Andrews Personals Kr. and Hit. ?ad cbUUm, Chart and Vyrm at Poritee. 'ml day days with MM. Rogera' moth j' ar, Mrs. Lara Neiaoa, Andrew*, j Rt J. * Mra. Grady Qaraar and daugh ter Virginia spent the In Hayesrtlle aa guest at her i ter, Mra. Paul Cunningham FOOD Although goldfish prefer live food, such as flies, earthworms, and moaqulto larvae, they also will eat scrambled egg, chopped lettuce, boiled spinach and even ground dog biscuit PERSONALS ? Mi*. CJT. Williamson awl dau ghter, Sual ??K I4MB, of ItaMgfc art visiting with Mrs. WBliamaoo nothcr, Mr*. Tom Ailqr. Dennis Caaata returned last Frl. day to hla horn* hi OattaWKf* after a week with hla grandpar enta, Mr. and Mr*. R D. Chand ler. Mlaa Lola jctinaoc 01 Athena, Georgia la visiting her aiatar, Mr*. R. D. Chandler and Mr. Chandler thla weak. Mrs. C. F. Williamson and daughters, Susie and Lynn, of Ral eigh are viaiting Mi*. Williams' mother, Mrs. Tom Axley. Mrs. Don Wltherspoon has as E N THEATRE MURPHY, N. C. m THURS.-FRL JULY 12-13 I Walt Disney L song , , SOUTH Sffc. TECHNICOLOR SAT. JULY 14 DOUBLE FEATURE ALSO REX ALLEN -in "PHANTOM STALLION" LATE SHOW SAT. JULY 14 CLEO MOORE -IN "OVER EXPOSED" SUN.-M0N. JULY 15-16 THE LOVES OF THE BOLD... THE GLORY OF THE Miuyi THUR. JULY 17-18-19 OtSOORYMCK JKNNHVR JONES fUDRKMACCH "TUt AU* ulGih* ft**. Syr' mm www ? tg i caw Ml WHI * K??JvM VTH guests this -vttk her danghUr, Barbara Brown o t Chicago. Bar grandsohb. Bob' andDoo Patton ?pant laat waak wltl) Mrs. WUbar apoon aid fcsr aoo-ln-law and daughtar, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Pat tan and danghtar, Wanriti eanwfor the weak and. I Mrs. W. 1L Lay and son, BOly returned Tueaday front a two week'a visit with 'relatives In To ledo. Ohio. Mr, and Mhl Ted Penland at Monroe, On. nad -JU& nnd Mrs. W. C. King and son, Charles at dak Ridge, Tenn. were week end guests at Mr. Arthur Jones and^Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Penland.. | Miss Mildred Nelson has return ed from a visit with her cousin, Miss Betty Lou Smith In Marietta, Ga. and a visit in Atlanta. Miss Jane Thomas is visiting her sister, Mrs. Geraldine Meadows and Mr. Meadows In Atlanta. Miss Ruth Pace and Miss Mau rine Vass of Kansas City, Mo. were house guests last week of Jack Barnett. Mrs. Panl Hyatt has returned from a visit with' relatives and friends in Decatte and Ball Ground, Ga. Mrs. Ethel Wolfe of Knoxville is visiting her sister, Mrs, Clyde Gennett and Mr. Gannett. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bueck returned i Wednesday from the Lions conven- 1 tion In Miami, Fla. and a side J trip to Key West, Havana and! Nassau, Bahama Islands. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Elkina re- 1 turned Saturday from the Lions' Convention In Miami, Fla and a| trip to Key West. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Palmer of Youngstown, Ohio were week guests of Mr. Palmer's mother, Mrs. Dixie Palmer. Jack Barnett left Monday for Western Carolina College, Cullo whee where he will teach Business Administration during the second session of the summer school. VALLEY y/ucfwc t ii t * 1 " ' Andrews, N. C. THUR.-FRI. JULY 12-13 Humphrey Bogart Jan Sterling -IN "THE HARDER TfffiTALL" First Time Shown 78 ff a SAT. JULY 14 DOUBLE FEATURE "RETURN OF JACK SLADE" 1 -ALSO- | Lucille Ball Desl Arenez -B S "FOREVER DARLING" SUN.-M0N. JULY 15-16 "ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK" (First Time Time >Showm la Aadrews) TUE.-WED. JULY 17-18 Miaa Sharon Bryacm la apandtng thla week ytth her cousina, Pal ay and Don Taylor In Marietta, -v ' } Mn, William B. .WoJOt at Sow too. Texas u vulUnc her m other, Mrs. J. B. Gray wd aiatera, Mrs. Cloe Moon sad Us Gray. Mr' and Mrs. L. U Maaon, Jr. I had aa week and guesta, Mr*. Maa on'a brother, diaries R. Nix, Mra. Mix and children, Roger, Sharon and Barbara of Charlotte. t Mra. Maaan'a nephew, Mlckle Nix of Aaheville la spending thia week with hla aunt. Mr. and Mra. Frank Agnew and children. Bob and Clinton of Summerville, Ga. spent the week | end with Mr. Agnew's sister, Mrs. W. A. Singleton, Mr. Singleton and children. Sara Vamer who had been with her grandmother, Mra. Agnew in Summerville, returned | with them. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Wooten ol Rock Bin. 8. C. visited Mr. and Mra. Quay Ketner last week end. Mr. Wooten was assistant county agent when Mr. Ketner was Cher okee County agent. Dick Ketner who is analyst with Coble Dairies in South Boston, Va. spent the week end at home. Mr. and Mrs. Quay Ketner, Mrs. Bessie Dickson and Miss Frances Dickson spent the 4th in Heflln, j Ala. with Mr. and Mrs. Frank | Mayfield. Miss Frances Dickson who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Buel Adams in Bedford, Ohio, flew home from Cleveland, Ohio last week. Rosalie Hyde, Beck Jo Ray, Sherry Spence, Sheilah Stiles and Mary George Baugh left Monday to spend the week at the Truett O. A. Camp near Hayesvllle. They were accompanied by Misf? Frankle Martin. * Mr. and Mrs. Howard WatkinS and children, Nancy and Linda 01 California, Md. visited Mr. Wat kin's sister, Mrs. Joe Ray, Mr. Ray and Becky Jo this week. Mrs. Sallie Queen and Mis& Beluah Queen had as guests ove. the fourth, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Queen of Elizabethton, Tenn., Miss Elda Queen of Atlanta, Gloria anc Gwinda Cagle of Knoxville, ant Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Bobo, Jr., and daughter, Sandra Lee of Smyrna, Ga. Joe E. Ray, Bob White, Hobart McKeever and Bob Easley, Jr., have returned from Miami afte. attending the Lions convention. Mrs. John Garrett (Miss Marj Ellen Payne) and baby, Donne* Mae of Detroit, Mich, arrived here last week to spend the summer. They are occupying an apartment at Mrs. McCall-Elliotts. Folk School To End friday After two weeks of little folk school, the school will be climax ed by a final program Friday night, July 13, at 7:30 in the com munity room at the Folk School. MrxsfriNM Dies Friday Mm. Mamie Leroy StrlbUng. (8, died In an AjherUl* bosplUl Fri day morning, July ? after a month's Illness. She waa a native of RosavWe, Qa., a daughter of the late Mr. and Mra. B. F. Leroy. She waa married In 1*07 to Jack Stribling who died In IMS. They had lived in Andrew* for a number of year*. Mra. Stribling waa a member of Andrews Prea byte rt an Church. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. William Pitt Walker of And rews, and Mra. Harry Holp of Highlands; a sister, Mrs. Ethel Cobb and a brother, L J. Leroy, both of Atlanta, Ga, four grand children and one great-grandchild. The body remained at Townaon Funeral Home in Murphy till Sun day when it was taken to the home of Mrs. Walker In Andrews to re main until the hour of service. Funeral services were held at S p. m. Sunday in Andrews Pres byterian Church. The Rev. Arthur McDonald officiated and burial was in Valleytown Cemetery. Pallbearers were A. B. Chand ler, Jr., John Tatham, Jack Her bert, Arnold Derre berry, W. O. McKeldrey, and Charles Delan ?y William IL Stiles Buried Friday William Riley Stiles, 84, of An drews, died July 4 in a Andrews hospital after a long illness. He was a native of Swain' Coun ty ,a son of the late George and Deltha Cope Stiles. He was a member of Indian Creek Baptist Church. He moved to Andrews in 1931 and was engaged in farming. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Zena Grant Stiles; seven sons, Andy, Grady, Hariey, Hillie and Glenn all of Andrews, Roy of Gas tonia, and Walter of Cramerton; three daughters, Mrs. Ethel Truett of Andrews, Mrs. Ellen Kitchens of Belmont and Mrs. Stella Jones of Union Mills. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Friday in the Valleytown Funeral Building with thfe Rev. Jim Truett officiating. Grandsons were pallbearers. I v i e Funeral Home was in charge. St. Andrew's Class Time Changed Beginning Sunday the Adult Bible Class at St. Andrew's Luth eran Church in Andrews will be held at 10:15 every Sunday. The teacher is George Handura from Clearwater, Florida. The subject for Sunday is "God's Plan for Salvation". Each period is concluded by a discussion among the members of the class. Invita tion is extended to all persons in terested. MURPHY DRIVE-IN THEATRE NOW OPEN FULL TIME MURPHY, N. C. THURS.-FRI. JULY 12-13 VlfteWlA MAYO DENNIS MHtGAN DAVID FARfiAR PEARL OF THE ' ! SOOTH PACIFIC ~-t, TECHNICOLOR SAT. ONLY Double Feature JULY 14 ?I SUN.-MON. JULY 15-16 ? AX, TUES.-WED. JUIY 17-18 tfotocco w *?H Fill I Fain Kites Are BeH Monday Hairy Alfr^ff Fain, M, died aud duly at a hurt Attack at 8:80 p. m. Saturday, July 7, at his bom* In Rockwood, Tenn. Funeral services war* bald at 11 a . m. Monday In Rockwood First Methodist Church. The body ?u th?l brought to I vie Funeral Homo In Murphy to lie In state on* hour from 8 to 4 p. m. Graveside rltaa were bald at 4 p. m. In Sunaet Cemetery with the Rev. J. Alton Morris official? ng. Pallbearers were Jim Hembree, Lrowiy Gantry, B. B. Cornwall, Br. Sheridan and Hadley Dickey, and Terry Davidson. Honorary pallbearers were Wal ter Mauney, E. C. Moore, W. T.j and Frank Forsyth, Henry and Paul Hyatt, Dr. R. 8. Parker, Fred Johnson, Nell Davldaon, Nell Sneed, Everett Nichols, Sheridan ' Stiles and John O'dell. Fain was- a native of Murphy, ai son of the late Allen and Ida Phil lips Fain, prominent Murphy fam ily. " -<* He married Miss Jessie Kirk of Dalton, Ga. in 1817 and lived in Murphy till about 1938. He served as city clerk for the town of Mur phy for a number of ytfars. At the time of his death he was employ- 1 ed at Oak Ridge, Tenn. He was a shriner and a member of Rock wood Methodist Church. Surviving are the widow: one daughter, Mrs. Betty Booth of Rockwood; one son, Harry, Jr. of Rossville, Ga. and four grand children; three sisters, Mrs. Fan nie Butt and Mrs. Maurlne Bryant of Blue Ridge, Ga. 'and Mrs. Kloise Sterrett a Presbyterian mission ary to India; and one brother, Allen (Toby) Fain of Murphy. Henry A. Goodman Dies Friday Henry Abraham Goodman, a bout 60, a salesman from Philadel phia, Pa. died at 3:15 a;, m. Fri [ day, July 0 in a Murphy hospital. He was reported by E. L. Town ' son to be very ill when he | arrived at the Cherokee Hotel I Thursday and was taken to the hospital. His death was attribut ed by Dr. Whitfield to a heart at tack. Goodman had been stopping for some time at the CJierokee Hotel on his business trips here Mr. Townson said. ? Members of the family came here Saturday and his body was returned to Philadelphia. Townson Funeral Home was in charge.. COLD BEAR "40" Amine Weed Killer for Crop Spraying $3J5 Gal FU-KILL Malathlon dry fly bait 98c lb. BLACK FLAG INSECT SPRAY $165 Gal Cryolite & Rotenone for beans Copper Dragon & Compound -A for VIGORO"ROSE FOOD 75c for 5 lbs. TROPICAL PEAT SWKMUner 75c Peck L MURPHY HWDE. ?0. j ? ? *~l- J- '? Andrews Personals 'Mr. and Mrs. Ralph MMSow and -daughter, Vfcki* of 8tmth?rsr Ohio hare arrived to ?p?od a nca tton with lb*. McCSurs's parents, Mr. and Mrs Ervtn Nichols Mr. and Mra. Herbert Sheldy and chlldm have returned after spurting a vacation of aeveral weeks in Miami and other point* In Florida. Dr. and Mra: William HaacbaU Ford, who have been the house guests of Mr*. C. H. J arret* for a weeks visit will leave tomorrow (Friday) for El Pasoo, Texas where Dr Ford la pastor of the Frist Baptist church. Dr. and Mrs. Ford were former residents ot An drews at which time he served as pastor of the First Baptist church for a number of years. The Fords are on a months vacation and have spent part of it in Cana da, Michigan and with relatives In Atlanta. He filled the pulpit at both morning and evening services at the first Baptist Church Sunday. Miss Ann Bristol left this week for Washington, D. C. after a two weeks vacation spent with her parents, Mr. and Mra. Bruce Bristol. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Chand ler of Villa Rica, Ga., are guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Nichols. Mrs. Agnes Humphrey and son, Frank of Burgaw arrived Monday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wheeler. Mr. ad Mrs. Ernest Derreberry and daughter of Waukegan, 111. are spending a vacation of two weeks here with Mr. Derre berry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brack Der reberry. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Wright and son of Griffin, Ga., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Williams over the week end. Dr. and Mrs. Charles O. Van Gorder and children, Charles Jr., Kathy, and Susanne have return ed after a months stay in Florida and other points. Miss Nichols Given Luncheon Miss Judy Nichols, bride-elect of Mr. Jimmy Bellamy, was hon ored with a luncheon shower Sat urday, July 1, by Mrs. James Whitfield, the former Carol Sue Vaught, of Murphy. The luncheon was held in the home of Mrs. Bil lie Holland of Chattanooga, Tenn. Summer flowers were used, and the placecards carried out the bridal motif. Those attending were: Mrs. Holland, Carol and Jane Keese, Miss Bobbie Tillman, all of Chattanooga, Mrs. Ben V aught and Mrs. James Whit field of Nashville, Miss Fannie De weese, Mrs. Ruth Cheney and the honoree. SQUARE DANCE EA. TEES. NITE- 8 to 12 P. M. "EVERBODY WELCOME" CRAWFORD'S SKATING RINK i Good. so many ways... Each one so cooling and refreshing It's summertime's best cooler -offer ? in a dish, in a float, or aa a refreshing topper for a salad or fruit cup. Mdk-lmoolh because it'a made villi Milk! Richer tasting, too . . .because only real fruit flavors a re used. Eajojr it often!