KEEP YOUR MONEYIN YOUR COMMUNITY VOLUME M NUMBER? 48 PROMOTING MURPHY AND ANDREWS TRADEAT HOME; IT PAYS MURPHY CAROLINA THUR8DAY, JUNE IS, IMt TWKI.i T1I1M WV'ft'h People You Know' MURPHY ? Mr. and Mra. Frank Hutchison of Waynes ville were recent guests ol Mr. and Mra. A. L. Buchanan. Ralph Moody, asalstant Attorney General, of Raleigh, spent the weak end here, visiting his bro ther, Howard Moody and Mra. Moody and friend*. Mr. and Mrs. Roy V. Lovingood and daughter, Mrs. George Dunn were in Atlanta last Wednesday on busineaa. Mrs. Steele Foard of Cleveland is the guest this week of her sister- 1 in law, Mrs. R. H. Foard. Dr. W. A. Campbell and son. Bill of Athens, Ga. visited the former's sister, Mrs. Harry Miller and Dr. Miller en route home from a trip in Virginia. Mrs. W. A. Singleton and chil dren, Sara Varner and Knox, are spending the week in SummerviUe, Ga., with Mrs. Singleton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Agnew. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Franklin were in Atlanta Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Patton spent last week at Carolina Beach. Mrs. Ben Davis and daughter, Bennie Jo of Charlotte, visited Mrs. Davis' sister, Miss Clara Mc Combs last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brandon vts ited his mother in Elkin last week. Harlan Hamby of Newport News, Va., is visiting: his aunt, Mrs. W. P. Odom and Mr. Odom this week. Mrs. E. C. Sullivan of Cherry ville and granddaughter, Carole Putman of Gastonia, are guests of Mrs. Sullivan's daughter, Mrs. W. A. Hoover, Dr. Hoover and family. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Putman and son, Hugh, Jr., of Gastonia spent the week end with Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hoover and family. Lonnie Hoover is home from Ral eigh where he served as page in he noose of RepreaeoUtivM for eight wtoks. Mr. and Mrs. 8h?rman Hampton spent the week end in Etowah, Tenn. as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Matney Reed. I ANDREWS John Teaa and hi* mother, Mrs. Teas of Nashville, Tenn. and Bill Teaa, Jr., of Atlanta, Ga., are here this week due to the tlineu of W. T. Teas Sr. who ia a patient in the Rodda-Van Gorder hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wheeler and children, Becky and A1 of Eliza beth ton, Tenn., are spending this week here with Mr. Wheeler's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wheeler. | Mrs. Louise Rogers attended the Fashion show Wednesday at the Municipal auditorium in Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Nichols are ' visiting Mrs. Nichol's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Candler in Villa Rica, Ga. While away they will at tend the Fashion Show In Atlanta this week. *" Sgt. and ?:rs. B. G. Love and their daughter. Trena arrived this week from Rapid City Air Force base. 8ou(h Dakota for a visit with Mrs. Love's parents, Mr. qpd Mrs. H. H. Long. Sgt. Love will spend a month here before his transfer to Tripoli. V Mr. and Mrs. William Eubanks and son, Mlms of Oak Ridge and Mr. and Mrs. James Eubanks of Asheville spent Monday here with friends. The Eubanks were former residents of Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hill and daughter, Peggy Ann, recently 'moved here from KnoxvWe, Tenn. They are living in Mrs. Josephine Hlgdon's home on the Beaver Creek Rd. Mr. BUI Is employed at Franklin Motor Co., Murphy. Mrs. Minnie Battle, worthy mat ron of the Andrews chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, attend ed the Golden Jubilee session of the grand chapter of the N. C. Order of the Eastern Star Mate week In Char lotto. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Cathey of ' IV dunoad. Va., ars spenrtlwr this ' *ek here at the home of his moth er, Mrs. W. A. cathey Flower Arrangements Be Talked By Mrs. Pearson Mra. A. A. Pearson of Fletcher, district director of the Garden Club of N. C, Inc., will give an Il lustrated lecture-demonstration on flower arrangements in Murphy next Thursday, June 23. Mrs. Pearson's program will be held at the Murphy Primary School auditorium at l:SO p. m., sponsor ed by the Murphy Garden Club. Members of the Murphy Garden > Club and the new Cherokee Rose LGarden Club will be present. | Hostesses for the afternoon are Mrs. B. W. Whitfield and Mrs. P. V. Taylor of the Murphy Garden j Club and Mrs. W. D. Town son, Jr. I and Mrs. W. E. Howell of the Cher okee Rose Club. Mrs. Pearson, who has won a number of blue ribbons on her ar rangements, will make flower ar rangements using flowers from her own garden blooming at this sea | Gideons To Visit Murphy Andrews The Gideons are coming: JunS 19 to morning services of the church es of Murphy, Andrews and Bryson City. The Gideons will appear sim ultaneously and give the Gideon message and story. The Gideons is an organization that started with a small begin ning, but has become a world-wide organization. They place Bibles, free, In hotels everywhere: also in motels, schools and the armed for ces. Just recently they reached a goal of 30,000,000 Bibles and Testa ments. They have thousands of dramatic true stories of Uvea saved and transformed. These Gideons work entirely without any remuneration, rffter I contributing financially themsel ves. j This special effort by the Gideons is to be able to place Bibles in the schools and hotels and hospitals in this district. All the free will offer ings taken on this Sunday will be turned right back into the commun ity. Milk Contains Valuable Foods Reduce a pint of whole milk to its solids (non-water) content and you have food 'enough to fill a sphere slightly larger than a golf ban ? yet this "golf ball" offers a moderately active man about 10% of his calorie needs for one day, ac cording to the National Dairy Council, one of the national spon sors of June Dairy Month now be ing observed. ? A quart of milk win give you about 2% "golf balls." Wringing the water from foods offers interesting information. Even foods generally regarded as solid can possess a great deal of water content. A half-pound potato, for example, contains nearly a cup of water and holds the liquid as ef fectively as a rubber bottle. Revival Starts Sun. At Beaver Creek Revival services will begin Sun day evening, June 19 at the Beaver Creek Baptist Church and continue through next week with the Rev. Robert Taney of Copperhlll, Tenn. preaching. He will discuss the topic "The Seven Churehes" 'each- evening be- j ginning at T :30 p. m. (VOW Schedule Regular Meet The Konnaheetah Camp 891 of Woodmen of the World will meet at r :30 p. m .Thursday, June 16. The meeting will be held In the Masonic Hall in Murphy. I The WOW camp has set up a regular meeting schedule for the! Irat and third Thursday of every] nonth. ' Jim Hembree. field representa ive for WOW, said all members ire being asked to attend the meet ng tonight (Thursday). Murphy Lions Take Three State Awards The Murphy Lions Club took two' 'irst place awards and one third jlace at the annual convention in Charlotte. . f The club won the first place for ittendance at the convention and irst place on the bulletin and third >lace on general activities. Dave Moody won the 100 per cent lecretary award. Andrews and, Montana Dam Clubs also won a lumber of trophies. I Murphy lions anl lionesses regis ered at the convention were : Mr. j ind Mrs. H. Bueck, Dave Moody, ? Bob White, Merle Davis , Charlie Tohnson, Preston B. Henn, Jack Uickey, Glenn Patton, Joe Ray and V. A. Hoover. j This year's convention had the argest attendance on record. Presbyterian Ladies Set Bake Sale Sat. ^ ~" The Murphy Presbyterian Church vomen will sponsor a bake sale Sat irday, June 18. Home made foods will go on sale it 9:30 a. m. at Murphy Electrical thop. BOB BAULT IS CHAPTER HEAD 1 Bob Bault last we?k was elected chairman of the Cherokee County Chapter of the National Foundation 'for Infantile Paralysis. Other officers elected at the an nual meeting were Mrs. B. A. I Wood Jr., of Andrews, vice-chair man; Mrs. Gertrude Worthen, sec retary; and John OU1, treasurer. ' Mrs Frank Ferguson and James Howse were named to the execu [tive committee. Catholic Ladies Set Spaghetti , ' iSupper Next Week 1 The women of St. William's Catholic Chapel Will sponsor an! I Italian spaghetti dinner next Wed i nesday. June 22 from 5 :30 ? 8 p. I m. T*he dinner will be served in the school lunchroom. | Tickets are on sale at $1.25 for, adults and 50 cents for children. aARAXHUGHES AT GIRLS STATE Miss Clara June Hughes, daugh- j ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paschal Hugh- 1 es. Is attending- Girls State at| Woman's College of the University of N. C., Greensboro, this week. ! The Tar Heel Girls' State was established in 1940 by the Ameri can Legion Auxiliary of N. C. as an Americanism project to provide for high school girls an opportunity to study and practice citizenship in | p. Democracy. To be eligible to attenu Girls State a girl must be: mentally a lert and physically clean; enthus iastic and cooperative honest and | dependable; capable of developnig qualities of leadership; and rank .high scholastlcally. Clara June was recommended to represent the local American Le gion Auxiliary by her teachers, the principal and superintendent of Murphy High School. Timber Products Gets Natl- Forest Timber Timber Products Co. of Murphy 4 Tuesday was high bidder on a Na-1 tlonal Forest saw timber sale, j Ranger W. E. Howell said today. Sealed bids were opened in the1 forest supervisor's office in Ashe- l ville Tuesday. The timber is located near Hi- 1 wassee Dam in Cherokee County. I The sale consisted of some 5,631 J trees, estimated to be 847 thousand i board feet. The high bid was $17,584.87. Bids will be opened today on an- ' other saw timber sale on Cham- 1 bers Creek near Unaka. This sale is for an estimated 271 thousand board feet of largely pine saw tlm- ! ber. Professional Men Are' Blamed In Accidents The busy professional or busin ess man who leaves too late for an appointment and then drives at in excessive speed trying to make jp for lost time is responsible for nany serious accidents, In the opln on of Charles Daniel of Raleigh. I ? Anderson Appointed Wildlife Law Chief Walter F. Anderson today was ap pointed chief of the Wildlife Re sources Commission's wildlife pro tection division, according to Exe cutive Director Clyde P. Patton. Anderson succeeds W. C. Bumgar ner who resigned last April. ?* ' A veteran of nearly 20 years ex perience in law enforcement wdrk, Anderson headed up the State Bu reau of Investigation from April 1946 to August 1951 when Governor Scott appointed him Director of the Prison Department. He served in that capacity until August 1953. Anderson is a graduate of the F. B. I. Academy in Washington, D. C., and before serving with State agencies was in police work in Charlotte and Winston-Salem. In the latter city he was Chief of Po lice. 81nce leaving the Prison Depart ment, Anderson has been active in Methodist Church work. A man of deep religious conviction, Anderson has been a lay leader In the Meth- J odist Church for a number of years (Continued "?ae seven) Andrews July 4 Celebration Oilmen Announced Today \ Ubnr, Graduate nm MARJORIE DEANE HICKS Miss Marjorie Deane Hicks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks of Andrews, grad uated last week from the Duke University School of Nursing. She is a 1851 graduate of And rew* High School, and attend ed Mars Hill College for one year. She haa attended Duke for three years. Mrs. Shuler Found Dead Monday [ The body of Mrs. Maggie Hill Shuler, wile of Ed Shuler of Rob-! blnsville was found Monday about I 3 p. m. by the sMe of Highway 129 about a mile from Robbinsville. j A coroner s jury ruled at an In quest Monday afternoon that death | was due to natural couaes, specili cally a cerebral hemorrhage, Gra ham County Coroner J. D. Evans said. Mrs. Shuler was reported to have left a sister's home alone and was walking toward her own home, when she was stricken. Her body1 was found by the road at the head of Lake Santeetlah by Horace Farr and Earl Shuler of Robbinsville, Evans said. I Survivors besides the husband are two sons, Bill of Knoxville, and Johnny Bell Shuler of Robbinsville ; four daughters, Mrs. Bessie Greg ory of Robbinsville, Mrs. Lee Ful ton, Mrs. Ethel Shuler and Mrs. Nora Reed all of Knoxville. Funeral services were held at Lone Oak Baptist Church Wednes day at 2 p. m. The Rev. Burger Shope and the Rev. Clarence Ad- , ams officiated. Townson Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. JOHNSON ASSISTS CAMP FORT LEWIS, WASH ? Sgt. Rob ert M. Johhson, 21, son of G. H. ' Johnson, Route 1, Marble left Fort Lewis, Wash., June 6 for Camp Roberts, Calif., where he will assist , summer training of Army Reserve and National Guard elements. The trip was scheduled to take four days, including encampments at Augene, Ore., and at Yrewa, Woodland and Fresno, Calif. John son, regularly assigned to the 2d Infantry Division at Fort Lewis, will remain at Camp Roberts through September. He has been in the Army since August 1962 and wean the Combat Infantry Badge and the NU and Korean Service Ribbons. His wife Betty, livea in Till! cum, Wash. Summer Recreation Program Opens 100 ATTEND I OPENING DAY tejr ?f Om ?ummir n erMttoa program ?u t bif iuc to John JordM. Dt nnim or ua' >mmlttee. Both men thanked the people of m community for gracioue re mue to the program and urged * sod attendance at all , The foUowlnf donated priaee for pening day: Henn Theater, Ifar Ujr Supply Co., Waetern Auto Ob., Murphy Bard ?re, Cobie Mr*. Morrow Has Violet Club Meet The Violet Home Demonstration club met June 10 at the bom* at Mrs. B. B. Morrow. <\ Ttm devotional wmi given by 0?ve ft dairy ft m ml HDD Df JAPAN Pfc. Ray C. Si mi. 22, aon of L. A. 8tma, Murphy, recently apent a week's lew** tn Tokyo from hla unit in Korea. 81 ma., 'a aquad leader In Com paq C of the 7th Infantry DM rion'a lTth Regiment, entered the! plated baate training at VWt JMfc MB, 8. C. Rev. J. E Phillips Dies Suddenly The Rev. James Henry Phillips, ' Sr., 73., died suddenly Monday af ternoon while fishing in the Aquone section. I I Dr. C. O. Van Gorder reached him within five minutes and pro nounced his death due to a heart I attack. | Funeral services will be held at ,2 p. m. today (Thursday > at the Valleytown Funeral building and interment will be in the Valleytown Cemetery with the Rev. John C. Corbitt and the Rev. Jim Truett of ficiating. He was a native of Tennessee, 1 having rome to this section at the age of six years. He was a member of the Red Marble Church. He was pastor of ami instrumental in the organiza-j tion and building of the present Valleytown Church. He pastored churches in the county for a num ber of years, and served as a school committeeman for several years. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Nola Case Phillips, three daugh ters, Mrs. George Pullium, And rews; Mrs. V. G. Pullium, Mar ietta, Ga.; Mrs. A. B. Ware, Smyrna, Ga. ; two sons, Tillman of . Andrews and Lax of Marietta, Ga. ; , IS grandchildren; one brother, Will J. of Andrews; one sister, Mra. Hattic Ballew of Greenville, S. C. Grandsons will be pallbearers an<l granddaughters will be flower I bearci.-:. I Ivie Funeral Home will be H charge. JR. WOMAN'S CLUB The annual Murphy Junior Wo-., man's Club picnic has been post poned from tonight until next Thursday, June 23. The picnic will be held at the Andrews pool. ? Plana are progressing with the annual Fourth of July celebration according to announcement by W. D. Whitaker, chairman. The affair is sponsored by the American Legion and other organ izations of Andrews. The following committees were appointed: ! Parade, S. J. Gernert, chairman; Mark Elliott, o there on the commit j tee are Charles Free], Jack Mas [teller, Harold Gee and Jake Buch anan; Kiddie Parade, Mrs. A. B. Chandler, Jr., Mrs. Margaret Ann Watry and Miss Betty Mulkey; special activities, Ruth Hamilton, Hugh Hamilton, Fred King, Luke [ Ellis, Gerald Almond, Jake Buch aiian, and L. L. Love; chairman of publicity, Mrs. Edgar Wood, Mrs. Ruth Sursavage, Mrs. Gerald Al rnord and Mrs. Chandler. Also, Sound Equipment, Luke Ell's; Fire-works, Edgar Wood and Robert E. Heaton; advertising Frank Swan and Bill Whitaker; Traffic, Jerry Baldwin; Beauty contest, Miss Jean Christy and Mrs. Gerald Almond. J Invitations have been extended to the surrounding towns, Murphy, Robbinsville, Bryson City, Hayes ville and Franklin to participate in the events. The celebration win begin with I a parade, followed by special events at the ball park. The Beauty contest will be held in the afternoon at the Andrews-Murphy Airport and swimming pool at 4 o'clock. Fire- works at 8:30 with a square dance to follow at the gymnasium. Music will be furnished by local string band. Three prizes will be given In the float parade and a first prise at $2 in the kiddie parade with eight silver dollars to be given to the next eight winners in the chlldrens parade. Concession stands will be spon sored by the Konnaheeta Club, the Lions and Rotary Clubs. Further plans will be announced next week. Women Drivers Asked To Have Safetv Check RALEIGH "Now is the time. to have your car safety checked!" Mias Koy Ingram, director of the Motor Vehicle Deparemtn's regis-' tration division, passed along this advice to all Tar Heel lady drivers J this week as she urged them to keep theii- cars in good repair for1 the slimmer travel season ahead. All homemakers should be inter ested in having the family car saf ety checked, she said. The first is that a check will reduce the chan- 1 ces of any member of the family beint; involved in a traffic acci dent. The second reason is that it is more economical to repair a car when trouble is just starting than it is after the damage has become more extensive. "All of us," Miss Ingram said, "are interested in our family's safety and pocketbook. So we ought to see to it that the family car gets a thorough safety check this month. Women who drive, she said, can take the car in for a check them selves. Those who do not drive can urge some member of the family to perform this Important duty. Miss Ingram's colleague lit the vehicles agency, Col. James R. Smith, highway patrol comman der, offered this tell point check for motorists: brakes, headlights, rear and atop lights, tires, wheel align ment, exhaust system and muffler, windshield wipers, glass, horn and rear-view mirror. Lions To Sponsor Rodeo June 29 ? 30 The Murphy Lions Club will spon sor the Cherokee Ranch Rodeo in Murphy June 29-30, Wednesday and Thursday. The club has sponsored the rodeo annually for a number of years. Lions Ladies' Night Set June 28 Here The Murphy Lions Club Ladles night and installation of Officers will be held Tuesday, June 28. Merle Davis will be installed as the new president. Kiwanis Musical Comedy Set Tonight, Tomorrow 'Holiday Ahoy", a musical com edy, will be presented by the Mur phy Klwanls Club Thursday and Friday, June It and 17 at > p. m. in the Murphy School auditorium. Proceeds will be for the benefit of the Murphy Baod. In connection with the murical a tiny tot popularity contest la being held lor children under aix year* old. Pictures at the contestants are in the wMosr at Tnsdy'a. I queen, prince, princeea, duke and ducheea and the top ten win be ^re lented. The top 10 in the coot est at dead line time were In the following or der; Deborah Oorwwell, Mary Moft teith, Boyce Stflee, Ed Bran by, Jr., Emmet Elba, Tommy Bte, Betty Weill, Deborah Crawford, TereOe Poett and U117 Gentry.

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