UV( AND LET LIVE BUmtNG 1957 The 'Motor Vehicle Department released thei following re port on traffic deaths in North Carolina as 1092, through. 10 a. m. December 31, 1956. Last year at this time, the report was 68 more fatalities or 1 160. It is pleasing to note that we have a decrease in traffic deaths for a change. With more and more cars and drivers joining the endless parade of vehicles today, it behooves us all to be more alert so that we may save a life, which might well be our own. Driving conditions wherever you ride are readily noted by each and every driver and proper thought and consideration of such can mean the difference in playing safe and living or rid ing to death. With all the new safety devices that are being put on cars today, it would be nice if some of them could be adapted to people. In that way automatic safety devices would take over and prevent an uncalled for accident. On the other hand we are blessed with human faculties that far exceed mechanics and with such we can think and do for ourselves. This is a point well to remember the next time we are behind the wheel of an automobile and feel inclined to ignore common sense safety measures. Backward Glance 10 YEARS AGO Thursday. January 8, 1947 Miss Nettle Dickey spent the week end in KnoxvlUe with her bro ther-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. James I. Givens and children Jeanne and Patty. Mrs. Tom Evans visited last week with her sonin-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ferguson and son. Harry, in Sylva and Mrs. Ferguson visited In Asheville also. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Howard are vis itlng relatives in Baltimore this week. Robert Akin of Font&na spen Sunday wit hhis mother, Mrs. R. A Aid. SO TEARS AGO Thursday, January 14, 1M7 Mrs. Peyton G. Ivle and little daughter spent the week end in Cbrnelia, Ga. Mrs. J. B. Gray was a visitor ir Hayesville last Sunday. Mrs. R P. Cooper, Mrs. L. E Baylesa and Mrs. Edna Hastings spent Tuesday in Asheville. Mrs. Fisher Hubbell spent sev eral days in Atlanta last week with her huband. Mr. Thompson Terrell spent the week end in Blue Ridge, Ga. SO YEARS AGO Friday, January 14, 1927 Mrs. Emma Jones of Ravensford IS visiting her mother, Mrs. Hester Swaim. Col. J. N. Moody is attending Bun combe county superior court this week. Mr. Fred Swaim and Mr. Ed Dalrymple were in Asheville last week on business. Messrs. T. S. Evans and Fred Johnson were business visitors in Atlanta Wednesday. Miss Leila Posey, Miss Sarah coo kand Mr. Howard Ferguson motored to Blairsville Tuesday and ' had dinner at the Akin Hotel. W*nb Of life w. r. m. o. THE TftANSCCNDZNT GREAT NESS OP GOD. TW htwn declare the glory of God; and (he Armament ifcwatt Before you read this column please read the nineteenth Psalm. Verse* one to atx of this Paalm have been called. "The Symphony of the Heavens". There la no aud ible music, but to those who can understand there Is a thrill tllfct is simply enchanting. Do you think there is no music there? Then listen to God speaking to Job, when the morning stars sang to gether. and all the sons of God shouted for Joy". 80 beautiful, so wonderful if one will only stop and look and think of the hand that put them there. The Psalmist is thrilled with the majesty of the starry heavens and he tells us In language most beautiful of the perfection of the moral law. Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher, said this qf himself, "Two things fill *tbe mind with wonder and awe ? the starry heavens above me, and the moral law within me". All of us lcnow how skillfully and wonderfully the various member* of theh uman body are blended Into one perfect whole, and how' they work together in such beautiful harmony. In this we may observe the matchless handiwork of the ^ great Creator. What mind less than { omniscience could create the hu man body in all of its intricate me- * chan ism and set it going and keep 1 it going sometimes for a hundred years. Man has accomplished many marvelous things and we * need not be surprised to learn c some day that he has echieved that ^ which approaches even the unearth . ly and transcenent. Long ago I stop ped saying, It cannot be done. We know a great deal about the starry universe but in reality we have not yet even scratched the surface of the mysteries of the skies. If we continue to see into these things thus acquiring further knowledge of them astronomers may startle the world in the near future. So what? We know that . Jupiter on Mount Olympus hurting his thunderbolts was a mere im ' magination. Our God is not like | that great as were the manifesta- j I Hon corns tbo Blue Chip lino of trucks: CMC's HC 1957 These '57 GMC's are going against the amaz ingly low cost records set by their famous '56 versions. But? at you can see? they've got plenty to smash, those records with I In fact, these Blue Chip advantages are in 36 models that .can be practically custom-built for their jobs. What you need, we sure have got. Call us? and well have a man over to prove it! m imm ?dtlt; mpticnmt ft moderate txtrm (Hi m utktrt / ? See us, too, for TripU-Ckecktd used trucks ? CHEJWKEE POKTMC COMPMY VE7-11M fN.G Mrs. Caldwell Wtrtfim Peachtree HD Oak. Mr*. Brown Caldwell ?u boat ess to the January meeting of the Peachtree Home Demonstrate* Club at her home on Thursday ev ening at 1:30. The meeting was opened with the group singing "Follow the Gleam" the collect in unison was then given. Mrs. O'Neil Crisp president, pre sided over the business session. The meeting was then turned over to Hiss Thelma Wheeler, the home agent' who gave an interesting talk on "our Social Security." Cup Cakes, Coca-Cola and candy were served to the following guests: Mrs. F. V. Taylor; Miss Mae Suddeth, Mrs. Edwin Hendrix, Mrs. Vada Witt, Mrs. Clarence Hendrix, rs. Frank Ferguson, Miss Nancy Lunsford, Mrs. O'Neil Crisp, Miss Thelma Wheeler and Mrs. Caldwell. ROYCE EtOENE MA THIS Airman Royce Eugene Mathis, 18 on of MUo W. Mathia, Box 301, Indrewi, N. C. haa completed the I rat phaae of baale military train ing at .the "Gateway to th? Air '"orce, ' ' Lackland AFB, San Anto Jo, Tex. He la now taking part in the ad vanced training course here, fl awing which he will qualify for aa ignment in one of the Air's For ?'? 43 major career f}elda. While at Lackland the new en latee completes the tranaition rom civilian to airman through a irogram which includea process ng, survival, and weapons training, iptitude testing, physical condition md varlad classroom studies ran ging from citizenship to military :ustoms and courtesies. Professional Driving Tips Professional drivers know that irou have to see danger to avoid it. During the coming months of bad weather, be sure that your de frosters and windshield wipers are in good working order, so that you won't be driving blind. Keep ad equate ventilation in your car, to help prevent side and rear windows from fogging up. lions on Mount Sinai. We know that he has created a universe that is 10 vast in size and extent that the luman mind is utterly unable to grasp its magnitude. The 300-Inch elescope on Mt. Palomar has re pealed island universes so far away hat their light requires one billion rears to reach here. How far away s that? A beam of light travels a ittle more than 186,000 miles sec >nd. That Is nearly eight times a ?ound the earth at the equator in )ne second. Tet it takes a billion /ears for the light of these stars to reach us. Space extends in all di rections to that vast extent. Thus the diameter of our circle of vi rion through that telescope is equal to the distance light travels in two billion years. The same laws are in force there that are in operation here and the same chemical ele ments that are found in the earth and in our bodies also, are to be found in those far away stars. Thus we see that God does not rule over a small teriftory as the ancients thought but he is the Creator and Ruler over this vast expanse and no doubt many times more. "Lift up your eyes on high and see: who created these? He brings out their hosts by number, calling them all by name; by the greatness of hit might and because he is strong in power not one is missing." Isaiah 40:26. (RSV) Verses seven through ten of Psalm nineteen give us a magnif icent view of the moral law In its perfect work. You .will not find more eloquent language anywhere than rigfyt here In these verses. Here we see revealed the nature of (3od. He is like that which he wants us to Is. Here is pointed' out the way for mankind to attain the highest standard of living. "Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." Clod's law to reasonable in its demands. No more Is asked of us than we are able to reach by his help and grace. It fos tors peace among mankind and it is as beautiful In Its results as honey is sweet to thq taste. "Bow sweet are thy words to my taste, sweeter flim honey to my mouth!" Psalm lit: 10ft. This U the moral law and it has never been repeated. It is binding oa Christians though we are saved bj faith hi the Lord Jesus Christ Tte Holy Spirit to the CMstterfs help or to this and la all thtafta Mt an demanded of them. V ftfl MM wntt keep (Mi tew Ami* ?nN ho fsaoe la the worift. Peaca eas wo an rtaMHhsr that worfts el Jesus, "to I am with you always to tea deae ef tes oca." PERSONALS Joanne Adams bu returned to Washington, D. C. after having ?pent the ChrtotaM* here with her mother, Mr* Annie U* Adams. Mrs. R. O. Alexander. Sr. and her daughter. Carolyn, visited the former' smother, Mrs. A. E. Wei born In Statesville last week.. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Benton and sons, Richard and Bryan of Deca tur, Oa. visited the former's sla ter, Mrs. Edwin Hyde, Mr. Hyde, Rosalie and Peggy during the hol idays. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Singleton and family went to Westminister, 8. C. Christmas to visit the form er's mother, Mrs. W. A. Single ton and his brother, Frank. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Oostello spent Christmas with her mother, and brother, Mrs. Rose Pool and Kenneth in Greenville, S. C. Clyde Sneed of Wilmington N. C. spent Christmas at home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sneed of Miami spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Sneed. Miss Ada Harahaw had as holi day guests, her sister. Miss Helen Harahaw of Ashevllle and her bra ther and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harsh aw of Richmond, Va. Miss Helen returned to Richmond for a visit with her brother and Mrs. Harahaw. Mrs. E. H. Brumby, Ida and Iit-< tie Edward visited relatives in Marietta Christmas. Mr. Brumby and Dave Moody at tended the Gator Bowl game in Jacksonville, Fla. Dr. W. A. Campbell and son, Bert of the Georgia Military Academy, College Park. Gt. visited the form er's sister, Mrs. Harry Miller, Dr. Miller and Susies last week. Jimmy McCombs who Is with the Marines will go to Camp Lejune, Saturday. Miss Kay Burgess and Miss Bob 1 by Lane of Atlanta spent Christmas with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. C. Burgess. S/Sgt. and Mrs. Billy Edward Mills and children, Richard and Betty Jean, spent the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Mills. Mr. Charlie Mills is visiting his uncle and aunt, S/Sgt. and Mrs. Billy Edward Mills at Montgomery, Ala. and friends in Koscuisko, Miss. and Mrs. Warne Taylor, and daughter, Alma Lee, of Akron, Ohio., Sp. 8 James Lax Taylor, of the U. S. Army Hospitaj, Fort Ben ning, Ga. and Hasley J. Taylor of Chicago Heights, 111. visited their mother, Mrs. Fred Taylor, during the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Cook and children of Diss ton, Oregon are vis I ting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Cook and Mrs. Fred Taylor. Mrs. Jack Cornwell spent last week in Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Palmer have returned after spending the holidays with their children in At lanta, Ga. Mrs. Boyd Stiles and Roy visited family and friends in Murphy dur ing the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Truett EUer visitet In Murphy during: the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Stiles and children spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Barton, and other members of the family dur ing Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Hembree are spending some time in Murphy. Roger Swanson, son of the Rev. and Mrs. Luther W. Swanson of Route 4, Murphy arrived December 22 to spend the holidays with hU parents and sister, Anna Laura. Roger is a graduate of Murphy High School and was a member ol the band for four years. He is now employed with the department oj Justice in Washington, D. C. H< I left Sunday pecember 30 to resumt i his work. Mrs. P. H. Baas, of Decherd, Tenn., is ? pending a few days with her son-in-law and daughter and family, the Paul Suddertha'. Mr. and Mrs. Jo Norris from Richmond HU1, Oa. spent Christ mas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cook and family. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cbok, Jane And tfohnny spent the week and at Richmond Hill and Savannah, Oa. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Simonds and daughter. Denioe, spent the Hew Tears holidays with their paisnta, Mr. and Mis. Clarence Miramda of Culbaraon. Route l Mr. and Mrs. junior Handy and daughters, spout Ota wMk end with thalr parents, Mr. and Mi*. Earl Ma*jr o t Culberson, Rovto i. Mr: aa< Mrs. Osan Howmaa and NORTH CAROLINA CHBROKEB COUNTY - > The undersigned, Ad* Stllea, having qualified u Administratrix of the estate of MuihiU C. Stiiee, dWNMd, lata of Cherokee County, this to to aollOr all persona having claim* against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of December, 1967. or thto notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All per sona indebted to aald estate will please make Immediate' payment to the undersigned. This the IS day of December^ 1W. ADA 8THJDS 23 -etc t Administratrix NOTICE CHEROKEE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA The undersigned, having quali fied a* Administrator of the Estate at C. W. Jooee, Deceased, late of Cherokee County, this la to notify all r persons having claims against ?aid estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of December, 1907, or this notice will he pleaded in bar qf their recovery. Att persons lndebt ed to said estate wlD pieass make immediate payment to the under Thls the 4th day of December, IMC Malbert Kllpehiok Jr. 30-Cto Administrator MPS ? MKNOMU ? RCOMONMCAl HATIOH-WIOI MOVING SI AWTNOtlZIO AM NT Palmer Bros. Trucking Co. Inc. oIal VErnoo T-SUS Wirer, I. t ????????????????????????>? See nsior reliable insurance in any line HYDE INSURANCE AGENCY DIAL VErnon 7-2438 Murphy, N.Cf Br* WE ARE NOW BUYING OAK & HICKORY LUMBER i r ALSO |2X4's And Lower Grade Lumber FOR PRICES - SEE OR CALL W. D. TOWNSON 1 LUMBER CO. DIAL VErnon 7-2161 AUCTION SALE TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY JANUARY 17, 1957, AT 11:30 A. ML COURTHOUSE BLUE RIDGE, GEORGIA The Tennessee Valley Authority will offer for ?4le at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cadi, at the time and place stated, subject to the terms contained in the Notice of Sale posted in the Courthouse and to be announced at the sale, the following tracts situated in Fannin County, Georgia, to- wit: Tract No. Acres Suggested Cm Acceptable Price 45.0 Agricultural 1.1,775 29.5 Rec. Dev. 8,600 11.3 Rec. Dev. 6,250 19.4 Agricultural 8iS These properties are located in the immediate vicinity of Blue Ridge Dam. Tracts XBRR ? 1 and ? 4 are located a short distance below the dam and are bounded on the southwest by the Toccoa River. Tracts XBRR? 2 and ?3 are located just above the dam on the main lake. , | Tracts XBRR? 1, ? 3, and ? 4, are traversed by public roads, and two reserved road rights of way, 50 feet wide, will provide road access for tract XBRR? 2. Additional information may be obtained from VM h SUflk* Land Branch, Division of Property and 8upply, 122 Luptoa Build ing, Chattanooga. Mr. Stanton also will be registered at the Mi mosa Tourist Court in due Ridge January 7 to January 11, inclusive. ? THE CVEROKEK SCOOT anllWwl July, in* Pubttah?d miy lliiirHiy it lterphy, OmoIh Cbwrty, N. C. . OBORQB M. BUNCH