Death Drives DANGEROUSLY Dont Crowd Him VOLUME ? NUMBER? 4 rwii TRADE AT HOME; IT PAYS PROMOTING MURPHY AND ANDREWS MURPHY NORTH CUUtOLINi THURSDAY, AUGUST U, 1*6S FOURTEEN PAGES THIS WEEK HHKHHHHHHH People You Know MUBFBT Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Palmer have been rial ting daughters, Mrs. T. L. Leatherwood and Mrs. A. P. Ram sey and grandchildren of Akron, O. They stopped en route home at Chattanooga, Tenn., to visit an other daughter, Mrs. Major 8. Goins. Mrs. W. H. Taylor of Raleigh lsl visiting her mother, Mrs. E. B. I King at Andrews, and relatives ln| Murphy. < Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Eury and children, Glenda and Bob of New ton, are spending this week with Mrs. R. H. Foard, aunt of Mis. Eury. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Rector of Chattanooga, spent the week end with Mr. Rector's mother, Mrs. Lewis Hodges. Col. and Mrs. H. N. Kirk man, di rector of the Hihgway Patrol, Tal lahassee, Fla., visited Miss Rachel Stewart here this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mayo and son. Elbert of Farmville, left yes terday after visiting Mrs. Mayo's tncle, the Rev. W. if. Elliott and Mr*. Elliott here. I Tuesday afternoon the Rev. W. P. Elliott was surprised by a visit from his first cousin whom he had never met, Mrs. V. E. Kale, Mr. Kale, their daughter and son-ln law, Mr. and Mrs. Cope and two children of Ada, Okla. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Elliott and daughter, Susan and son Bill Jr., arrived Wednesday from their home in Harts ville, S. C. to spend the week end with Mr. Elliott's fath er, the Rev. W. P. Elliott and Mr*. Elliott. Mrs. Eva Chyde of New Haven. Conn., visited her father, Joe Aber nathy, in the Boiling Springs com munity, Rt. 3, Murphy, from Sun day through Tuesday of last week. 8he left Tuesday for Springfield. O., to Visit sister. Mrs: Kate Mondy and also to visit her broth er, Henry Abernathy in Akron, O. Mrs. Joe Abemathy is still visit ing in Gastonia where she has been for several weeks. Joe Abernathy has killfed two copperheads while cutting hay am his place in the Boiling Springs sec I tlon. Earlier this season he killed one rattlesnake. ANDREWS Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Bl&lock have as their guests this week Mrs. Blalock's father Cordell Stewart and son, James of Crossville, Tenn. Mrs. Maurice West and son, Maurice Jr. of Fayettevllle are spending this week here with her| mother and grandfather, R. S. Bell Sr. Mrs. Ethel W. Slagle had a a her house guest for the week end Mrs. W. C. Penland of Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Charies Boatwright of Chattanooga, Tenn. spent the week end with the latter's grand mother, Mrs. Vina Kilpatrick. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jordan and family spent the week end at Fon tana Village with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jones. . Mrs. Paul Boring and son, Paul Jr., of Canton, Ga . are spending this week with Mrs. Boring's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dewar. Roy Conley and Walter Brown, Jr. are spending this week at Camp Tohoe near Henderson vllle. They were accompanied to camp by Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Cbnley who have re turned home. Mrs. Henry Johnson and son Da vid have returned to Greensboro after a weeks atay here as boat* guests of Mr. and Mrs. Zala Ad ams. Mrs. Johnson, the former Miss Mlttie West was * member of th? Andrews School faculty for a number of yean and fcealded with the Adams'. Rev. and Mrs. John Corbitt had M their gueat over the week end Kra. CbrMtt's mother, Mr*. John Mr and Mrs. Frank Oonley o < Lake Alfred, Florida spent the week end with Mr. and KM. Roy Mr. and Mrs. C A. Biwm hare returned aftar sending the ?Mk end ?i AshevOle with Mr. Brown's sMt mr Mrs 3. W. Snipes. aO* a weeks stay to ABasto, O*. Association Calls Oni^D Local County Fair Andrews Schools Open Next Thursday, Aug.25 The schools of the Andrews Unit will open Thursday, August 25. Supt. J. E. Rufty stated that he now has all vacanles filled and is looking- forward to a successful school year. According to the N. C. Public School Law, children must be six years old on or before October 15, of the year in which they enroll and must enroll during the first month of the school year. Parents are reminded that chil dren entering school for the first time are required to be vaccinated against diptheria, smallpox and whooping cough. These immuniza tions may be had at the Health De railment or from the family physi cian. j Faculty members for the 1955-56 , school term are I Andrews High School, Mrs. An Inie Ruby W. Barnett; Mrs. Aline Ie. Bristol; Miss Jean Christy; Ruth E. Hamilton; Billy Teas; Joe T. McKeldrey; Eugene McClure ; Mrs. C. W. Sawyer; James A. Wood; R. W. H. Ramsey and Mer edith Whitaker. Andrews Elementary School : Charles O. Frailer, principal; Mrs Hilda T. Olson, supervisor; Miss rribly S. Glenn; Mrs. L. B. iVomack; Mrs. Maxine R. Rufty; Mrs. Louise C. Zimmerman; Mrs. Fluth S. Pullium; Mrs. Lenna H. Ford; Mrs. Louise C. Rector, Mrs. Blanche C. Garner; Mrs. I^eila M. Thomasson and Miss Ada Mae Pruette. Also Miss Elizabeth Kilpatrick; Mrs. Veanah R. Radford; Mrs. An nie S. McGuire; Miss Joan Nelson; Mrs. Ruth C. Pullium; Mrs. Haze) IV. Elliott; Mrs. Agnes W. Price, Mrs. Mellie R. Stewart; Mrs. Louise P. Enloe; Bertha J. Mc Guire; Mrs. Alice Hogsed; Mrs. Betty Jean G^ Bristol; Miss Jua nita Baynardr Ed Patterson, Jr.; Mrs. Florence S. Huffman; Fred H. King; C. W. Sawyer arjd Mrs. Leila G. Van Gorder. Marble Elementary School, J. Frank Walsh, Principal; Mrs. An na Lunsford; Mrs. Minnie R. Ta tham; Mrs. Helen H. Waldroup; Mrs. Vesta Whitaker Wood. Andrews Negro School, Mrs. Rubye B. McDowell. Cherokee Co. To Get $10,474 From Fed. Gov't. Forest Funds CberakM County will receive ?ome *10, 474.58 from the Federal Government this year from Nation al Forest receipts, Forest Ranger W. E. Howell said this week. Ranger Howell explained that while the Federal Government does not pay state tax on National Forest land, it does pay to the state 25 per cent of the receipts. This money is distributed to the counties according to the National Forest acreage In each. The funds are supposed to be used for roads and schools, Howell said. Qierokee County has some 81,431 acres of National Forest land, the ranger said. Clay County will receive $7,612.42 for its 59,173 acres: and Graham County will receive $13,758.02 fpr its some 106,944 National Forest acres. / The total net collections oft the 1,113 831 acres of National Forest land in North Carolina was $586,797.23. The total 25 per cent of the fund to be paid to the state tor allocation to the counties k. ' $14S,6M.30. The average the counties will re ceive is about 12.9 cents per acre, Mr. Howell said, and is probably a higher amount than what the county would receive from similar land in other ownership. LOGGERS ASSN. MEETS HERE ON SAT., AUG. 27 * r The Western North Carolina Log gen and Lumberman's Associa tion will meet in Murphy Satur day, August 27, A. B. Chandler, St., announced today. The meeting will be held at the courthouse at 11 a. m. This is the regular monthly meet ing of the group and Is being held In Murphy for the first time. Speakers for tne meeting will be announced later. The meeting will be followed by lunch at the Henry House. Horace Brendle Named To FHA Committee Horace N. Brendle of Rt. 4, Mur phy, Is the new member of the Cherokee County Committee for^ the Farmers Home Administration, county supervisor Daniel B. Willis announced this week. ? Brendle'g appointment became effective last month, Willis said. Mr. Brendle succeeds Burton H. McNabb whose term on the three member committee expired this year. Bundle operates a beef cat tle and poultry farm in the Shoal Creek section of Cherokee County. other mamtM Hie other two members of the committee an Victor Baxter of Rt 1, Marble aj?d Luther M. Dockery of Rt. I, Murphy. Mr. Raxter la a farmer sad has lived in Cherokee County all his Hfe. Dockery is a beef cattle and potftqr farmer. There ? an fHA county Com mittee ta every agricultural coun ty to the country to determine the eligibility of appUcanta and help the county anporrtaot adapt the to local ooodttlon*... and one appointed expires each year. A member completing his three-year term cannot succeed himself. At least two of the mem bers must be farmers. FHA LOANS The FHA makes loans to farmers to buy, improve, enlarge or oper ate efficient family-type farms, Willis said. It also lends money to farmers on their non-profit associ ations to establish and carry on approved soil and water conserva tion. * The agency makes emergency loans, but only In areas designated by the secretary of Agriculture as being in need of emergency loans due to some calamity; Willis said. Before the agency can make any loan, the applicant must hfve the approval of the county committee. In the case of a farm ownentiip loan, the farm to be purchtsed. en larged or improved, must also be b ythe committee, the Murphy-Andrews Meet In Season Opener Sept 2 Murphy and Andrews will show the county what the home teams have to offer on Friday, Sept. 2 when they meet In the first grid game of the season on the Murphy field. The Murphy Bulldogs had their first workout on August 15 with some 45 boys reporting for prac tice. There are 16 returning letter men. The boys have been practicing twice daily from 9-11 a. m. and from 5-7 p. m. Joe Tipton To Play In Last Game Of Season The Murphy baseball team will play its final two home games ofj the season this week end. The local club will meet Canal Lake at 8 p. m. Friday and Frank lin at 8 p. m. Saturday. Joe Tipton, former catcher for the Cleveland Indians, Chicago and Washington, will catch for the Mur phy team. Joe is from McCayes ville, Ga. Admission ror :ne Saturday night game will be $1. Admission (or Friday night will be SO cents. At present the Murphy club is $291 in the hole, the manager said. He said he expected a big crowd out tor the last two games of the season and hoped to clear enough gate receipts to pay off the club's obligations. * Mr*. Ward , DiC May field To Speak | At Historical Meet j The Cherokee County Historical Association will meet Monday, August 22, at 8 p. m. at the Murphy Carnegie Library. Mrs. Anne Ward, recently re turned from a Pacific cruise and Dr. Ben Mayfleld, now living ti?. Lisbon, Portugal, will be the speak ers. The public is invited to attend Billy Teas Named New Andrews Coach Billy Teas of Andrews, former Georgia Tech grid star, has been named the new football coach and teacher at Andrews High School, Supt. J. E. Rufty announced this ' week. Teas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Teas Of Andrews, succeeds Hugh "Pee Wee" Hamilton, who resign- j ed as teacher and coach to enter ?, another field of work, Mr. Rufty j said. Mr. Teas is a graduate of Baylor] School for Boys, Chattanooga, Tenn. and gained wide acclaim while a halfback at Georgia Tech. He was recently granted an ex tension to his contract to play professional football for the Los Angeles Rams. ? | Teas has . already reported for work and is now coaching some 35 prospective Andrews High Grid ders. I WNC Baptist Association Meeting Be Next Week The annual Western North Caro lina Baptist Association meeting will be held Tuesday and Wednes day, August 23-24 at Valley River and Notla Churches. The program for the meeting was released this week, with the Tues day morning and afternoon ses sions to be held at Valley River church. The Wednesday session will be held at the Notla church. The Rev. Robert Barker, mod erator, will preside. Other officers of the association who will take part on the program are Lloyd Hen drix, vice moderator; Frank Walsh Clerk; Miss Doris Raxter, assist ant clerk; Mrs. J. J. Hamilton, | | treasurer; Mrs. Lloyd Hendrix as sistant treasurer; the Rev, J. Al ston Morris, historian; Ralph Myers Brotherhood chairman; Mrs. El mer Childers, WMU superintendent G. E. Scruggs, aasoclational mis mionary; Fred Lunsford, Sunday School superintendent; ' and Ken neth Woodard, Training Union di rector. The theme of the meetings is "Growing In Christ Jesus". Others taking part on the two day program are: Raymond Car roll, P. G. Ivie, Jack Bagwell; Jim my Burnham; Miss Addie Mae j Cooke, Mrs. Q. Loudermilk; Miss Frankie Martin; Joan Adams; Cordia Padgett; J. L. Allen; J. H. Coffee; Richard Powers; W. P. Biggerstaff; Dr. W. A. Hoover; Richard K. Young; James M. Hay es; Mrs. Elmer Childers; John Grant; Sam Walkingstick ; H. M. Crawford; H. E. Danielson; Clar ence Hendrix; Lester Stowe; W. S. Reid; Marvin Hampton; A. B. Lovell and Horace Easom. Others on the program are the Rev. Earle Cabe who will preach the annual sermon at 11:05 Tues day; Claude Gaddy of Raleigh who will speak Tuesday afternoon; Mrs. Gqrdan Maddry, state president of thme WMU of Ahoskie, who will speak at 11:00 a. m. Wednesday; and E. L. 8pivey who will give tne" stewardship message. 7 Scouts Finish Jr. Life Saving Seven Murphy Boy Scouts Mon day completed the American Red Cross Junior Life Saving cours* for credit with Mrs. George Size as in structress. Boy Scout credit was also given the koys. The five hour course was given at the Andrews pool. One lesson Included small craft safety. The boys completing the course were Mil! Browning, Ed Glbbs, Hugh "Butch" Mensley, Harry Hughes. Tommy Moore, John Mor ris and Robert Schmitt. by betty moore brown German Farmlands, Flowers Cars, Interest Murphy Couple FIRST IN A SERIES . 23. June, 1955 .... We got to Augsburg at 3:00 today. We leftthe Butner at 8:00 last night and got on a Pullman ? sleep wagon, they call it. which was real nice. We bad two compartments ? traveled first class. Debbie and I slept in one part and Bud had the adjoining one. We had good meals on the train and changed at Frankfurt for a day coach which was also real nice and roomy. Germany is quite different from what I expected. It is very, very clean and some places are real modern. Near the coast they use flourescent lights for street lights. Some towns even have neon signs. The only American sign I've seen is one edvertising Coca-Cola. ' It's mostly a farming country and the land U really beautiful. No matter how big or little a farm or garden U, it la planted In neat squares ? each kind of food >e pa rated by a small walk and flowers. We saw Heidelburg, Frankfurt, Stuggart and quite a few other places. There are some of the moat beautiful old buildings, churches and churches ! And flow ers galore ! They hare flower gar dens everywhere, even on balcon ies of buildings. Bom* plaoes are quite flat, and others pretty mountainous. We saw some mountains so steep they 're alnOet straight up. But tile people still farm it, they terrace the hillside, build rock walla tq hold ?rety three or four rows and narrow steps 19 the hill. It sure took work and it's a beautiful thing to lea. Not an inch at toad goes to waste. h tie stties the hoosM are hum practically on top of each other, they're so cloee. They're very nar row and three or four stories high. They all have red tile roofs and are painted dull colors, or made of brick. Heidelburg has a very modern train station. The terminal is built up over the street and railroad tracks. It is really nice. We're staying- at a German Hotel tonight and a? are four other. coup les base. Our quarters are ready, but Bud has to sign for them first and maybe we can move in Satur day A PRETTY PLACE Augsburg is ? real pretty place, there are quite a few big modern buildings, only I can't read wtiat any at tharn are. it seems iobea large place. There's a large park across from the MM la the center' ot town. And the meet beaaUful^ Most ot the peeyie here ride bt-i cycles, or those funny little cars. There are some of the funniest looking 3- wheeled cars ? one in front and two in back. .... It's hot today. It got dark at 10:00 last night and at 3:00 this a. m. it was coming daylight. Ev idently we don't have much night time. .... We aren't allowed to drink the German water, and I'm so thir sty. All we had to drink on tin boat was awful tasting water and coffee and I'd give a hundred dol ara for some good iced tea. We had our money changed yes terday. We have markes ? which are about M cents each; military payment certificate, which has the same value as your money, only not near as many denominations and it's an paper aad script ? the German paper money. I toM Bod tt looked so much like play money, rd be cleaning boose and throw tt injr (Te Be (MM) Group Says Will Not Attempt Fair Without Agent The Cherokee County Fair Asso ciation this week said a county fair will not be held this year. ' The association said it was call ing off the fair because it felt a fair could not be held successfully with out the aid of a county agent. The decision was reached at a recent meeting of the association. Meanwhile, R. W. Shoffner, assis tant director of the North Caro lina Extension Service, said L. V. McMahan, assistant county agent will be transferred to another coun ty The other county has asked for his services and McMahan agreed to the move, Shoffner said. \ The difficulty over a county agent for Cherokee County started in the spring when the commissioners ' withdrew County funds from the salary paid G. H. Parley, then county agent. C. E. Hyde, county attorney, sa'd the commissioners have included in the new budget the county's nor mal amount to pay an agent if the state will pay the remainder of the salary. The commissioners have selected A. Q. Ketner, Murphy man and for mer county agent, for the job, Mr Hyde said. I But Mr. Shoffner said that his of fice feels hiring Ketner would not clear up the difficulty in this coun Ity. He pointed out Lhat his office had nothing against Ketner as an agent. He said Ketner has been of fered a Job with the extension ser vice in another county. He said his office did not want personalities to enter into the county agent's job and he felt that would be the case if Ketner were employed in this county. His office is interested in fore stalling any further trouble in the agent's office, Mr. Shaffner said. He said he felt that trouble could be avoided if another man far the job was agreed on between the commissioners and his office. Mr. Shoffner said he wanted to "sit around a table" with the commissioners and work out the difficulty so that an agent can be brought into the county. He is willing to meet with the commissioners to work out the trouble at any time, he said. The extension service In Raleigh will not demand that any certain man be hired, Schoffner said. He ' pointed out that several men will be suggested until a man can be agreed upon. Andrews Building Being Remodeled ForNewPlant Work on the remodeling of the Andrews Textile building recently leased "by the Owenby Manufactur .ingr Co. of Marietta, Ga., is pro gressing satisfactorily it was an nounced today. It was anticipated that work on the building will be completed by September L The renovation is under the sup ervision of Arthur Watkins. Appli cations for prospective employees are being accepted now at the city hall in Andrews. The new plant will manufacture women's and girls' dresses. Some 140 machines will be installed and the plant Is expected to start pro duction within the next few months. Paid B. Owenby, a formed resi dent of Cherokee County for It years, is the heed at the firm. . STORY HOCK TODAY Mrs. Harvey WUeon, Jr., will tell storiae to the ohDdren at the Children's Story Hoar today (Ihurs day) at 10 a. m. at the Murphy Carnegie Library. AB iIiUJim are invited to attend.