TO BUY, SELL OR RENT - USE A THRIFTY CLASS AD ? j|t (Blpriiktr DEDICATED TO PROMOTING CHEROKEE COUNTY VOLUME M M W.K- U THURSDAY, JAIN S. UKS7 rout EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEK \ HAKE IT A SAFE YEAR IN 1957 PUBLISHED WSEKLY CLAIMS TWO LIVES The new year began with 2 fatal ities Tuesday afternoon when Billy Gene Lancaster 20 and Samuel Hogsed 85 were instantly killed in an automobile accident. ?* The accident occured around 1 30 four miles South of Marble on the Slow Creek road when the car swerved to the wrong side of the road hitting a stone bridge accord ing to patrolman Ray Hefner Mrs Audrey Revis, an eye witness gave the estimated speed of around SO oi 60 miles per hour. Hogsed is survived by three daughters. Mrs Ledford. Mrs. FIRST BABY OF 1957 The first baby born in Murphy in 1957 Is a baby girl born to Mr. and Mrs Clyde Pitts of Hayesville, I Route 1. The baby was born at 9:i0 am.! January' 1. in Providence Hospital. The baby weighed 7 pounds and 12 ounces Dr Helen Wells was the , attending physician Mrs Pitts is the former Miss I Hilda Joan Pickney, a Registered Nurse from Hayesville. Bales IVew Chairman ' | Of Nantahala IMslriet Boy Scouts <' Clarence A. Bales of Robbinsville has been named chairman of the Nantahala district of the Boy, Scouts of America Mr Bales, who has been active In scouting since j 1929 succeeds S J Gemert of An- 1 drews. Francis C. Bourne of Mur phy was chosen vice-chairman I Mr Bales, a retired electrician, | has served in various capacities in the Boy Scout movement, including j scoutmaster, chairman of the troop committee at Robbinsville. and presently as delegate-at-large for the Daniel Boone Council in the Nantahala district. He was award ed the silver beaver for Scouting service. Christmas Seal Sale The final report of the Christmas Seal Sale will have to be made in February according: to Mrs Sav- 1 Tge, seal sale chairman Those who have forgotten to pay for their seals still have time to do so Decoration Conlcsl W inner* Announced Winners in the Christmas Light- , int contest sponsored hv the Valley I River Garden Club have been an- , nonnced as follows: Mrs. Arthur; Watkins. first; Mrs. John S. Rodda, I second; Mrs Carl West, third. The winners will be presented cash prizes of seven, five and three dollars respectively. Also honorable mention was made by the judges for out-stand ing decoration of the following: homes as seen from the street: Mrs Charles Delaney, Mrs. Vincent Harding Mrs. S J Gernert. Mrs. John Whisenhunt. Mrs. Marvin Pullium and Mrs Wade peece. Nantahala District Court Of Honor Bo Held January 7 The Nantahala District Court of Honor will be held in the Andrews First Methodist Church, Monday, January 7 at 7:30 p. m. according to an announcement by S. J. Ger nert, retiring director, of Nantaha la Di?ctrict Boy Scouts of America Clarence Bales erf Robbinsville | was recently elected district chair man. Mr. Qarnert urges all adults to attend this meeting as well as a | large number of youths. M., i (Marie Lancaster of Hayesville and Mrs. Alice White of Port Mount, Va ; two sons, Grady of Andrews and Enoch of Warne; and 35 grand children. Lancaster is survived by his parents Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert I>an ] caster of Hayesville; four sisters, Mrs Mary Ruth Ingram and the Misses Christine, Kate and Cath erine, and a brother Fred all of Hayesville. Funeral services are being held at Shady Grove Baptist Church at I 2 p m. Thursday, (today), with the Revs Jimmy Rogers and Henry Brown officiating Burial will be in the church cemetery. I vie Funeral) Home is in charge of arrange-; ments. I Mrs. Stiles Wins Doll Given By Woman's Club Mrs. Charles Stiles of Route 1 i Murphy was the lucky lady who won the 22 inch doll with com plete wardrobe including a trunk, ) given by the Murphy's Woman's' Club. The drawing was held Saturday,] December 2 at Ivie's Furniture store The winning ticket was sold by Jo Moody, who sold the largest t amount of tickets during the per od . Mrs Pearl I ownson To Appear On TV Mrs. I'earl Townsun will appear on Television Station WKGP Chan nel 3 Thursday (today) at 1 p m I to accept the portable Motorola Television set which she won on a FIRESIDE CHATS At the Fireside Chat at the John C. Campbell Folk School at Brass town at 4:00 p m on this Sunday, January 6th Fred Brownlee will be pin a review of the Life of John D Rockefeller. Jr. by Raymond Fos- ; dick Those who are interested in American biography and major | issues in the United States and a- 1 broad during the past seventy-five years will find the reviews of this important book most worth while | New Operating Hours Set By j Drug Stores Parker's and Mauney Drug Stores have changed their hours ef fective starting Sunday, January 6, as follows: Week days, they will open at 8 a m to close at 7 p m.;1 Saturday they will Liose at 8 p m. and the Sunday hours will be from 2 until S p m H. A. Bartons To Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs H. A Barton will celebrate their Golden Wedding , Anniversary January 6, 1957 They j will hold open house on that day from 2 until 5 p.m There will be no invitations sent out, but all their friends and relatives are in- j vited to call Mr and Mrs Barton are now 70 and 67 respectively. They were | married at Peachtree on January 6, 1907 Before her marriage. Mrs i Barton was Miss Ada Rogers They are the parents of five children. Guy Barton of Marathon. Fla . Ralph Barton of Miami, Fla . Mrs W L Scott, Jr , of Jackson ville. Fla . Mrs J A Garren of Asheville. N (' . and Mrs May nard t' Stiles of Atlanta, Ga They also have 13 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren Itockhounders To Fleet IMew Officers \t January Meet The regular meeting of the Tri- j State Rockhounders will be held in ] the Truett-Barrett Building at Yo- ' ung Harris College on Saturday January 5, at 7 30 p. m. New offirers fur 1957 will be elec- i. ted at the meeting anil any other' business that may come up As a special feature, movies will ' be shown on mineral and gem col lecting. and on the art of jewelry making 'juj/ program Laugh V Live " Mrs. Townson correctly guessed the weight of four people; three of which wer<* shown or ine program, but the fourth she just had to take a. chance on whether the person was heavy or light She sent in the combined weight as 612s lb and was exactly right Congratulations Pearl ' And we will all be watching you on your first T V appearance Ivocal Dairyman Visits Dairy liar In Disneyland Mr and Mrs Robert T Cobb of Route 1, Culberson, who operate a 200-acre dairy farm, milk 2 Guernsey cows and ship .milk to Coble Dairy Co-op at Brasstown, North Carolina, accompanied by .Irs Cobb s parents Mr and Mrs Roy T Coe of 2549 G Street, San Bernardino, Calif toured a new and enlarged dairy bar, sponsored by the nation's dairy farmers : which attracts thousands of visit ors to famous Disneyland- fv?rk in Vnaheim, Calif., according- j0 ?fis American Dairy Association Located in the Tomorrowlana; section of the park, the shining al uminum, chrome and plastic dairy ! bar promotes the use of milk and its products by servng, in all their glory? thick milk shakes, ice cream in a variety of flavors, sun daes with tasty toppings, colorful | banana splits, ice - cold homogen ized milk, chocolate milk and but termilk. Because of its overwhelming pop ularity, the dairy bar has been tri pled in capacity and the exhibi remodeled into a "garden of refr eshments" It is an additional part of the dairy farmers' own year j round promotion program to stren gthen markets. Glte/voiie>e Gvij+ity, tyo-Uzl i By /In netta Bunch Mrs. Ben Warner, Sr. There are few things that Mrs 1 Ben Warner, Sr is incapable of [ achieving. Doing for others seems to have given her almost supernat- J ura! strength and ability. Mrs Warner is known for her I helpful lness toward her fellow man i especially the rick, aeweomeri, Mt , born babies and her church. In ad- ' ? * v t dition to thi-~ she has tirii'* for var- : ious community activities as well. 1 She is an active member of the Ch erokee County Crafters and attends ! k workshop for that one each mon- ] .h. where they engage in weaving:, aluminum and copper tooling and ' other handicrafts It is not uncom- i mon for her to design and weave < :loth and then tailor a garmen for herself and her grandchildren A member of the Martins Creek Home Demonstration Club, Mrs { Warner represented that organiza tion at Farm and Home Week and attended a United Nations meeting ' in 1955 Mrs Warner and her husband, j ' Mr. Warner, who is a semi-invalid ' live in the picturesque old country ! ' home, where she was born, in the ' Martins Creek Community Another interesting fact about Mrs. Warner is that she was the c first baby on record to be baptized r in the Episcopal Church of Mur ' ' phy. Mr and Mrs Warner have five ' children, all grown and married, j] Three live in Murphy, Ben War ner, Jr. Mrs. Joe Bailey, and Mrs * James Hilton. Notla Farms Receives Proved Sire Report Recently Randolph Shields re ceived from the United States De partment Of Agriculture a Pre liminary Proved Sire Record on Quail Roost Prouortant part of Dairy Herd Im provement Association work, or DHIA. which is sponsored by the United States Department Of Agriculture and the different State Extension Services. I", all herds on DHIA test the lactation totals of every cow, both good and bad. are reported In complete or partial and lactations ; affected by disease or injury are also reported with an explanation. All reports are of course standar dized to a twice daily mature equivalent basis so that a fair comparison can be made Sire Proofs are tabulated from a comparison of the lactation re cords of daughters of a Sire with the lactation records of the dams of the daughters Mr Shields' DHIA Herd Book shows that the highest producing cows are the most profitable and ; his Preliminary Report on "Roy al" seemp to indicate that he is sire ] ng the i^igbt kind of daughters in he Shie'.ds herd. As a group they look well; and several of those finishing early lactations are pro- i ducing, in actual production, al most as well or better than their lams or many older cows in the herd. , 1 ? ""his Proof embraces the avci j^e of twenty five lactations on six | dims compared with the average j V>f ^yen lactations on six daugh eh s, /i increase of five hundred and\ tA"ty six pounds of milk for taugl^^r over dam is shown This is not a great increase, bu .y using the average price re 'eived for milk in this herd last year we find the additional milk which the e heifers are capable of producting woulc be worth twenty eight dollars and ihirb- rents' The Shields herd ?s composed of ifty two cows and i. average pro duction could be raised five hun Ired and thrity six pounds per cow we find that an additional fourteen i lundred and seventy one dollars and sixty cents would have been j ?ealized from the dairy operation. DISTRICT 31-A LIONS WINTER QUARTERLY MEET BE HELD SUNDAY, JAN. 6 Tho winter quarterly meeting of the District 31 A Lions Club Cab inet in Western North Carolina will be held Sunday. January 6, at 1 p m in the home of \V Mike Brown, Zone 1. Chairman, in Roh binsville. Progress reports on blind aid , programs on the county, slate and I listrict levels will be reviewed Disfriet Governor W K i Kd ? Michael. Jr . of West Asheville will preside. Cabinet officers attending will -epresent 35 clubs with some 1.500 members in 12- western mountain "ounties They include three deputy i's(ri<-t governors R. W Easley Tr. of Murphy, Region 1 ; F. E ^hul! of Canton, Region 2; and Eu ;ene M Jones of Tryon, Region 3 Chairmen are evneete^ to at- ! end from the following zones; loe U Crum or Cullownee, Zone !; A Roland Leatherwood of Clyde lone 3; G Henry Ramsey of West I. \shevillc. Zone 4; T Kendall O' Jarr of Asheville. Zone 5; and Ed vin C. Leland of Saluda. Zone 6 Nine past District 31-A Govern irs who are now serving as inter- J lational counsellors are expected o participate in the discussions i They include: Wesley W Brown ] ind Hugh Monteith of Asheville, It 'ennings A. Bryson of Sylva, Her- !< wrt W. Sanders and Roy A. Taylor j if Black Mountain, Hieronymus Jueck of Murphy, Robert R j 1 Jara?s of Candler. Alston B 1 * J ! room of llendersouville and Law rence B I.eatherwond of Wayne villc O'hers planning to attend ar> At tornoy Sholbv K. Horton .Ir . of Asheville. cabinet secretary treas urer: Judge Willam A TInrt of Weaverville. WNC director of White Cane drive: and Alan \ Taylor of Hendersonville. member of state-wide promotion committer \ndrews l.oclfic To Hold Installation The Andrews Lodge N'o 529 A V and AM will have an open instal-| lation of officers Saturday evening January 5 in the Masonic Hall precoedinp (he installation the Andrews Chapter No ifi Order o the Eastern Star wil! serve a din ler at 6 p m The public is invited Plates for adults Will be $1 00 and for child en fifty cents Seoul Master \amod At Andrews At a recent meeting of the An drews Boy Scout Troop Jake ' Buchanan was elected Scout mas : ler succeeding; the Rev. John C 3orbitt who has resigned j Meetings are held every Monday I svening at ?:00 p m. at the Amer ican Legion Rut. Revie\\a Of 1956 Progress - Events i^Sti is gone A new year is nuw in We nave hopes ror this new year, goals we are striv ing to leji h and standards we e\ pe? t to meet However, befoi'e \ve ili.-miss all thoughts of the old year, lets take one backward glance through the months that ha vi.? passed. as a last farewell gesture to ly.Sti Let us refresh your memory of a l*-w of the im provements that have been m:t'If ri the vicinity, and as we read bark and remember lets ail think of lHf>7 of the many good arid bet er things the Btjw year may un fold. if we as citizens will >imph lead the wa\ i Jan 5 THE TAC\ Murphy's new teen renter, will have an open house fur all adults and children J not in high school next Thursday I January 12 from 7 3D to 9:30 p. m The open house will be sponsor ! ed by the Murphy Junior Woman's Club, sponsoring organization for the TAC. and everyone is invited to attend The renter h;Ls been gay iy paint ed and decorated and eouipped for the teenagers The grand opening of the TAC for high school stu dents will be held Saturday. Janu ary 14, at 7:30 p. m. Mrs Ruth Cheney is adult supervisor and she will be assisted each Saturday light by another adult. Feb 2 One of Murphy's bigges* leeds was filled this week when C. R Freed, former manager of Coble Dairy's Brasstown plant, was hired as full-time secretary for the Murphy Chamber of Commerce. Mr Freed was asked to take the New Auto Tags Now On Sale At Western Auto Auto tags went on sale Wednes day. January 2 at the Western Auto in Murphy. Office hours are a. m. until 4p m. No special icense no can be reserved by order of departments of motor ve hicles. and no checks are being ac cepted The tag office at Western Auto is a public service and no extra charge is being made for this ser vice The deadline 031 tags is February 15. I, like Ellis Completes rhree-Week Soil Conservation Course Luke Ellis, conservation aide with !he Soil Conservation Service located here in Murphy has com ploted a three weeks course at the Soil Conservation Service Train ing Cen'er at Ihe University of Georgia ated a! Athens, Ga This course was so! up to give iperial training to soil conserva tion employees from 'he nine south caste: n states The following: states we; e leptesented: Florida: Tenn . S C C,a Misr . Ark . 1.1 , anil N" C an.? ore young man fro niTtir kev N C i;;jd "h'-ee Vohnicinns attoi-.dir.g the session One from Franklin Hon lersonville and Ellis fr..m Murphy Kills stati > that the tiaining center has specially trained instrui tors ;? soil-biology wood-, land improvement. cropland pas ture improvement and several im portant factors This course began N'ovember 26 and continued through December 14 All of the employees at the train- 1 ing session expressed their feeling that they will bemore able to do a better job in their respective coun ties that before. and also will be better prepared to keep the work init conservationist in their coun 'y. Mr John Smith is the work un t conservationist in Cherokee bounty Ellis says he had a nice stay tn \thens but no recreation (or they rere busy in class or in the field ind had to study late at nights Ellis has been with the bo<1 con servation several years and has >een with Mr. Smith now two yean n Cherokee County after a n.eeUn^ of several OLLs:nt:Ssm?rii was h?M in the com .-..unity of the Citizens B?-.? building A dnve for membership in the re organized c hamber will be ..iu:uhed some time this month March 22 Murphy Chapter F\i :ure Farmers of America have planted 12 (Wi pice seedlings on the :;eu Murphy School property a cii.s.s Valley Kiver on the Andrews highway About 85 per cent of the profwrty is in forest land and eventually the FKA hope to have (omplete tree farm demonstra tion or. the new school land April 12 About 5,400 feet of new concrete sidewalks have been laved in Murphy this week re placing oroken sidewalks in the .town's business area A committee from Town Council made recommendations far the new sidewalks after making sur vey of the town May : t The town of Andrews is participating in the National vehi cle Safety-Check Week sponsored by the Konnaheeta, Lions and Rot ary. clubs. co sponsored by the i Inter-Industry Highway Safety I Committee, I?ok Magazine and | the National Safety Council. The goal of the program is to (have all cars in the town, neigh boring towns and communities safety checked this month, while the Safety Check for Vehicles is in progress ! June 28 Murphy telephone sub cribers will begin using the new I dials on their telephones Sunday after the cutover to the dial sys tem at midnight Saturday,, June 30 The change over represents ov er 10 months work and some $75,000 for the new building and equip ment. July 5 FI N* IN THE WATER, sun and sand and shade is enjoyed { by an average of 40 Murphy chil dren at the Kiddie Park six days a week A variety of playground equipment, a large concrete pool and a small wading pool in a ffln jced area available for children playing at the park. Aug 2 Murphy's new senior ' high school building. now under construction is expected to be completed in early 1957, C, G. Har rill architect engineer, of Andrews said this week. Sept. 6- Murphy will be known | is Sale Town North Carolina for one whole week starting Monday. September 10 as merchants stage their biggest bargain festival of the I vear I This will be a wonderful oppor I 'unity fur everyone to come to IMuiphv and visit the fine stores ! ind shops. You will find that your tmir will he completed in every re spec* 1 O. t < The first session of the i Sales Training: School took place Tuesday night from 7 :3P to 9:30 p. 1 ni and there were approximately SO people in attendance. Among ' 'hem were merchants, sales peo ple and students. Classes are being hcl.i each Tuesday and Thursday nights for the next three weeks in theM urphy Kicmentary school building Nov. R- Murphy's proposed swimming pool project was pre sented to the Civitan Club during its Monday night meeting, Novem ber 5 The members of the club were called on to support the con struction of a swimming pool either b ytndividual donations or assist- ? ance by each member The clukl voted to support this project SSH Note: Lion Joe Ray pre*eo the above project to the Civ Club. Ail club? as well M tiw ual? are participating In this jeet. More than (5600 ha* raised todatc. Dec fi ? The Murphy Quartei Club will honor the football with a banquet Saturday iu December 8 at 8:90 p. m, in (lining room of the New Regal , The famed allAmericta " the University of North Charlie (Ooo-Choo) preeent award* Uneaten ?M': t