ATTEND OES GOLDEN JUBILEE Tke OE8 hirtlf above recently attended the Golden Jubilee of the Cirand Chapter of the Eastern Star held In (liartotte last week. Left to right are Mr*. Blanche Odom. conductress from the Robbinsville Chapter ; Mrs, Minnie Battle. worthy matron from the Andrews Chapter; aid Mrs. Ethel Orr, worthy matron from the Robbinsville Chapter. mmmr- *r ?? mix. ?masam INSECT SPRAY Gu'fspray Aerosol Bcmb Trak Moth Proofer Bomb Gulfspray Roach & Ant Killer Gulf Livestock Spray INGRAM'S GULF SERVICE Ml K PHY, X. C. See us for reliable insurance in any line HYDE INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 145 Murphy, N. C. Money Dees Grow On Trees Dogwood is it! Fcr cutting rpecifications or Cash on Delivery Contact / 'exandcr Ch?in Saw & Equip. Co. Murphy, X. C. Agents For Tel. 80-J Draper Corp. I _ I -- .-U GARDEN TIME BY BOBEKT SCHMIDT The time is at hand (or sowing seed (or some of the (all crop vege tables that are transplanted. Seed of tomatoes should be sown at once and seed o( broccoli, cauli flower. cotlante. Brussels sprouts a id cabbage should be sown during the next Wvo weeks (or (all plants. In the western part o( the state it is also time to plant rutabaga tur nips if you have use (or this vege table. Also, there is still plenty of time left to plant succession crops o( butterbeans. snap beans and sweet corn, although late sweet corn is usually severely attacked by ear worms. You will notice that many o f our (all vegetable crops are closely re- 1 lated to cabbage and mustard. > That means that you probably will j have trouble with the harlequin cabbage bug. sometimes called "terrapin bug" The best control for this insect is 20rr sabadxlla dust applied as soon os you see a few of the insects. Fall tomatoes wil! have to be sprayed with ribasic copper sulphate to rontrol leaf spot and late bl'ght. If your soil is heav ily infested wit hrootknot ncmatod es you probably will not be success fit! wi'h late tomatoes. In the flow?r f-arden it is timely o divide and replant new varieties of iris Also, some of the best fall flowers are obtained from zinnia*' 'tn-i marijrolds sown right now. NIKE HEADSTREAM The 500-mile-long G^frera Rive-j system, rising in hills southwest o' Lake Victoria about four degree* south of the Equator, is today recognized as the Nile Biver's true headstream. says the National Geographic Society. Mystery shrouded the Nile's source for j thousands of years. Many explo:-i ers failed to find its origin. TA1J.EST CONCRETE BCILDINC. Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, Frazil's two largest cities, have erected the world's tallest reinfor ced concrete buildings. Although this method of construction is not a Brazilian invention. the techni ques were advanced there. Now foreign engineers visit Brazil to learn about concrete structures. FEW FARMERS The number of Connecticut men who earn their living fr^m farming has shrunk to some 3 percent of ?he S'a'e's population, says the "-?tio-al rvio^pVe Sccietv. Captain Frank L. Swaim judges automobile gasoline the way he judges aviation gas ... IT'S PHIF8RMANGE THAT COUNTS ! 23^8 "My regular job is piloting a United Air Lines DC- 7. On most of my flights we use Phillips 66 Aviation Gasoline. It's high-per formance stuff, and one reason it's so good is Di-isopropyl. "Phillips has started putting \ Di-isopropyl in automobile gas oline, too. They call it 'FLITE Fl 'EL" . . . and I use it regularly in my car. It gives wonderful performance." Captain Frwk L Swoiai, United Air Ums r ^ J|.aJL JULa i ^^rfWr^PPPBF# If it's top performance you want, fill up with power* fol oew FUTE-FUEL. Both new FUTE-rUEL and new < Phillips 66 Gasoline have been fortified for increased , power, higher octane, longer mileage. Remember, the one real test of motor fuel is: bow it performs in you car. Try a tankful at your Phillips 66 Dealer's. _ phi lxi ps PmouuM company . i tn nmr count/ n TOIK PHIUm M NAUM E^#i?wU fj?X- ;**-*; ? ? ; ' - ?"? . ! ?: .\- ? J YvOU *?OYS /W &UB7VT /1E ) 1 Mn- np .4AM / QOrttiM/ new RC Stock up with plenty of RC for the holiday weekend NOW! RC in cons, . too! * | T3 1 i NO OTHER COLA IS ho low in calories ^ V \ / YBT TA8TK8 - Smack " SO QOODI | k. ^ Hm i iwHrling Fourth. Hare Royal Crown Cola? and have your friends over jut for the fmi of it. Everybody win be delighted with RC. No other cola b so low hi caloriee yet taatea ao rood. No other cola is ao lively, ao testy, ao completely flavorful. No idw cola ? ao much fan to drink. [Ma Fourth pot RC fm m your (topping lift. And gat a good aopply.