TO BUY, SELL OR RENT ? U&E A TB&IFTY CLASS AD MAMUBiTA SAFE YEAR MN 1957 DEDICATED TO PROMOTING CHEROKEE COUNTY VOLUME ? NUMBER? 86 THURSDAY, JAN. M, 1M7 EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEK PUBLISHED WEEKLY MURPHY CAGERS TAKE TWO FROM STECQAH, SPUT WITH ROBBINSVILLE in twofsmes away mm mm last n*ok. the Murphy High eager* took two trpm Stecoah last Friday and split with Robbins villa, the boys winning and the girls losing, on Tuesday. The Mnrphy quintet trampled the Stecoah cage team 54-28, In a game at Stecoah. Don Amos was high scorer with 14 points. Aawten Coffey netted 12, Ed Glbbe 11, Hoyt Zimmerman, 10 and Burt Birchfiekl 5. Starting line-up included Zim merman, Coffey, Gibbs, Amos, and Birchfield. Subs were: Hoov er, Smith, and Dockery. Murphy led all the way. Scores by quarters were: First 18-10, Second 42-19, Third 4K-38, and Fourth 54-28. The boys completed 72 percent of the attempted free throws and made 10 fouls. urri uame In a very close game the Mur phy girls edged the Stecoah bas ketball sextette 56-55. At the end of the first quarter Stecoah led 15-7. The Murphy girls closed the gap to 29-29 at the half. The third quarter showed Murphy leading 44-42. They managed to hold a 1 point lead making the final score 56-55. High scorer for Murphy was Laura Bailey, who made 23 points, Shirley Stiles scored 21 and Shirley Allen, Gladys Painter, Betty Kate Wilson, and Patricia Moore, Sub; sville Tuesday January 15. As us They made 17 fouls and hit 83% of the attemped free throws. Laura Bailey hit 100 percent of the free throws she attempted. When Murphy met Stecoah ear lier in the season the Murphy boys downed the Stecoah quintet 70 50 but the girls took a 61-56 defeat. MURPHY vs. ROBBINSVHJLE The Murphy boys defeated the Robbinsville boys 76-41 at Robbin sville Tuesday, January 15. As us ual, the Murphy five led from the beginning. The score at the end of the first quarter was 25-9. Murphy widened its lead each qdarter. Half time score was 42 21, third quarter 51-27 and final \ score 76-41. Ed Gibbs made the high score of 19 points, Austen Coffey 18, Hoyt Zimmerman 12, Don Amos 11, Teachers Leaving State For Better Jobs North Carolina lost 969 qualified teachers to other states and other occupations during 1956. Of the 1,907 white teachers grad uated in 1969, 228 went to other states to teach and 151 entered oth er occupations. During the same period 250 left teaching in North Carolina to teach in other states and 340 left to enter other profes sions The demand for qualified white teachers is greater than the supply produced by colleges. Colleges graduated 1,907 in 1955, but only 1, 047 taught in North Carolina the following school year. The schools needed 2,602 ? a need which ex ceeded the supply of graduates by 700. . . The leaflet also points out that the average salary of North Caro lina's teachers in 1960-51 ranked 29th in the nation, but this year dropped to 88th. Moot of this de crease oc cured last year, for in 1955-56 the rank was 33rd. This year the average salary in North Carolina is $3,291, while the nation, al average is $4,220. In almost every other southeastern state high er maximum salaries are provided in certain districts and units. Reekhamdera Visit CoDDerhill Jan. 27 The January field trip of the Tri-State Rockhounders has been set (or the Copperhill area on Jsnuary 27. TV group will assemble at Ducktawti junction on U.S. 64 Sop day ' mprntng at Id tad choose a leader to gnMe them into T*wKt"r and Copperhill to vkH the coppet dumps. Those of the group who an interested wfll then go to Wind) Ridge. Minerals to be .feud to the ana include garnets, copper pyrites, starlights, aid several others, ?e. cording to O. V. Lewis, sect* I Bun sirenneia s, tmsnuei Mc Donald 3, John Morris, Jimmy Carriager, Bobby Morris and Roy Dockery made 2 each. The boy* made only 12 fouls. Their free throw percentage was 50. Hoyt Zimmerman and Austen Coffey each hit 100% of the free throws they attempted. GIKL8 The Murphy sextet took a 71-61 beating at the hands of the Robbin sville basketball squad. In the 3rd quarter Robbinsville pulled ahead ' 53-49 and increased their lead to 71-64 in the fourth. High scorer was Shirley Stiles with 28 points, Shirley Allen 15, Laura Bailey 14, and Betty Post ell 7. They made 21 fouls and hit 50 percent ol the attempted free throws. Young Harris Child Dies of Lukemia Grady Henry Ingram, Jr. 2 y ear-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Grady H. Ingram of Young Harris, Ga., died at Providence Hospital at 6:45 a. m. Monday, of leukemia. Dr. Hoover stated that the baby had been a patient in the hospital some time before Chirstmas and was released but had been coming back regularly for treatment. In addition to his parents, he is survived by his paternal grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pryor Ingram, and his maternal grand mother, Mrs. Verdie Shook all of Young Harris, Ga. Funeral services were held at 3 p. m. Wednesday in the Old Brasstown Baptist Church, with burial in the church cemetery. Townsoq Funeral Home was i in charge. School Library Receives New Books Murphy School Library ha& re ceived 109 new books since Christ mas. For elementary pupils there are books by Kate Seredy depicting life in Hungary, folk tales and stories of Hungarian children. Another nefr book, Woodland Scenes, has been presented to the library by Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mattox, Mr. and Mrs. Frank For syth, and Mrs. Hobart McKeever. During the six-week reports period just ended, the circulation of the library was 5,554 volumes. Of these, 3,033 were non-fiction and 2,521 were fiction. Farmers Protect Allotments Without Planting Local ABC County Offices now have a procedure whereby tobacco, cotton, peanut, wheat, corn, and rice farmer* may preserve their acerage history even though they will not plant their allotment of a particular crop. In order to accom plish this preservation of planting history, farmers must make appli cation to their local County Com mittee on the prescribed form, ac cording to H. D. Godfrey, State Administrative Officer for the Stat< Agricultural Stabilization and Con servation. In filing a request for the pre servation of acreage history, the farmer will be required to certify that he is the owner or operator of the farm carrying \he allotment Preservation of the allotment in this manner will preclude the re ease of all or any part of the farm acreage allotment to the ASC Coun ty Committee for reapportionment to other farms. Release and reapportionment, ac cording to Godfrey; is another method of preserving acreage his tory. However, only cotton, peanut, and wheat farmers have the priv ilege of preserving their acreage In this manner whileg rowers of all allotment crops may preserve theii history by execution of Form MQ 31 and presentation of this form to their local County Committee. Farmers who fall to plant a sub stantial portion of their allotment will lose some of their planting his tory and consequently some of theii allotment if they do not take stepf to preserve their history. In order that farmers and oui state will not lose allotment, that U vital to our farm economy, Godfrey urged farmers who will be unable to plant their allotment to vial their local ASC County Committe< and obtain further details on thii provision for the preservation o acreage. Porfv Killml In Auto don Tn Stato Forty persons had been killed li automobile accidents on Nortl Carolina hlehwavs 'through Janu ary 14, accordlne to the State Mot or Vehicle Department. That is four more than the a killed in the same period last year The Motor Vehicle Department': advice: "If- safety is worth a life drive and walk carefully." Indiisu) , business Leaders Predict Prosperous Year For Cherokee WOMAN'SaUB HOLDS MEETING Murphy Woman's Club had its regular meeting January 17 at the TAC. Supt. Buec was guest speaker. He discussed informally the prob lems confronting the schools in the County and state. Also he told the group of the aims of the North Carolina School Board and School Committee members of the state. He explained a proposed budget to be presented to the General As sembly when it meets in February. The budget if approved would mean better teachers and adminstration, better books for reading, better health program within the school, better transportation to school, bet ter plant operation for cleanliness and comfort and better training for a child for a better job. He urgently requested the mem bers to contact the county repres entative as as a group and indiv idually and ask him to support this proposed plan when the General Assembly meets in February. Mrs. L. L. Mason conducted the business and named a nominating committee for officers for the com ing year. Hostesses were Mrs. Howard Mo ody, Mrs. Ray Koutek, Mrs. Geo rge Bunch and Mrs. Sam Kaye. Mercury Drops To 5 Last Friday Last Friday morning's low temperature reading of 5 de grees wa* the coldest in Murphy since 1955 when the mercury dropped to 3 degrees on Feb ruary 13. . Just how long Friday's low will stand is doubtful, according to Chester Lawson of the TV A Data Division. Another cold wave is already on its way. The low reading last year was 8 degres on November 30. CUB SCOUT PACK MEETING Cub Scout Pack No. 1 will have, its monthly meeting Monday, Jan uary 28 at 6:30 p. m. at the First Methodist Church. Old Cherokee Newspapers ? Reveal History Of County By ANNETTA BUNCH I Several old county newspapers ] have turned up at the Scout office within the last week or ao. One of the oldest is the September, 1876 edition of the CHEROKEE HER ALD shown to us by Bennle Jo Palmer, a tenth grader and daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Palmer. Bennie Jo found the Herald in almost perfect condition while rum m aging in a trunk in the attic of the old A. J. Richardson home on Hiawassee Street. It listed A. W. Axley and J. M. Dean as pr6prie tors, publishing every Wednesday. The news content was devoted mostly to national happenings and philosophy. One article entitled "Blue Times in New York" stated that the banks were making no money and It was believed this stagnation would continue "until the workingmen and workingwo men could find remunerative em ployment, and real estate, the basis of the country's wealth, came out from the slough of inaction and de pression in which certainly it had lata tor years". Another article, "Advice to Young Men" stated that "There Is no ham in a certain moderate and , totrtatl amount of innocent plea sure. But a young man who has his , own way to carve In live, can spare . neither the ttmff nor the expense of much social pleasure, in the coon , toy, where the style . of living is , simple, one can get all the gaelty ijusvr isfiss young man who is starting in Ufa. the most rigorous economy in ex penses; in clothes, food and equip, nent. ..." J. H. Hennesea, Clerk of Com missioners, filed an expense ac count for five commissioners as of September 1, 187?; and listed A. J. Kilpatrick, H. B. Hyatt, W. H. Phil lips, David Adams and W. P. Far. mer as receiving a total of $399.09 for one year's services and ex penses. They were paid {2.00 per day and 6c per mile for expenses. Apparently they served an average &f two weeks or so during the year. Most of the ads were national ads or out of town ads. At that time it was considered ethical for doctors to advertise. Dr. J. W. Patton of fers his professional services- to the citizens of Murphy and vicinity as physician, Surgeon, etc." Dr. B. Mayfield advertised as a physician and surgeon. + The attorneys displayed their professional cards. Among them jvere F. P. Axley, and Cooper k Rolen. "Good Accommodations" were to be found at Davidson's Hotel, Murphy. N. C. with S. W. Dtvid son, PreprfeUr. tinder the title of "Local and Personal appeared the following item, "Mr. J. O. 8t rubble, of Cum berland. Ky., can be found at the Henry House. We understand he is looking after mineral lands in this and ad)oWn{ counties. AIM T#e prolonged dry weather has bJttf damaged the sweet po tota crop around Murphy." MURPHY BULLETIN Mrs. Ben Warner, Sr. tendered us a Murphy Bulletin published on October 10, 1889, by Leslie E. Gam pbell, A. Don Towns and A. A Campbell, Editors and Proprietors The Bulletin was found by a siste of Mrs. Warner in Franklin, N. C. among the personal belongings of Mrs. Maggie Slagle who died rec enttly. The Bulletin carried more local news. Murphy was a thriving farm ing community full of hope and am bition. The Farmer's Alliance was an organization devoted to better farming, and at a meeting on "Oc tober 4th at 10: a. m. the Cherokee County Farmers Alliance met in the courthouse. The body was call ed to order by its prer?lent, A. D Harshaw, Esq. and proceeded to the transaction of business". "3 Wlnslow Davidson, J. A. Kimsey and J. T. Hayes were appointed a committee on credentials". In a column by the editor appear ed the foltowtaif : "Suppose Mur phy? had paved walks and streets? Had a street railway? Bid electric lights? Had several blast furnaces? Had aO ofthe railroags proposed and talked of? Bad a ttO.OOO court house? Had a $100,000 hotel? Had several large manufacturing en terprlses? Wouldn't she be a daisy, though- These are not impossltdl itss. we beg to expostulate." tinder the "Local Telephones" column it stated that "Mrs. If. T. Hitchcock, Who Is so watt and (CONTINUED ON BACK PACK) i jfcttWffTWrC: ;?jaj?->v ? !?*?" - ? * ' GUeftoUee Qumty fyolkl - By Annettm Bunch GEORGE HICKS I George Hicks, a native of New-! port, Tennessee, came to this j section of the county about twenty five years ago. For the past five years be has managed the Western Auto Store in Andrews and before that he was with TVA. He enjoys the opportunity of serving the public that a position of this type affords. Having a knowledge of hardware, automotive accessories, and merchandise in general, he can be very helpful to customers. Being an ardent fisherman, he takes advantage of any new rod, reel, plug or other interesting fishing equipment that comes into the store; therefore, he has exactly the right kind of gear for any fishing occasion. George is married to the former Bennie Lee Crawford, who is em ployed by Dr. Ezell as assistant. They are members of first Baptist Church of Andrews, where he is a deacon. He has also been active in the intermediate Depart ment of that church. Soil Conservation Supervisor Attends State Meet Bill Russell of Andrews, chair nan of the Cherokee County Board >f Soil Conservation District Sup srvisors, attended the state meet ng of the Soil Conservation District Supervisors In Asheville last Tues lay and Wednesday, January 15 and 16. This meeting, held In the George Vanderbilt Hotel, was attended by Dver two hundred District Super visors and Soil Conservationists from all over North Carolina. Matters pertaining to soil and water conservation and to the op eration of Soil Conservation Dis tricts were discussed. A number of important resolutions suggested by the various committees appointed by President Charles M. Ladd of Durham were adopted and for warded to the state agencies con cerned. Featured speakers at the meeting included L. Y. Ballentine, Commis ioner of Agriculture for North Carolina; Dr. D. W. Colvard, Dean >f Agriculture of N. C. State Col ege: R. H. Musser, Field Repre sentative of the Soil Conservation Service in Southeastern States, of Washington, D. C.; and A. C. "Lon" Edwards of Hookerton, N. C. Officers were elected for 1057. Mr. B. L. Angell of Durham Coun y was elected to serve as presi dent- of thi N. C. Soil Conservation Mdtrict Supervisors for the coming year. American Legion To Meet Friday The Joe Miller Elkins Post No. 96 of the American Legion 'will meet at Duke's Lodge Friday night at 7:30. The meeting willy be followed bj a dutch dinner- and members and eligible veterans are invited to attend. ON OU* STREET By Sally Davidson Grocery salesman rushing out of store, to run foot race with policeman to his car parked on "expired". He made ft. Couple on way to Sunday school with baby girl toddling Along enjoying her pull toy, which happened to be a "little fuxzy. no?y" dof. Small boy sitting on seat of bicycle being hauled in the back of large truck. Young father asking hi* fine little boy,' "What do you want to be whtu you crow V' this came out: "The goat man", 0*h! Nantahala Council Girl Scouts Hold Annual Meet On Saturday afternoon, January 26, at St. John's Episcopal Church in Sylva, the Nantahala Area Ooun-1 cil of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America will hold their semi-annual meeting. Officers elected at the last meet ing will be installed at this time. Serving the Council for this year ?are: Mrs. Carl P. Cabe of Franklin, President; Mrs. Gilmer A. Jones ? Franklin, Viice-president; Mrs. Howard Gillespie, Franklin, Sec retary; Mrs. Esther Madison, Sy lva, Treasurer; Mrs. G. B. Chil topsky, Cherokee, Registrar; Rev. A. Rufus Morgan, Franklin, Fi nance Chairman; Mrs. George Pierce, Cherokee, Program Chair man; Mrs. Milton Hyde, Franklin, Camping Chairman; Mrs. Mary Alice Greyer, Bryson City, Public ity Chairman; Miss Docie Garrett, 8 viva, Training Chairman; Mrs Wilma Jones, Sylva, Staff & Office Chairman; Mrs. Maude Claxton, Cullowhee, Troop Organization Chairman, and Mrs. Marian Wil son, Bryson City, Membership Nominating Committee Chairman. The Nantahala Area embraces the counties of Clay, Cherokee, Graham, Jackson, Macon and Swain. AO officers, committee members, leaders or any interested adults are urged to attend this meeting, sche duled for 2:00 p. m. in the Sunday School rooms of the church. Ray Heffner Speakei At Civitan Meeting The Civitan Club held its regu lar dinner meeting Tuesday night at the First Methodist Church with Ray Heffner, state highway patrolman, as guest speaker. Mr. Heffner said that the Cher okee area was served by only two state patrolmen and that the territory to be patroled was too much for only two men. He also showed a film on the duties and schooling of North Carolina highway patrolmen. The club voted to write a letter to the Commissioner of Motor Ve hicles requesting that be consider assigning another patrolman to this area. T? Elect At the dose of the Family Night service at the Presbyterian Church last Sunday, the Session met and planned a congregational meeting for Sunday morning, Febuary, S to elect additional elders a ad deacons. A committee of three was appointed to make recom in to the eeofraotta. tt business To Equal rhat of Last Year Murphy industry and business eaders, for the most part, antic pats a good year for Murphy and Cherokee County in 1957. Nearly all of them expect busi tess to at least equal that of 1956. Bud Alverson of Smoky Moun ain Gas Company and president if the Chamber of Commerce stat :d that he believes it will be an iverage year, "as good, if not letter than 1956. It will depend on whether or not we can provide employment for our people. Speak ng for my own business, I anti :ipate a year as good as last ^ear." Mrs. Loren Davis at Trudy's says, "I think business will be >etter." (Trudy's will be moving uto a new location next to How ill's Market within a month. A lew brick building is being com pleted.) Noah Lovingood of Murphy Sup ply thinks the first half of 1957 will be about the same as last year, but can't say about the next lalf. "There may be a slight slump In the second half because of un employment". He predicts some un employment. W. D. Ragsdale, A&P manager, says it "depends somewhat on the lumber companies ? whether or not they are able to continue operat ing at full scale and maintain pres ent employment levels." W. D. Townsend Lunmber Co., W. D. Townsend, Jr., states "I think it will be as good as last year. All of our commercial con tracts are renewed for this year. We predict a 25. percent increase in employment for our concern this year. We already have added ten additional employees. Mr. Wood at Commonwealth Lumber Company stated: "I hope it will be as good as last year. Right now not enough houses are being built. Our business depends upon amount of construction over the country." Mr. Gernert at Berkshire Hos iery Mill states that "We are looking forward to an upturn in business in 1957. We plan to main tain our present employment level, and from national surveys we pre dict a better year than last year. Right now it is a little slow, but from all indications it looks to me that it will be better." Bill Costello of Murphy Appli ance Center says that "business will be better than last year. Na tional indications are that this will be better than 1956, and I think Cherokee County will hold to that." Frank Forsyth of Citizens Bank & Trust Company expressed some doubt, but said, "The first half will be a little slower but the sec ond half will pick up and be as good as last year. Several things enter into that. Eggs are down now, and the poultry industry plays an important part in the county. Also an oil shortage brought about by the Suez Canal difficulties will have a bearing in. directly." W. T. Brown of Brown's Hatch ery says, "I think we will go a long with about the same as last year. We will see a change in the poultry industry, but I don't think that will effect us profit wise." Kiffen R. Craven, manager of Hemrich Corporation says: "As long as the differential between manufacturing capacity and de mand remains as large as it is we can expect continued ? instability and lack of long range optimism in the textile industry." "Enormous defense spending is with ns to stay knd it will affect to a Urge extant the overall pros perity of oar country."