Df THE SUPEUO* OOOBT STATE or NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY. CHEROKEE COUNTY, Plaintiff ?VS \RNOLD J. MILLS APS. AND WIFE, MYRTIS \fILL8APS The defendants, ARNOLD J. MILLSAPS, MYRTIS MILLS APS, will take notice that an action en titled as above ha* been commenc ed in the Superior Court of Chero kee County, North Carolina, to foreclose the lien of taxea due plaintiff by defendants for the years 1952, 1963, and 1994 against the lands of said defendants in Murphy Township, Cherokee Coun ty, North Carolina, to- wit : On the South side of Terrace Avenue in the Town of Murphy. Being Lots tei (10) and Eleven (11) of Block C of the Blumenthal Addition to the Town of Murphy, Map or plat of which is of record In the office of the Register of Deeds for Cherokee County, North Carolina In plat book one (1), at page S, reference to which Is here by made for more complete de scription of said lots. And being the same lands con veyed by Charlie Davis and wife ] Miner Davis to Arnold J. Millsaps and wife Myrtis Millsaps, for deed j dated September , 1M6, and t recorded in the Office of Register t in Book 166, at page 192 therefore to which is likewise made for , more complete description of said lots ' ( Said lands being fully described i in the complaint now on file in this action, reference to which is here by made for more full description. And for the furtner purpose of condemning the said land to sale to satisfy said taxes, tax liens, in terest and costs of this action, and 4. to forever bar and foreclose all right, title, estate, interest, claim and lien of defendants in and to or upon said lands; and the said de fendants will further take notice they are required to be and appear be .ore the Clerk ox the Superior Court of Cherokee tyunty, North Carolina, at his office in tne Court bouse in Murphy, N. C. , within twenty <201 days after Ufe 8 day of September, 1955, to- wit. on or be fore the 28 day of September, 1955, ind answer or demur to the com plaint in this action, whicn is now on file with copies for defendants, >r the plaintitf will apply to the ourt for the relief demanded in he comolaint. This the 2 day of August, 1955. K. W. Radford Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee ?4tc County, N. C. Mrs. Gibson Dies After Long Iillness Mrs. J. G. Gibson, 58. died at her | home near Hiawassee, Ga. , after an illness of several years. She was born and raised in Clay County, the daughter of tne late Decatur and Emiline McClure Patterson. Funeral services were held Tues day at 3 p. m. at Philadelphia Bap tist Church with Rev. Roy Boyd and Charles Hogsed officiating. Burial followed in the church ceme tery. Surviving are the husband, J. G. Gibson; one daughter. Mrs. How ard McClure of Hiawassee; nine sons, Vaughn, Ray, Manuel. Floyd. Mist Norm Swnnsen Feted In Andrew* LAST WEEK Miss Nora Swanson of Murphy, bride-elect of Jake Buchanan of Andrews, was honored with a sur prise miscellaneous shower by Miss Marvie Bradley on Saturday at 7:30 p. m. at the home of Mr. R. P. Sherrill, sisiter of the bride ' ? of Hayesville; Ralph, BlairsvUle, Ga. ; Boyd. Leonard, Pearl, Hiawas see, Ga. ; and Barnett, U. S, Sig nal Corps. France; one brother, Gus Patterson, Hiwasse Dam; One sister, Mrs. Barnett Anderson, Hayesville; 15 grandchildren; one great great grandchild. Townson Funeral home was in charge. groom elect. The hostess, assisted by Idas Sal lie Buchanan, sister at the bride groom elect, served refreshments to approximately SO guests. The bridal motif of green and white was noted In the decorations and the refreshments. Disappearance ot cotton thla year la axpactad to total about 13H million bales, slightly more than last year's GET MORE EGGS on a good price market! -MRP ALL OVZR AMERICA . S UHM is to FEEDING Join the swing to this surer, easier, better way of feeding. This year, feed the ALL-MASH system lor top results ! u SQ" ALL-MASH LAYING SPARTICLES It's the perfectly balanced ration that contains everything hens need to lay big eggs sooner . . . more eggs longer. CRAIG SUPPLY CO. MTRPHY, N\ C. m * * " : ' ? J'Researthed-Fecds for the Soufheosf' You're Safer and You Save on new, low priced GOOD/YEAR TIRES . V A \!s\/s1 A I VN - As low os ' INiH ! ^vvifyvv^'' Compare and yovi'H agree, i this rugged tire is way ; ahead of other tires In its > das*, h features full tread f depth for longer wear . . . ? extra tread width for bet ter traction ? ? ? strong cord body for highway stamina. You can't get a better tire * ct thi* low price. by GOOD/YEAR $15.53 Ulita Allison & Duncan _ A MILLIONAIRE VACATION ON A PIGGY BANK BUDGET TAKE A HAPPINESS TOUR AND WIN A FREE TRIP AROUND THE WORLD FOR 2 YOUR TRAVEL AGENT FOR J)ETAILS^ j wonderful days 6_ romantic night* I IOO y Km 31, 1WS. ? _ i r 'v r. . . U ? i>?iM ? ?? tihw iffml isi* that mIw tfcfe ? : hclndu ? it m axtra c*?t ? ?le cutHwri HtwutoiBM, both 'fafl at LMa Iwcfc, uRm aa Mky Jim* 27 -Ma cmim, um of ? *--Llaaa^? ? n 1 J. a n n J #wQw CawMa| v*y^V#^VWI l^wW| piQPIIafl ' irtiitillM?l aaal "|H mnuWrf* fill. Sa aw |M< at "Hani's '%PI W I WWji PRWIHIVW JIJWrW??lg vTViM ?*? Wilt (#9 Mfldc? ihni fluwt Kijfiy 91m ttdris? ?wyfco?#d ncit In ipriaf ?mmt .? ; ?* FMK>2 i FOR RESERVATIONS r. ? . Nt, writ* or pkoM your local Trorol Agm*, on offico of NATIONAL or CAPITAL AIR. LINES or HAPPINESS TOURS, INC -61 Monro* S?.,' Cfclco|Q, ML ? 2 W. 46Hi St., Now Yotfc, N. Y. NEW SARASOTA TERRACE Hotel SARASOTA, FLORIDA LOW PACKAGE RATES DonbU occupancy, including ' minimum air fata from cities listed* ATLANTA $ 72.02 BOSTON 13S.42 CHICAGO 122.02 NEW ORLEANS *2.02 NEW YORK 114.42 PHILADELPHIA ... 113.32 WASHINGTON. DJC. 99.02 DRIVE-YOURSELF special low rate I $29.95. Includes 100 milea nut* DKivnra. New ? Fori or Chevrolet. j NEW SARASOTA TERRACE Hotel T.-l R i ng li ng 2-5311 P 0 BOX 1720 So'osoto. Florida . Ui / Pay with a permanent \ record, ,*by CHECK! T JJ Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Murphy ? Andrews ? Robbnisville Hayes ville Serving Southwestern North Carolina Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation "IT te One look tells everyone you've graduated from the low-price field Yet you can own a big super-powered Mercury for less than 13 models of the low-price 3* The neighbors will think that you got a raise ? when actually you'll be saving money'. For example, on first cost. You can buy a big 188-horsepowtr Mercury Custom 6 passenger Sedan for lew than 13 models m the so-called low-price fie'.d.* And that's only the beginning of what you save . . . Our record sole* mean record allowance*. Mercury is one of the year's hottest cars. Our quick turnover, high volume, lets us give you more for your present car. You wvi on future reie*? value. Mercury consistently lends its field for resale value According to independent market reports. Rtmember, too, that Mercury's famous economy and stamina keep operating costs low ? help make Mercury one of the lowest* cost can in its class to own. In Mercury's lowest-cost Custom series you've got 4 models to choose from. For a few dollars more you have your choice of 7 more models in the Monterey and 198 horaepower Montclair series. We invite you to stop in at our showroom to see and try the model that fits your needs and budget! best. irSHk CaZ>3^Mr tSiiM IhZwHtll'' NO OTHER CAR OFFERS YOU IIGGER REASONS FOR BUYING IT ? Exdusiv* stylng thorad by no othw ? ear ? New SUPEI-TORQUE V-8 M?ln? en ?vary modal (It 8 or 198 hertepower) ? backad by Mercury's racord of producing V-8 anginas txchjtfrwhf ? 4-barral vacuum carburetor an ovary modal at no axtra eoit ? Dual axhaust* at no axtra coil on al Montdairs and Montarayi ? 8aB-ioint front tusporaion h # Unique onti foufinq hi^tKompftiitow ? /* l-t, ?if. . Lt -I ? ... , J, * U \_onwjrwiiiy inyiwn 'fiow ?uwt ri Hi Said IT PAYS TO OWN A miRCURY ?FOR FUTURE STYLING, SUPER POWER ,V V Evj Ai Co. ? 'X. > i J, ...4.