DEADLINE FOB CLA88D1ED ADS : Mm Mondays Bate: Me for eaok hwnrttna M words or leas; three time* lor HJl More thaa tS words, two ask per word. FOR SALE : 1W0 Ford coupe with j good tires; also one marble top, table and one old clock in good 1 Condition. Charlie Hecker, Route 4, Murphy, N. C 3-Stp FOR SALE: One core drill com plete with drill rods? water pipe, pump etc. Ready to work. C. H. Townson, Marble, N. C. 4-Stp FOR REN"i : Downstairs apart ment at 511 Hiawassee St. Has two targe rooms with nice and modern conveniences. Hot and cold water furnished. See Mrs. J. W. Dyer et this address or call 96-R or 182 3-3tc IULL DOZER work by the hoar or by the Job. See J. M. Hughes and son or call 248. Murphy. N. C. S-tfc FOR RENT : McCall apartment, furnished with all modern con veniences. Also one unfrunished house. Rent reasonable. Phone 106. Mrs. McCall Elliott. Mur phy. N. C. 3-3tc FOR SALE : One registered Guern sey cow. ? /ears old. Practically fresh. See j. L. Hall, Rt. 4, Mur phy, N. C. 5-2tc WANTED A" ONCE: Rawleigh j Dealer in Cueroks* Co. Also Clay I Co. Write Rawleigh's Dept. NCH 7S0-R. Richmonda, Va., 3-4 tp I FOR SALE : ? room house with ' bath, basement and good gar den. three-fourth acre land, one out building, inside city limits, Andrews, on Aquone Road. Con tact Mrs. Flora Shields, Andrews, ' N. C. 3-Stp VZLL miLuJUu ? Hin your wells drOled: norfern machinery. Six *nd eigl't lnata doottitK and -ommerlcal walls. Macon Pump sod Well Company. Writ* F. B. Rogers, Roues No 1. Franklin. N. C. 8-tfc BULLDOZKR WORK, By hour or contract. Also all (arm work In cluding narrowing and clearing. Phone S9#-W, or 288. Murphy. N. C. S-tfc iesurfack your floors . Do the Job yourself. Rent our lloor sand lng machine. Reasonsble rates by the half -day, day or week. Also complete line of floor Ull ng and palat Gibbs Hardware & Auto Supply. Phone IOC. 4-tfc THELCNE RANGEF By Fran Striker OUR REPRESENTATIVE will be' in Murphy dally Monday through ' Saturday. New and uaod electric and treadle machines. All types i repair*. Write J. L. McCurry, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Box 188, Murphy. N. C. 4-tfc FOR RENT: Pour room unfurnish ed apartment with bath. Private' entrance. Hot water heater. Phone 100, Murphy, N. C. 4-Stc ] FOR SALE: New hay put up with out rain. $35.00 per ton . Mrs. Louis Raper, Marble, N. C. 4-Ztp FOR SALE: 1949 Chevrolet sedan delivery truck. Call 209-W, or 374-J 3-tfc | FOR SALE : 4 room cabin, elec- ' trie lights, hath, 35 acres. See E. A. Howard, Murphy Box 353, Peachtree-Marble Highway. 3-3tp FOR SALE: Around 125 acres of land near Marble on Highway 19. C. H. Townson. 4-Stp ALUMINUM ROOFING, J10.65 F. O. B. Ashevi'le. See your local Farmers Federation warehouse manager for delivered local prices. 5-3tc LOST: White gold wedding ring with small diamonds on Monday, July 25, possibly in Lay's or A & I*. Reward. Phone 16-W, Murphy. N. C. , 5-2tp SPECIAL CLEARANCE Price on | Fans: Six speed, 20 inch win dow fans, hassock type fans, cscilating fans. Sossamon Furni ture Co., Murphy, N. C. 5-1 tc FOR RENT : 5 room unfurnished | apartment. Heat furnished. J Phone 443-W, Murphy, N. C. i 5-ltc | ) j FOR SALE : Miscellaneous office I equipment and supplies includ I ing typewriter, desks, chairs, j etc. Call 209-W and 374-J 3-tfc AN INCOME OF J720 a year plus a good home with large living room, four bed rooms and large basement for only $7,500. Real good buy. Also a good cattle or dairy farm of 170 acres on High way #4 West of Murphy, house, barn, 50 acres good level pas ture or farm and plenty of good timber. A good house on Chero kee St., aad various other prop erties for sale by D. M. Reese, Real Estate Brokers. Check with us for what you want in Real Estate. D. M. Reese, John C. O'Dell, Fred V. Johnson. 4?-tfc NOTICE: Wi, ARE BUYING dog wood ?galn. See Cloer & Ander mo at Hayeiville, N. C, (or prices and specifications. 3-tfc "OR SALE: Cinder blocks any size, any amount Delivered Palmer Bros., Phont 202, Mur phy, N. C. 5-tfc Johns - Maiville Bid. Materials Asphalt Shingles-Roll Roofs Abestos Siding <;IBBS HMD. ft ALTO SUPPLY NEW MONEY-SAVING prices! Yes, you now get famous Dodge depend ability at new low prices! Many popular Dodge truck models carry the lowest delivered prices of all major makes! Get the money-saving facts from your Dodge truck dealer! \ NEW FORWARD LOOK styling! Here's new truck appearance that boosts your business! L6w, sweeping lines (with big gest wrap-around windshield; wrap around rear window, too) reflect the ' modern Forward Look in trucks! NEW POWER-PACKED performance! Dodge gives you the most powerful short stroke V-8's of the leadlna makes 1 You'll save . time, save fuel, with Power-Dome V-8's? 169 to 202 hp. Thrifty 8's available, too. There's ? Dodge truck to speed your work, save you money. _ ? * Itaiy popular models E.G MOORE Savlags Bwdb Sales Still Iaereaalag Bales of U. 8. Savings Bonda In North Carolina contlnuea to rts* with purchases In July amounting to t4.2M.553.S0, compared with a year a<o the gain of 11%. This Is a new July sales record topping any for the past ten year*. For t\e first seven months of this year. a new all-tin* pMct recerd ?u Mt with u!?i amounting to *3J,304.?M50 11% greater than 1964. This amount represents M% of the annual atate quota of M S million dollara. Thla report, released today by W. D. Whi taker, Cnerokee County Chairman, ahowa that July County sales were t22.SM.80. See us for reliable insurance in any line HYDE INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 145 Murphy, N.C. ADVERTISEMENT 0 A demonstration of the best known methods of hair and scalp trial meats to be given to the citizens of oar city. HAIR AND SCALP AUTHORITY HERE TO TELL TRUTH < ABOUT BALDNESS A personal demonstration will be held from It noon until 9:00 p. m. oa Friday ONLY, August 19, IMS In the Shields Motel in Murphy, North Carolina by the Merrill Hair and Scalp Consultants o I Wichita Fall*, Texas. The Merrill Consultant is being 'sent here for the express purpose I of explaining to the people of our city, the facts and the truth about hair' and scalp disorders. He will | explain the 18 common scalp dis orders that cause most men and women to lose their hair. He will demonstrate the proper method* of hair and scalp hygiene that have been proven successful for thou sands of Americana from coturt to coast. The Merrill Hair and Scalp Consultants will give you. FREE. ( a complete hair and scalp examl- j nation and tell you why you are losing your hair, or why you are having trouble with your scalp. Hopeless Cases Are Few First, the Merrill Consultant is quick to tell the hopeless cases that they cannot be helped." Once a man is completely, shiny bald, nothing can be done. But the hopeless cas es are few. Because, if the hair roots are still azve, (evider"ed by the presence of light, colorless fun.) the Merrill Consultant can perform what sometimes seem to be wonders. In the private exam ination, these facia will coma to light. Na Charge For Examination The examination is very thorough and highly technical. It requires a full 30 to SO minutes. And, there In ? no charge for this examination, you will be told the required length of treatment and how much it will cost. After starting the treatment, you will make regular reports to the Merrill Laboratory in Wichita Falls, Texas. An expert will check your progress regularly, and keep in touch with you throughout your course of treatment Aa you wfll. be shown at your interview, Mer- 1 rill offer* you a written guarantee ? of satisfaction. _ t New Hair Is Permanent "If every man and woman will allow our directions faithfully dur ng treatment and after finishing reatment, there is no reason why hey will not have hair all the rest >f their lives," says this- author ty. "We know our treatments will vork from our thousands of testi monials. It all depends on the in ii vidua] person's faithful observan le of a few simple rules." Guarantee Pledges Results Merrill Hair and Scalp Consultants 3UARANTEE, in & written certif icate given to each new client, that If you are 'not responding satisfact orily to treatment at the end of 30 days, that all money paid on treat ments will be graciously refunded. "We do this to overcome Sfceptlc Ism," says the Merrill Consultant "Most of our clients are happy, satisfied men and women, con fident that they will regain their hair and remove all traces of im bedded dandruff and other mal icious hair and scalp ailments that prevent natural growth. Tills guar antee is for those who want to be assured that they will get their money's worth, and that is exactly what we Intend to give them!" A Truthful Note Thousands of men and women have been helped by the Merrill meth ods. Because of their tremendous mccess In thlc field, it should be said here that there are some who cannot benefit from these treat ments. Any person whe is slick, shiny bald, is destined to remain so. If there is any sign of tun, no matter how short or nukuleas, there Is a definite chance that hair may be re-grown in time. "We have no cure-all," says our cut pert "But if you take care of jour hair, J we can help you ' hare healthy, normal, lasting hair that you wffl be pnnid of all your lift.". Mm n the M from NO AFPOOmOCMT KXOE88ART Tom aaad not htv* an appointment will not bo emUurasaed or i 0( thia cltnlc. Ailed In any way. Both man aad are private and yoavoaun qre welcome. ? i .

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