, Death Drives DANGEROUSLY Dont Crowd Him VOLUME 65 -NUMBER ? 7 .. PROMOTING MURPHY AND ANDREWS TRADE AT HOME; IT PAYS MURPHY NORTH CAROLINA ' THURSDAY, SEPT. 1, IMS N- C Library B PAG1 WEEK People You Know] MURPHY Mr*. Peyton O. Ivle, and child ren, Susanne and Grier, left last Thursday for Ridge Crest. They were joined Saturday by Mr. Ivle and all returned Wednesday. ( W. E. Davidson of Lake Placid,1 Fla., will arrive this week for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Winchester, Miss EUa McComhs and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. John Posey of Waynesville were week end guests of Mrs. Posey's mother, Mrs. B. L. Padgett. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ferguson and son Tommy of Sylva, spent Sunday with Mrs. T S. Evans and son Tom. Miss Addie Mae Cooke left Mon day after having spent several days in Murphy. Mrs. Joe Fulmer and daughters, Jennie Lee and Hazel, spent sever al days here last week with Mrs. Fulmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Franklin. Miss Grace Town son returned with them to Sylva for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burrus visit ed his mother in Canton last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Agnew of Summerville, Ga., are visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Singleton and family. | Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Winchester! and sons, Gus and Tommy, were in Atlanta Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Brittain and sons, Johnny and Jerry have re turned to Atlanta after a visit with relatives here. Mrs. Charles F. Stan berry and daughter, Cynthia Ruth have re turned to their home In Rutherford ton after a two weeks' visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bryant. Mrs, A. L. Maxwell, 3j., ?f , wman, Ga., has returned home r a two weeks visit here. with' son, the Rev. A. L. Maxwell