Death Drives DANGEROUSLY 0 Dont Crowd Him WMt PROMOTING MURPHY AND ANDREWS VOLUME ? NUMBER? 4 MURPHY NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1*5 *C ?V TRADE AT BOME; IT PAYS """KEN PAGES THIS WEEK People You Know MURPHY Miss Josephine Heighway and Mrs. Ruby Hill visited Mrs. OttUlie de Calongne at Blue Ridge Sun day, and returned by Henderson ville where they spent the night with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lovlngood. Mrs. Francis Payne and child ren, Janet and Scott of East Point, Ga., have been visiting Mrs. Payne's sister. Miss Aijn Hill. Mrs. Harry Miller and daughter, Susie left last week to visit Mrs. Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell at Ulser, Pa. Mrs. Hal Bryson and children, Sharon and Gary and her mother. Mis. Frank Hampton, visited Mrs. W. J .Bryson at Mills River last week. , Dr. and Mrs. George Size and son. Tommy have returned from a vacation spent in Memphis with Mrs. Size's parents, Mr. and Mrs., T. L. Austin, and at Nassau in tha Bahamas. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Love of Raleigh, spent last week here with Mrs. Love's brother, W. P. Odom and Mrs. Odom. , - Mrs. W. M. Farn returned Thurs day from a visit with her son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Owen and children. Porter, Al len, Alex Fain and Martha Louisa. Carl Forrester of Canton, Ga. , spent the week end with his broth er, Homer cf. Forrester and Mrs. Forrester. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hyde and family had as guests last week, Mrs. Hyde's mother, Mrs. S. M. Benton of Cornelia, Ga., and her| brother W. J. Benton, Mrs. Benton and children, Beth and Bill J. of Louisburg. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Woodyard and son Michael of Covington, Ky., arrived Saturday for a 'Wait with Mrs. Woodyard 's mother, Mrs. Dot Cooper. Mr. Woodyard will leavo Saturday and Mm. Woodyard and Michael will remain for a month's visit. ANDREWS Mr. and Mrs. Jack McChaney^ and children. Jack and Eileen, j spent the week end here with Mrs. | McCraney's mother, Mrs. W. T.j Holland, enroute to their home in Aiken, S. C. after a 10 days motor tour to New Orleans and points tn Mississippi. Jack and Eileen re mained for a longer visit with their grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickey and children of Wauchula, Fla. are al so guests of Mrs. Dickey's mother for a two weeks stay. Baxter Lay and son, Dickie, of Fairmont, Ga. spent the w?ek end here. Dickie was the guest of Jerry and Tony Cox and Mr. Lay was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks. Miss Betty Mulkey is spending this week in Belmont with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gee had as their guests over the week end Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Owenby, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gee, parents, brother in-law and sister of Mr. Gee. Miss Meredith WhltaXer bar re turned after spending last week in Greensboro where she attended conferences in Home Economics. large number from the Youth Fellowship of the Andrews Meth odist church attended the sub district picnic and meeting held Tuesday at Vogel State Park. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hudson of Miami, Fla. are spending- two months at their summer home on Nantahala Lake. They are also vis iting Mrs. Hudson's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mon roe Clark In Andrews. Mrs. J. R. Ennis and daughter* Janet and Ann and her son Jerry of Erwin were house guests of Mrs. Ennis' son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Ennis over the week end. Rev. and Mrs. James Hombuck le and children, Ann White and 'Immy have returned to their me. Rev. Horn buckle concluded two weeks summer training course at Part Bragg. Mrs. Horn ? buckle and children spent the two weeks with her parents, Mr. and I Mm. Jr. White at Newtof. Miss Sally Buchanan is spending ( ? two weeks vacation In Statasville \ and Rldgecreat. k 4k >V , ?m> tLv/ . * 4, 0 ? ~/Wy Hole-In-One Scored By Jabaley At Copperhill Howard Jabaley of Murphy and* Copperhill this week had a golfer's dream come true when he acored la hole-in-one at the Copper Baain Golf Course on number two hole. Jabaley used a six iron for his ! drive on the 145, par three hole. He said he did no't used a tee1 but drove off the ground. It is believed that Jabaley's hole in-one is the third one to be shot in the history of that course. He said his ball bounced twice on the fairway before landing on the green, taking a short roll and falling in the cup. Jabaley's final score for the nine holes was 42. The hole-in-one was witnessed by John Jabaley, How ard's brother; Mike Jabaley, How ard's nephew, and Charles Jabaley Howard's cousin. Council Approves ? Library Trustees I iaurphy Town council Monday night approved trustees elected to the Library board of trustees. Trustees and years their terms end are: John Gill, who will serve as chairman until 1956 to replace | Frank Forsyth, who resigned; I Harry Bishop, 1956; Mrs. 11. Bueck, 1955; Mrs. James Gibbs, 1955; Mrs. T .A. Case, 1957, and H. A. Mattox, 1957. STORY HOl'R TODAY Mrs. Harold Wells will tell the I stories at the 10 a. m story hour 'for children today (Thursday) at the library. All children are invit | ed to attend. New Home Demonstration Club Is Organized In Grape Creek Community A new Home Demonstration Clubi for the Grape Creek Community was organized last week at a meet ing at the home of Mrs. Luther Cornwell. Officers elected were Mrs. Corn well, president; Mrs. Dale Dock ery, vice president, and Mrs. E. J Greer, secretary-treasurer. Following the business session the home agent, Miss Edna Bishop | gave a demonstration on fall gard ens. | Information was gfven on some of the major problems connected with fall gardens. Miss Bishop asserted that the members "should make every effort to have a good fall garden for it will be 'money In your pock et.'" "Not only win you have more and better food but as a result you will save on doctors' bills and medicine by having a well balanc ed diet, she said. ft. ? Episcopal Bible School Ends The Episcopal daily vacation Bible school in Andrews which be gan Monday morning will conclude tomorrow (Friday) with a picnic in the Andrews Park at 11 a. m. The school had 22 enrolled. Mrs. R. A. Dewar is in charge of the ore-school group and W. L. Russell the rector. is in charge of the junior group. Classes are being held 9-11 each morning in the class rooms of the chapel of the Holy Comforter and the Hut adjacent to the chapel. The Misses Judy and Jean Bris tol are in charge of the music. Mrs. John Rodda and Mrs. Ger ald Almond are in charge of the re fieshments. In case of rain the picnic will be held in the Hut. Andrews To Get Two Welcome Signs From AL The town of Andrews will get' two highway welcome signs after the Leslie Stillman Post 97 voted at a meeting to buy the signs. The 21 by 30 inch metal signs will be placed at each highway er trance to Andrews, Jake Buchan an, post commander, said. The signs will bear the words "Welcome To Andrews." During other - business the post voted to participate in the "Back To God" movement. Ten pictures of the four chap lains who went down when the U. S. S. Dorchester was torpedoed off the coast of Maine, Feb. 3, 1953, will be placed in the class rooms of the schools. Andrews Firemen Hold Banquet The annual Andrews fireman's banquet was held Thursday even ing in the Shell Dining Room with 25 persons present. W. D. Whitaker, chief of the An drews Fire Department, presided. He gave a talk and commended the department on the loyalfy shown. A. B. Chandler, Jr Mayor, intro duced by Mr. Whitaker, also gave a talk on the fine record of the de partment. Duming the business session, Dr. Charles O. Vangorder was named honorary member of the depart ment. L. i. Love was appointed dele gate to the State' Firemen's con vention to be held in New Bern, August IS, 16 and IT. Guests were the mayor, and the following members of the board aldermen: Luther Truett, Marvin Pullium and Roy Williams. Ty Burnett, another member of the board, was out of town attending an Insurance convention at Wilm ington. . * ? i \ Coffejs Attend Witness Convention Mrs. Tom Coffey and son, Joe Coffey of Braaatown recently re turned from a convention of Je hovah's Witnesses in New York City. Also Mrs. Coffey's sister, Mrs. Hattie (Miller) Reagan of Wash ington, D. C. attended with the Cofftys. Another son, Wayne Coffey and wife, of Atlanta, Ga. attended the convention in New York City. Some 55,000 attended the con vention and 1,374 were baptized. Another son, Lee Coffey and Mrs. Coffey of Murphy attended the con ventio nof Jehovah's Witnesses in Dallas, Texas two weeks ago. Owenby To Start Plant In Andrews I The Owenby Manufacturing Co.. of Marietta, Ga., headed by Paul Owenby, well-known former resi dent of Murphy, will start a misses and ladies dress manufacturing plant in Andrews in the immediate future, P. B. Ferebee said. i The Andrews plant will employ from 100 to 125 people and applica tions are being taken now. The plant will be in the Andrews Textile Building. The Owenby company has taken a five year lease on the building with an option to purchase. Some few changes will have to be made In the building and equip ment installed. As soon as those are finished, manufacturing oper ations will start, Mr. Ferebee said. Mr. Owenby, known throughout Cherokee County, was a resident of I Murphy for some 19 years while he ! had a manufacturing plant in Mur phy. New Registration Is Required For Murphy Before Water Vote Andrews Detents Murphy Monday . Andrews Little League team de feated Murphy in extra innings by a score of 6 - 5 Monday. Max Cook pitched and Adam Sutton did the catchihg for Mur phy. Stanley Hall did the pitching and Wade Brooks did the catching for Andrews. The batting order for Murphy : Johnny Bandy, left field; David Thompson, third base; John Pow ell .first base; Frank Powell, ces-_ ter field; Max Cook, pitcher; Mick ey Birchfield, short stop; Virgil Decker, right field; Fred Holly field, second base and Adam Sut ton, cateher. The batting order for Andrews: Butch Love, second base; Lionel Brooks, short stop; Harold Ho> land, third base; Wade Brooks catcher; Robert Huff, first base; John Allen center field; Lionel Crisp, Left field; Roy Conley right field and Stanley Hall, pitcher. .The only substitution for Andrews I was Terry Hall a\ short stop. ' I Processing Of Money Orders Is Speeded The dally task of processing a stack of paid postal money ord ers one and a half Jmes the heigh th of the Washington Monument and weighing approximately three and one-third tons, will be greatly speeded up after October 1, by the installation of a single postal mon ey order accounting office in Kan sas City, Mo., In place of the 12 now In operation, Postmaster Gen eral Arthur E. Summerfield. said. "This centrally located install ation at Kansas City," Mr. Sum merfield said, "will enable the Post Office Department to stream lin'e another part of its accounting system. In this one accounting set-up will be processed the approximat ely 360 million money orders that are purchased annually." /? complete new, registration lor the Town of Murphy will be held before voting on the coming water bond election, Pete Stalcup, chair man of the board of elections for the county, said today. Ms, Stalcup pointed out that the elections board voted for the new registration in order to clear up the town registration books. The registration will be good for the water bond election and any other future election for the Town of Murphy. Voters must register a-new before being eligible to vote on the water bond, Mr. Stalcup said. Further Information on the open ing of books for the new registrat ion will be announced Mr. Stal- ' cup said. TJie water bond election will probably be held in October, H. L. McKeever, town attorney, said. Error Made u . Story On County Taxes Revival Starts Mob. At Beaver Creek ? A revival will begin Monday, Au gust IS at 7 :30 p. m. at the Beaver , Creek Baptist church. The Rev. Ted Miller of Oak Ridge, Tenn. will conduct the ser vices A'hich will continue for a week. The public Is invited. I Murphy Football Play erg To Meet All prospective football players for Murphy High School are asked to meet at the high school on Sat urday. Aug. 13 at 2 p. m. Official practice will begin Mon day, Aug. 15, it was announced. 1 The statement in the Scout last week that asserted that tfie tax rate for Cherokee County will be increased 22 4/10 cents was an error. The error came about when the tax rates for the different town ships were amassed and the county wide rate was mistakenly included in the figures. Actually, three townships will get a decrease in rates. The town ships and their rates are, Shoal Creek, from $2.42 to 92.12; Beaver dam, from $2.43 to $2.12, and Hot house, from $2.32 to $2.12. The two townships that will see an increase are Valleytown, from $2 to $2.07, and Notla, from $2.02 to $2.12. The Murphy Township rate re mained unchanged. New Allison And Duncan Plant Holds Open House The new bulk plant and ware house for the Allison and Duncan Oil Co., Distributors for Phillips Oil Co. products, will hold open house Saturday, Aug. 13, J. H. Dun can, manager of the plant, said to day. The new plant has four storage tanks of 80,000 gallons capacity. The company this month is ob serving its 20th anniversary in the oil business. The Murphy plant serves 25 outlets and the Allison and Duncan plant at Hazelwood serves 23, Mr. Duncan said. During the open house, favors and candy will be given to all vis itors. Members oi the staff at Allison and Duncan who will be on hand to welcome visitors are: I Luther Burgess of Liberty. He ' has been with the company nine years and was educated at the Old Liberty Hill School. He is married t to the former Orpha White and ?hey have a son and a daughter. Alvin Buchanan, with the com pany for 16 years and educated in the Jackson County Schools. He is married to the former Esther Sharp of Jackson County. Clyde Dayton, 10 years with the company and educated in the Clay County Schools. He is married to the former Louise Rhinehart of Clay County. He is president of the Hayesville Lions Club and has one son in the Navy and one Daughter. Willard Allen of Liberty has been with the company over three years and was educated at the Hlwossee Dam 8chool. He is married to the former May filler and they re ! side in Murphy. Old Hiwassee Dam High School Building Burns During Storm [ The Hiwassee Dam High School i building at Hiwassee Dam was burped about 3:30 p. m. Thursday when lightning struck the build ing during a heavy thunderstorm. Fire fighters were unable to check the blaze, it was reported. The building was formerly used as a dormitory and cafeteria while Hiwassee Dam was being construct ed. The building was reported to be a total loss, but eight sewing mach ines, two stoves and a refrigerator from the home economics depart ment were saved. The school had insurance on its equipment in the building, accord- ' ing to the County Superintendent's office. It was not learned whether the TV A had insurance on the building. Supt. Lloyd Hendrix said the school pupils can probably be ac commodated in the two other build ings on the property until the new scnooi nuiiuing. now under con- 1 st ruction at Shoal Creek is com- 1 pleted. | Fall Garden* Talked At Xalleytovcn Meet Miss Edna Bishop discussed "Fall Gardens" at the meeting of the Valleytown Home Demonstra tion Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Harve Hamilton. Miss Bishop gave a resume of the recent 4-H meeting held in Ral eigh and of the pageant presented by the clubs of this section. An nouncement was maae that the an nual picnic will be held at Nanta hala picnic area with Mrs. Elmer Childress as hostess on August 31. The hostess served cake and j punch. Visitors were : Mrs. James Stewart, Mrs. Vernon McGuire, 1 Mrs. Sursavaee, Mrs. J. J. Wood and Mrs. Ethel V/. Slagle of Or landa. Fla. Highlands Club Sets Flower Show The Highlands Garden Club will sponsor a flower show, "A Parade of j^tars" on Saturday, Aug. 13, from 2 ? 9 p.m. and Sunday, Aug. 14, from 12:30 ? 6 p. m. in the school auditorium. Admission will be $1 for adults and 25 cents for children. An added attraction will take place Sunday a t 8:30 p. m. when George Latta Clements will pre sent color slides and talk on rare wild flowers. A horticultural engi neer, Mr. Clements ? has spent many years finding and photo graph these plants. QUEEN REUNION A Queen reunion will be held Sun day, August 14, at the home of Rans Queen in the Slow Creek Com munity. All members of the family are invited to come and bring a picnic basket. Cherokee County Schools T o Open Aug. 29; Faculty Listed Cherokee Ooun./ Schools will open Monday, ....gust 29, Supt. Lloyd Hendrix announced this week. All classified principals will be gin work next Monday, Aug. 15, Mr. Hendrix said. Janitors will go to work Monday, Aug.' 22. Teachers in the county schools arc: RANGER FACULTY Douglas H. Smith, principal; Mrs. Ruth, D. Carroll, Mrs. Sallle K. White, Mrs. Osie 8. Faster, Mrs. Ruth H. Smith, Mrs. Violet L. 8torm, Mrs. Evangeline S. John son, Mrs. MyHM Moore, Mrs. Lualla J. NeWtnan, Mrs. Ruby Kate Watson, George E. Phillips. Miss Maude ' it. Collins and the Rer. C A. Smith THE WOLF CREEK (acuity Is J ? tab . - r. * 1 \ "? .A?*- JL vacant, Mr. Hendiix said. HIWASSEE DAM Harest E. King, principal. Miss Margaret Akin, W. Grady Ander son, Paul Ray Hawkins, Miss Marion J.' Wilson, Mrs. Edith M. Evans, Mrs. Vesta T. Verner, Mrs. Maude D. Radford, Mrs. Vesta R. King, Mrs. Anna Peart Woodard Mrs. Thelma K. Kissel burg, R L. Keenum, Mrs. Ruby W. Wilcox. Walter Anderson, Mrs. Lois H. Mc Nabb, James C. Evans, Mrs. Annie Lou K. Rogers, Mrs. Edith S. An derson. FRIENDSHIP SCHOOL, Jack D. Raper and Mr*. Monte* Raper. XTSAKA TEACHERS J. Franklin Smith, principal; , Mrs. Ckndas H. Carrlnger, Miss Dariene Oiastaia, Mrs. Luclle M. Morrow, J. Alden Cooke. WHITE CHURCH SCHOOL: Mrs. Addilee B. Brown, principal; Mrs. Vey McDonald, Mrs Florence Gen try, Miss Doris Hendrix, Mrs. Nel lie H. Morrow, Mrs. Eva Nell, W. Gibson, John Smart, Jr. PEACHTREE SCHOOL Clarence Hendrix, principal ; Mrs. Thelma P. Axley, Mrs. Irene K. atC**?.. Miss Maxine Kilpatrick, Mrs. Mattie Lou M. Penland, Mrs. Marcella H. Smith, Miss Dale 8ud derth. ? i MARTIN'S CREEK: Jerry A. Hall, principal; Mrs. Ruby M. Hemphill, Miss Geneva Chastain, James P. Crisp, Mrs. Bertha H. Carringer, Charles F. Hendrix, Mrs. Velma U. Burch, John Hor. MB. I . Konnaheeta Club To Be Hostess At District Meet The annual meeting of District One of the N. C. Federation of Wo men's Clubs will be held Sept. 27, it Nantahala Inn. The Konnaheeta Woman's Club of Andrews will be the hostess club. Plans were outlined for the meet ing last Thursday at & meeting at lie home of Mrs. Edgar Wood. Mrs. Ruth Starr Pulllum, pres ident, appointed the following com mittees : hospitality, Mrs. Ruth Pullium, Mrs. Edgar Wood, Mrs. Hichard Oonley, Mrs. W. W. Ashe, Mrs. Fred Babbington, Mrs. R. A. Dewar, Mr*. S. J. Gemert, Mr*. 3 e raid Almond, Mr*. James Har -ia, Mrs. Robert Heaton, and Mrs. Mln Stratton. Decorations, Mrs. A. B. Chand er. Sr., Mrs. W. T. Holland, Mrs H. Jarrett, Mrs. 8. 1 Q?r Mvt, Mr*. Pi?l Jordan, Mrs. Luke Ellis, Mrs. James B&er and Mrs. L. B. Nichols. Coffee hour. Mrs. Arthur Wat kins, Mrs. A. B. Chandler, Jr., Mrs. Wade Reece and Mrs. Charles Van Gorder. Also corsages. Mrs. F. E. Bla lock, Mrs. A. B. Chandler, Sr., and Miss Prances Cover; music, Mrs. H. A. Van Gorder. Mrs. Ruth Starr Puliium, Mrs. Heatoo and Mrs. Eric Reighman; i agist ration. Mrs. John Rod da, senior clubs, Mrs. Vlr ginla Cox, Junior club*, and Mrs. James Horn buckle, visitors. Registration tags and pages, Mr*. C. L. Johnaon, Mr*. H. E. Davis, Mrs. Herman Brauer. Mrs. Gerald Almond and Miss Ada Mm Pruetto; publicity. Mrs. Joe Bur *ava?* Mrs A. B. Chandler. Br.

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