TOe coerofeee ?cout war. urn PubUabed every Thursday at Murphy, Cherokee County, N. a aJCKE PARKER ROY A- COOK Editor find Publiihtr gupt outsaCRXPTlON RATES (n CtaerokM Oouucy: On* Year, *.80: Six Mowthe M.80. Outside Cherokee County: On* Tear $1:00 Six Months, $1.75 Second CUM Kill Privilege* Authorised At Murphy, N. OL MUSTARD SEEDS By EEV. JAMES J. WDLMES ?UMN FOB KINDNESS Officials for the Memorial Cen ter for Cancer and Allied Diseases in New York were astonished re cently when they received a gift of $150,000 from a former clime patient whom they had thought penniless- The money was left by Margaret Pierce because, she said, "I have never met with such kindness"! A switchboard operator until, shortly before her death, Miss Pierce had been treated at the hospital for an incurable cancer Her will left most of the fortune to the hospital's reseat ch depait ment to fight cancer There is kindness in each of us if we would only use it. Each per son who came into contact with this suffering woman, was partly responsible by the kinduess they gave her for receipt of this large gift. This is the third of the 4 wesks before Advent, representing the third part of the 4000 years man kind awaited and prepared for the Redeemer. We, too must prepare spiritually for Him; and not just count the shopping days till Christ mas. Were we to ask St. Joseph, guardian of the Infant how we might best prepare, he might well reply, "By being kind" For the first Christmas eve is still fresh In his mind. He was so anxious to find shelter and comfort for Mary as hour drew near; but all he found ?w bright lights, - merry laughter, the smell of food, escap ing warmth, and always? that look, from head to toe: "They are poor. She is with child. Of course we have no room? for them"! Joseph did not need lips to tell him "No."; but still the word cut deep when it came. Just as the look humiliated Are we as unkind daily to Christ in our neighbor? Eugene Field, the famous poet, entered a restau ant one day, tired and depressed i an impatient waiter reeled off ?. 'list of dishes on tbe menu very quickly. Field gazed at him sadly and said, "Friend, I want none of these things- All 1 waut is a cup of coffee and a few kind words " All of us, wheth3r at home or work or on the street, can pass along the simple joy of Christ with only a smile, a word or a gesture This added effort on our part may brighten someone's day, ?hinge a life, or even save a soul- We may never know whose; but wer? it the year 1 A. D. it might well be Jesus', Mary's and Joseph's. RESOLUTION:: To adopt the mood of our neighbor-rejoice iho we be inwardly sad; mourn tho wc be happy; smile when it is hard, talk when we'd be silent; be mel ancholic with the melancholic to gain his confidence and better ap ply a cure. PRAYER: Lord, be in my heart and on my lips, that I worthily spread thy joy. "Lo is not a word better than a gift?" Ecclesiasticus 18, 17; Job 4, 3-4. vff WE SALUTE OUR FARMERS They're hard-working ( and progressive! % As suppliers of Texaco products to farmers in this area, we know better than the average citizen the terrific job they do in feeding the nation and the many difficult problems they handle in stride. We're glad to provide them with on-time, neighborly delivery of the Texaco products they need in farm operations . . . Texaco Fire Chief gasoline for real lively power and low cost operation of farm equipment. ..Advanced Custom-Made Havoline Motor Oil for longer engine life . . . Texaco Marfak lubricant for top protection of bearings. We'd like to serve more of our farm friends in this neighborhood. Phone us, or drop in ? the welcome mat is always outl B. W. BLEVINS Diatribitor Texaco HEATING OIL Aadmn, N. C. TelejriheeeM BACKWARD GLANCE 1* YEARS AGO Tfcarrtway, December U, 1MT Mrs- W. S. Flanagin left Too* day tor her home in Augusta. Ga after a ten days viait with bet mother, Mr*. T. O. Tate. Mrs- J. W. Davidson will leave Saturday for Kanaaa City, Mo., to spent the Christmas holidays with her son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davidson Jr. and baby Diane- Mr. Davidson will go later. Leaving Chattanooga at 2:30 on Christmas day, be will fly to Kansas City arriving there at 11 a. m- in time for Christmas dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Pruden Davidson of Dallas, Texas, will join them in Kansas City for Christmas and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davidson Sr., will return vrith them back to Dallas and take a plane back to Murphy Frank Owenby and Hugh Rob erts of Marietta, Ga-, were in Murphy Monday and Tuesday on business Mr. and Mrs- B. G. Brumby Sr. will spend the holidays in Mariet ta, Ga., with Miss Ida Brumby. The Folk School will give the first performance of the Christ mas play, since 1942, Friday night, Dec. 19, at 7:30 The Rev. W. A- Cook filled his regular appointment at the Rang er Methodist Church Sunday. Mrs- C- M. Sneed spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. R F. Merritt of Murphy. Mr. and Mrs- Johnny Keenum and daughter of Hiwassee Dam spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs- Fred Kilpatrick A Christmas party will be held Wednesday night at 7 at the Ran ker Methodist Church. Mrs- M. C- King and daughter, Birdie, of Copperhill, Tenn , were business visitors here one day last week 20 TEARS AGO Thursday, December 16, 1937 Mrs. L. M. Ellis of Andrews, was the guest of Mrs. G. W. Ellis Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs- Dave Milligan of Hiwassee Dam were visitors in Murphy Saturday. Mrs. Ellen Crawford ind sen, Jack, were called to Beta Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Crawford's father, the Rev. It. L Cook. Mrs. J. W. Davidson and moth er, Mrs. Grace Cooper spent the week-end in Knoxville. Mrs. D. W. Petrie will leave Sun day to spend the holidays with friends and relatives in Charlotte and Lenoir. Mr- and Mrs. Don Wlthersp'>on and Mrs. E. B. Norvcll spent Thursday in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. John Hollificld, Bill Petrie and Miss Mary Petrie will arrive in Murphy Dec. 27, to spend a few days with Mrs- Petrie. Miss Lola Marks will spent the week-end in Monroe, N. C Mr. and Mrs. James Smallshaw spent the week-end in Knoxville. P. J. Henn made a business trip to Charlotte last week. Clyde Sneed spent Thursday in Chattanooga on business Jack and Louise Chris tooher are expected to arrive Friday from FOR CHRISTMAS: Most Beautiful Watches Since Time Began! 101 D CL6IM CCLCSTI At. New wrap-around crystal. UK gold filled case 23 |?wels Shock re vstant NiteGlo dial )79U LAOY ELGIN TWILIGHT In UK gold filled case Shock resist ant 23-|ewH accuracy Wrap ?round crystal P"c? 'wdwdt f0dtml To* . .m new Yertcnality-^tyled iCftGiN WATCHBS E. C. MOORE, Jewelers TeBMMW Stmt MURPHY, U. C. Brevard College to spend the hoi idays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Christophr. Mrs. J. W. Franklin and Mrs. Allen Lovingood will be Joint boat esses to the Good Will Club at the home of Mif. Loving ood's, Satur i day afternoon at 2. Miss Arue Urn Staicup a student at the McKenzie Business College in Chattanooga, will arrive Friday 1 to spend the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs C. B Staicup M YEARS AGO I Friday, December II. 1*27 Mrs. E. C. Mallooee. Mrs. Spur ge Christopher, Miss Josephine Heighway and Mrs. Reid Mallonee spent Thursday in Gainesville, Ga. Mrs. Willard Cooper and little daughter returned last Friday from a visit to Asheville The Regal Hotel had two very distinguished guests one day this week in the persons of Count Fed litz and wife of Germany. They were on a pleasure trip through the United States and left here for Florida and Georgia points thence to San Francisco, where they will board ship for the East. Missess Mabel Ellis and Delia Meroney and Messrs, Wade Mas sey and Bob Austin were among those who attended the basketball games between Murphy and Bry son City one night this week in Bryson City. Misses Eloise Fain and Delia: Meroney spent the week-end in States vilie with friends. They were accompanied to Statesville by Mr. Bob Austin who visited relatives at Albermarle Miss Mabel Ellis visited friends in Asheville over the week-end Mr. D. H. Tillitt was a business visitor in Murphy Wednesday of this week. Roilman's Views Editor' ? Note: Thi? is the thirty second In a aeries o t articlei by Helnx Eollmn, industrialist. Waynes vUle, N> C. It is Just a few short months ago that to the first time since the history of mankind each child, woman and man living hi a coun try had an average income of Just about $2. 000 for anyone la a 12- months period- Mind you, this $2, 000 even includ es all our moth ers-in-law and all the relatives; in fact, the whole gang. This it 4 times more than any where else in the world and 40 timea more than most other coun tries. As you may have guessed by now, the $2,000 are for the people of the United States, while the )50. for instance, are for the people who are living in India- To be sure, inflation has something to do with it. However, even though prices have gone up, the most im portant thing is that in our kind of semi-controlled, semi-governed in flation (for that is what we have), we can buy more today than we ever could before, since we make dollars, though each and every dollar does buy a little less from year to year. Now, we know very well that if our income would go down from $2,000, for every person living in Mr. R. C. Moore of Topton, was in Andrews Tuesday of this week on business. Mr. W. T. Holland was in Bry son City Monday of this week in : connection with his lumber cor I poration our country, to $1,000, for In stance, and if prices would not go down accordingly, then we would ftt tato i miserable fix. Oar standard at living would go down. We could not purchase the goods any more that are being produc ed; unemployment would oegin- In other words, our wonderful stand ard of living would be jeopardized Now, the same is true for the whole world- It is the only way we have to take out insurance for our children and our children's child; ren if, as sensible people, we watch the average income per person all over the world. EXECUTUX NOTICE In the matter of th? last wQl and mtiMot of Luther M. Nicholson, deceased, late ot Cherokee County, North Carolina, this is to notify ell persona bavin* claim ? against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to tye undersigned at And rews. N. C., on or before the 14th day of November, IMS, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons mdebt ed to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This the 14th day of November, 19ST. Evelyn Russell Nicholson, Executrix of the estate of lMtc Luther If. Nicholson Buy SPECIAL It begins with a greater uee of aluminum -and takes off from there ne idea sparked the creation of this B-58 Buick ?and that was to build it with more aviation principles than ever before. So this one starts with a greater use of airweight aluminum ? inside where its special cooling prop erties can be used ? outside where its beauty and protection are needed. But wait till you see what else is here to make land travel as modern as air travel. The first automatic transmission to use the infinitely variable pitch stator principle of today's strato cruisers. The most modern engine it is possible to build for todays fuels. A Buick-engineered air-suspension ride that literally floats you on four columns of air. Want to know more? See more? Do more? Drop in on your Buick dealer and guest-pilot au Air Born B-58 Buick ? today. * Buick air ride optional at extra cost on all Series. Flight Pitch Dynaflow standard on Limited and Road master 75, optional at extra cost on other Series. Aluminum Front Brakes standard on aU Series except Special. ALL IN ONI VIAK ? ALL IN THIS BIO, BUOYANT BUIOK ? Miracle Chassis Plus Buick Air Ride* ? Flight Pitch Dynaflow* ? B- 12000 Engine * Air-Cooled Aluminum Front Brakes* ? Sparkling Fresh Styling wttii tt? Dynastar Grill* ? "Velvet Wall" Sound Silencing ? Magnificent Changes Through and Through nut A Long List Of Other EXTRAS At No Extra Cost, Even In The Special ? Including: / Horizontal Redliner Speedometer /Trip-Mileage Indicator ?/ Tamperproof Ignition / Direction Signals / Crank-controlled Vent Window: V Armrests on every door V Sliding Sunshades V Automatic Glove Compartment Light / Oil Filter? Full-Flow Design V Dry-type Air Cleaner with disposable filter V StepOn self-locking parking brake / Anti-rust Fuel Line System ALL INOINIIMD TO THB HIOHBST STANDARDS OP QUALITY AND PRECISION ?VBR SBT BY BUIOK Wnen batter automobllee are built BuIcK will build them S SeE YOUR AUTHORIZED BUICK DEALER

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