deadline fob classified ADS: ?: Mo r leas; three times for 11.26. More ttuui SB word*, two ?ULL DOZER work by (tie bour or by the Job. See J. M Bnghos Mid sob or e*U MS. Murphy. N. C. 6-tfc FOR SALE: 1949 Chevrolet sedan delivery truck. Call 209- W, or 374-J 6-tfc OUR" REPRESENTATIVE will be in Murphy daily Monday through Saturday. New and used electric and treadle machines. All types repairs. Write J. L. McCurry, ? Singer Sewing Machine Co., Box 188, Murphy, N. C. 4-tfcl 1 FOR SALE: Miscellaneous office; equipment and supplies includ ing typewriter, desks, chairs, etc. Call 209- W and 374-J 6-tfc AN INCOME OF $720 a year plus % good home with large living room, four bed rooms and large basement for only $7,500. Real good buy. Also a good cattle or dairy farm of 170 acres on High way 64 Weet of Murphy, house, ?>arn, 50 acres good level pas- j ture or farm and plenty of good | Umber. A good house on Chero kee St., amd various other prop- j erties for sale by D. it Reese, Real Estate Brokers. Check with us for what you want in Real Estate. D. M. Reese, John C. O'DeH, Fred V. Johnson. 46-tfc Johns - MaiviOe Bid. Materials Asphalt Shingles-Roll Roofs A best os Siding GIBBS HWD. ft AUTO SUPPLY (TELL. DULlINu ? Have your wells drilled; modern machinery. Six and eight Inch dome sue and oommerlcal well*. Macon Pump and Well Company. Write T. B. Rogers, Route No. 1. franklin, N. C. 6-tfc ALUMINUM ROOFING. J10.65 F. O. B. Aahevllle. See your local Farmers Federation warehouse manager for delivered local prices. 5-Stc MOTICK. v?t ARB BUYING dog wood again. See Cloer & Ander son at Hayesvllle. N. C, for prices and specifications 6-tfc ""OR ,3 ALE : Cinder blocks any size, any amount. Delivered Palmer Bros., Phone 202, Mur phy, N. C. 5-tfc RESURFACE your floors . Do the job yourself. Rent our floor sand lug machine. Reasonable rates Of the half-day, day or week. Also complete line of floor till 'ng and paint Gibbs Hardware & Auto Supply. Phone 100. 4-tfc FOR SALE: 4 room cabin, elec tric lights, bath, 35 acres. See E. A' Howard, Murphy Box 353,' Peachtree-Marble Highway. 6-3tp FOR SALE : The Hartness property in Mineral Bluff, Ga., 6 room bungalow, gas and electric heat, bath, large rooms, recent inter ior decoration, nice lawn, trees, and shrubbery, large outside storage building, garden, barn, 4 acres rich bottom land. See Mrs. Etta Hartness, Mineral Bluff, Ga. 6-3tc FOR SALE : One new oil floor fur nace. Call 592, Murphy, N. C. 6-3tc FOR SALE: Two residential lota near Murphy on Highway #4. Lota graded and ready for build ing. See L. A. McClure at Mc Clure's Shell Station, Highway 64. 7-Stp FOR RENT: One furnished bed room. Private bath. Private en trance. Call 263, Murphy. 7-3tc FOR SALE: Grade A Cafe. Doing good business. Reason for selling, ill health. Contact R. L. Beaver at People's Cafe or Call No. S. 7-Stp I MAKE $100.00 WEEKLY. You can make up to $100 weekly without experience necessary. Service nearby families from your own home with Nationally Advertised Watkins Products. Crops look good. Big fall season ahead. Carj or light truck required. Write Fieldman, F. E. Heffner, R. | No. 2. Box No. 268, Granite Falls, N. C.. or The J. R. Watkins Company. P. O. Box No. 5071, ) Richmond, Virginia. 7-Stc FOR SALE : Country cured Hams. We ship Anywhere in the U. S. A. Farmers Federation, Phone 82, Murphy, N. C. 7-tfC , WANTED : A good reliable man to supply customers with Rawlelgh Products in Cherokee Co.. also! Clay Co. Write Rawleigh's Dept. NC1-750-121, Richmond, Va. 7-5tp FOR SALE: Nice steam heated six room home located next door to Murphy General Hospital Call 213, Murphy, N. C. 7-3tc CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness during our recent bereave ment in the loss of our husband and father, W. H. Corn well. We are es pecially grateful for the floral of ferings. Mrs. Corn well and Children 7-ltp new I Pick up a big supply of RC RC for the Labor Day weekend Y CklXX % \ CO! A | \ I V . NOW! RC in cans, too! NO OTHER COLA IS so low in calories \ \ / ^ I VET TASTES -Smack- SO GOODI t y / v \ / Day forecast s picnics, parties, people dropping in. Better get ready ? and get ready better ? with lots of frosty, sparkling Royal Crown Cola. No other cola is so lively, so zesty, so full of wonderful flavor. No other cola is so low in calories, yet tastes so good. Everybody will go for RC So, get enough to go around ! SPINET PIANO: Unfortunate cir cumstances forces party to re turn to us lovely little Spinel piano. 88 notes, full keyboard. Mahogany case. New plane guarantee. Will sell to someone In this section who can pay small down payment and assume some small monthly payments. Furth er Information will be given by writing: S. P.'c. Box 1402. Salis bury. N. C. * 7-ltc ? FOR RENT: 5 room unfurtiished I aparemtne. Heat furnished. I Phone 448-W, Murphy, N. C. I 7-ltc IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION HENRY H. BROWN, (sometimes known as HUGH H. BROWN) . Plaintiff. -vs MAE LOUDERMILK BROWN, Defendant. TO MAE LOUDERMTLK BROWN : i You will take notice that plead ing seeking relief against you has 'been filed in the above entitled action, the nature of the relief be ing sought by the Plaintiff is an ab solute divorce from the Defendant upon the Statutory grounds of two years separation. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than the 20th day of October, 1955, and upon your failure so to do the party seek ing service against you will apply {Andrews Personals Mrs. Louise Rogers, Mrs. Mar | garet Ann Watry and children Barbara and Boyer spent the week end In Columbia. 8. C. with Pfc. and Mrs. Harry Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. John Leonard and three sons of Welcome were guests of the Rev. and Mrs. James Horn buckle Sunday enroute to Nash ville, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Chance, (the former Miss Melba Greer) and their children, Johnny, Lynn and Ethel of Long Island, N. T. were guests of friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wh I taker Davis of Charleston, S. C. are spending this week here with Dd. Davis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Moore and son s, Billy and Mike, are spending ' this week here with Mrs. Moore's mother, Mrs. W. L. Matheson, en-' route to their home in Houma, La., after a stay in Greenville, 8. C. Miss Ada Mae Pruett who has spent the summer months In El to the Court for the relief sought. | This the 27 day of August, 1955. s/K. W. RADFORD ) Clerk of the Superior Court ' of Cherokee County. 7-4tc North Carolina s CATHOLIC SEED CORN TRAINING OUR CHILDREN 1. Say prayers together as a family. Don't be afraid to gather each night before bedtime and pray to God for His help in the day ahead. Thank Him for His help in the day just ended. 2. Teach your ehildren from an early age to love God. Teach them how to turn their minds to God as they go about their work and play. If they learn to give their life to God, God will be the center of thei rlife. It will give their life more meaning. 3. Read the Bible at home as a family. Then talk about what you have read. Especially read the whole New Testament about Jesus. Try to find out how what you have read can fit into your life-f Ask your sons and daughters how they think it could fit into theirs. 4. Show your children that Jesus Christ is the most important person in all the world. Point out to them that it is the teaching of Jesus that will make the world any better - and only his teaching. 5. Talk to your children as they grow older about the problems of the world - the problems they must face: hate, selfish ness, uncleanliness or impurity, ridicule of the holiness of marriage, war. Insecurity, breakdown of morals. Try to show children it is the teaching of Jesus that can solve those. SHOW THEM THAT THE MORE THEY ARE STEEPED IN JESUS THE GREATER THEIR CHANCE OF MAKING THE WORLD BETTER, AND THE HAPPIER THEY WILL BE. Show them that it will take courage at times to follow Christ to reject the world. Teach them to be brave for Jesus - for it is only bravery that will make the world better and hap pier. YOURS IS A GREAT TASK - TO RAISE YOUR CHILDREN WELL. GOD WLL BLESS YOU, IF YOU DO THE BEST YOU KNOW HOW. God Love you now. Rev. Joseph Dean Murphy's Catholic Chapel ! ? lenboro has returned to assume her duties ma teacher In the An-' drewi school. Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Sawyer of Weaverville are teaching In the Andrews school and are staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dewar. Mrs. Mabel Spooner of Miami, Fla., is the house guest of her sis ter Mrs. O. A. Resehke for a stay of several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sedlvy havei returned to their home in Cleve- J land, Ohio after a visit here with Mr. and Mr*. Georjs Han dun, Mrs. Sedlvy U a auter of Mrs. Handura. ( 1 DONT SCRATCH THAT ITCH! IN IS MINUTES. . .You MUST be rkl of the ITCH or your Mc btck at any. drug store. ITCH ME NOT actually |tvM trip le-action relief. It deadew the Itch, peels off tainted outer skin. KILLS GEBM8 AND FUNGUS ON CONTACT. Fine (or. enema, toot Itch, other surface rashns Today at Parker** Dru* Store. SQUARE DANCE At Crawford Tire Co. * Tuesday A Saturday Nights Starts At 8 P. M. Music By RED HENDERSON and His Old Club Nottley Band COME, DANCE and HAVE FI X USED CARS 1951 BUICK. Roadmaster 4 DOOR SEDAN ? LIKE NEW 1951 MERCURY 4 DOOR SEDAN ? 11.000 MILES 1951 RUICK Special 4 DR - FlILLY EQUIPPED ? ONE OWNER CAR 1952 CHEVROLET Convertible 1952 WILLYS - Two Deer 90 MILES TO A GALLON OF OAS 1949 OLDSMORILE Convertible 88 1954 MOTOR 1949 OLDSMOBILE Clab Coape 1949 HUDSON 2 Door 1951 WILLYS 4-Wheel Drive Piekap 1946 FORD Clab Coape We hare 15 other Used Cars with Prices ranging from $50 to $100 FRANKLIN MOTOR CO. Phone tl 4 Andrew? Road r WE SCOOPED THEM UP BETTER HURRY -THEY CUT LAST AT THIS PRICE I 560 BOYS 'FLAHHEL SHIRTS ONLY $1.00 200 NEK'S HEAVY FLAHHEL SHIRTS $1.98 S & 10 DEPARTMEHT tM