?V ICONS m ??ag? [ Wfftf PH H? MBRKS AND spots setM evifig Mft?p we upowiar . SlgftKg CTlKMOOM? "we# MftBvs cause* bv -w (toU6riNES5 OFl?e MOON'S "TBCKftlN ?..? 1Ut DRV OCWM #DS PMD -t^NUMffbUS istT esnwcT voiCBHtf ccft-nfgsf IVMfirr ARfcnvffi primary MUMAM gMOTjOH* ? ending a week's vacation here. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hollifield !>d small daughter, Linda have ?turned to their home in Pensa >la, Fla. after a visit here with Natives. Hal Pullium spent Monday in tlanta, Ga. and Fort Oglethorpe Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henline id small son, Robin of Raleigh, sre guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert heeler for a visit of several iys last week. Mrs. Hemline is niece of Mrs. Wheeler Mrs. Milo Mathis had as her lests last week Mr. and Mrs. :nry Yarber and Mr. and Mrs. irerett Mathis all of Cornelia, iMrs- Walter Watts and children I Marietta, Ga., have returned Ime after spending last week ?th her grandmother, Mrs. J. H. Jill lips. Mr- and Mrs. John Duffy of elbyville, Ind., arrived Sunday ? a moth's stay at their home ttle Rock Studio in Valleytown. Miss Judy Bristol and Miss oebe Weiss left Monday for a lit of several days this week th relatives in Charlotte. They re accompanied to Asheville by ank Cartledge of King's Col e, Tenn. who spent the week end the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed i Bristol. Ir. and Mrs. George Seamon I children of Marietta, Ga., nt the weekend with friends route to points in New Jersey spend a vacation with relatives. liss Anna Whitaker of Bryson y is spending this week as >st of her grandfather, H. M. itaker and her aunt, Miss redrth Whitaker. Anna returned t week-end from Toronto, Can l where she attended the Bap Youth World Conference. Mr. and Mrs- John Greer and children, Martha, Gregg and John ny of Ishpening, Mich., arrived Monday for a visit with Mrs. Greer's mother, Mrs. H. E. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. John Holcombe and son, John Carol of Chatta nooga, Tenn., spent the week-end with relatives. Miss Sue McGuire spent last week in Robbinsville as guest of her aunt, Mrs. Mabel McGuire. Mrs. Louise Rogers and Mrs A. B. Chandler attended the pres ident's institute held at the home of Mrs. George Lee in Sylva on Wednesday. Mrs. Lee is district chairman of Women's Clubs of Western Notrh Carolina. Kent Laughter has returned to Petersburg, Va. after a visit here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Laughter. Pfc. Dwain Winfrey, Mrs. Win frey and their daughter, Debbie have returned to Michigan after a week's visit here with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Win frey and Mr- and Mrs. Edwin Bristol. Miss Sue Meador of Fontana Dam was the guest of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Chandler. Jimmy Bristol and Billy Blev ins have returned home after a week's visit with friends in Mar ietta and Atlanta Ga. O.E.S. Has Meeting ANDREWS ? The Andrews Chap ter No. 15 Order of the Eastern Star met Monday evening in the Masonic Hall with Mrs. Daisy Seay, worthy matron, presiding. Hostesses were: Mrs- Seay, Mrs. Mary Brauer, Mrs. Zena Fcrysth. Mrs. Minnie Battle, Mrs. Mabel Rayburn, Mrs. Mary Ray Jones and Mrs. Vesta Wood. Silage is an important factor in dairy herd management Girl's Auxiliary Installs Members ANDREWS? The Girls Auxiliary of the First Baptist Church in stalled six new members at a meeting Monday night at the church. A program featuring the Star Ideals of the organization was presented for the new members. The room was decorated in the shape of a star with a girl seated at each point. The new members were challenged to live by the ideals set forth. Miss Elizabeth Pullium, presi dent, installed the following new members : Cheryl Derreberry, Joyce Bradley, Linda Wooten, Lois Gibbey, Dorothy Terry, and De Etta Watson. QUESTION: What new crop varieties have been released re cently by the N. C. Agricultural Experiment Station? ANSWER: Two new cucumber varieties, each resistant to both downy mildew and scab diseases, have been released during the past year. They are Fletcher and Ashe. Both are fresh market, or slicer types- Dearing, a self-fer tile grape adaptable to all the Southern states, was. recently re leased. And seed of Potomac, a new orchard grass, will be avail able to farmers for the first time this summer. It has superior rust resistance, leafiness and good qualities of persistence. staid FOR YOUR CAR \ US.Royal j fli/iKUte AjDO-M $14" x ^ _ 7J04S > f MiJuiin^ AM IVft Oubf. Nn Tax mmt ItaMb Th?, U&BayalJJUtes rjssssmi ? HOB UHTY ? TMHfWAY iAmrl KAYETS AUTO PARTS VaOet DW ** ,"#m U. - ? - ' Valleytown HDC Hears Program By Home Agent ANDREWS ? The Valleytown Horn* Demonstration Club heard a program, "Magic in Milk", pre sented at a meeting at the home of Kn. IkooM Christmas Tuaa day, July 8. The program waa presented by ICary Henaley, assistant home dam" anatratkw agent tor Cherokee Oounty, assisted by Joan Crisp, 4-H club member. Mrs. Christmas presided In the abaence of Mrs. Glenn McGuire, president Mrs. H. L. Mulkey waa aaaoclate hoe teas Pfcaf ww* a* Jor the outdoor July meeting to be bold In Am Andrew Pnrk With a picnic at g p-m. July SS. Re free hmenta were served by the A good farm marketing situa tion exists when there if large volume, high quality products, and dependable supply. qCKSTSON: How should I thin my ptaeaT ANBWKBi Lobtaily and ahortlea t plnea, that are to be thtwaad every three to live years, should bo ?paced so three to tear feet of ?pace U left between crown (top) edge*. In stand* IS years at age the three-foot crown spacing usu ally leaves from 350 to 400 trees per acre. COOL OFF! i GET AN ELECTRIC AIR CONDITIONER ..NOW! HURRY. ..ONLY A FEW MORE DAYS LEFT! OFFER CLOSES THURSDAY, JULY 31 TO SAVE Up To $25 Per H.P. II jail buy now, you'll save up to $25 per horsepower on an electric air conditioner. But there are only a few (lays left fot^ you to take advantage of this money-saving offer . . . in fact, Thursday, July 31, is the last day! Don't put it off any longer. See your favorite appliance dealer today and save money ! ! ! This Offer Available To Any Consumer Of ? MURPHY ELECTRIC POWER ROARD IE.. Emry Hr4 ka> SAFETY CLASS ii mmy m NOW MORE THAN EVER 4 ;> FORD makes it -foolish to put off buying a new car I Rfcbt m M| Twtl Smm Tn*| Pta* you ean make the year's bat deal on a beautiful new 68 Ford. Whether you want a convertible, V-8 sedan or station wagon, youll find Ford has the lowest price in all the land! Fad am jna mmj null jm Mm, In. Infaet, a Ford Six delivered the most octal miles' per gallon of any car in Class A in the past too Mobigas Economy Rune I lit ftrf t WlllrtW MmuNc RHl CmM is standard equip ment on every Ford car. And only Ford in its field has foam-rubber padding in aQ front sea to. Y* Ml hmlMrtM 60,1* with the biggest, newest V-8 in its Add. Team it with new Cruiae-O-Matic Drive and save up to 15* on gas! Tor prmat or ?? mm U urt hi than it is now. Come in and discover how little it costs to own one of these beautiful new 58 Fords I COME IN AND SAVE DURING THE FORD SUMMER TRADING PICNIC Burch Motors Keece Motor Co. , M<|1 VK 7-a?l Wwpky, IV. C. PhnwSS A?b?n,N.C. | m A HTTIt MIT IN A HMO CAB M TtUCK; M SWI TO Ml OBB -Cgy OB OTHII SUICTIOMS