NEW HIGHWAY ASSET TO HAYESY1LLE AND MURPHY The new highway that now connects Hayesvilie with Mur phy is certainly an improvement for both communities. No longer does one have to swing around curves to make this trip. With more and more cars on the road today and the desire o* people to want to travel more, this new highway helps lead the way. It is the fond hope of this editor that this new link will bring our two communities closer together not only in travel but in mutual undertakings as well It So, welcome to Hayesvilie and we're glad you are nearer to us by way of travel. Western Carolina Telephone Co. Adds Many New Services People throughout this area will have the opportunity to view the many new Improvements in our telephone service brought about by Western Carolina Telephone Company. After many months of labor and ingenuity, Murphy's new telephone building and dial system are now a reality- This new and added service gives us the finest system available any where throughout the United States and foreign countries. We are justly proud of this forward move. To Mr. L. J- Phillipps, District Manager of the Murphy di vision, thanks to you and your co workers for a job well done. Open House for the telephone company is being observed Thursday, November 1st from 4 to 9 p. m. BERKSHIRE KNITTING MILLS CELEBRATES 50th ANNIVERSARY Berkshire Knitting Mills in Andrews will mark a "50 and 5" birthday anniversary- with a public "Open House" on Fri day November 9. The "Open House" celebrates the fifth anniversary of the Andrews Mill and the 50th or golden anniversary of the par ent plant in Reading, Pennsylvania. Sylvester J. Gernert, manager of the Andrews Mill is to be congratulated on the fine establishment that is under his supervision. The plant and the people who work in it are a credit to Cherokee County. Your Money Earns 5 More Than Interest In Our Bank! v - KIgl'.t! Your money earns self respect, greater confidence in yourself and in the future. It brings prestige and builds up credit standing. And don't forget, your funds are available moment they are needed . . every cent. Stop in! Citizens Bank and Trust Co. M nrphy-Andre ws? Robbinsville Hayesville Serving Southwestern North Carolina Member Federal DepoaK Insurance Corporation THE CHEROKEE SCOUT Established July, 1889 Published every Thursday at Murphy, Cherokee County, N. C. GEORGE N. BUNCH Publisher and Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Cherokee County: One Tear, 12.80; Six Months, $1 M. Outside Cherokee Cbunty: One Tear $3.00; Six Months, *i.?. Backward t Glance U YEARS AGO Thursday, October SI, 1M? Mrs. U. W. Candler and her guest, Mrs. E. M. Dunning i?< ent mill > J We hope all of you who read this invitation will attend our gala Open House, to help Berkshire celebrate its "Double Anniversary". Here you will see our local production facilities and watch our skilled craftsmen actually at work. You will also see interesting exhibits, facts and figures about Berkshire's world-wide operation. You will become familiar with our company history, from its humble beginning in Reading, Pennsylvania, fifty years ago in 1906 to its present position as the largest manufacturer of its kind in all the world. Berkshire Knitting Mills today operates mills in Reading, Andrews, North Ireland, Germany, South Africa, South America and Madrid, Spain. You will feel proud of Andrews' part in this vast picture. ? i FREE! A Year's Supply Of Hosiery For 10 "Open House" Visitors . . . Yes, 10 lucky women who tour our mill during Open House will each be awarded 24 pairs of Sheer, Sheer Berkshire Nylons. Everyone who attends will receive a fine picture booklet of our 50-year history. You will be served tasty refreshments. And the kiddies will be given colorful balloons. This is an evening the entire family will enjoy! '? Berkshire Knitting Mills / Andrews, N.C . / 1951-1956