Ctye cneroftee ftcout KaUbUmhed July. 1M ? PubUahad every Thuraday at Murphy, Cherokee County, N. C. GENE PARKER ROY A. COOK Editor and Publisher Mecbanlcal Supt. outsaCRIPTION RATES In Cberoaae County: One Teti, S3.80: Six Mentha M.SO. Outilde CJierokee County: One Year $1:00 Six Mentha, 11.76 Second Claw Mall Privileges Authorised At Murphy, N. C. WORDS Ob LItE REV. R. T. HOUTS, Jr., Futof Pint Methodist Church Mnrphy, N. C OVERCOMING fear Matthew 14: M One of the wisest saying* ?n the subject of fear appeared a number of years ago in the daily cartoon, "Hambone". In it the old Negro commented, "Ghosts can't hurt you, but they shore can make you hurt yourself Most of us have run away at times from things which could not really hurt us. Every person has known fear at one time or another, that icy, cold sensation which tugs at the bealt and causes us to stand transfixed or to run away. This is the kind of fear that comes when we face the unknown or a situa tion of great personal danger- But there is still another kind of fear, the nagging* persif/jnt kind, may take many forms, the fear that we wfll lose our means of live lihood, fear that we may die or that someone close to us may die, fear of the future, or fear that our past may come bade to plague us This is by far the most common type of fear, and much * the mis ery, unhappiness and P^^al ill Mss in the world is caused by it. pear || one of the basic human emotions, rooted deep in oar inner - lives, a*d tt serves a useful pur pose. A person who is without fear is not only lacking in intelligence, but he is a menace to society. We would not be able to remain alive for any length of time without fear. By it a learns not to touch a hot stove or to dart In front of a moving automobile- As adults we learn to fear the results of actions that will bring unpleasant conse quences. Many adults would be much saiier persons if they learned to fear the right things- For example, we should fear the demagogue who rises to political office and at temps to use the people for his own ends- We should fear those who fail to recognize the need for human brotherhood- We should fear those who recognize no god except their personal desire and whims Jesus said at one time, "Do not fear those who will kill the body but cannot kill the soul- Rather fear| him which can destroy both body and soul in hell." Jesus' eyes were on the real man- He believed that while the fires of persecution might kill the body they could never reach the soul. Jesus gave us a profound insight into how we may overcome fear- He did not counsel men to live without fear, for he knew people too well for that. But he did advise them to face their fear honestly. We alone determine how we will meet our fears. We may allow defeat and despair to sweep over us until we yield to the temptation to give up, or we may face our fears and determine to overcome them When we face our fears honestly, ve are enabled to do the best with -what we have- It is when we give up the struggle that we lose the privilege of changing our life sit uation- To resolve that we will do the most with what life has given - us is one of the most important decisions which we are privileged to make. But Jesus not only advised his followers to face their fears honest ly, he also offered to them a faith in' a God who could , help them overcome their fears- Only when we are convinced that there is a God who will back up every good intention, every honest effort and worthy desire, do we begin to rise above fear- Only when we are cer tain that God guarantees truth, jus tice, honor and goodness can we live without fear. We do not gain this kind of con fidence in God, however, until we are willing to venture all that we have. The kind of spiritual daring which enables us to Uve heroically is expressed in the words of John Bunyan as he went through a per iod of soul-searching and self -ex amination. He said: "If God doth not come, thought I, will leap off the ladder blindfolded into eternity, sink or swim, come heaven, come hell. Lord Jesus, if thou will, catch me. . - If not, I will venture for thy name " John Bynum, ignor ant and untrained learned to live intimately with God- The depth of his personal struggle was reflect ed in his writing. When he spoke of the final triumph of the soul, he was able to do It with conviction, because he himself had become a triumph of the soul- He had bet his life on God. I There Is a saying among men who once sailed the sea in sailing vessels that a young seaman, who had never been aloft in the rigging of the ship, must look up if he was to avoid falling. So it was that when an untrained crewman first climbed the rigging they shouted to him, "Look up, look up!" That is precisely what Jesus is saying when we feel ourselves overcome by fear, "Look up!" Out of the verse of scripture which was cited in the beginning, there comes a parable of life- Pet er, weak and impetuous, was al most overcome by fear. His eyes were partly on God and partly on himself. When we become convinc ed that the God to whom Jesus prayed is a reality, then we will look toward him, and He will be come at once the greatest strength and the greatest reality of our lives. The Apostle Paul was strangely unafraid when he faced shipwreck Why? Listen as he speaks to the people on board the ship: 'There stood by me the angel of God, whose I am and whom I serve say ing, fear not. Paul: Thou must be brought before Caesar; and, lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee." The martyr Ste phen was without fear when he faced the mob which sought to stone him. Listen, "I see the heav ens opened, and the son of ! man standing on the right hand of God ? Jesus tells us, "In the world ye shall have tribulations, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world!" And his true followers are able to sing in answering chorus, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help ? ? therefore will we not fear . . . Yea though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil". STERLING BY Wallace Towle CHINA BY Lenox Havilaad Iroqaoia Royal Doiltoa SNEED JEWELRY GO. I mi?. tti-..-. i. ^ ? Rollman's Views Editor'* Note: This is the twenty seventh in a series of articles by Heins R o 1 1 m i n, industrialist, You and I, even though we might not even know it. have worked awfully hard for the Ust 40 yews to find oil in the middle East, and get that oil to market so that we can drive our cars. Hie invest ments which we, the people, have in t h e Middle East are abso lutely tremen dous. Don't for get, the oil com paniesinthe middle East are not owned by Mr. Gulf, Mr. Esso, Mr. Shell, Mr. Sinclair or Mr. Phillips. These oil fields have been explored with the hard-earned money of the Ameri can people who were willing to en trust some of their savings to these corporations so that these corporations can grow. The presidents of these corpora tions may appear as the spokes man for us, but it is still you and me and our friends who own that pipe line going through the Middle East which now, again, is threaten ed by communism. That is why this life has taken on complications and ramifications which were completely unthinkable to our parents, let alone our grand parents What has really happened, and I think this should make it some what easier for all of us to live with the facts of life, is this: civil ization went on and on and on. The wooden wheel was invented. Hie plow was invented. These were, in our own days, major revolutions, for they made life a little better and easier, but basically, a country kept on living its own way of life, raised the necessary food to sur vive, built their own sturdy homes and family life went on around the kitchen stove, and country life took place around the stove in the grocery store. This was a clean, simple wholesome life. The worst that could befall a family was that SEEDS J. WILKES "The Smallest of all tat when It grows ap, it is larger than any herb." Mt IS, 31. "YOU'LL FOLLOW ME" "Remember man who paaaes by That la yon are. m once was If And as I am a* will yea he, Pre pare yourself to follow me." To this tombstone Inscription a "To fallow yoa's not my Intent Until I know Just where yon went." While we cannot approve of de secrating the resting place of the dead, we can learn from the wis dom contained in the last two lines How? By trying to assure oursel ves of our own salvation and work ing for the salvation of others aft er the example of Charlie. Charlie was the most difficult prisoner in the death house. He had a short time to go, and he was determined to make the worst of it. He would talk to no one and he swore at the chaplain- One day suddenly he had a change of heart and called for the chaplain- He wanted to make his peace with God. It was just as simple as that The day before his execution the chaplain heard that Charlie wasn't eating at all. He went to him and asked if he was sick. "There is nothing wrong," said Charlie, "1 have just been reading of all that self-denial by one of our senses the man of the iamily had one drink too many with the boys. There was a doctor with a horse and buggy, but Grandma had a pretty good remedy herself. There was no need to call the doctor at least once a week All this went on winter after win ter- Most people lived politically as slaves- They were ruled by abso lute monarchies or warriors or war lords. But then, lo and behold, came the invention of gun powd er. of steam, of electricity, of rad io, of the combustible engine, of TV, of airplanes, and a host of things made possible through the invention of steam and electricity MUSTARD By EEV. JAMES Kathlera Nailey ToDiscoss S tmdy Cntw Bnk ANDREWS? Miss Kathleen Man ley, of Carton Newman College, wil) review the mission study course book "Continent in Com motion", Saturday at 6:90 p. m- in the social room of the First Bap tist Church. A pot-luck supper will precede the meeting. Miss Manley, a returned mis sionary from Africa, will discuss the work of missionaries there The WMS members in other churches in Western North Caro lina Association are invited to at tend. Mrs. W. E. Howell To Be Hostess To Methodist Circle Circle No. 2 of the Womans Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist Church will meet Thursday (tonight) at 7:30 with Mrs. W. E. Howell. I (snuff, cigarettes, candy, TV, etc; in reparation for our own sins, and in petition for dying sinners Prayer: Jesus, once in agony, have mercy on the dying. "Do penance or thou shalt perish." (Lk. 13, 3). "Bring forth fruit befitting repen tance. (Mt 6, 16) Christ suffered for .me and other sinners. I'd be a sort of heel if I went out without doing a little suf fering." We should always keep the door open for every sinner to help him And his way back to God. Like the thief who was crucified beside Christ on Calvary, they may co operate with Divine grace before it is too late- The suffering of Christ can touch the heart of the most hardened criminal. We can help gain this grace, tor He is the Vine and we are the branches, (Jo. 15. 2-5) and as a vine is pruned to help the flow of sap to other parts, so our willing self-denial helps His Vine bear more fruit. RESOLUTION: A daily act of > . ?/? V . ? ? V Mother Can't Write Letter Now (Editor's Note: The following story w as passed on to The Scout from Bill Crowell of the N. C. State De partment of Motor Vehicles)). LOS ANGELES? A letter address ed to "Dear Mr. Motorists" arriv ed at the Mirror-News. "I am not writing this to you to remind you all over again," the letter said, "but to all motorists now that school has begun. "I want to prevent the tragedy that we have shared together? a mother and you, Mr. Motorist "That day three sun-tanned lit tle faces smiled as they waved me a happy goodby and so important ly went on their way to school- I wanted to call them back to (ell them how lonesome it would oe. "Mr. Motorist, I wanted to ku>3 them once more? then I saw you take that corner? tires screaming, car out of control "What was your hurry? Were you late for work? Were you angry at someone? "Surely not my three. I am sure you would not want to run your screaming tires over their happy faces intentionally, erasing forever the smiles they had for me "But, Mr. Motorist, children are very forgiving in life and? I'm sure ? in death. They would if they could, pat your hand and feel sad that because of one tragic moment you are left to live over and over again how your love of speed took threee lives. "I don't hate you any more. I feel sorry for you. I can still see those smiling little faces as they wave goodby." The letter was signed. Under the signature this postcript "Another year. And once again your flowers arrive. They are beautiful. Thank you." The newspaper sent reporter Charles Neiswender to investigate He talked with a close friend of the letter writer- She told him the let ter was written four years ago on the first anniversary of the trag edy. It was written but never in tended to be mailed to the man who was driving the cm. Hie friend tent the letter to the pap er, which printed it Thursday. He still sends the mother flow ers on each anniversary of the chil dren's death. And the mother? She couldn't write a letter now. For in her mind she still waves goodby to the smiling faces of her children. The tragedy was too much. She it Is a mental hospital, hopelessly insane Red Cross Helps Needy World Over Br MAUREEN DUNN Publicity Chairman Local Red Crois Chapter The American Red Cross is one of the world's most active socie ties. Each year it raises hundreds of millions of dollars in voluntary contributions- These funds enable the American Red Cross to carry on a large-scale program of disas ter relief, health education, and wartime activities. It's comforting to know that our contributions help relieve human suffering. Whether our contribution is used in our own hifne town or in South Africa to help a young earthquake survivor, we can be assured that it is used to prevent misery throughout the world in time of war and peace. We should all be happy to help sufferers of all races, nationalities, and religions. Farmers can market their cot ton more efficiently by using pub lic storage facilities. WELL DRILLING K. O. Hampton ? ANDREWS, N. a P. O. Box SM Phone N YOU'RE INVITED... to walk around The Big M " . . slam the doors ^ . look under the hood i climb in the trunk Jt .jounce on the seats . run up the windows ? ? start the engine 1 . drive around town - s. . . really get to know the first car to bring you Sports-Car Spirit with Limousine Ride . . . Mercury '58. NEW BKAUTY, KIDS, VALUK?The Big M'a bold, dramatic design is the beautiful way to escape from the ordinary. The Big M's ride is smooth and silent? yet it handles like a sports car. Mercury gives you mere for the money? with new features liks self-adjusting brakes, entirely new Marauder V-8 engines (up to 360 hp) and optional Speed-limit Safety Monitor. Come in, jounce on the seats_and slam the doors? we'd love it. 1958 MERCURY SPORTS-CAR SPIRIT WITH LIMOUSINE RIDE

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