MUSTARD SEEDS Br BUY. JAMBS J. WILMBS "The smallest at all tiM seeds; but when tt grows up. it is larger than any herb"? ML IS: SI THE LAW OF LIFE High up in the Rockies, there lived a small boy and his mother. One day after he had been punish ed with a hickory, the lad ran to the edge of a precipice and shout ed at his mother, "I hate you! I hate you!" Across the ravine came the echo, "I hate you! I hate you!" Frightened, the boy ran back to his mother and sobbe<? "who Is the bad man over there who shout ed *1 hate you!'!" Taking the boy's hand, his mother led him back to the edge and said, "Now, sonny, call out I love you!" When the lad did so, he heard the clear voice sweet echo, "I love you!" "My child," said the mother, "that is the law of life: what you give, you get " One reason many people get so little out of life is because they give so little of the most neces sary virtue of patience- Our Lord reminded us, "In your patience, you shall possess your souls. (Lk. 21, 19.) And again in the parable of the Sower, the seed that "fell upon good ground, these are they who with a right and good heart, having beard the word, hold it fast, and bear fruit IN PATIEN CE." (Lk- 8, 15). Without patien ce, we cannot be a real Christian, one who "takes up the cross of Jesus daily and follows Him" (Lk. 9, 23-; for patience is the virtue which helps us bear with peace of soul all physical and moral suf ferings for love of God and in un ion with Jesus crucified A common example of impatien ce is had when a car stalls on a busy street, holding up a line of other drivers behind it. In one such case, the flustered driver was investigating under the hood of his car, the driver behind honked his horn without letup. Finally, the unsuccessful troubled driver straightened up, walked to his impatient critic and, said, "If yu'll fix my car, I'll be glad to keep blowing your horn for you." (Was your reply as kind?) Impatience over trivial annoy ances often makes matters worse. Considered, thoughtful action is the best guarantee of quick, prof itable results It ESOLUTllON: Patience with others when they hurt us, by sil ence and a prayer, "Father, for give them; patience with self in failure, as the Publican prayed, "Lord, be merciful to me a sin ner; Patience with God in suffer ing, "Father ... not my will but thine be done." PRAYER: Jesus, help me "re prove, entreat, rebuke in all pa tience" (2 Tim. 4, 2). "Be patient towards all men." (I Thes. 5, 14) Andrews Personals Mr. and Mrs. Fred Patterson have returned from a week's trip j to Wrightsville Beach and Caro-J lina Beach. They were accomp anied on the trip by their son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ) James McPhetridge, and their] daughter, Sharon of Knoxville, County ASC News *y L. L. BMSLBUIG ASC* CwiWliw Profrtn Now Belag ronaalated A meeting will be held next week at which the ASC State Committee and other Agricultural Leader* will review next year's conservation reserve program and will formulate the State ACP for 1968. Zeno O. Ratcliff, Jr., ASC Chairman announced that persons attending this meeting will include the State Conservationist of the Soil Conservation Service, Forest Service Officials, State Director of the Farmers Home Administra tion, as well as the entire State ASC Committee, including the State Director of Extension, who is a member of that committee. According to Katcliff, these agen cy heads will select agricultural conservation practices that will be included in next year's six and half million dollar A. C. Program and they will also review opera tions of the 1959 Conservation Re serve Program- The Conservation Reserve Program of the Soil Bank is the only part of that program which will be in operation next year. The acreage reserve phase having been discontinued. According to Ratcliff the six and half million dollars that has been allocated for next year for the Agricultural Conservation Program will be used to provide "cost-share assistance" to farm ers who carry out needed conser- ' vation practices in this state. He explained further that this "cost- ' share assistance" is matched at ' least equally by the farmers' mon- 1 ey as his share of the cost carr ying out long range conservation ; work that will benefit "not just the farmer" but all people. In ad dition to furnishing his share of the cost the farmer furnishes all labor involved in carrying out needed conservation practices. The ACP operates under a "con current" program in this state, for that reason farmers will now be able to sign up to take part in this year's or next year's program in any county in the state- Rat cliff urged farmers who have a conservation need which cannot be met with their own resources to visit their ASC county office to look into the possibility of partici pating in next year's ACP or the program that is in operation at this time. Tenn. Miss Polly Hicks returned home Sunday after a two weeks visit with her cousin, Mrs- Monroe Hol lifield and her family in Gaines ville, Ga. Mrs. Alice Barnard has as her guests her niece, Mrs. Charles Stalcup of Donaldson, Tenn., and Mr. Luther Swanson of Alcoa, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reed and son, Chucky, have returned to Moores ville after a two-weeks stay with Mrs. Reed's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs- D. C. Carpenter. Sam Anders of Villa Rica, Ga., and Miss Gail McKelvey of Cleveland Ohio, class mates at Motor Scooter "Welcome Wagon" A Lambretta motor scooter licked New York's traffic and park* ing problem when Welcome Wa^on International initiated oper ations there recently. The community service organization, which has been welcom ing new residents to over 2,000 communities throughout the United States and Canada forever 30 years, found the city's congestion its usual car operation impractical. It finally solved the problem by switching to a Lambretta motor , scooter. The scooter's large baggage rack easily accommodated Welcome Wagon's fa miliar basket at gifts and literature. To Mt, Southern Lowe, above, New York's first Welcome Wagon hostess, 1 get around town in half the time tt ee is never a problem. Just fine." As ? result * | DELINQUENT TAX LIST NORTH CABOLENA CHEBOKKK COUNTY By virtu* at the County Com mlMkatra directed to the under signed tax collector tor C9Mroke< County, I will sell an September 1, 1868 at the Courthouse door ii Murphy, North Carolina. and eacl day thereafter until sold to th? highest bidder for cash at public auction, the following described land on which taxes for the year, 1857 have not been paid, In tlx names and for the amount giver phis' five per cent penalty and cost of sale and advertisement. Joe Myers 2-itc Tax Collector BE AVERD AM TOWNSHIP Allen, Fred, SSA 6.62 Allen, Wlnford, 102A 33.01 Bates, Charlie, ?A 80.17 Bates, Susie, Bertha tt Annie 31 HA 31.14 Beaver, Homer, 10A 5.30 Beavers, J. R? 219A 32.93 Beavers, Robert, 17ftA .91 Beavers, Willard, 2tA 27.21 Bell, Charlie 17A 3.01 Bell, Milligan, 19^A 6.36 Brannon, Bob Heirs, 21V&A 6.57 Brannen, Jack, 14KA 12.72 Brannon, James, 4A 2.12 Brannon, Joe, 20A 15.69 Brittain, L. W. Mrs., 35A 3.71 Bryson, Allen, 85A 24.16 Burgess, Willard, 35A 7.42 Clayton, Mrs. W. S-, 152A 36.25 Coleman, Garland, 17A 16.42 Cook, Albert, SSA 23.89 Cornwell, Garland, 10A 5.62 Craig, Winston, 250A 36.04 Crawford, M. G., 260A 27.56 Curtis, Olen, 146A 31.49 Davis, Charlie G., 8A 22.01 Davis, E. H. Heirs 100A 10.60 Davis, James Luther, 89A 13.59 Dockery, C. W., 1%A 6.91 Dockery, Garland E. Heirs 60A 19.82 Dockery, Goley, 166A 24.27 Dockery, G. W. 80A S.30 Dockery, Lawrence 10A 16.39 Dockery, R. L. 47A 42.58 Evans, Gay B., 40A 17.24 Evans, Pink S., 40A 21.45 Farmer, George Glenn, 21A 44 94 Farmer, Harding 25A 8.87 Farmer, James, 25A 14.77 Farmer, Robert, 3A 11.24 Farmer, Wade, 4%A 20.02 Garrett, David, 2A 6.75 Garrett, W. G., 120A 31.80 Graham, C. S., 50A 21.06 Graham, W. H., 6A 4.46 Graham, Walter, 30A 5.98 Graham, Willard, 27%A 16.18 Graves, Fred, 148A 26.51 Hall, James R. Heirs, 175A * 25.97 Hamby, Stanley, 194A 32.22 Hickey, G. O., 22A 3.92 Horton, H. M. Heirs, 35A 4.71 Horton, Jessie, 165A 34.57 Jamerson, D. B., 80A 12.58 Jenkins, Cecil Heirs, 76A 11.66 Johnson, Jess C., 5A 4.24 Johnson, Sarah, Heirs, 214A 40.70 Johnson, Wayne, 47A Jones, Cecil, 84A 25.62 Jones, Herman, 69A 55.40 Jump, Will, 55A 10.88 Kidd, Crawford, 23A 10 59 Kidd, David Heirs, 48A 6.15 Kilby, Mrs. M- F., 40A 8.69 Kilby, Jewell, 3A 8.34 Killian, Mrs. Eliza, 28A 5.62 McBrayer, Allen F., 30A 39.80 McDonald, Leonard, 21A 11.94 McLeymore, M. M., 120A 20.85 Mashburn, Bobbie, 30A 9.98 Mashburn, Lewis & Rowen, 100 A 12.72 Montgomery, W. H., 24 A 7.84 Morley, J. A. 23A 109.19 Morrow, Ben George, 71A 40.69 Morrow, Herbert G. 8A 3.48 Morrow, James M., 62A 13.46 Morrow, Max, 6A 7.39 Murphy, Gay & Greely, 50A 18.04 Murphy, H. L., 1A 4.24 Murphy, Lee, 35A 8.27 Olmsted, Mrs- Mary, 60A 6.36 Radford, James, 68A 18.83 Radford, Mrs. Lola, 30A 10.28 Radford, Mrs. Nancy, 60A 6.30 Roberts, Fred, 115A 40.10 Roberts, Glenn (G.G.), 13A 13.34 Roberts, Jim Heirs, 62A 12.10 Rose, G. C., 90A 77.28 Rose, G. F. Heirs, 1 Lot 100A 18.02 Rose, H. F. 1 Lot 4.63 Rose, J. B. (Deceased) 1 Lot .63 Rose, John W., 39 A 36.68 Taylor, Bob, 11A 18.97 raylor, John L? 71A 18.64 Taylor, Olen, 20A 11.64 Taylor, Owen, 12A ?.M Taylor, Rollin (R. L.) 38A 13.91 Taylor, Willis 8., ISA 14.43 Taylor, W. V., 26A 5.73 Tucker, H. G., 60A 10.41 Van Pelt, Wid Rom, 1 Lot 7.43 Voyles, Felix, 6A 1.27 Walker, 8., 60A 7,13 White, W. H., 666A 87.42 Whltner, A N., 73A 10.71 Whltner, Stanley Willis, 30A IS M Whltner, Z. V., 100A 18.34 Young, 0am Heirs, 50A 6.K Young, Sullivan, BOA 6JK Martin, OyM. 16ttA 13. S3 NOTLA TOVX8HP Attn*, Charles Sari. 1*4 Anderson. J. T., SKA Anderson, Theodore MA SL41 Anderson, W. P., OA SS.7? Barton, James Andrew, 178A <3.46 Betvtrf, Claud* , 3V&A Brockman, Harley, ?0A 11.40 1 Brown, Ed, HA Bryant, Jack Clayton, l??A 67.* I Bryant, J. K. Heirs, SQA 8.07 1 Byers, F. H., 41 *A 238.! Cearley, Emory Loransy, ISA 35.: Cearley, Mrs. Lucy, 2A SJ Cbastain, L. C., TOA 8J Cherokee Land A Develop ment Co., 89A Clontx, Roy W., 20A Coffey, BUI, &A Crowe, Ernest, 3A Crisp, Gladys, 7A Curtis, John Cfermel, 3A Curtis, W. T., S1A Dalrymple, J. M., 29A Davidson, Emory 8., 5A Deaver, Hermit, 2SA Decker, Luther, 35A Dickey, H. E., 7A Dotson, Mrs. Ed, 31A Dotson, Henry A C. M., 2A Donley, J. W., 22A Evans, Floyd, 30A Evans, Lee, 23A Elliott, E. P., 30A Elliott, Margaret, 14%A 3.15 Emory, J am eg, 4HA 12.60 Flowers, Mrs. T. H., 71A 10.97 Fox, Claude, ISA 14.83 Fox Howard, 60A 16.23 Fox, H. M., 61A 38.16 Frankum, Fate, 5A 21-39 Gibbs, J. T., 68A 21.60 Gibby, S. W., 76A 48.68 Gibson, Newton, 75A 35.37 Gilbert, Fred, 29A 3.12 Gilbert, Paul, 47A 5.05 Graham, Arthur, 21A 7.96 Graham, Herbert, 1A 3.90 Graham, N. B., 114A 18.27 Grant, Roy, 14A 12.79 Green, Elbert, 30A 14.94 Green, Mrs. Fay Akin, 16A 13.66 Green, Frank, 70A 39.88 Green, J. T., 20A 4.66 Green, h. Fox, 14%A 5.73 Green, S. W., 45A 8.60 Gregory, H. C. Heirs, 54A 17.20 Gregory, Mrs. J. E., 90A 17.63 Gregory, Marvin, 9A Gregory, Oliver, 16A Gunter, Lindsey, 14A Hamby, R. A., 14% A Hampton, H. C., 14% A Haney, Mrs. Clyde, 51A Hatchett, A. R., 79 A Hatchett, A. H., 14A Hatchett, W. M., 166A Hawkins, Hansel, 26A Hedden, Garland, 28A Hedden, H. C., 92 A Hedden, Henry Garrett, 50A Hedden, J. H. (John), 82A Hedden, Parrott, 5A Helton, Calvin, 4A Helton, Clyde, 86A Helton, Ira Heirs, 3V4A Hogsed, Willia Mae, 10A Hughes, Carl, 4A Hughes, Mrs. Carrie L., 35A Hughes, Dewey, 1A Hughes, E. W-, V4A Hughes, Garrett, 25A Hughes, Hobart, 24A Hughes, S. M., 32A Ingram, Mary Kate, 10A Jenkins, Eva & Kate, 2A Kilpatrick, C. C., 7A Kilpatrick, E. A. Heirs, 44A Kilpatrick, Mrs. Gertie, 10%A 4.77 Kilpatrick, Hoyt, 6A Kilpatrick, N. C. Mrs. 18A King, William, 6% A King, Gordon, 34 A King, Grady, 3A Ledford, Mrs. J. A., 6A Ledford, J. Cleve, 7A Loudermilk, D. M. Heirs, 20A 11.75 Loudennilk, Eldridge, 40A 16.13 LoudermUk, Glenn, 21A 9.67 Loudermilk, L. C., 30A 38.65 L?udermilk, Ira J., 40A 16.13 McAdden, R. Y. Estate, 196A 23.17 McOall, Robert G., 30A 10.97 McClure, Albert 12V&A 11.97 McClure, T. P., 35A 62.35 McCoy, Jane, 28A 14.24 McTaggert, I. N., 20A 3.15 Malone, J. W., 56A 117.62 Martin, Mrs. A. J., 82A 11.75 Martin, A. J., 35A 22.90 Martin, John R., 71A 32.29 Martin, Robert P., 6A 28.59 Mason, Asbury, 2A 5.06 Mason, W. B., 61A 11.71 Methvin, G. B. (Grover), %A 3.15 Merrill, Ralph, 4A 6.77 Montgomery, Matney B., 8A 11.71 Moore, Arlin, 12A 8.71 Moore, Bertha, 4A 1.08 Morris, J A. (James), 42A 24.10 Nix, Bertha, lftA 10.80 Nix, Mary Jane, 2A 2.08 I Orton, George, 30A 30.30 i Panter, H. K. A Joan, 20A 18.66 Peacock, A. D., 7%A 13.69 I Picklesimer, Claude k Ralph I 60HA 23.09 Raper, James, 172A 178.45 Raper, J. O. k Marcus, 89A 80.10 Raper, M. T., 40A 8.80 Rhodes, Mrs Julia, 40A 8.81 Rlch,Q. E. (Garlee), BOA 62.86 Rich, J. R., 142A 88.18 Rich, Lather, ?5A 18-14 Robertson, J. Jessie Heirs, BOA 41.88 Roberson, Mrs. Mamie, 8 k 2.58 ftofem, W. W.t 8A 17.81 Gladson, Krelyn Ooon, Mi 27.08 Btyalda. L1,?IU 44.88 shuku. u *., boa us Shields, L. X., 481A 130.34 Shield*, OOa, 47A JTJtt Shields, OHn, 78 K A Soeed, F. M. OA 38.64 Stalcup, Glenn, 38%A 88.71 Stephens, Edward It, 8 HA 1MB Stewart, lCTS. M E., MA 88.08 Stevenson, Rebecca, 8A 8.83 Stiles, Col en U, XA 8.88 Stiles, Earner, SCA 30.84 Stiles, Mr* J. W? 83A 10.88 Stiles, Lester John, 4A 7.84 Suit, Mrs. C E., 70A 8.83 Tanner, Edgar, OA 8.08 Tanner, Otis, 8A 8.06 Taylor, Wlllard P., OOA 88.87 Teague, Jessie, 8A 8.18 Tllflon, Wlllard, 11A 7.86 TUaon, WUxle, 38A 8.78 Trantham, William, 1A 9.37 Truett, Hardy, 4A 17.86 Truett, Henry, 6A 38.97 Truett, W. T., ftA 11.48 Voyles, Arthur, 3A 18.01 Voyles, Pascal, 1A 8.88 Walker, C. E. Jr., 89A 13.01 Walker, Hoyt J., 1A 88.88 Walker, J. D? 4A 8.30 Walker, John W., 7A 31.84 Ware, C. 8., 4A 19.03 Ware, J. A. Estate, 112 A 30.84 Ware, S. C? 9SA 17.86 Warren, Paul, 1A 4.44 Warren, Garten, 1A 8.06 Warren, Taylor G., 8A 10.54 Weaver, L. H. & Ted, 15A 18.78 Weaver, W. L. Heirs, 84A 8.80 Wright, J. R? 3V4A 6.12 Wright, Myrtle ft J. C., 25A 5.37 Wright, Tommy, 25A 8.70 SHOAL CREEK TOW8NHIP Akins, Charlie, 62%A 14.88 Allen, E. N.. 110%A 42.79 Allen, Mrs. H. C., 193A 24.86 Allen, W. W., 27A 13.66 Baine, J. P., 1 Lot & 22A 32.79 Baker, Lester, 40A 10.98 Baker, L. M, 76A 16.12 Beavers, Clyde, 16%A 12.81 Beavers, W. A., 2A 1.08 Benton, Florence L., 61 A 8.71 Berrong, Mrs. H. M., 1A 3.76 Berrong, J. L. Heirs, 177A 29.64 Borring, Elmer, 20A 9.80 Borring, J. E., 753A 96.08 Brendle, F. Pender, 158%A 38.42 Brendle, John H., 75A 35.68 Brown, Clate, 29A 7.33 Brown, Ed, 1A 6.46 Brown, John W., 90A 8.60 Brown, Wood row, 13A 6.50 Bruce, Edward T., 10A 4.76 Bruce, Euclid (E. E.), 3A 18.61 Car din, James Arthur, 17A 36.78 Carnisb, J. T., 32A 6.67 Carringer, E. L., 60A 15.03 Ch as tain, Clarence, 2A 6.52 Clontz, B. H., 35A 13.37 Cole, George Est., 23A 6.01 Coleman, Milt, 5A 7.26 Collins, Pat, 69A 63.33 Craig, Tom N., 60A 12.08 Craig, W. G., 50A 19.04 Crawford, Frank Heirs, 1 Lot 1.73 Crowe, Ernest, 112%A 40.48 Crowder, L. B., 30A 15.60 Crowder, Will M., 46A 288.70 Deaver, G. F., 112A 31.49 Deaver, J. R. Heirs, 90A 9.67 Dorian, Mack, 126A 26.34 Eller, Glenn, 8A 6.45 Elrod, T. D., 30A 13.77 Floyd, C. M., 296A 44.18 Flowers, Bessie, 25A 7.46 Forrester, L. C., 4A 9.40 Frady, M. V., 75A 23.00 Fraizier, Arthur, 50A 11.55 Fulmer, Joe, %A 5.80 Garner, Mrs. C. W., 153A 32.27 Giles, T. C., 3%A 8.60 Guthrie, E. C., TA 10.98 Hackler, Mrs. W. F., 25A 5.84 Ham by, C. N., 100A 15.85 Hamilton, Baxter, 1A .54 Hampton, S. C., 50A 6.37 Harris, S. E. 25A 10.65 Hayes, C. H. Heirs, 25A 10.67 Hedrick, George H., 150A 31.49 Hembree, Frank G., 30A 44.20 Henson, Clyde, 85A 20.76 Hill, Dr. Heirs, 1A .73 Hogsed, Garland, 156A 27.32 Holland, C. J., 140A 23.02 Horton, Ralph, 15A 13.02 Ingram, R. L., USA 48.14 Johnson, Cleve, 21A 4.52 Johnson, Harve Heirs, 20A 5.30 Johnson, Mrs. H. W. (Howard), 150A 40.76 Johnson, Martel, 42A 15.28 Jones, Fred, IOTA 26.44 Jones, Glenn, 90A 20.70 Kil pa trick, A. L, 65A 26.19 Kimsey, Evelyn M., 1A 8.10 King, Harest ft Vesta R., 95A 23 01 Ledford, Lake ft Allle, ISA 6.59 Ledford, Lester, 113A 31.18 Ledford, Olen, 107A 79.05 Ledford, Wlnford, 65A 31.73 McDaniel, W. E? %A 6.18 Maney, MUes, 20A 7.25 Martin, E. H., 83A 15.93 Martin, Mrs. Lyle, 40A 8.60 Martin, Walter, 28A 9.94 Mash burn, Jim, 43A 15.15 Mason, Nathan, 26A 18.84 Mauney, W. T., 50A 10.47 Meadows, Chadwick Zilpha, 3A .82 IQckens, Jewell Hamby, ISA 47.78 Montieth, Robert, 1A 0.64 Morgan, W. P., 26A 7.35 Nelson, O. F.. 35A 11.40 Owenby, Humphey, 48A 10.86 Pack, 3. C. Jr., BA 17 84 PumB, PbsokM Hairs, 100A 18.75 ParrWi, W. L., SLU PtttenoB, Karl, 3%A ?.T?, P?yne, Arthur, MX 37.11 Pa) me, X If., IMA 30.68 PlcklMtiaer, L. H., ISA . 43.88 Peatell, A. A., 1QLA 32.10 Powell, L.. C., BOA 1AM PoweU, W. 3A 1.08 Price, Lm Roy., HA 28.40 Prince, a C, 138A 38.77 Prince, Horace, BOA 7.83 Prince, J. C., 139A 83.14 Prince, W. L., 8A 3.01 Raper, Clifton A Ernest, 40SA 109.46 Raper, Glenn T., 44V4A 42.17 Raper, Horace, 100A 19.71 Reed, Clyde, 2A 28.21 Reed, Creed, 46A 14.42 Reed. E. B. Jr., 2SA 13.70 Reed, G. O., 10A 14.30 Rich, Paralee Ledford 30A 5 37 Roberson, Ruby, 1A 5.73 Roee, J. Clifford., 8A 38.71 Rowland, T. M., 30A 8-32 Satterfield, Almond, ISA 4,23 Satterlield, J. A., 60A 22.47 Self, Claude E., ?5A 33-58 Self, Ethel Mrs., ISA 3.98 Shearer, Doris & Laura 27V4A 591 Simpson, W. D., 23A 88.01 Smith, Elmon, 150A 24 30 Sneed, H. L., 8A 9,28 Standridge, Leonard W., 16A 34.98 Stewart, Clyde R., 10A 8.80 Steward, Richard J., 63A 11-08 Stiles, Buster, 150A 21-93 Stiles, Clyde Ervin, 25A 10.12 Stiles, Mrs. Effie, 27A 15.85 Stiles, Eligab, 27A 24 64 Stiles, Ira & Geneva 70A 40.22 Stiles, J. G., 70A 13.70 Stiles, John M., 35A 24.53 Stiles, John T. 105A 23.76 Stiles Mrs. Lelia, 150A 17.20 Stfles, Mitchell O., 117A 78.15 Stiles, N. C. (Noah), 23A 7.31 Stiles, P. C., 16A 7.57 Stiles, S. A. Heirs, 32A 4.44 Stiles, Clyde C-, 46V6A 8 43 Stiles, George Winston, 152A 54.39 Swanson, Mary, 37A 9.03 Swafford, Elmer, 32V4A 24.10 Taylor, Henry, 30A 6.67 Taylor, Isaac, 90A 21.50 Taylor, Mrs. Margaret, 15A 5 37 Taylor, Ray O., V4A 12.70 Tench, Lester, 20A 3.22 Totherow, Shirdon George 33A 1324 Verner, Cecil 20A 11.52 Verner, Fred, 57A " 23.13 Verner, Howard L., 26% A 19.67 Voyles, Felix, 1A 1.11 Ware, Frank 2A 8.40 Watson, J. M- Heirs, 13A 1-40 Weaver, Arvel 38A 18.29 West, E. Wilton, 70A 36.66 White, George, 20A 12.16 White, John, 20A 2 26 Wilburn, Mrs. J. R., 12V4A 2.41 Williamson, Gordon G., 5A 3.22 Williamson, George, 10A 15 39 Williamson, Wade 6/10A 7.97 Wood, Charlie, 28A 17.00 Wright, J. R., 166A 40.87 Hamby, Marian, 75A 17.20 HOTHOUSE TOWNSHIP Abercromble, P. B., 1A 8-07 Allison, Ben, 2A 10.75 Anderson, D. H., 40A 25-35 Bandy, James Cloys, 6A 9.49 Bandy, Thomas A- 1A 14.01 Bell, Ezra, 2A 27.53 Bell, Walter, 20A 2.15 Brooks, Coshle Mrs., 13A 11.75 Brooks, Walter, Mrs. 76A 45.04 Brown, Mrs- J. T-, 25A 2.15 Bruce, Amos, 50A 13 47 Bryant, John, 75A 22 85 Burgess, W. A-, 42A . 5 30 Burnett, Arvel, 25A 6.49 Cearley, Bill, 5A 27.34 Chastain, Mrs- Jean, 29A 3.12 Chastain, Luther E., 55A 26.99 Chastain, Oscar 62A 30.59 Clark, Floyd, 12A 6 02 Clore, O. C., 100A 19.48 Cordell, Horace (John), 69A 46.46 Cure, M. A., 60A 6.36 Curtis, W. L., 20A 11.18 Denton, James E-, 3A 5.30 Dickey, A. B. Estate, 92A 9 93 Dickey, William A. 6A 6.45 Dillard, Albert, 14A 1165 Dillard, Emory, 48A 15-48 Duvall, Joseph Edgar, 35A 23.22 Fain, Mrs- Martha, 777A 84 62 Franklin, James, 35A 14.55 Gaddis, J. S. 210 A 38 48 Gaddis, M- D., 27A 40.45 Garland, Luther, 4A 16.92 Gibson, Herbert, 50A 35.20 Gladson, Carl, 163A 21.65 Golden, Christine, 1A 5.36 Golden, James Wilburn, 367A 57.02 Gulledge, O. U-, 60A 26.45 Hampton, Ann, 17A 2.10 Hancock, Buford, 1A 12.40 Hancock, J. W- (Bill), 50A 21.93 Hancock, W. J-, 8A 11.44 Hancock, Mrs- W- J., 43A 5 63 Harrris, Harlow, 4A 6.13 Harris, N. C., 15A 7.56 Helton, C. C., 30A 40.40 Helton, Charles G-, 10A 53.17 Heltoh, Mrs- Virgil, 10A 4.70 Helton, Weldon, 7A 52-93 Henson, Fred, 2A 7.05 Hensoo, William Edgar, 96A 16.30 Howard, Fred, 38A 34.72 Hudson, Ray X., MA 11.40 Banter, C. F. * Everett, MA Hunter, 0. B-, MA 24.78 Jenkins, D. W-, MA 17M Jenkins, V. V., 11A U.S3 Mm mm. Earl, MA UM Johnson, Evelyn Shields, MA 114.43 Jones, D. G., VIA 69.62 Jones, Ervia W-, 40A 14.M Kell, J. A., 75A 9-87 Kilpa trick, Paul, 1UA 31-M Ledford, Albert, USA 75-81 Ledford, Don. MA 27.M Ledford, G. M., 10A 21.38 Ledford, Gerald, 1A 37M Ledford, J. A., MA M M Ledford, W. W., 4A 641 Lefevers, Wilburn M., 115A 10 00 McGee, A., 100A 10-75 McGee, Bill W., 2A 174.M McHan, B., ISA 7 JO McHan, Davis., 2SA 16.83 McHan, Mrs. Garland, 50A 14.72 McPherson, I. H-, 40A 6.77 Mason, C. O., IMA 17.77 Mulkey, J. B., 400A 43.00 Mundy, Bass, 13SA 29.21 Mandy, Earl, 15A 71.11 Newman, Mrs. J. M 111A 23 87 Panter, J. W., 75A 11.87 Payne, Earl, 100A ' 10-75 Rice, Edith, 2A 5.37 Rice, W. E., 56A 15.80 Riley, Frank 15A 1.62 Roberts, J. J. Heirs, 125A 14-13 Shields, J. L., 100A 11.75 Simonds, J. C. Heirs, 5MA 72.89 Simonds, Mrs. Lola, 4A 15.05 Simonds, Waldo, 4A 50.06 Stewart, Keener, 30A 24-06 Stillet, H- K., 120A 12-90 Tanner. W. H , 448A 8.M Thomas, L. H-, 24A 4.30 Thompson, G. E., 145A 19.39 Trantham, Clyde, 90A 32.07 Trantham, Elmer, 1A 25-19 Trantham, Ernest, MA 14.25 Trantham, Mrs. J. E-, 53A 8.07 Trantham S. E. Heirs, 145A 15.59 Trantham, W. R. 1A 26.91 Upton, Frank, 18A 6.36 Wallace, V. L., 45A 65.03 Westmoreland. Walter C., 45A 11.82 White, Robert W-, 50A 5.37 VALLGYTUWN TOWNSHIP Adams, Dilas E., 3A 14.22 Adams, Earl, 100A 35.86 Adams, Mrs- Frank,, 1A 30.22 Adams, Jack,, 4A 72 98 Adams, Jay Wesley, 16A 13 33 Adams, John G., 1A 15.75 Allen, Kenneth, 6A 24.14 Allen, Sidney, 25A 27.55 Almond, Homer, ISA 19.46 Ammons, Inez, 1 Lot 21.11 Amos, Clyde, 4V4A 18.26 Anderson, Hal, 1A 12.12 Anderson, Jim, 1A 3.10 Anderson, Lester Lome, 2A 29 71 Anderson, Lola, 20A 3.07 Anderson, Onea, V4A 1.81 Angel, Claude, 9A 62-10 Baker, Frank & Addle Lee, 4 Lots & 4A 10 35 Bailey, Lee, 6A 30 06 Barker, R. P., 1A 20.23 Barnes, L. C. Heirs, ISA 8.25 Barnes, Pauline & Gilmer 12A 10.05 Barnes, Robert L. Vi Lot 18 05 Bamett, J. E., 1 Lot 22.56 Batron, C. C. & Inda, 3V4A 54.18 Barton, Fred 1 Lot 66.60 Barton, Olen H-, 2 Lots 16.56 Beavers, Mrs. Malinda, 16A 1056 Beck, Mrs. Willa (D. E.) 1A 24.13 Benson, M- A., 12A 4.10 Benson, Mrs. M. A., 1A 6.17 Best, Ralph, 3tiA 23.50 Bettis, Clint & Cleve 31A 31.04 Bettis, Joe Eston, 1A 13.98 Bingham, Luther, 20A 4.39 Birchfield, Ray, 2A 6 94 Bowers, R. L., 5 Lots 9-52 Bowers, W. M-, 2 Lots 5.91 Bradley, Elton & Julia 1 Lot 20.70 Breedlove, Victor, 1A 40.62 Breman, John R-, 1A 7.25 Brendle, Susie, 2SA 9-28 Bristol, Edwin, 3 Lots 114.37 Brooks, Jeff, 13 Lots 137.39 Brooks, W. H. Trull, 8A 9-28 Bryant, James 6V4A 25.50 Bryson, Bruce, 10A 6.98 Bryson, Giles, 1V?A 37.10 Bryson, Harve Heirs, 45A 14.81 Bryson, Idaho, 5A 15.26 Bryson, Vernon, 1 Lot 54,40 Bryson, Zora Bell, 2 Lots 15.53 Buchanan, D. F., 1 Lot 25.56 Burgess, Ben Heirs, 1A 3 07 Burgess, Hattie, 1A 1.52 Burgess, Walt, 1A 5.95 Burris, Earl R., 140A 10.76 Burris, Maggie, 32A 5.18 Burris, Onley, 8A 3.21 Cabe, R. L., 3A 19.15 Caldwell, Mrs. L. 0-, 1 Lot 99.57 Calhoun, Mrs. Geraldine, 2 Lots 135 03 Calhoun, Noanie, 34A 1.83 Carver, Henry Luke, 39A 40.16 Cathy, Joseph. 1 Lot 11.22 Christ, Mike Heirs, 1 Lot 1.52 Clark, James Lloyd, 8A 9.84 Coffey, Frank, 17A 11.55 Coffey, Harold, 4A 12.57 Coffey, Luther, 3 Lots 11.80 Collins, Lee 20A 16-46 Colvard, Ctaode, 4A 34-86 Colvard, Ronald, 21A 29.23 Cooley, Charles MA 12.12 Cooky. Jack, MA ? 02 ((MM ? M? atm)

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