the loser in a bet between Barty Akin and Bob Bault will roll a peanut across the floor with his nose. Akin and Bault have up a contest to see which can Bell the most tickets. Door prizes will be drawn. The dance committee is made up of Bud Alveroon, chairman; John] Davidson. Jtyuny HoWse, Dr. A. J. ReautrfeK, HcwartJ. Jahaiey, Claud* Jones, lirs. George Size. Mrs. Robert Weaver is president of the Boosters Club. I Mayor Proclaims Poppy Day Here Sat. , May 28 Members of the American Legion Auxiliary will sell memorial pop pies on the streets of Murphy Sat urday, May 28 to help finance their work among; disabled American veterans. Mrs. W. H. McKeever is presi dent of the auxiliary. Headquarters for replenishing the supply of poppies will be by Sossamon Furniture Co. Poppy Day was proclaimed for Church Of God Revival Begins Revival services will begin Sun day night, May 29 at the Church of God. The evangelist is Vernon Wood and the pastor is Earl Radford. Saturday by Mayor L. L. Mason as follows: "Whereas, three times in the last 37 years, the young men of our town have been called upon to help turn back a threat to America on foreign battlefields; "Whereas, our young men ans wered this call with high courage and patriotism, some of the finest of them laying down their lives in the nation's defense; "Whereas, the memories of these men and their sacrifices should live forever in our hearts; "Whereas, our memories ror our war dead and the honor in which we hold them, is Individually ex pressed by the annual wearing of the memorial poppy; "Now, therefore, I, L.. L.. Mason, Mayor of the Town of Murphy, North Carolina, do hereby pro claim Saturday, May 28th to be Poppy Day in the Town of Murphy ind Cherokee County and do urge all citizens to observe this day by \ wearing the memorial poppy." I Bible Schools Start Monday In Baotist, Methodist Churches Simultaneous Vacation Bible Schools will be held at the Jjtrst Baptist and First Methodist church es of Murphy May SO-June 10 with 'a pre-Bible-school parade set for [Saturday at 10 a. m. The Free Methodist Church will have Bible 84hool May SO ? June 1 1 4. ? , i ' Registration for Bible schools at ' i First Baptist and First Methodist I churches will be held at I t. m. ?' Saturday at the respective church- i es. The children will join together at 10 a. m. in front of the court house for the parade through town. I - METHODIST VBS |l Hours for the Methodist Bihle ' | School at ?:? ? U:? a. m. for 1 children four through 11 yeats old. t Worker* in the sohool will be: 1 kindergarten, Miss Clara McCbmbs Mrs. J. C. Tawnson, Miss Judy i Cook, Miss Nancy Mm; primary 1 (ages six. seven and eight) Mm Adella Meroney, Mrs. Porter Ax ley, Mrs. John Baughman Mrs., CharleB Hyatt. Juniors (nine, ten, eleven) Mrs. O. U. Gull edge, Mrs. Robert Pace, Mrs. Martha Axley Palmer, Mrs. Jean Zimmerman. The Methodist School will not have an Intermediate department. A youth emphasis week has been get for the last week in June (or Intermediates and seniors with a visiting caravan from Duke Unlver rity. BAPTIST SCHOOL The faculty for the Baptist school Is headed by Miss Frankie Martin is principal; Mrs. Boyd Davis, general secretary; Mrs. Doyle C. Burch, music director; Lowell Scruggs, pianist; the Rev. 3. Alton Morris. Bible teacher. Departmental workers are: nur ?ery (ace three), Mrs. W. H. Hush, supt, Mrs. A. J. Headrick, Beginner (ages taar and ?*?),? Mrs. C. W. Arnold, supt., Mrs. L.J R. Harding, Mrs. Clyde Gladson, Mrs. W. E. Howell, Mrs. J. J. Ham ilton. Primary One (ages six to seven), itrs. Verlin Jones, supt, Mrs. H. C. Brown, Mrs. L. J. Phillips, Mrs. James B. Hall, Mrs. Rae Moore. Primary TWo (age eight), Mrs. Lewis King. Mrs. Ralph Deweese, Mrs. Dewey Garrett/ Mrs. Howard McDonald, Mrs. Paul Black. Junior One (ages nine and 10), Mrs. Kenneth Davis, supt., Mrs. W. ( A. Sherrill, Mrs. W. A. Hoover, . Mrs. Virgil 0|D*U. jftnior Two (ages 11 and 13), ^ Mrs. Jack Boeook, supt, Mrs. J. , Alton Morris, Mrs. W. E. Bates, Mrs. Henry Hyatt Intermediate (ages 1S-1?), BiH 1 Cannaday, supt, Mrs. John Don- < ley, Miss Toots Oook < Hours for the Baptist School In < ?11:10 a. n. ( Town Will Join Nation-Wide Toll Dial Network The Murphy telepnone exchange will convert to dial operation next spring, L. J. Phillips, local mana ger of the Western Carolina Tele phone Co., said today. The Murphy dial equipment will be provided with the "latest de velopments in telephone service Mr. Phillips said. NEW BUILDING The announcement came a few months after the company said it planned to erect a new telephone building on the corner of Central and Church Streets. Indications are that the company will start construction this fall on the new building which will house the dial equipment. The new system will include "in ward and outward" toll dialing. This feature, Mr. Phillips explain ed, will permit the Murphy toll op erators to dial cities and towns in the United States and Canada that are connected with the nation-wide intertoll network. The manager estimated that , three out of four long distance calls now originating at Murphy will be dialed directly by the Mur phy operators. Inwards calls to Murphy sub scribers will be dialed by the dis tant operators without the assist ance of the Murphy operators, Mr. Phillips asserted. The company's new building will also contain the local business of fice of the telephone firm. Home offices for Western Caro ling Telephone Co. Is in Wsaver jfllle. The firm serves 17 commun ities in WNC ond one community in North Georgia. Olson Appointed District Head C. K. Olson this week was ap pointed president of the Western District NCSA physical education, health and recreation department. Mr. Olson was appointed by George Powell, physical education teacher at Myers Park High School Charlotte and state head of the physical education, health and re creation department. The Western District includes some 12 WNC counties. Olson will prepare the program and preside at the fall meeting: of the group in Asheville. 27 Registered At Folk School Some 27 persons representing nine states enrolled Monday for the short course now in progress at the John C. Campbell Folk School. Local persons may still enroll in the course, it was announced, and take part by the day. Persons registered in the course so far are from Mass., Conn., N. Y., Ala., S. C., N. C., Ga., Twin, ind Ky. Hubert Sneed Wins 1st Place In Speech Contest Hubert Sneed, son of Mrs. Evel yn Sneed of Murphy, won first place in a declamation contest sponsored last week by the Murphy Toastmasters Club and the Cher okee County Historical Society. Second place winner was Steve) Hembree, son of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Hembree of Peach tree. Mc Kinley Johnson, son of Mrs. Vir gil Johnson, took third place. Joe E. Ray presided over the contest and Mrs. Jerry Davidson, president of the Historical Society, md the Rev. Asmond Maxwell, , president of the Toastmasters dob irer* oil the program. Judges for the contest wen Dean | Robert Andrew of You?c Harris 1 College, Tone Harris, Oa., Lynn 3ault and BUI Miller, both of the lolm C Campbell Folk School. i The three dtaueis spoke at a'

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