* . Society ? engagements ? WetftftMfs r ? P?r<iei ? PeriMwIf ? CItib Activities ENGAGED - Mr. and Mrs. Ed English of 1 Murphy amtoance the engage ment of the'r daughter, Joan English, to Richard Sudderth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sud derth of Murphy; Wedding plans are tarompii te Mr and Mrs. Clifford Stalcup of Brasstown Route 1, a son, January 2 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Allen of Murphy, a daughter, Sherry Lynn, December 29. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mauney of Murphy Route "1, a son, William Arthur, December 31. PROVIDENCE HOSPITAL Carver-Marshall Wedding Made Known ANMEW8? Announcement ha* been nude of the marriage of t/3* William L. Carver, son of Mr- and Mrs. Luke Carver of An drews, to Miss P-tricia Jane Marshall. daughter of Mr. and Mrs- T. R. Marshalal of Abilene. Texas. The double ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. E. G. Peak, pastor of the Corinth Bap :1? Church of Abilene, November *4 at the home of the bride's par ents. Attendants were Miss Patsy Corley, maid of honor and Don Cradic served as best man. The bride If a senior at Abilene High School. The bridegroom is a graduate of the Andrews High School and is stationed at Dyess Air For:e Base, Abilene, Texas. Among The Sick Admitted to Providence Hospi tal last week: Roy Payne, Wane; Mr?. Tom McClure, Culberson Route 1; Mrs. Wallace Sales. Brasstown; Bertha Cross, Hayes viU* Route 4; John Montgomery, Murphy Route 3; John B- daugh ter, Murphy Route 4; Mrs. Fred Dereberry. Murphy; Gary Smart, Hayesville; Steven Wells, Brass town. Off-farm income now accounts for about one-third of farmers' to tal net income, report's the U- S. Department of Agriculture : ' ; ; ? ' Mks Mary Frances Alley To Marry Frank RbbmH, Jr. Kn. Porter Axley race*!? *n M? cud tfce angacament af her daughter. tUry Fmmm to frank ItuaaeU Jr., aM K Ir. aad Mrs. FTvak ktfall ef Kingston Pite. Coecard, Tana Ska Mda aUot te a daaghter of ;ha lata Aartar artyr. 1*a W?W?I la a gM<luate of ' Youaf Ham* College and Was eyan Oo?e?e. If?e*>. fia. Ska te aiptayad by .the Tem>esse? Valley Authority in Kno<vlHe, 1%db. Nr. Rossall wkx fradaatad from Jje University . of Tennessee There he araa f member of Sig-' ma Nu Fr*tqraity! y Hie wadding wiU be bold Jan uary If. % p.m. 'at First Meth odist Church. MARBU2NEWS V "> Mr. and Mrs. Fred MeConoeU of Andrews recently moved inia our community.' L ?*? Mr. and Mrs. Shtridaw Gtbby and sod, Larry, of C!e*?)?it4, Tenn,, were Sunday guests of relatives here. Mr. and Mr*. Jackson Epps of Atlanta, visited Mr?. Hpps par ent*, Mr- (nd Mrs. Worth Palmer here Sunday. ' ' . ' . Mrs. Betty Wilson i* spending 'he winter month* With her (faugh ter, Mrs- Jeff - TVt?H. Mr. and Mrs. Pearlie Trull vis ited in our community last week A revival is being held at Hyatts Creek Church. Everyone is invited. . Mrs. Florence Edwards of Bre vard, was recent guest of her sis ter, Mrs- Naney M?Han. Mist Gertrude Griggs visited Miss Betty Huskin last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Moore of Gastonia, were recent guests of their son and danghter-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Roy Moore. Mrs. WiHard Baraett of Peach* tree visited Mrs. Lissle Coffey last week. Mrs. Lee Coffey, Mr*. Roil in Trull and daughter of Ohio, and Mra. Hattie Jenkins were recent guests of Lissie Coffey. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Gibby re turned home Sunday after spend ? ? ? >????'?? , .'iji <? , 'J."11 MR. AND lIRS. HAROLD BARTON Coafle Married At Bride's Home Miss Palmer, Harold Barton Married In Doable Ring Ceremony December 20 Miss Bennie Jo Palmer became the bride of Harold B. Barton, son of Mr. and Mrs Whitt Barton of Murphy at 7:30 p. m- Saturday December 20, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Palm er. Th? Rev. J. Alton Morris, pastor ing a few days with relatives in Cleveland, Tenn. Ray Hensley of Mableton, Ga.. visited his grandparents las' week-end. Louis Wffliams of the U. S. Army visited friends during the holi days Jeff Trull and family were Satur day goests of their daughter and ?in-iii-law, Mr. and Mrs- Garland Dither. Miss Barbara Sue Gibson re turned Saturday from a visit with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Roy Hoibrooks in Copperhiil of Murphy First Baptist Church performed the double ring cere mony. Wedding music w^s fur ntshed by Mrs. Morris, pianist and Miss Wanda West, soloist. The couple entered the living ropm together, unattended. The bride wore a white lace dress and carried a nosegay o| white camellias. Her fingertip veil was attach ed to a crown of seed pearls. Miss Jane Cook served as maid of honor. She wore a light blue lylon dress over s;tin and car ried a nosegay of yellcw flowers. Howard Barton, cousin cf the bridegroom, was best man. Immediately after the cere mony, a reception was held in the home. Mrs. Gladys Hinton and Mrs. Joe Cook assisted in serv ng Mr. and Mrs. Barton left after the reception for a short wedding trip. For traveling, the bride changed to a brown sheath dress with matching brow a accessories. Li. TRUDY'S LADIES HOSE 1 pair 81.35 ' 2 pair 81.40 3 pair 82.00 00 gauge 15 dealer FIRST QUALITY Ladies Winter COATS REDUCED y2 PRICE LADIES TOPPERS Just $12.06 LADIES GLOVES (1. pair IADIES BRAS Beautiful All Silk Scarves Pl?l? $1. Padded $1.49 gj^ Junior Size SKIRTS MS ihM ALL STYLES ?.w?p 1 TABLE Blwwts 1.98 up 1 Table Consists of CHILDRtVR Vbadweab , BLOISE8 BAGS TEE SHBrt* TANTS I1.M SALKVn DRESSES 11 Wide Selection Colon and Sizes SI op J Table LADIES Shoes $1 ?P 1 Tablr BEDBOOM Shws M#P GIBUI BAIN Cmmts OBEAtVT ttfKJCED MANY OTHER ITEMS TOO BE SURE TO SEE OUR NEW Msrphy, N. C. TO MENTION ARRIVING J)AIW Phone VE 7-2541 80 Persons Attend Bourne Party llr. and Mr*. Francis Bourne < Jr., entertained at aa open house ! it their home on Saturday. I The tea table, presided over by ' Mrs Francis Bourne Sr , I was 1 laid with a white lace cloth and J centered with a silver candela bra, holding green candles and < white carnations. I Mrs. Bourne's sister, Mrs. Bax- I ter Taylor and daughter, Kathy 1 Taylor, of Asheville assisted In 1 entertaining. Approximately eighty guests 1 called during the afternoon and evening. J?c<eakfast ? Cute Down On Fatigue The importance of getting a good breakfast tucked inside you each morning cannot be overem phasized. Health and beauty both depend to a large extent on this first important meal of the day. : Your stomach has been without food fcr the longest in 24 hours. People who feel that they can't ?et bre kfnst down have a mis-] taken notion about what break J last must be. It needn't be bacon ; and egis and toe St. It needn't be j the ?ame thing each morning. In j j your grandmother's day, it was , ; quite likely to be lambchops. fried potatoes and apple pie. This was j considered filling and, indeed it j I was. Don't depend on dry cereal day in and day out. Take time to cook : ~crea! new and then. If a bunch i cf grares and a softboiled egg 1 arre-il to you. h?ve them. But j get thut breakfast, down. Andrews Personals Mr- and Mrs James Frrebw had as tfce'r guests for the week-j ; end her mother, Mrs. V, G. Gray, j | :nd her brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs- Robert Booth I jf Decatur, Ga. Mrs- 0:a Scroggs has "returned to Richmond, Va., after a two weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. Alice Barnard. Other guests of j Mrs. Barnard for the week-end ! were her brothers, J W. Swanson and Glenn Swanson of Hayesville. Sgt. and Mrs. V. G. Pallium ? nd daughter, Hope, of Ft. Ber. -g, Ga- were g'JesU of her i ether, Mrs. J. H. Phillips Mr. and Mrs Marlin West and Itvgbttr. Cathy, have returned a Si-artanburg, S. C., after a v,s t here with Heir parents Mrs. George Pullium had as her ;ut3ts fcr the week-e:;d her bro ker and sister-in-law, Mr. ana ill's. L. C- Phillips and her sister. ; nd br<"thcr-in-iaw, Mr. and Mrs. V. B Ware all of Mar-etta, Ga. Miss Elizabeth Kilpatrick spent ve week-end in Asheviile with re latives. M'ss Ruth Barnard has return ed to Sylva after a two weeks stay v'-th her mctlier, Mrs. Alice Bar ard ~ Mr. and Mrs. Phil Longhurst nd daughter, Susan, have return d to Denver, Colo-, after a visit with Mrs. J. H. Phillips. Other guests over the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Watts of Marietta, Ga Miss J;net Ennis has returned j Erwin after a visit with her ;rother and sister-in-law, Mr. nd Mrs. Marion Ennis. Rev. and ^!rs<J. B. Gregory fr. and daughters, Ann and Mar ha of Rnbblnaville were guests of ' Ms parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. B. 1 Gregory for several djys last [ week. 9upt. and Mrs. J. E. Rufty re turned last week after spending the Christmas holidays m Brevard with Mrs- Rufty's sisters. Mrs. ludson McCrary and Mrs. Mit heli Neely and with relatives of tr. Rufty in Statesville. O.E.S. To Meet Murphy Chapter No. 10 Order I if the Eastern Star will meet Thnrsdry (tonight) at 7:*0 f in. a the Masonic Hsll. Mrs. Alice Mer-ey, worthy , matron will preside. Prcpcr winter care and storage can prolong the life of farm mi I chinery. GOINGS AND COMINGS IN MURPW S-'c tad Mr. fcd L ton ind WW*. kMt M urcaf .to Ft (Mn> Col*., foDnr og ? vi?lt wtth Kn Brawn's pw Mill, Br Mn. Ckw Moor* Vka here witfektfft Moores dvrMg he holWMti mprt- Mr. inl Mr* rummy 'toon and Burke Edward Moore. Mra, tt?*rles G. ReavU and chiMred, Van (art Uivld. left last week lor their home tn Wins ton-Salem ? following a visit with Mrs. ReavU' parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Savafce Mr. Reavts was heVe With them cfuring the ChrUtmas holidays. '* ?{* . . Dougirs Burgess spent last week in New York City as a guest of Charles Curt. The Curls were in Murphy this summer when Rev. Curt served at guest minister at the First Presbyterian Church. Mrs. 'Dick Forrest of New York City is visiting her parents, Mr. Mr- lai Mri *. V. Costello re turned on Friday following a visit with Mr. CosteUp's lajpily in Georgetown, g. lira. Coo tallo'a mother, Mr*. Hose PeoJa, . la CreenvHle, ft. (? > , Mr. and Mr* Duke WhtUey ^ ?pant Thursday and Friday with the Rev and Mrs- A. L.- Maxwell ' in Sylva. Mr. and Mrs * Harry Bishop were in Kooxvilla for several dayt last week. o-o o-o Q*0 o-o Mr and Mrs. Homer Ricks an visiting Mrs. Don Ramsey. Mr. and Mrs. W&4? Ricks and sons, Frank, Richard, Bill and Mark of Fort Worth, Tex., visited Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ricks and Mrs. Don Ramsey of Murphy. CHEROKEE CHATTER 1(7 QPIE McKEEVER , ! The HONCHO CLUB, composed of seven of' Murphy's younger set, which was formed with the purpose of having a good time and encouraging more organized social life in the community for teen-agers, gave a festive Christ mas party at Duke's Lodge on the 23rd. The club, who won't divulge the meaning of the secret word "Honcho," is composed of GOR DON DARNELL, GORDON BAT ES, JOHN MORRIS, FRANK Mc SWAIN, HARRY DUNCAN, JUN IOR HANEY, and JIMMY MAS SEY. The Dutch supper, party was attended by 18 couples. During the evening dancing was enjoyed and a visit was made by "Santa Claus" Gordon Dprnell, dressed in appropriate costume, who pass ed out gifts to aU the guests. Those attending* were BOBBY HENDRIX and BRENDA HEM 3REE, HARRY - MATTOX ?nd ANNETTE WHITE; ED GIBBS .-nd CAROLYN BATES; GOR DON DARtfETA *a n & SALLY MORRIS; GORDON BATES and GLORIA BOWMAN; BURT BURCHFIELD and BECKY RHODES; JOHN MORRIS and BETTY WEAVER. Also FRANK McSWAIN and JUDY DAVIS; HARRY DUNCAN ind I D_A BRUMBY; JUNIOR HANEY and JANE? COOK; JIM MY GIBBS and LYNN WHIT LEY; PHIL MATTOX and KAY DAVIDSON; JIMMY PARKER and SECK HOOVER; BOBBY WEAV ER and EUABETtl GIBBS; MAC McEI.ROV and SANDRA JONES; DOUG BjOWMAN and ?VTSY M.~CT URE-J GENE BAT '_3 and JANICE CRISP; and LONNIE HOOVER and PAT BP.OWN. f . 4 "T", """ -JEAN MAUNEY GREENE, MARY RESSELL, ROSEMOND MATTOX, KATHLEEN DAVID SON- and out-of-town guest JAN ET ENNIS, beautiful "ladiei-in H" 't FRANK FORSYTH'S gala New Year's Eve party? ANNE WARD, calling froift Texas en route to her home in Shifter, Raftys Entertain With Two Tea Parties ANDREWS ? Supt- and Mrs. J. E. Rufty entertained with a series of tea* Thursday and Friday of last week to honor members of the Andrews School faculty. The affairs were held at the home of the Rttftys' from 3 to I p.m. on both days. The holiday motif w*t observed in decorations and. refreshments. ON- OUR STREET By SALLY DAVIDSON Gal whose car wouldn't start, gets out, raises hood, adjusts something, gets in and drives off. Some mechanic? Young mother stepping out Sunday afternoon wearing daugh ter's pretty red sack dress. Two teenage boys, carrying arm load of ruffly, fluffy can-can pet ticoats. Regal dab To Meet The Regal Club. will meet Fri day at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs- W. A. Bell with Mrs. Jessie Zirbes as co-hostess. With heavier production of cit | rus fruits, supplies of fresh fruit i should be larger in the first half j ftf irse than they were a year I e'rlier. . * ! California to wish everybody at the. party a Happy New Year? friends .greeting pre i y POLLY HOUNSON ef Atlanta, formerly of Murphy, who wai here visit ing her brothel and sister-in-law, FRANCIS and BETSY BOURNE ?the RED SHROEW5RS enthus iastic about their recent vaca tion trip1' to Florida and LI2 GRAY just back fp>m Houston where she visited her sitter and brother in-lattr, KATE (Gray) and BILL WOHLT and saw young niece KSfiDtfY WHOLT for the first jtiirie? the ARNOLfi BEERKENS introducing their guest from Hol land, JOCQS deCRUYTER, who is visiting the Stttea for a year I and presently living in Hacken ! tack, N. J. iJke,1eeM,-dgeM' efavit... WW at a. NEW LOW PRICE! ; ? i dli a*. ?i^TT= IIPT/ ? ?Vf W ' V #*ti?-?airr**T . f hi jj'iirftrf l* [ SHOCK *8?Sl$TMtT , iiHRRHp Fir* firm ~ ^jfEvrl ONLY VflP buys a 17-JEWEl | LGIN for Mml umJI ??" WMl'lljSit Smi tap7 itMl-bMk tin <tel lwuw <ta*t ? mm ?*?? N?*lowPrfctf. 19-JIWil HflN wATrutt * ? WA > ? imMVi*

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