Red Cross Unit VOLUME ? NUMBER - 47 , ? |,i MUBPHY, N. C. - JUNE M, 1*7 OfOHE COIWi EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEK PUBLISHED SOBBINSVILLE CIVITAN CLUB (BARTERED Lewii H. Enloe wu Installed a* president of the Robblnsville Civi tan Club which wu chartered Thursday night in RobMnaville TP" tor Dmwiy 0T ***** club ??: Robert D. Pril P6, ?ce-P?aldent; Modeal Walsh ?ecreUry; and Lloyd Watts, treas urer. Directors are G. E. Brewer F Chrt1^ Jame" Froul?. ?nd Chester W. Crisp. Presentation of the charter war made by J Taft White, governor of the North Carolina District and ?cepted by the new president, Mr rinf|Ver^tt? A- SiceIofr' vice-presi . If Civttan International, in stalled the officers and the clubs' memben were initiated by Robert E. Perkins of Asheville. ^ R Gossett, past-president of the Murphy club, presented the Sifts. Out-of-town guests of the Rob bmsville Civitan club included ^eIen ?embere 01 the Murphy C'vitan Club, three from Asheville two from Mars Hill, one from Char lotte and one from Marion. I Dr. Paul E. Hill To Open Office Here Monday Dr. Paul E. Hill, a general prac titioner, will open his office in the Mauney Bldg., on Monday, June A native of Murphy, Dr. Hill la a son of the late Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Hill and a brother to Dr. J. N. Hill Jr., Murphy dentist. He is married to the former Vera House and they have one pMi/j aged 16 months. w?lter *raduatinf? from Murphy ?gh in IMS, Dr. Hill served 2U, years in the Army Air Force be fore entering Western Carolina College where he received his AB degree in 1949. He received an MS degree in Public Health from the University of North ^ ^ 1950 and his MD from Duke Uni versity in 1964. ? During 1956 and 195?, Dr. Hill served his internship and a resi ency at Grady Memorial Hospital ? *"anta aft#r which he prac ticed in Enka for one year. He is a member of the Presby terian Church. James Lewis Jones Wanted By Local Draft Board James Lewis Jones, formerly of Route 1, Andrews, N. C., has been declared delinquent by local board No. 20, Chefokee County, Murphy North Carolina. Any person knowing his address should contact the local board im mediately or have him do so. Delinquency subjects a registrant to immediate induction unless such registrant contacts the local board in an effort to remove his name from the delinquent list. HELICOPTER MAKES FORCED LANDING ? This to the big Air Forcri helicopter that made a forced Ian (ling la the vacant field across from the Health Center Sunday afternoon after developing a leak in an oil line. It was repaired and flown out about noon Monday. Air Force Cargo Helicopter Makes Forced Landing In Murphy Sunday An Air Force cargo-type H-21 helicopter made an emergency landing here about 4:45 Sunday afternoon in a vacant field across from the Health Center. None of the three-man crew of the 'copter were lbjured in the landing and after repairs were made the 'copter was flown out about noon Monday. The trouble developed from a leaking oil line in the central transmission which synchronizes the ship's two big rotors. Capt. William L. Garner, pilot, said the landing was "not parti cularly difficult" despite the fact that it was made on a soggy field in waist-high weeds. Little Folk School Presents Program Friday at Brasstowa Han Christian Anderson "Nightin gale" came to Brasstown at the John C. Campbell Folk School last Friday evening, amidst a Chinese woodland setting. Over two hundred persons came from Brasstown, Murphy, Andrews and Hayesville to participate, see and listen. The occasion was the close of the "Little Folk School", an an nual two-weeks slimmer school for young neighborhood children. They learn freely and naturally through singing, folk-games, story-telling and delightful forms of handwork. It was fitting that a Danish teacher in residence at the School for part of this year, Miss Solvejg Bording, should introduce North Carolinians to the masterpiece of Denmark's greatest story-teller. Georg Bidstrup, Director of the Folk School, was the pompous Chinese Emperor. Philip Merrill and Miss May Gadd of the Country Dance Society of New York took prominent parts. Lynn Gault, local dramatist, unseen, read the script, while Mrs. Gault imitated the song of the nightingale on the flute. The children of the "Little Folk School" appeared in Chinese cos tumes at court assemblies and in the woodland search for the night ingale whose song had brought tears to the eyes of the lofty Em peror and again restored his health when he was at the point of death. Dr. Rufus Morgan of Macon County Named "Rural Minister of the Year Dr. A. Rufua Morgan of Maeori County, N. C. la named North Car olina "Rural Minister of the Year" in the July issue at The Progres sive Farmer magazine: i A native of Macon County, Dr. Morgan is a brother to' Mrs. Bee Warner, Sr., .of Murphy, and served in a number of Episcopal pastorates in North Carolina and South Carottia before returning to his home county in 1M6. He has Had charge at from three to eleven