r. District hospital The General Hospital that is to be built in Andrews has been ap proved by the State and all the project lacks now is the nod from the Federal Government. After that approval is gained, work can start on one of the greatest advancements in Southwestern North Carolina. That proposed hospital will mean outstanding medical care and modern hospital facilities for the people of Graham and Clay Counties and part of Cherokee County. V More than a few people in Andrews and the two counties gave * their time and money to the project. Right now, they must be glad they did. Recreation Program Murphy'* Summer Recreation Program starts this week and it is up -to the parents of young Murphy to see to it that every advantage of the program is taken. The parents of Murphy have the recreation program, a Boy Scout program, a Girl Scout program and the start of a Cub Scout program to draw on in the upbringing of their young. And yet, one of the main complaints in the Boy Scout program has been that the parents, whose children are in the Scout troops, do not. take time to lend a hand in the program. It just doesn't add up when people who do not have children have to carry the load in a youth program. ' ' library Movies [ Are Listed I Six movies are available for free showings June 6 to July 5, it was announced by the Nantahala Re gional Library. The films are: Antibiotics, 14 minutes, color; defines antibotics then tells of research responsible for their development and produc tion. Stresses medical value bat shows use in husbandry, food care. Bettger Story, 30 minutes, black and white< film based on Frank Be tiger's book: How I raised My-' self from Failure to Succeas In' Selling. Bronco Busters, 10 minutes, col or: excitement and problems of training wild horses. Java, 20 minutes, black and white; with four men of a train crew to every part of this tropical mountain island the size of N. Y. State, which can provide abundant ly for its 50 million people because of volcanic ash which constantly replenishes the fertility of the soil. Neighbors, nine minutes, color; a parable of two people who come to blows over posession of a flow er growing on the line where their properties meet. Slovakia, 20 minutes, black and )fri ( 1 1 wWte; traditional ways of life maintained by Slavic families. FORRISTEK ON WCC STAFF Charles Forrister of Culberson, Rt. 2, received his B. S. degree Western Carolina College, Cullo whee on May 30. Forrister, who graduated with honors is on the chemistry staff during summer school at the college. He wa3 a warded a scholarship for graduate study at a South Carolina univer sity. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Columbus Forrister of Culberson, Andrews Bible School j Faculty Is Listed Some 128 pupils were enrolled, the first day of Bible School Mon day at the Andrews First Baptist Church. The faculty is headed by Miss Janet Johnson, educational direc tor of the church, as principal; the Rev. John C. Corbitt, pastor, as sistant principal; Mrs. June Brook* pianist; and Mrs. John C. Oorbltt, secretary. Beginner Dept., Mrs. Jack Long:, supt.; teachers, Mrs. Hattie Frank lin, Margaret Ann Hardin, Mr*. W. C. Grey, Mrs. R. Math is and Mrs. Leila Thomasson. Primary Dept., Mrs. Clyde Rec tor, supt., teachers, Mrs. Lee Pul lium, Shelby Gene Reece, Peggy Hill. Junior Dept., No One, supt., Bet ty Mulkey; teachers, Mrs. Fred Hill, Mrs. Polly McGuire, Mrs. Marvin Pullium, Miss Bertha Mc Guire. Junior Dept. No. Two, supt. Mi3S Tribly Glenn; teachers, Mrs. An nie Stover, Mrs. Blaine Blevins, Mrs. Bill Cathy, Jane Gay Neal. I Intermediate Dept. supt., Mrs. Betty Harris; teachers, Mrs. I Norma Lunsford, Mrs. A. B. Chand lsr. Jr., Mrs. George Jones, Mrs. Eva Wood. Lutheran Bible School Set In Andrews Vacation Bible School at St. An 1 drew's Lutheran Church in And rews will be held next week, June 13-17, 3 p. m.-5 p. m. There will be classes for ages two through 18. All children are invited to attend. P.t. 2 and is a graduate of Murphy High School. THE CHEROKEE SCOUT Established July, 1889 Published every Thursday at Murphy, Cherokee County. N. C. LLIAM V. AND EMILY P. COSTELLO? Publishers and Owners WILLIAM V. COSTELLO Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Cherokee County: One Year, $2.50; Six Months, $1.50 Outside Cherokee County: One Year $3.00; Si* Months, $1.75 Entered in the Post Office at Murphy, NortS Carolina, as second class matter under the Act of March 3, 1879. Andrews Personals Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cupo ol Wilmington, Delaware, arrived Sunday (or a weeks stay here with I Mrs. Cupo's sister, ^isa Trihly 1 Glenn. They will be accompanied home by their daughter, Donna who completed the first grade in the Andrews Primary School re cently. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trantham of Washington, G&., and daughter, Carolyn are spending this week here with Mrs. Trantham 's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jep Bradley and Mr. Trantham 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Trantham. Mr. and Mrs. Max Lanning and daughter, Teresa, and Mr. Lann ing's mother of Denton spent the week end here with Mrs. Lann ing's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gray enroute home after a vaca tion trip of two weeks in Nebras ka. Mrs. Lanning and Teresa re mained for a longer stay here with her parents. Among the college students who have returned to their home from the various colleges are: Miss Virginia Huffman, Brevard College Zeb Conley, Jr., and Gordon Lee Butler, Jr. of North Carolina State College, Raleigh; Betty Mulkey, Sue Hall, Joe Mosteller, Nick Nev ille, Dean Truett, WCC Cullowhee and Jerry Reece, University of N. C. Chapel Hill. ? The Rev. John C. Neville and Mrs. Neville and their son, Nick Neville, left this week for Mont gomery, Ala., where they will at tend the wedding of their son, the Rev. John Coffee Neville, Jr. of Columbus, Ga. and Montreat to Miss Martha Anne Blair, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John Clyde Blair of Montgomery, Ala. The wedding will take place Friday, June 10. | Ann White Hornbuckle left this i week for a visit with her grand ADVERTISEMENT FOB BIDS I Plans and specifications will be, available for distribution on Wed nesday, June 8, 1956 from the office of the Architect, Lindsey Madison Gudger, 52 Carter Street, Ashe ville, N. C., for the General, Plumbing, Heating, and Electrical Contracts for the Marble Elemen tary School for the Board of Edu cation of the Andrews City Admin istrative School Unit, Andrews, N. C. Plans may be received upon ap plication by interested Contractors and upon deposit of $50.00 for the General, and $30.00 for each of the mechanical. Bids will be received in the of fice of Mr. John E. Rufty, Super , intendent of Schools, Andrews High School Building. Andrews, N. C., at 11 :00 a. m. on Wednesday, June 29, 1655. All bids must be accompan ied by a bid guarantee in the amount of 59J of the bid price, in the form of a certified check drawn on a bank or trust company I insured by the Federal Deposit In surance Corporation or a bid bond executed by a Bonding Company authorized to do business in North Carolina. A completion bond in the amount of 100% of Contract will be requir ed to be given by the Contractors who are awarded the Contract. Bids will be opened in .public at the time designated above. Plans and specifications may be examined at the office of *he Ar chitect or at the office of the Own er. the Board of Education of the Andrews City Administrative School Unit, Andrews, N. C. The full amount of the plan de posit will be returned to bona fide bidders upon receipt of the plan3 and specifications in good condi tion within 10 days after bids are received; non-bidders will receive the plan deposit less the cost of printing and mailing under the same conditions. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids for any or no reason. ? Signed: BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE ANDREWS CITY ADMINISTRATIVE SCHOOL, UNIT By: John E. Rufty 47-2tc Secretary NOTICE To County Taxpayers Pay Taxes In June And Take Advantage Of 2 Per Cent Discount Cherokee County i Tax Office Eftt' ? -i parents, Mr. and Mrs. James | White in Newton. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Payne and sons, Tommy and Ronald, of Red I ing, Wash, have returned to their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Ellerbee of > Lexington were guests of Mrs. ' James Hornbuckle over the week 1 end. Mrs. J. W. Bowman of Winston Salem spent several days of last week her? with her cousin. Mrs. John H. Christy. Mrs. Ellen Tierniand of Fontana Village was the guest of the Misses Jean and Gladys Christy Wednes day and Thursday. Mrs. Tjersland spoke Wednesday evening on "Religion in Norway" at the regular prayer service at the Andrews Methodist church. Mrs. Tjersland is a native of On slow, Norway. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Reichman have as their guest, Mrs. Reich man's mother, Mrs. E. Freeman of Blackpool. England. Mrs. Freeman will spend several months here, j Mr. and Mrs. John H. Christy and Mis? Gladys Christy have re turned aher a visit in High Point with Mr. and Mrs. Christy's son, the Rev. John Christy. ( Mr. and Mrs . Elgin White of Providence, R. I. are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H Enloe. Mr. and Mrs. Randal Williams 16ft Saturday for Bernard, Iowa where they will spend sometime. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rufty had as their guests over the week end Mrs. Rufty 's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Neely of Brevard. TO STATE OES MEET Mra. Mary Cathron Sneed, D. D I G. M-, 21st District, Mrs. Ann Phil lips and Mrs. Pauline Kindley of Bryson City, will attend the Golden Jubilee session of Grand Chapter of the N. C. Order of the Eastern Star next week in Charlotte. North Carolina farmers' cash re ceipts from milk have increased 3V4 times since 1940. I Teachers For Andrews Unit Announced By Rufty Teacher allotment for the And rews School Unit has just been re ceived from C. D. Douglas, State Controller, J. E. Rutty, school sup erintendent, said. It allocate the Andrews Unit 34 J elementary teachers, 9 high school teachers, and one elementary principal, which is the same as last y??- I The following principals and teachers were recommended and have signed and returned their contracts to teach in the Andrews School Unit for the year 1985-M: J Andrews High School: Mrs. An- , nie Buby Barnett, Mrs. Aline E. Bristol, Miss Jean Christy, Miss Ruth E. Hamilton, W. Hugh Hamil ton, Joe T. McKeldrey, Eugene Mc Clure, Jame? A. Wood, R. W. H. j Ramsey, and Miss Meredith Whit ake*. ' Andrews Elementary School: Charles O Frailer. Principal, Mrs. Hilda T. Olson, Supervisor, Miss rribly Glenn. Mrs. L>. B. Womack, Mrs. Maxine R. Rutty, Mrs. Louise 2. Zimmerman, and Mrs. Ruth S. Pullium. ' Also Mrs. Lenna H. Ford, Mrs. Louise C. Rector, Mrs. Blanche Gamer. Mrs. Leila M. Thorn FOR SALE IMS Ariel Motorcycle. M cu. in.| Overhead valve, hydraulic (tension, double, pillion seat. AH| accessories Including ihlHd, saddle bags aad *et mufflers. This machine wfflj ?urn the standing quartern |'n 13.5 seconds. For price further Information, call Reed at Murphy, Ml or i VyC.L. Johnson's office. asson, Miss Ada Mm Pruette, Miss Elizabeth Kilpatrick, Mrs. Veanah B. Radford, Mrs. Annie 8. Mc Guire, Miss Joan Nelson and Mrs. Ruth C. Pullium. Also Mrs. Haxel W. Elliott. Mrs. Agnes W. Price, Mrs. Mellie R. Stewart, Mrs. Louise P. Enloe. Miss Bertha J. McGuire, Orvllle E. Middleton, Mrs. Betty Jean G. Bris | tol, Fred Chambers, Ed Patterson, i Jr., Mrs. Florence 8. Huffman, Fred H. King, Curtis Revis, and 1 Mrs. Leila G. VanGorder. Marble Elementary School : Mrs. | W. Lunstord, Mrs. Minnie R. Tat ham, Mrs. Helen H. Waldroup, J.I Prank Walsh, Mrs. Vesta Wood. j Andrews Negro School: Mrs.] Rubye B. McDowell. Sign at a railroad crossing: "The average time it takes a train to pass this crossing is 14 seconds, whether your car is on it or not." Suit Miss Palsy Hlckey of Akron, O., visited friends here this week. Coy Sparks visited his parents last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Frailer have re turned home after visiting in Flor ida two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sparks and son visited his brother, Frank Sparks last week. Mr. and Mrs. Herahel Haraby of Akron, O., visited Mr. and Mrs. Burton and Mr. apd Mrs. Guy Mc Nabb last week. Mrs. Ray Ingram Is back at home after spending 10 days in a hospital near Atlanta. She is report ed some better. Albert Keenum and son are visit ing Mr. Keenum's father and moth er, the Will Keenums. Miss Lois Allen of Kent, O., spent the past week with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Al len. We Are Now Buying CROSS TIES * for Taylor ? Colquitt Co. of Spartanburg* S. C. See us for prices and specifications TIMBER PRODUCTS CO. P. O. Box 1X7 Murphy, N. C. Phone MS Seter See7f,e /955 Motorola TV for >r I spectacular . perfonnanm ? New, improved big look Motorola TV sets new high standards of excellence with the 1955 ; Star Line. New super-powered chassis... years ahead in distance power and picture clarity... handsome cabinets .. .TV's biggest values! AII Motorola TV , Men Indudo Moral Tax and Warranty? Hut FULL YEAR WARRANTY on Plrtvro Tub* Star Line MODEL 21T23 All new? and super-powered for greater picture clarity at anv distance! See this bio look 21* mahogany finish table model, today. 5-Star chassis, Robot 82 tuner, it has everything! if Lifetime Focus ir Built-in Antenna if Aluminized Tube ? Tinted Filter ,. -i \ Biggest 17" Table Model Value in America! Potoer Drive Chassis! model 1CT22E. Big buy! Saber Jet tuner, Lifetime Focus, automatic Picture Control, famous Distance Selector, Extended Area screen, many other top 1956 features! Ebony finish. Blond, slightly more. 1 ? Star Line model 21K30. Sensational valval Super-powwed 4-Star rhaww. 21' Extended Area alnminixad tuba. Automatic Picture Control holds briAtne? , contrast. Eats-dean, removable Glare Guard tinted filter. Mahogany ? ? *?10 LOOK Mctov* if UfiUmi Facvt